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The Faculty of Arts at UBC brings together the best of quantitative research, humanistic inquiry, and artistic expression to advance a better world. Graduate students in the Faculty of Arts create and disseminate knowledge in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Creative and Performing Arts through teaching, research, professional practice, artistic production, and performance.

Arts has more than 25 academic departments, institutes, and schools as well as professional programs, more than 15 interdisciplinary programs, a gallery, a museum, theatres, concert venues, and a performing arts centre. Truly unique in its scope, the Faculty of Arts is a dynamic and thriving community of outstanding scholars – both faculty and students. 

Here, our students explore cutting-edge ideas that deepen our understanding of humanity in an age of scientific and technological discovery. Whether Arts scholars work with local communities, or tackle issues such as climate change, world music, or international development, their research has a deep impact on the local and international stage.

The disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches in our classrooms, labs, and cultural venues inspire students to apply their knowledge both to and beyond their specialization. Using innovation and collaborative learning, our graduate students create rich pathways to knowledge and real connections to global thought leaders.


Research Facilities

UBC Library has extensive collections, especially in Arts, and houses Canada’s greatest Asian language library. Arts graduate programs enjoy the use of state-of-the-art laboratories, the world-renowned Museum of Anthropology and the Belkin Contemporary Art Gallery (admission is free for our graduate students). World-class performance spaces include theatres, concert venues and a performing arts centre. 

Since 2001, the Belkin Art Gallery has trained young curators at the graduate level in the Critical and Curatorial Studies program in the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory. The Master of Arts program addresses the growing need for curators and critics who have theoretical knowledge and practical experience in analyzing institutions, preparing displays and communicating about contemporary art.

The MOA Centre for Cultural Research (CCR) undertakes research on world arts and cultures, and supports research activities and collaborative partnerships through a number of spaces, including research rooms for collections-based research, an Ethnology Lab, a Conservation Lab, an Oral History and Language Lab supporting audio recording and digitization, a library, an archive, and a Community Lounge for groups engaged in research activities. The CCR includes virtual services supporting collections-based research through the MOA CAT Collections Online site that provides access to the Museum’s collection of approximately 40,000 objects and 80,000 object images, and the Reciprocal Research Network (RRN) that brings together 430,000 object records and associated images from 19 institutions.

Research Highlights

The Faculty of Arts at UBC is internationally renowned for research in the social sciences, humanities, professional schools, and creative and performing arts.

As a research-intensive faculty, Arts is a leader in the creation and advancement of knowledge and understanding. Scholars in the Faculty of Arts form cross-disciplinary partnerships, engage in knowledge exchange, and apply their research locally and globally.

Arts faculty members have won Guggenheim Fellowships, Humboldt Fellowships, and major disciplinary awards. We have had 81 faculty members elected to the Royal Society of Canada, and several others win Killam Prizes, Killam Research Fellowships, Emmy Awards, and Order of Canada awards. In addition, Arts faculty members have won countless book prizes, national disciplinary awards, and international disciplinary awards. 

External funding also signifies the research success of our faculty. In the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the Faculty of Arts received $34.6 million through over 900 research projects. Of seven UBC SSHRC Partnership Grants awarded to-date, six are located in Arts, with a combined investment of $15 million over the term of the grants.

Since the 2011 introduction of the SSHRC Insight Grants and SSHRC Insight Development Grants programs, our faculty’s success rate has remained highly stable, and is consistently higher than the national success rate.

