Canadian Research Classification (CRDC)
This data is drawn from the Canadian Research and Development Classification.
Identifier | Field | Type | Class | Group | Division |
RDF1 | Natural sciences | CRDC Division | Natural sciences | ||
RDF101 | Mathematics and statistics | CRDC Group | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences | |
RDF10101 | Pure mathematics | CRDC Class | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010101 | Algebra | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010102 | Number theory | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010103 | Algebraic and differential geometry | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010104 | Metric and fractal geometry | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010105 | Category theory, K theory, homological algebra | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010106 | Combinatorics and discrete mathematics | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010107 | Group theory and generalisations | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010108 | Lie groups, harmonic and Fourier analysis | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010109 | Foundations, logic, and set theory of mathematics | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010110 | Modern analysis in mathematics | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010111 | Differential equations and integral equations in pure mathematics | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010112 | Classical analysis in pure mathematics | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010113 | Topology | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010199 | Pure mathematics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Pure mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF10102 | Applied mathematics | CRDC Class | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010201 | Approximation theory and asymptotic methods | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010202 | Integral equations in applied mathematics | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010203 | Partial and ordinary differential equations | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010204 | Mathematical modelling and simulation | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010205 | Computational fluid mechanics | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010206 | Mathematical biology | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010207 | Calculus of variations, systems theory and control theory | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010208 | Dynamical systems in applications | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010209 | Mathematical operations research | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010210 | Theoretical and applied mechanics | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010211 | Numerical analysis | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010212 | Mathematical optimization | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010213 | Mathematical physics | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010299 | Applied mathematics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Applied mathematics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF10103 | Statistics | CRDC Class | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010301 | General statistical methods | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010302 | Biostatistical methods | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010303 | Statistical theory and modeling | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010304 | Statistical inference | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010305 | Statistical learning | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010306 | High dimensional data analysis | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010307 | Computational methods in statistics | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010308 | Actuarial science and mathematical finance | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010309 | Spatial statistics | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010310 | Survey methodology and analysis | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010311 | Statistical methods for high throughput data | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010312 | Probability theory | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF1010399 | Statistics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Statistics | Mathematics and statistics | Natural sciences |
RDF102 | Computer and information sciences | CRDC Group | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences | |
RDF10201 | Artificial intelligence (AI) | CRDC Class | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020101 | Adaptive agents | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020102 | Intelligent robotics | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020103 | Artificial life | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020104 | Machine learning | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020105 | Natural language processing | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020106 | Knowledge representation | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020107 | Planning and scheduling in artificial intelligence | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020108 | Search methodologies in artificial intelligence | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020109 | Distributed artificial intelligence | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020110 | Data mining | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020111 | Pattern recognition and artificial vision | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020112 | Computer vision in artificial intelligence | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020113 | Cognitive computing | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020114 | Computer modelling on perception, memory and attention | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020115 | Logic programming in artificial intelligence | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020116 | Expert systems technologies in artificial intelligence | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020199 | Artificial intelligence, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10202 | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | CRDC Class | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020201 | Analysis of algorithms and complexity | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020202 | Algorithms and data structures | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020203 | Applied discrete mathematics | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020204 | Coding and information theory | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020205 | Computational logic theory | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020206 | Artificial languages | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020207 | Mathematical software | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020208 | Numerical computation | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020209 | Encryption and cryptography | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020210 | Distributed programming languages | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020299 | Other theoretical computer science and computational mathematics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Theoretical computer science and computational mathematics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10203 | Programming languages and software engineering | CRDC Class | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020301 | Software architecture | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020302 | Computation models | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020303 | Software domains (including operating systems and software infrastructure) | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020304 | Programming languages | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020305 | Software system models | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020306 | Distributed systems organizing principles | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020307 | Real-time software and ultra-large systems | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020308 | Extra-functional properties | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020309 | Compilers | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020310 | Operating systems | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020311 | Software function properties | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020312 | Distributed algorithms | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020313 | Adaptive software engineering | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020399 | Programming language and software engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Programming languages and software engineering | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10204 | Computing systems | CRDC Class | Computing systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020401 | Distributed systems | CRDC Field | Computing systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020402 | Networking and communications | CRDC Field | Computing systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020403 | Parallel systems | CRDC Field | Computing systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020404 | Quantum computing | CRDC Field | Computing systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020499 | Computing systems, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Computing systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10205 | Human-centered computing | CRDC Class | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020501 | Human computer interaction | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020502 | Interaction design for human-centered computing | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020503 | User-adaptive and personalized systems | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020504 | Collaborative and social computing | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020505 | Ubiquitous and mobile computing | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020506 | Accessibility in human-centered computing | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020507 | Computer graphics | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020508 | Data visualization | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020509 | Virtual and augmented reality, and related simulations | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020599 | Human-centered computing, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Human-centered computing | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10206 | Information Systems | CRDC Class | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020601 | Information system security | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020602 | Modelling and simulation in information systems | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020603 | Web technologies (except Web search) | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020604 | Conceptual modelling in information systems | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020605 | Database management | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020606 | Decision support systems | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020607 | Spatial-temporal data systems | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020608 | Information systems development methodologies | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020609 | Information retrieval | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020610 | Information privacy | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020611 | Privacy-enhancing technologies | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020612 | Digital forensics | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020699 | Information systems, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Information Systems | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10207 | Library science and information studies | CRDC Class | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020701 | Library science (librarianship) | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020702 | Human information behaviour (including human information retrieval) | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020703 | Web search | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020704 | Scientometrics, bibliometrics, webometrics and other quantitative aspects of information (Informetrics) | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020705 | Organization of information and knowledge resources | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020706 | Records and information management (except business records and information management) | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020707 | Archival, repository and related studies | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020708 | Information literacy | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020799 | Information studies, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Library science and information studies | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10208 | Bioinformatics | CRDC Class | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020801 | Algorithms and computational genomics | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020802 | Computational biomodelling | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020803 | Computational neurosciences | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020804 | DNA computing | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020805 | Molecular and atomic computing | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020806 | Evolutionary computation | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020807 | Genetic algorithms | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020808 | Genetic programming | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1020899 | Bioinformatics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Bioinformatics | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10299 | Other computer and information sciences | CRDC Class | Other computer and information sciences | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1029999 | Other computer and information sciences | CRDC Field | Other computer and information sciences | Computer and information sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF103 | Physical sciences | CRDC Group | Physical sciences | Natural sciences | |
