Department of Anthropology

UBC is home to the second oldest anthropology program in Canada, founded in 1947 by Harry Hawthorn. The first MA in anthropology was awarded  in 1954. By 1960, six anthropology MAs had been awarded and the first doctorates were awarded in 1970, making UBC the second university in Canada to offer a PhD in anthropology. In 1976, the Museum of Anthropology moved into its new quarters designed by Arthur Erickson and the Department took up residence in an enlarged and renovated space next door.

Affiliated with the Department of Anthropology, the Museum of Anthropology is world-renowned for its collections, research, teaching, public programs and community connections. The MOA maintains an impressive collection focusing on the First Nations of British Columbia. It provides educational and research opportunities for students and faculty with several faculty members holding cross-appointments in the MOA.

Master's Students
Doctoral Students
Graduate Degrees Awarded

Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Alaica, Aleksa Other agricultural sciences; Archaeology; human-animal interactions; Moche Perceptions and Use of Animals; Food Security and Interregional Interaction during Wari State Expansion; Colonization, Diet and Animal Management
Barnett, Kristen intersection of Indigenous and western science; research and data sovereignty; Indigenous feminisms; decolonizing; reframing archaeology
Blackburn, Carole relationship between Indigenous peoples and settler states; how Indigenous nations assert their rights and sovereignty in struggles over land and political recognition, and the consequences for Indigenous people of engaging states in legal and political arenas.
Bloch, Alexia Social sciences; migration; Gender; Eurasia; Russia; ethnography
Creighton, Millie Japan, Japanese descent communities (Nikkei or Nikkeijin), Korea, Inter-Asian Relations, Identity, Consumerism, Popular and Mass Culture, Gender, Minorities, Work and Leisure
Gordillo, Gaston Space and violence, affect, ruins and ruination, critical theory and continental philosophy, object-oriented ontologies, resistance to agribusiness, Latin America, Argentina, the Gran Chaco
Gusterson, Hugh Phillimore Other studies in human society, n.e.c.; militarism; drug policies and cultures; Science Policy; nuclear weapons; ethnography
Hayat, Zahra Pharmaceutical pricing; Quality and intellectual property
Heatherington, Tracey Social and cultural anthropology; Environment, space and place; Anthropocene studies; Environmental anthropology; Critique of neoliberalism; Critical approaches to energy transition; Sustainable food systems; Human and cultural perspectives on the climate and nature emergency; Political ecology of nature conservation; Power, resistance and justice; Multispecies ethnography; Anthropological engagements with fiction; Ethnographic writing and reflexivity
Jing, Zhichun Prehistoric archaeology; Archaeometry; Archaeological theory; Archaeology; Anthropology; Early China; Shang Civilization; Archaeological Science; Early Urbanism; Geoarchaeology; Data Science in Archaeology; Ceramic Petrography; Jade; AI and Archaeology; social sustainability
Kamat, Vinay Ramnath Anthropology; Global Health and Emerging Diseases; Dispossession; East Africa; ethnography; Extractive Industry; Global Health; India; Malaria; marine conservation; Medical Anthropology; Outsourcing of Clinical Trials; political ecology; Tanzania
Kramer, Jennifer Visual culture and art of the First Nations
Levell, Nicola interdisciplinary folds of anthropology, theoretical museology, material culture and critical curatorial studies
Martindale, Andrew Social sciences; Indigenous Archaeology; Northwest Coast; Oral Traditions; Spatial Analyses; Archaeology and the Law; Political economy; Radiocarbon Dating; Indian Residential Schools
Menzies, Charles Social sciences; Indigenous studies; Natural Resource Management; Maritime Anthropology; Western Europe; Ethnographic Film
Moore, Patrick Anthropological linguistics, languages of North America, sub-Arctic ethnography, ethno-history, gender, First Nations Languages, Literacy and Orality, Oral Traditions, Dene (Athbaskan Languages and Cultures), Codeswitching, Gender, Indigenous Activism, and the Anthropology of Media
Muehlmann, Shaylih Environmental politics, linguistic anthropology, drug trafficking, indigeneity, water scarcity, the anthropology of the awkward, US-Mexico borderlands, Mexico
Robertson, Leslie Indigenous and settler historiographies, colonial regimes of difference, spectacle and narrative, and political histories of resistance in settler nations, afterlife of historical colonialism, forms of power and representation in the context of urban marginalization (drug use, sex work, health, and violence)
Rosenblum, Daisy multi-modal documentation and description of indigenous languages of North America, with an emphasis on methods, partnerships, and products that contribute to community-based language revitalization
Rowley, Susan Anthropology, n.e.c.; repatriation; museums; material culture; Cultural Heritage; arctic archaeology; heritage management
Rowley, Susan Anthropology, n.e.c.; repatriation; museums; material culture; Cultural Heritage; arctic archaeology; heritage management
Sari, Elif transnational sexualities; migration; asylum; humanitarianism; queer and critical race theory
Shneiderman, Sara Social and cultural anthropology; Indigenous issues; Disaster response and preparedness; Citizenship; migration
Speller, Camilla Anthropology; Archeological Data Analysis; Molecular Genetics; Ancient DNA Analysis (paleogenetics); Ancient proteins (paleoproteomics); Animal Domestication; Bioarchaeology; Environmental Archaeology; Marine Ecosystems
Turin, Mark Anthropology; Cultural Institutions (Museums, Libraries, etc.); Lexicography and Dictionaries; Language Contact and Linguistic Changes; Language Rights and Policies; Language Interactions; Political Culture, Society and Ideology; Bella Bella; Bhutan; First Nations; Heiltsuk; Indigeneity; Nepal; Sikkim; Tibet
Weston, Darlene Anthropology; Archeological Data Analysis; Bioarchaeology; Biological Anthropology; Osteoarchaeology; Paleodemography; Paleopathology
Zeweri, Helena Anthropology; Mobility; migration; Critical refugee studies; settler colonialism; Anthropology of care, policy, social movements, empire




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