Graduate Degree Programs

Research Supervisors in Faculty

or browse the list of faculty members in various academic units. You may click each unit to view faculty members appointed in that unit. View the full faculty member directory for more search and filter options.
Name Academic Unit(s) Research Interests
Perla, Jesse Vancouver School of Economics macro-economics and growth from the perspective of the firm, with an emphasis
Perley, Bernard Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies Linguistic anthropology; Performance and installation art; Critical identity, ethnic and race studies; Linguistic Anthropology; Indigenous studies; Language Revitalization
Peters, Michael Vancouver School of Economics micro theory, especially the theory of competing mechanisms, and the theory of directed search
Philbrick, Rachel Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies Classical literatures; Latin poetry; Greek poetry; genre; Textual authority and credibility; Intertextuality
Philip, Kavita Department of English Language and Literatures Humanities and the arts; Colonial and Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies; STS; HCI; History of Science and Technology; Cold War Science
Piechocki, Katharina Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Seventeenth-century French literature, Early modern French and Romance literature, Theater, opera, cartography, gender, affect, and translation studies
Pierre, Jemima Institute for Gender, Race, Sex and Social Justice relationship of political economy to race; migration, transnationalism, and diaspora; ethics and politics of western knowledge production and disciplinary formation
Pina Baldoquin, Manuel Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory Images
Pohl-Weary, Emily School of Creative Writing Fiction; Writing for Youth
Porto, Nuno Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory Self-representation of African identities in contemporary Afro-Cuban Art and in Kenyan photography, Modern and contemporary arts of Africa and the African Diasporas, Curatorship and social justice, Social museology, History of collections, Photography
Poudrier, Eve School of Music Music theory; Theories of rhythm and meter, with a special emphasis on temporal multiplicity and twentieth-century music; Music cognition, especially rhythm, expertise, and cross-cultural issues; Schenkerian analysis
Powers, Bradley Department of Theatre & Film Production Technology
Prange, Sebastian Department of Asian Studies History, maritime trade, Indian Ocean, India, piracy, Islam
Pratt, Geraldine Department of Geography Feminist Geographies
Price, Richard Department of Political Science Political science; International Cooperation; Ethics and World Politics; Global Norms; international relations; International Relations Theory; Moral Psychology
Prueitt, Cat Department of Philosophy Epistemology and Methodology; Asian Philosophy; Metaphysics; Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of mind/cognitive science
Puar, Jasbir Institute for Gender, Race, Sex and Social Justice
Pulleyblank, Douglas Department of Linguistics Linguistics; Phonology; Morphology; African languages; Yoruba
Qian, Yue Department of Sociology Sociology; family; Gender Relationship; Migrations, Populations, Cultural Exchanges; Demography; Family Studies; Gender Studies; sociology
Quayle, Moura School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Economics and business administration; Public administration; Public policy; Knowledge Exchange and Strategic Design; Policies and Public Services; Social Policies
Quirk, Paul Department of Political Science United States Politics, US Politics, American Politics, Congress, Presidency, US elections, US politics
Raftery, James School of Music opera; baritone; tenor
Raibmon, Paige Department of History first nations on the northwest coast, cultural representations, relocation of aboriginal peoples, environmental health on reserves, first nations history, Indigenous people and colonisation, life writing and life history
Raker, Ethan Department of Sociology Social sciences; Social demography; sociology of health; Climate/environmental sociology; Sociology of disasters
Ramana, M. V. School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Public administration; Public policy; Public security policy; arms control; Energy transitions; degrowth; nuclear disarmament; nuclear energy; nuclear policy; political economy of energy; risk of nuclear accidents


Recent Publications

This is an incomplete sample of recent publications in chronological order by UBC faculty members with a primary appointment in the Faculty of Arts.


Recent Thesis Submissions

Doctoral Citations

A doctoral citation summarizes the nature of the independent research, provides a high-level overview of the study, states the significance of the work and says who will benefit from the findings in clear, non-specialized language, so that members of a lay audience will understand it.
Year Citation Program
2022 Dr. Ghosh studied the effects of social integration and in-group ties on economic performance and growth. He showed that intergroup contact between Hindu and Muslim Indian factory workers improved productivity and attitudes. He also found that weakening in-group (family) ties in the historical U.S. context led to greater urbanization and income. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD)
2022 Dr. Schroeder compares prophecy in the Hebrew Bible with documents excavated in the Middle East that date to the second and first millennia BCE. He argues that oracles were commonly solicited in antiquity and thus biblical depictions of spontaneous revelation reflect the ideals of ancient Hebrew scribes rather than the actual oracular process. Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies (PhD)
2022 Researchers will often encounter missing data, which makes it more difficult to detect the effects they are looking for. Dr. Chen studied the impact of missing data under a wide variety of conditions and demonstrated its connection to how researchers design their studies. His findings can help improve the cost-effectiveness of future studies. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Treleaven examined how younger adult eldercare providers navigate work and care. She extends theories of mental labour to better understand and reflect the reality of providing eldercare in the COVID-19 pandemic. Her dissertation analyzes the stories, experiences, and implications to illuminate the relational nature of care within families. Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Benjamin investigated the psychological underpinnings of support for democratic values and practices. She studied how individuals react to information about democratic backslides, and what dispositions and contexts explain their reactions. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Levere examined the relationship between social support types, self-efficacy, and well-being in stressed dyadic couples. He found that receiving different types of support can impact health and relationship satisfaction depending on the recipient's self-efficacy. This research illuminates when and why support from a partner may be unhelpful. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Reddon studied experimental Indigenous literature in relation to global modernist writing and anti-colonial thought. Her work argues that Indigenous modernisms are coeval with other avant-garde traditions and that these texts offer us powerful examples of the expression of Indigenous sovereignty. Doctor of Philosophy in English (PhD)
2022 Dr. Sung examined the use of everyday objects and bodily actions in the art of Korea between 1960 and 1980. She demonstrated that the objects and actions as new materials and methods enabled participation of artists and art in the modernization, development, and decolonization of the country in the postwar time. Doctor of Philosophy in Art History (PhD)
2022 Dr. Vanzella Yang investigated how different socioeconomic resources shaped the mental health of Canadian adults. He found that resources in adulthood mattered more than parental resources earlier in life. His findings suggest that interventions in adulthood can potentially mitigate socioeconomic inequalities in psychological distress. Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PhD)
2022 Dr. Moscoso-Garay studied the literature of the Rubber Extraction Time in the Amazonia (1879-1914). He examined how the industrial modernization helped to perpetuate stereotypes of gender and nature in the Amazon. His research challenges assumptions about discourses of modernity in the Amazonia Doctor of Philosophy in Hispanic Studies (PhD)