RDF10301 | Astronomical and space sciences | CRDC Class | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030101 | Astrobiology | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030102 | Celestial mechanics | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030103 | Astronomical and space instrumentation (including atmospheric observation) | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030104 | Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030105 | Galactic astronomy | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030106 | General relativity and gravitational waves in astronomical and space sciences | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030107 | Mesospheric, ionospheric and magnetospheric physics | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030108 | Planetary science (except planetary geology) | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030109 | Space and solar physics | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030110 | Stellar astronomy and planetary systems | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030111 | Astrochemistry | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030112 | Dark energy | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030113 | Theoretical and computational astrophysics | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030199 | Astronomical and space sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Astronomical and space sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10302 | Subatomic physics | CRDC Class | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030201 | Nuclear physics, experimental | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030202 | Particle physics, experimental | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030203 | Astroparticle physics | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030204 | Subatomic physics instrumentation | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030205 | Accelerator for nuclear and particle physics (including synchrotons) | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030206 | Nuclear physics theory | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030207 | Particle physics theory (including aspects of field theory and string theory) | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030208 | High-energy astrophysics and cosmic rays | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030209 | Weak interactions of elementary particles | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030210 | Intermediate subatomic energy reactions | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030299 | Subatomic physics, n.e.c | CRDC Field | Subatomic physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10303 | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | CRDC Class | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030301 | Atomic and molecular physics | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030302 | Classical and physical optics | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030303 | Lasers and quantum electronics | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030304 | Nonlinear optics and spectroscopy | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030305 | Atomic and molecular spectroscopy | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030306 | Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030307 | Plasma physics, fusion plasmas, and electrical discharges | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030308 | Quantum optics | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030399 | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10304 | Classical physics | CRDC Class | Classical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030401 | Acoustics and acoustical devices and waves | CRDC Field | Classical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030402 | Electrostatics and electrodynamics | CRDC Field | Classical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030403 | Fluid physics | CRDC Field | Classical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030404 | Thermodynamics and statistical physics | CRDC Field | Classical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030499 | Classical physics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Classical physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10305 | Condensed matter physics | CRDC Class | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030501 | Condensed matter characterization technique development | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030502 | Condensed matter experiments | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030503 | Condensed matter modelling and density functional theory | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030504 | Electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter and supraconductivity | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030505 | Soft condensed matter | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030506 | Surfaces and structural properties of condensed matter | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030507 | Superconductivity | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030508 | Semiconductors | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030509 | Low-temperature physics | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030510 | Mesoscopic physics | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030599 | Condensed matter physics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Condensed matter physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10306 | Quantum physics | CRDC Class | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030601 | Degenerate quantum gases | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030602 | Matter waves | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030603 | General relativity and gravitational waves in quantum physics | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030604 | Quantum information, computation and communication | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030605 | Foundation of quantum physics | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030606 | Quantum technologies | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030607 | Statistical mechanics in quantum physics | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1030699 | Quantum physics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Quantum physics | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10399 | Other physical sciences | CRDC Class | Other physical sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1039901 | Complex physical systems | CRDC Field | Other physical sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1039902 | Medical physics | CRDC Field | Other physical sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1039903 | Instrumentation in physics | CRDC Field | Other physical sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1039999 | Other physical sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Other physical sciences | Physical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF104 | Chemical sciences | CRDC Group | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences | |
RDF10401 | Analytical chemistry | CRDC Class | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040101 | Analytical spectrometry | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040102 | Electroanalytical chemistry | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040103 | Flow analysis in chemistry | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040104 | Immunological and bioassay methods | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040105 | Instrumental methods (except immunological and bioassay methods) | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040106 | Sensor technology (chemical aspects) | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040107 | Separation science | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040108 | Environmental chemistry (except atmospheric chemistry) | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040199 | Analytical chemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Analytical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10402 | Inorganic chemistry | CRDC Class | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040201 | Bioinorganic chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040202 | F-Block chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040203 | Inorganic green chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040204 | Main group metal chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040205 | Solid state chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040206 | Transition metal chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040207 | Organometallic chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040208 | Inorganic materials | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040209 | Coordination chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040210 | Supramolecular inorganic chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040211 | Physical inorganic chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040212 | Metal-mediated catalysis | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040213 | Inorganic catalysis and reaction mechanisms | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040214 | Inorganic photochemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040215 | Medicinal inorganic chemistry | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040299 | Inorganic chemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Inorganic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10403 | Organic chemistry | CRDC Class | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040301 | Free radical chemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040302 | Natural products chemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040303 | Organic chemical synthesis | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040304 | Organic green chemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040305 | Physical organic chemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040306 | Combinatorial chemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040307 | Organic catalysis and mechanisms of reactions | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040308 | Quality assurance, chemometrics, traceability and metrological chemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040309 | Organic photochemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040310 | Supramolecular organic chemistry | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040399 | Organic chemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Organic chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10404 | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | CRDC Class | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040401 | Characterization of materials | CRDC Field | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040402 | Nanochemistry | CRDC Field | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040403 | Polymerization mechanisms | CRDC Field | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040404 | Synthesis of materials | CRDC Field | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040405 | Theory and design of materials | CRDC Field | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040406 | Functional materials in materials chemistry sciences | CRDC Field | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040499 | Macromolecular and materials chemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Macromolecular and materials chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10405 | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | CRDC Class | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040501 | Biologically active molecules | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040502 | Molecular modelling and design | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040503 | Characterization of biological macromolecules and biological systems | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040504 | Cheminformatics and quantitative structure-activity relationships | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040505 | Medicinal chemistry | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040506 | Proteins and peptides | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040507 | Glycochemistry | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040508 | Chemical biology | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040599 | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Biomolecular and medicinal chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10406 | Physical chemistry (including structural) | CRDC Class | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040601 | Colloid and surface chemistry | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040602 | Electrochemistry | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040603 | Solution chemistry | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040604 | Nuclear chemistry | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040605 | Structural determination | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040606 | Optical properties of materials | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040607 | Physical chemistry of materials | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040608 | Development and applications of spectroscopic and structural techniques | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040609 | Physical chemistry applications of photonics | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040610 | Photochemical reactivity and dynamics | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040611 | Biophysical chemistry | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040612 | Chemical applications of crystallography | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040699 | Physical chemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Physical chemistry (including structural) | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10407 | Computational and theoretical chemistry | CRDC Class | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040701 | Computational chemistry | CRDC Field | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040702 | Quantum chemistry | CRDC Field | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040703 | Reaction kinetics and dynamics | CRDC Field | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040704 | Statistical mechanics in chemistry | CRDC Field | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040705 | Chemical thermodynamics and energetics | CRDC Field | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040706 | Transport properties and non-equilibrium processes | CRDC Field | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1040799 | Theoretical chemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Computational and theoretical chemistry | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10499 | Other chemical sciences | CRDC Class | Other chemical sciences | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1049901 | Forensic chemistry | CRDC Field | Other chemical sciences | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1049902 | Industrial chemistry | CRDC Field | Other chemical sciences | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1049903 | Combustion and forest fuel chemistry | CRDC Field | Other chemical sciences | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1049999 | Other chemical sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Other chemical sciences | Chemical sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF105 | Earth and related environmental sciences | CRDC Group | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences | |
RDF10501 | Atmospheric sciences | CRDC Class | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050101 | Atmospheric chemistry | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050102 | Atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050103 | Atmospheric radiation and radiative transfer | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050104 | Cloud physics | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050105 | Meteorology and weather | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050106 | Tropospheric and stratospheric sciences | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050107 | Atmospheric measurement techniques | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050108 | Climate change impacts and adaptation | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050109 | Atmospheric pollution and air quality | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050110 | Boundary layer meteorology | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050111 | Stratosphere and upper atmosphere studies | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050112 | Climate modelling | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050113 | Planetary atmospheres studies | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050114 | Synoptic climatology | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050115 | Statistical climatology | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050199 | Atmospheric sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Atmospheric sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10502 | Geochemistry | CRDC Class | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050201 | Exploration geochemistry | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050202 | Inorganic geochemistry | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050203 | Isotope geochemistry | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050204 | Organic geochemistry | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050205 | Geochronology | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050206 | Hydrogeochemistry | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050207 | Biogeochemistry | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050208 | Environmental geochemistry | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050299 | Geochemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Geochemistry | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10503 | Geology | CRDC Class | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050301 | Basin analysis | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050302 | Planetary geology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050303 | Igneous petrology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050304 | Metamorphic petrology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050305 | Ore deposit petrology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050306 | Petroleum, gas and coal geology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050307 | Mineralogy and crystallography (except soil mineralogy and chemicals aspects of crystallography) | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050308 | Sedimentology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050309 | Stratigraphy (including biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy) | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050310 | Structural geology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050311 | Tectonics | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050312 | Volcanology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050313 | Economic geology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050314 | Geomicrobiology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050315 | Paleobiology | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050316 | Paleontology (including palynology) | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050399 | Geology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Geology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10504 | Geophysics | CRDC Class | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050401 | Geoelectrics and geoelectromagnetics | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050402 | Geodynamics | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050403 | Geophysical fluid dynamics | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050404 | Geothermics and radiometrics | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050405 | Gravimetry | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050406 | Magnetism and paleomagnetism | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050407 | Seismology | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050408 | Geodesy | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050409 | Rock and mineral physics | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050499 | Geophysics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Geophysics | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10505 | Oceanography | CRDC Class | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050501 | Biological oceanography | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050502 | Chemical oceanography | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050503 | Physical oceanography | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050504 | Marine geology | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050505 | Ocean biogeochemistry | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050506 | Sea ice sciences | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050507 | Paleoceanography | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050508 | Estuarine oceanography | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050509 | Nearshore processes and coastal oceanography | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050510 | Large-scale ocean circulation | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050511 | Ocean-atmospheric interactions | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050599 | Oceanography, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Oceanography | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10506 | Environmental geoscience | CRDC Class | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050601 | Geomorphology | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050602 | Landscape evolution | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050603 | Natural hazards | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050604 | Paleo-environmental sciences | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050605 | Surface processes | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050606 | Environmental monitoring | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050607 | Geomatics sciences (except geomatic engineering) | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050699 | Environmental geoscience, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Environmental geoscience | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10507 | Hydrology | CRDC Class | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050701 | Hydrometeorology | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050702 | Physical and catchment hydrology | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050703 | Surface water hydrology | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050704 | Soil hydrology | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050705 | Hydrogeology | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050706 | Water quality | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050707 | Limnology | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050799 | Hydrology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Hydrology | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10508 | Cryosphere processes | CRDC Class | Cryosphere processes | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050801 | Physics of snow and ice | CRDC Field | Cryosphere processes | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050802 | Glaciology | CRDC Field | Cryosphere processes | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050803 | Permafrost | CRDC Field | Cryosphere processes | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050899 | Cryosphere processes, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Cryosphere processes | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10509 | Geomatics and earth systems observations | CRDC Class | Geomatics and earth systems observations | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050901 | Geographic information system (GIS and GPS) applications | CRDC Field | Geomatics and earth systems observations | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050902 | Remote sensing applications (except remote sensing in geomatics and photogrammetry) | CRDC Field | Geomatics and earth systems observations | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1050999 | Geomatics and earth systems observations, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Geomatics and earth systems observations | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10510 | Natural environment sciences | CRDC Class | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051001 | Indigenous peoples environmental knowledge | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051002 | Biodiversity | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051003 | Environmental impact assessment | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051004 | Natural (biophysical) environment management | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051005 | Natural environment sustainability studies | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051006 | Ecological restoration (except bioremediation) | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051007 | Natural resource management | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051008 | Wildlife and habitat management | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051009 | Quantitative methods for environmental sciences | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051010 | Ecotoxicology | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051099 | Natural environment sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Natural environment sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10511 | Soil sciences | CRDC Class | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051101 | Soil physics | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051102 | Soil chemistry (except carbon sequestration science) | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051103 | Soil biology | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051104 | Soil fertility | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051105 | Soil degradation | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051106 | Soil biogeochemistry and microbiology | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051107 | Soil-root interactions | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051108 | Carbon sequestration science | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051109 | Soil mineralogy and micromorphology | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1051199 | Soil sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Soil sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10599 | Other earth and related environmental sciences | CRDC Class | Other earth and related environmental sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1059901 | Earth system sciences | CRDC Field | Other earth and related environmental sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1059999 | Other earth and related environmental sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Other earth and related environmental sciences | Earth and related environmental sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF106 | Biological sciences | CRDC Group | Biological sciences | Natural sciences | |
RDF10601 | Biochemistry | CRDC Class | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060101 | Analytical biochemistry | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060102 | Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst) | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060103 | Proteomics | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060104 | Intramolecular interactions | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060105 | Metabolomics | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060106 | Nucleic acids studies | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060107 | Lipid biology (including lipidomics) | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060108 | Glycomics and glycobiology | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060109 | Chemical genetics | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060110 | Protein and gene networks | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060111 | Synthetic biology | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060112 | Systems biology | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060113 | Forensic biology | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060199 | Biochemistry, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Biochemistry | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10602 | Cell biology | CRDC Class | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060201 | Cell differentiation, proliferation and death | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060202 | Cell metabolism | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060203 | Cellular interactions (including adhesion, matrix and cell wall) | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060204 | Protein trafficking in cell biology | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060205 | Cell and nuclear division | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060206 | Intracellular signaling, signal transduction, receptor and membrane biology | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060207 | Structural biology (including macromolecular modelling) | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060208 | Computational cell biology | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060209 | Human biophysics | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060210 | Cytoskeleton studies | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060211 | Organelle function | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060299 | Cell biology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Cell biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10603 | Ecology (except applications) | CRDC Class | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060301 | Behavioural ecology | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060302 | Community ecology (except invasive species ecology) | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060303 | Ecological physiology (except plant ecology) | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060304 | Estuarine and freshwater ecology | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060305 | Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology) | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060306 | Paleoecology | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060307 | Population ecology | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060308 | Terrestrial ecology | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060309 | Plant physiological ecology | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060310 | Evolutionary ecology | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060311 | Ecological mathematical and statistical models | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060312 | Environmental metagenomics | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060313 | Plant-animal interactions | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060399 | Ecology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Ecology (except applications) | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10604 | Ecological applications | CRDC Class | Ecological applications | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060401 | Ecological impacts of climate change | CRDC Field | Ecological applications | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060402 | Ecosystem function | CRDC Field | Ecological applications | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060403 | Invasive species ecology | CRDC Field | Ecological applications | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060404 | Landscape ecology | CRDC Field | Ecological applications | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060405 | Global change biology | CRDC Field | Ecological applications | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060499 | Ecological applications, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Ecological applications | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10605 | Biological evolution | CRDC Class | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060501 | Systematics and taxonomy (except speciation) | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060502 | Biogeography and phylogeography | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060503 | Biological adaptation | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060504 | Ethology and sociobiology | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060505 | Evolution of developmental systems | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060506 | Evolutionary impacts of climate change | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060507 | Life histories | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060508 | Phylogeny and comparative analysis | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060509 | Speciation (evolutionary processes) | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060510 | Natural selection and sexual selection | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060511 | Evolutionary mathematical and statistical models | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060512 | Macroevolution | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060599 | Biological evolution, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Biological evolution | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10606 | Genetics | CRDC Class | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060601 | Anthropological genetics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060602 | Developmental genetics (including sex determination) | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060603 | Conservation genetics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060604 | Molecular evolution | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060605 | Epigenetics and epigenomics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060606 | Transcriptomics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060607 | Gene regulation and expression | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060608 | Genome structure and stability | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060609 | Genomics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060610 | Somatic mutations | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060611 | Population, ecological and evolutionary genetics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060612 | Quantitative genetics (including disease and trait mapping genetics) | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060613 | Statistical genetics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060614 | Molecular genetics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060615 | Paleogenomics | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060616 | Genetics engineering | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060699 | Genetics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Genetics | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10607 | Microbiology | CRDC Class | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060701 | Parasitology | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060702 | Bacteriology | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060703 | Microbial genetics | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060704 | Microbial ecology and evolution | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060705 | Microbial physiology | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060706 | Mycology | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060707 | Virology | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060708 | Microbiome | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060709 | Environmental microbiology (including air microbiology) | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060799 | Microbiology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Microbiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10608 | Animal physiology | CRDC Class | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060801 | Animal physiology, biophysics | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060802 | Animal physiology, endocrinology | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060803 | Animal physiology, metabolism | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060804 | Animal physiology, circulation | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060805 | Animal physiology, respiration | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060806 | Animal physiology, environmental stress | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060807 | Animal physiology, digestion | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060808 | Animal physiology, exercise | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060809 | Animal physiology, thermoregulation | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060810 | Animal physiology, osmoregulation | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060811 | Animal physiology, toxicology | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060899 | Animal physiology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Animal physiology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10609 | Plant biology | CRDC Class | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060901 | Phycology (including marine grasses) | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060902 | Plant cell and molecular biology | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060903 | Plant developmental and reproductive biology | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060904 | Plant pathology | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060905 | Plant physiology | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060906 | Plant microbiota | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060907 | Molecular plant and microbe interactions (including host pathogen interactions) | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060908 | Plant stress biology | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060909 | Plant hormone biology | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060910 | Plant nutrition and metabolism | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060911 | Seed biology | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060912 | Plant genetics (phytogenetics) | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1060999 | Plant biology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Plant biology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10610 | Zoology | CRDC Class | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061001 | Animal behaviour | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061002 | Animal cell and molecular biology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061003 | Animal developmental and reproductive biology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061004 | Animal immunology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061005 | Animal physiological ecology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061006 | Animal structures and functions | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061007 | Invertebrate biology (except insect biology) | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061008 | Insect biology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061009 | Mammalogy | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061010 | Fish biology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061011 | Bird biology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061012 | Amphibian and reptile biology | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061013 | Comparative biomechanics | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061099 | Zoology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Zoology | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10611 | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | CRDC Class | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061101 | Molecular neuroscience | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061102 | Cellular neuroscience | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061103 | Neurogenetics | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061104 | Animal neurobiology | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061105 | Behavioural neuroscience of learning and memory | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061106 | Behavioural neuroscience of reward and motivation | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061107 | Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061108 | Neurophysiology | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1061199 | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF10699 | Other biological sciences | CRDC Class | Other biological sciences | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1069999 | Other biological sciences | CRDC Field | Other biological sciences | Biological sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF107 | Other natural sciences | CRDC Group | Other natural sciences | Natural sciences | |
RDF10799 | Other natural sciences | CRDC Class | Other natural sciences | Other natural sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF1079999 | Other natural sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Other natural sciences | Other natural sciences | Natural sciences |
RDF2 | Engineering and technology | CRDC Division | Engineering and technology | ||
RDF201 | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | CRDC Group | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20101 | Civil engineering | CRDC Class | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010101 | Geotechnical engineering | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010102 | Building construction engineering | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010103 | Concrete, cementitious materials and other architectural and construction materials | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010104 | Earthquake engineering | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010105 | Infrastructure engineering | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010106 | Structural engineering | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010107 | Water resources infrastructure engineering | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010108 | Hydraulic engineering | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010109 | Geomechanics | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010199 | Civil engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Civil engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20102 | Marine engineering | CRDC Class | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010201 | Naval architecture | CRDC Field | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010202 | Ocean engineering | CRDC Field | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010203 | Ship hydrodynamics | CRDC Field | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010204 | Marine platform hydrodynamics engineering | CRDC Field | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010205 | Offshore engineering (including marine platform structures) | CRDC Field | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010206 | Special marine vehicles engineering | CRDC Field | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010299 | Marine engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Marine engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20103 | Land transportation systems engineering | CRDC Class | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010301 | Traffic and highway engineering | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010302 | Railway and airport engineering | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010303 | Public transportation engineering | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010304 | Road safety engineering | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010305 | Transportation demand modelling | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010306 | Pavement materials and structure | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010307 | Transportation systems infrastructure engineering for autonomous vehicles | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010399 | Land transportation systems engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Land transportation systems engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20104 | Mining engineering | CRDC Class | Mining engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2010499 | Mining engineering | CRDC Field | Mining engineering | Civil engineering, maritime engineering, transport engineering, and mining engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF202 | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | CRDC Group | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20201 | Human factor engineering | CRDC Class | Human factor engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020101 | Brain-computer interface | CRDC Field | Human factor engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020102 | Physical, environmental and cognitive ergonomics | CRDC Field | Human factor engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020103 | Control design | CRDC Field | Human factor engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020104 | Human-computer systems and interface | CRDC Field | Human factor engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020105 | Assistive technologies | CRDC Field | Human factor engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020199 | Human factor engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Human factor engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20202 | Systems engineering | CRDC Class | Systems engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020201 | Design and analysis of sytems | CRDC Field | Systems engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020202 | Modelling and applications of systems | CRDC Field | Systems engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020203 | Intelligent renewable energy systems | CRDC Field | Systems engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020204 | Intelligent transport systems | CRDC Field | Systems engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020205 | Production systems engineering | CRDC Field | Systems engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020299 | Systems engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Systems engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20203 | Operational research | CRDC Class | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020301 | Programming in operational research (including linear and nonlinear programming) | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020302 | Combinatorial and network optimization (including programming and metaheuristics) | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020303 | Optimization under uncertainty (including stochastic and robust optimization) | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020304 | Bilevel optimization and game theory | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020305 | Stochastic models (including queueing and simulation) | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020306 | Decisions and risk analysis | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020307 | Quality systems engineering | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020399 | Operational research, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Operational research | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20204 | Biosystems and agricultural engineering | CRDC Class | Biosystems and agricultural engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020401 | Irrigation | CRDC Field | Biosystems and agricultural engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020402 | Agricultural power machinery | CRDC Field | Biosystems and agricultural engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020403 | Crop management technologies | CRDC Field | Biosystems and agricultural engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020404 | Pesticides and pesticides applications | CRDC Field | Biosystems and agricultural engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2020499 | Biosystems and agricultural engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Biosystems and agricultural engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20299 | Other industrial, systems and processes engineering | CRDC Class | Other industrial, systems and processes engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2029999 | Other industrial, systems and processes engineering | CRDC Field | Other industrial, systems and processes engineering | Industrial, systems and processes engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF203 | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | CRDC Group | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20301 | Computer engineering | CRDC Class | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030101 | Systems software | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030102 | Computational languages (including domain-specific languages) | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030103 | Middleware systems | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030104 | Computer systems engineering | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030105 | Computer architecture | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030106 | Computer memory systems and storage | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030107 | Digital hardware and technologies | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030108 | Computer configurable hardware | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030109 | Computer-aided design | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030110 | Hardware and software for computer security | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030111 | Machine learning systems | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030199 | Computer engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Computer engineering | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20302 | Communications and networks technologies | CRDC Class | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030201 | Wireless communication systems | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030202 | Coding and information theory applied to communications and networks technologies | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030203 | Digital communications | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030204 | Internet of Things | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030205 | Software-defined network (SDN) | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030206 | Cloud computing systems | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030207 | Service network management systems | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030208 | Network protocols and architectures | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030209 | Network science and engineering | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030210 | Spectrum sharing and management | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030211 | Multimedia communication and networking | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030212 | Cyber-physical systems | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030213 | Cybersecurity and privacy technologies | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030214 | Fibre-optic communications technologies | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030215 | Optical networks | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030216 | Communications and network control systems | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030217 | Networked robotics and automation | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030299 | Communications and networks technologies, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Communications and networks technologies | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20303 | Data analytics and signal processing | CRDC Class | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030301 | Learning and adaptive systems | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030302 | Artificial intelligence engineering | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030303 | Optimization and data analytics algorithms and systems | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030304 | Distributed computation and signal processing | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030305 | Image and video processing and analysis | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030306 | Acoustic signal processing | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030307 | Computer vision in data analytics and signal processing | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030308 | Cognition and cognitive dynamic systems | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030309 | Bio-signal processing and analysis | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030310 | Signal processing for security and privacy | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030311 | Radar and sonar signal processing | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030312 | Remote sensing of signal processing | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030313 | Signal processing modelling and simulation systems | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030314 | Signal processing theory | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030399 | Data analytics and signal processing, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Data analytics and signal processing | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20304 | Electrical energy systems | CRDC Class | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030401 | Power dynamics and control systems | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030402 | Power electronics | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030403 | Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering) | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030404 | Power quality | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030405 | Energy storage | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030406 | Smart power grids | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030407 | Power system operation | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030408 | Power system protection | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030409 | Electric machines and drive systems | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030410 | High-Voltage DC (HVDC) systems | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030411 | Power distribution systems | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030499 | Electrical energy systems, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Electrical energy systems | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20305 | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | CRDC Class | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030501 | Electricity and magnetism theory | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030502 | Applied electromagnetics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030503 | Numerical methods in electromagnetics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030504 | Microwave theory and techniques | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030505 | Instruments and circuits for RF microwave and millimeter wave | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030506 | Terahertz studies | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030507 | Antennas and propagation | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030508 | Radar theory and applications | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030509 | Metamaterials and metasurfaces sciences | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030510 | Photonics and electro-optical engineering | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030511 | Optoelectronics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030512 | Integrated optics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030513 | Applied optics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030514 | Optical spectroscopy | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030515 | Semiconductor devices | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030516 | Optical instrumentation (including sensing and metrology) | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030517 | Optical signal processing | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030518 | Quantum photonics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030519 | Optical and data communications | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030520 | Fiber optics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030521 | Nonlinear optics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030522 | Ultrafast optics | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030599 | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Electromagnetics, photonics and optics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20306 | Electronics | CRDC Class | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030601 | Electrical circuits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030602 | Microelectronic devices | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030603 | Circuits and systems | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030604 | Mixed-signal integrated circuits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030605 | Very large-scale integrated circuits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030606 | Modeling techniques in electronics | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030607 | Microelectronics and integrated circuits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030608 | Industrial electronics | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030609 | Microfabrication techniques in electronics | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030610 | Thin films | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030611 | Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) technologies | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030612 | Microelectrical mechanical systems and microsystems design | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030613 | Quantum electronics | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030614 | Biomedical electronics | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030615 | Sensory electronics | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030616 | Power semiconductor devices and packaging | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030617 | Semiconductor and atomic-scale electronic devices | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030618 | Semiconductor and superconducting qubits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030619 | Power management integrated circuits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030620 | Analog and mixed-signal VLSI computing | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030621 | Machine learning accelerators | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030622 | Electro-optic integrated circuits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030623 | Radio, radar, and mm-wave sensor integrated circuits | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030624 | Cryogenic control electronics for quantum processorโs | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030699 | Electronics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Electronics | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20307 | Systems control and automation | CRDC Class | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030701 | Nonlinear and hybrid control systems | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030702 | Game theory and optimal control | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030703 | Discrete-event systems | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030704 | Systems biology and control | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030705 | Control with complex specifications | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030706 | Motion control of robots | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030707 | Distributed control and estimation | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030708 | Networked control systems | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030709 | Data-driven estimation, optimization, and control | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030710 | Fault-tolerant control | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2030799 | Systems controls and automation, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Systems control and automation | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF204 | Mechanical engineering | CRDC Group | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20401 | Aerospace engineering | CRDC Class | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040101 | Aerodynamics (except hypersonic aerodynamics) | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040102 | Aerospace materials | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040103 | Aerospace structures | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040104 | Aircraft performance and flight control systems | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040105 | Avionics | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040106 | Flight dynamics | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040107 | Hypersonic propulsion and hypersonic aerodynamics | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040108 | Satellites, space vehicles and missiles design and testing | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040109 | Aerospace systems design | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040199 | Aerospace engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Aerospace engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20402 | Automotive engineering | CRDC Class | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040201 | Automotive combustion and fuel engineering (including alternative and renewable fuels) | CRDC Field | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040202 | Automotive engineering materials | CRDC Field | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040203 | Automotive mechatronics | CRDC Field | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040204 | Automotive safety engineering | CRDC Field | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040205 | Hybrid vehicles and powertrains | CRDC Field | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040206 | Autonomous vehicles (except systems infrastructures) | CRDC Field | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040299 | Automotive engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Automotive engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20403 | Manufacturing engineering | CRDC Class | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040301 | Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040302 | Flexible manufacturing systems | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040303 | Machine tools | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040304 | Machining | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040305 | Manufacturing management | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040306 | Manufacturing processes and technologies (except textiles) | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040307 | Mechatronics (except automotive mechatronics) | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040308 | Manufacturing safety and quality | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040309 | Microtechnology | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040310 | Packaging, storage and transportation (except food and agricultural products) | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040311 | Precision engineering | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040312 | Textile manufacturing processes and technologies | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040313 | Industrial design in manufacturing engineering | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2040399 | Manufacturing engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Manufacturing engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20499 | Other mechanical engineering | CRDC Class | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049901 | Acoustics and noise control (except architectural acoustics) | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049902 | Automation and control engineering | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049903 | Dynamics, vibration and vibration control | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049904 | Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049905 | Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049906 | Solid mechanics | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049907 | Tribology | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049908 | Fluidization and fluid mechanics | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049909 | Heat and mass transfer operations | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049910 | Fluid-structure interaction | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049911 | Mechanical characterization (including modeling, testing, and monitoring) | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2049999 | Other mechanical engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Other mechanical engineering | Mechanical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF205 | Chemical engineering | CRDC Group | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20501 | Chemical engineering | CRDC Class | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050101 | Carbon capture engineering | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050102 | Catalytic process engineering | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050103 | Chemical engineering design | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050104 | Membrane and other separation technologies | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050105 | Non-automotive combustion engineering (including alternative and renewable fuels) | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050106 | Fuel engineering (including renewable) | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050107 | Powder and particle technology | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050108 | Process control and simulation in chemical engineering | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050109 | Rheology | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050110 | Petroleum and reservoir engineering | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050111 | Biochemical engineering | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050112 | Reaction fundamentals and reactor design | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2050199 | Chemical engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Chemical engineering | Chemical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF206 | Materials engineering and resources engineering | CRDC Group | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20601 | Materials engineering | CRDC Class | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060101 | Ceramics engineering | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060102 | Composite and hybrid materials | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060103 | Compound semiconductors | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060104 | Elemental semiconductors | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060105 | Functional materials in materials engineering sciences | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060106 | Glass engineering | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060107 | Metals and alloy materials engineering | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060108 | Organic semiconductors | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060109 | Polymers and plastics engineering | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060110 | Timber, pulp and paper engineering | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060111 | Methods of synthesis and growth of materials | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060112 | Elaboration and characterizations of thin and ultrathin layers | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060113 | Relation micro-nanostructure and properties | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060114 | Structure property relationships modelling of thin layers | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060115 | Nanoparticle synthesis, properties and applications | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060116 | Electrical, optical, catalytic and magnetic properties of thin layers | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060199 | Materials engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Materials engineering | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20602 | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | CRDC Class | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060201 | Electrometallurgy | CRDC Field | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060202 | Hydrometallurgy | CRDC Field | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060203 | Mineral processing and beneficiation | CRDC Field | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060204 | Pyrometallurgy | CRDC Field | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2060299 | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy | Materials engineering and resources engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF207 | Medical and biomedical engineering | CRDC Group | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20701 | Medical and biomedical engineering | CRDC Class | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070101 | Biomedical materials | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070102 | Biomechanical engineering | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070103 | Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics) | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070104 | Medical devices | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070105 | Rehabilitation engineering (except assistive technologies) | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070106 | Artificial tissues engineering | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070107 | Biomedical signal processing | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070108 | Biomedical robotics | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070109 | Image guided surgery systems | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2070199 | Medical and biomedical engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Medical and biomedical engineering | Medical and biomedical engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF208 | Environmental engineering and related engineering | CRDC Group | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20801 | Environmental engineering | CRDC Class | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080101 | Residual materials management | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080102 | Product life cycle | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080103 | Environmental impacts | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080104 | Bioremediation and soil restoration | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080105 | Wastewater treatment (including water treatment processes) | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080106 | Water quality engineering | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080107 | Waste management (including agricultural waste) | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080199 | Environmental engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Environmental engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20802 | Geomatics engineering | CRDC Class | Geomatics engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080201 | Cartography | CRDC Field | Geomatics engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080202 | Geospatial information systems | CRDC Field | Geomatics engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080203 | Navigation and position fixing | CRDC Field | Geomatics engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080204 | Remote sensing in geomatics and photogrammetry | CRDC Field | Geomatics engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080205 | Geomatic surveying (including hydrographic surveying) | CRDC Field | Geomatics engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2080299 | Geomatics engineering, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Geomatics engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF20899 | Other environmental engineering and related engineering | CRDC Class | Other environmental engineering and related engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF2089999 | Other environmental engineering and related engineering | CRDC Field | Other environmental engineering and related engineering | Environmental engineering and related engineering | Engineering and technology |
RDF209 | Environmental biotechnology | CRDC Group | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology | |
RDF20901 | Environmental biotechnology | CRDC Class | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2090101 | Biodiscovery | CRDC Field | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2090102 | Biological control | CRDC Field | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2090103 | Bioremediation | CRDC Field | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2090104 | Environmental biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors) | CRDC Field | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2090105 | Environmental marine biotechnology | CRDC Field | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2090106 | Environmental molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins | CRDC Field | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2090199 | Environmental biotechnology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Environmental biotechnology | Environmental biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF210 | Industrial biotechnology | CRDC Group | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology | |
RDF21001 | Industrial biotechnology | CRDC Class | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2100101 | Biocatalysis and enzyme technology | CRDC Field | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2100102 | Bioprocessing, bioproduction and bioproducts | CRDC Field | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2100103 | Fermentation biotechnology | CRDC Field | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2100104 | Industrial biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors) | CRDC Field | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2100105 | Industrial microbiology (including biofeedstocks) | CRDC Field | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2100106 | Industrial molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins | CRDC Field | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2100199 | Industrial biotechnology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Industrial biotechnology | Industrial biotechnology | Engineering and technology |
RDF211 | Nano-technology | CRDC Group | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology | |
RDF21101 | Nano-technology | CRDC Class | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110101 | Environmental nanotechnology | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110102 | Nanobiotechnology | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110103 | Nanoelectromechanical systems | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110104 | Nanoelectronics | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110105 | Nanofabrication, growth and self-assembly | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110106 | Nanomanufacturing | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110107 | Nanomaterials | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110108 | Nanomedicine | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110109 | Nanometrology | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110110 | Nanophotonics | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110111 | Nanoscale characterisation | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110112 | Nanotoxicology, health and safety | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110113 | Molecular and organic electronics | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF2110199 | Nanotechnology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Nano-technology | Nano-technology | Engineering and technology |
RDF212 | Other engineering and technologies | CRDC Group | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology | |
RDF21201 | Engineering design | CRDC Class | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120101 | Engineering design empirical studies | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120102 | Engineering design knowledge | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120103 | Engineering design methods | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120104 | Engineering systems design | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120105 | Models of engineering design | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120106 | Engineering design, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120107 | Nuclear engineering (including fuel enrichment and nuclear waste processing and storage) | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF2120199 | Other engineering and technologies, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Engineering design | Other engineering and technologies | Engineering and technology |
RDF3 | Medical, health and life sciences | CRDC Division | Medical, health and life sciences | ||
RDF301 | Basic medicine and life sciences | CRDC Group | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences | |
RDF30101 | Immunology | CRDC Class | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010101 | Allergy | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010102 | Applied immunology (including antibody engineering, xenotransplantation and t-cell therapies) | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010103 | Autoimmunity | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010104 | Cellular immunology | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010105 | Humoural immunology and immunochemistry | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010106 | Immunogenetics (including genetic immunology) | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010107 | Innate immunity | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010108 | Adaptive immunity | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010109 | Transplantation immunology | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010110 | Tumour immunology | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010111 | Immune tolerance | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010112 | Immune deficiency | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010113 | Immune diseases | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010199 | Immunology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Immunology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30102 | Cancer | CRDC Class | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010201 | Cancer progression and metastasis | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010202 | Mechanisms of carcinogenesis | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010203 | Cancer drug development and therapeutics | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010204 | Cancer diagnosis | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010205 | Cancer genetics | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010206 | Hematological tumours | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010207 | Cancer molecular targets | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010208 | Solid cancer tumours | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010209 | Pediatric cancer | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010210 | Premalignant disease (precursors) | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010299 | Cancer, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Cancer | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30103 | Medical microbiology | CRDC Class | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010301 | Medical bacteriology | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010302 | Medical infection agents (including prions) | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010303 | Medical parasitology | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010304 | Medical virology | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010305 | Antimicrobial resistance | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010306 | Antiviral resistance | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010307 | Vaccines | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010308 | Human microbiota | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010309 | Pathogenesis | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010399 | Medical microbiology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Medical microbiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30104 | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | CRDC Class | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010401 | Autonomic nervous system | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010402 | Central nervous system | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010403 | Motor systems | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010404 | Neuromuscular diseases | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010405 | Peripheral nervous system | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010406 | Sensory systems, visual | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010407 | Sensory systems, auditory | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010408 | Sensory systems, pain | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010409 | Sensory systems, vestibular | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010410 | Sensory systems, somatosensory | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010411 | Sensory systems, olfactory | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010412 | Sensorimotor neuroscience | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010413 | Neural excitability and synapses | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010414 | Neurodegeneration | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010415 | Neurodevelopment | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010416 | Neuroinflammation | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010417 | Neurogenesis and plasticity, medical and health aspects | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010418 | Glial cell studies | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010419 | Neurological disorders (except neuromuscular diseases) | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010420 | Neurorobotics | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010421 | Neuroethology | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010422 | Neuropsychology | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010423 | Applied behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010424 | Biology of addiction | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010499 | Neurosciences, medical and health and physiological aspects, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30105 | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | CRDC Class | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010501 | Basic pharmacology | CRDC Field | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010502 | Pharmacogenomics | CRDC Field | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010503 | Toxicology (except clinical toxicology) | CRDC Field | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010504 | Drug discovery, design and delivery | CRDC Field | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010505 | Psychopharmacology | CRDC Field | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010599 | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects) | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30106 | Human physiology | CRDC Class | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010601 | Systems physiology | CRDC Field | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010602 | Sensorimotor physiology | CRDC Field | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010603 | Computational physiology | CRDC Field | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010604 | Sex differences in cells, tissues and animal | CRDC Field | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010605 | Human development and organogenesis | CRDC Field | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010606 | Electrophysiology | CRDC Field | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010699 | Human physiology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Human physiology | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30107 | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | CRDC Class | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010701 | Bone, skin and cartilage science | CRDC Field | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010702 | Musculoskeletal biology and physiology | CRDC Field | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010703 | Human biomechanics | CRDC Field | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010704 | Exercise physiology | CRDC Field | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010705 | Sensorimotor control | CRDC Field | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010706 | Balance, gait, and locomotion | CRDC Field | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3010799 | Other musculoskeletal health and human movement, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Musculoskeletal health and human movement | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30199 | Other basic medicine and life sciences | CRDC Class | Other basic medicine and life sciences | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3019999 | Other basic medicine and life sciences | CRDC Field | Other basic medicine and life sciences | Basic medicine and life sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF302 | Clinical medicine | CRDC Group | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences | |
RDF30201 | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | CRDC Class | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020101 | Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease) | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020102 | Hematology | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020103 | Respiratory diseases | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020104 | Cerebrovascular sciences (including stroke) | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020105 | Respiratory sciences | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020106 | Respiratory system pathologies and clinical interventions | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020107 | Vascular and endothelial biology | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020199 | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Cardiorespiratory medicine and hematology | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30202 | Clinical sciences | CRDC Class | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020201 | Anesthesiology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020202 | Clinical microbiology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020203 | Dermatology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020204 | Sexually transmitted diseases and infections | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020205 | Critical care medicine and emergency medicine | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020206 | Human endocrinology (except diabetes and obesity) | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020207 | Human metabolism and diseases (except diabetes and obesity) | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020208 | Clinical sciences on diabetes | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020209 | Clinical sciences on obesity | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020210 | Gastroenterology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020211 | Hepatology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020212 | Geriatrics and gerontology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020213 | Infectious diseases | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020214 | Clinical genetics (except cancer genetics) | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020215 | Nephrology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020216 | Urology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020217 | Clinical and translational cardiovascular sciences | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020218 | Radiology, nuclear medicine and medical imaging | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020219 | Orthopedics | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020220 | Otorhinolaryngology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020221 | Pathology (except oral pathology) | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020222 | Podiatry | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020223 | Psychiatry (including psychotherapy) | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020224 | Rheumatology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020225 | Surgery | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020226 | Clinical oncology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020227 | Neurology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020228 | Ophthalmology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020229 | Rare diseases | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020230 | Clinical sexology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020231 | Translational and clinical pharmacology, and therapeutics | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020232 | Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020233 | Clinical toxicology | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020299 | Clinical sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Clinical sciences | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30203 | Complementary and alternative medicine | CRDC Class | Complementary and alternative medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020301 | Chiropractic | CRDC Field | Complementary and alternative medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020302 | Naturopathy | CRDC Field | Complementary and alternative medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020303 | Traditional Indigenous medicine and treatments | CRDC Field | Complementary and alternative medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020304 | Traditional Chinese medicine and treatments | CRDC Field | Complementary and alternative medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020399 | Complementary and alternative medicine, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Complementary and alternative medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30204 | Dentistry and oral health | CRDC Class | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020401 | Dental materials and equipment | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020402 | Dental therapeutics, pharmacology and toxicology | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020403 | Endodontics | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020404 | Oral and maxillofacial surgery | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020405 | Oral medicine and pathology | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020406 | Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020407 | Pedodontics | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020408 | Periodontics | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020409 | Special needs dentistry | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020499 | Dentistry and oral health, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Dentistry and oral health | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30205 | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | CRDC Class | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020501 | Fetal development and medicine | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020502 | Obstetrics and gynecology | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020503 | Pediatrics | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020504 | Human reproduction and development sciences | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020505 | Neonatology | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020506 | Embryology | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020507 | Fertility and maternal health | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020508 | Assisted reproductive technologies | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3020599 | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30299 | Other clinical medicine | CRDC Class | Other clinical medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3029999 | Other clinical medicine | CRDC Field | Other clinical medicine | Clinical medicine | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF303 | Health sciences | CRDC Group | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences | |
RDF30301 | Human nutrition and dietetics | CRDC Class | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030101 | Clinical nutrition | CRDC Field | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030102 | Sports nutrition | CRDC Field | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030103 | Dietetics and nutrigenomics | CRDC Field | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030104 | Nutritional physiology | CRDC Field | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030105 | Public health nutrition policy | CRDC Field | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030106 | Human nutrition and metabolism | CRDC Field | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030199 | Human nutrition and dietetics, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Human nutrition and dietetics | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30302 | Public and population health | CRDC Class | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030201 | Indigenous health | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030202 | Population health interventions | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030203 | Environmental, developmental and social factors of youth health | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030204 | Prevention, treatment and support of youth health | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030205 | Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030206 | Environmental determinants of health (including environment-gene interactions) | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030207 | Ethical, legal, and social issues in health, health systems and health research | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030208 | Aging process | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030209 | Social and biological determinants of aging | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030210 | Environmental and occupational health and safety | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030211 | Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology) | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030212 | Health promotion and disease prevention | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030213 | Food security | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030214 | Health equity | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030215 | Sex and gender-based analysis | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030216 | Gender and health relationship | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030217 | Global health | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030218 | Health and gender based violence | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030219 | Military and veterans' health | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030220 | Etiology of disease and conditions | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030221 | Nutritional epidemiology | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030222 | One Health approach | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030299 | Public and population health, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Public and population health | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30303 | Rehabilitation medicine | CRDC Class | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030301 | Kinesiology | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030302 | Physical therapy | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030303 | Occupational therapy | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030304 | Speech pathology | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030305 | Mental health rehabilitation | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030306 | Addiction rehabilitation | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030307 | Sports medicine | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030308 | Audiology | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030399 | Rehabilitation medicine, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Rehabilitation medicine | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30304 | Health services and systems | CRDC Class | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030401 | Health and community services | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030402 | Health care administration | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030403 | Health information systems (including surveillance) | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030404 | Health counselling | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030405 | Community child health | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030406 | Health care effectiveness and outcomes | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030407 | Health care safety and quality improvement | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030408 | Knowledge translation and implementation science in health | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030409 | Patient and citizen engagement research | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030410 | Electronic health (e-Health) | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030411 | Mobile health (mHealth) | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030499 | Health services and systems, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Health services and systems | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30305 | Care | CRDC Class | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030501 | Family care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030502 | Primary health care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030503 | Residential client care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030504 | Aged health care services (exept nursing) | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030505 | Services for persons with disabilities | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030506 | Emergency care and critical care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030507 | Personalized medicine | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030508 | Genetic medicine | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030509 | Coordinated and integrated care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030510 | Hospital and specialist care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030511 | Patient-centered care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030512 | Palliation and end-of-life care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030513 | Maternal and newborn care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030514 | Health care access, privilege or marginalization | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030515 | Home health care | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030516 | Traumatology | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030517 | Internal medicine | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030518 | Midwifery | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030599 | Care, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Care | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30306 | Nursing | CRDC Class | Nursing | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030601 | Geriatric nursing | CRDC Field | Nursing | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030602 | Clinical nursing, primary (preventive care) | CRDC Field | Nursing | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030603 | Clinical nursing, secondary (acute care) | CRDC Field | Nursing | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030604 | Clinical nursing, tertiary (rehabilitative care) | CRDC Field | Nursing | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030605 | Mental health nursing | CRDC Field | Nursing | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3030699 | Nursing, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Nursing | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF30399 | Other health sciences | CRDC Class | Other health sciences | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3039999 | Other health sciences, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Other health sciences | Health sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF304 | Medical biotechnology | CRDC Group | Medical biotechnology | Medical, health and life sciences | |
RDF30401 | Medical biotechnology | CRDC Class | Medical biotechnology | Medical biotechnology | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3040101 | Gene and molecular therapy | CRDC Field | Medical biotechnology | Medical biotechnology | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3040102 | Medical biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors) | CRDC Field | Medical biotechnology | Medical biotechnology | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3040103 | Medical molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins | CRDC Field | Medical biotechnology | Medical biotechnology | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3040104 | Regenerative medicine (including stem cells and tissue engineering) | CRDC Field | Medical biotechnology | Medical biotechnology | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3040199 | Medical biotechnology, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Medical biotechnology | Medical biotechnology | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF305 | Other medical sciences | CRDC Group | Other medical sciences | Medical, health and life sciences | |
RDF30599 | Other medical sciences | CRDC Class | Other medical sciences | Other medical sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF3059999 | Other medical sciences | CRDC Field | Other medical sciences | Other medical sciences | Medical, health and life sciences |
RDF4 | Agricultural and veterinary sciences | CRDC Division | Agricultural and veterinary sciences | ||
RDF401 | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | CRDC Group | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences | |
RDF40101 | Agriculture, land and farm management | CRDC Class | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010101 | Agricultural land management | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010102 | Agricultural land planning | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010103 | Agricultural ecology | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010104 | Agricultural production systems simulation | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010105 | Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010106 | Agricultural production systems analysis and modelling | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010107 | Farm management, rural management and agribusiness | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010108 | Farming systems research | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010109 | Indigenous food system | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010110 | Sustainable agricultural development | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010199 | Agriculture, land and farm management, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Agriculture, land and farm management | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF40102 | Crop and pasture production | CRDC Class | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010201 | Agro-ecosystem function and prediction | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010202 | Agronomy | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010203 | Crop and pasture biochemistry and physiology | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010204 | Crop and pasture biomass and bioproducts | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010205 | Crop and pasture improvement (selection and breeding) | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010206 | Crop and pasture nutrition | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010207 | Crop and pasture post harvest technologies (including transportation and storage) | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010208 | Crop and pasture protection (pests, diseases and weeds) | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010299 | Crop and pasture production, n.e.c. | CRDC Field | Crop and pasture production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF40103 | Horticultural production | CRDC Class | Horticultural production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010301 | Horticultural crop growth and development | CRDC Field | Horticultural production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010302 | Horticultural crop improvement (selection and breeding) | CRDC Field | Horticultural production | Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries | Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
RDF4010303 | Horticultural crop protection (pests, diseases and weeds |