School of Social Work

The UBC School of Social Work is the oldest social work education program in British Columbia and the third oldest in Canada. Today, we continue our long and distinguished record of professional education, research and scholarship.

Our faculty are engaged locally and globally in research and community building in a diverse range of settings with strong links to government, professional and community organizations.

Building upon a foundation of social justice and an ethic of care, we are a community of learners actively engaged in the development of critical, transformative knowledge for social work practice.

Master's Students
Doctoral Students
Graduate Degrees Awarded

Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Baines, Donna Social work; Age-Friendly Cities; decent work and good care for older people in residential and home care; impact of neoliberalism on Indigenous social work education; impact of neoliberalism on non-Indigenous social work education
Bratiotis, Christiana Social work; interventions in the context of hoarding; organizational processes involved in hoarding task forces; service utilization
Caragata, Lea Social oppression and marginalization; Counselling, welfare and community services; Social policy; welfare systems; Poverty; labour markets; lone mothers; social policy; youth provisioning
Charles, Grant Psychosocial oncology, intellectual disabilities, family interventions and at risk youth
Ibrahim, Mohamed mental health; addiction among new immigrants and refugees; global mental health
Karki, Karun sense of belonging among the racialized diaspora and minoritized communities, ethno-racial and gender segregation in the Canadian labour market, social determinants of health of diasporic and marginalized communities
Kia, Hannah LGBTQ2S+ health; LGBTQ2S+ aging; social work and other professional practice with sexual and gender minorities; effective social work practice with trans and gender diverse people; poverty, sexual and mental health issues among diverse LGBTQ2S+ populations
Lee, Barbara
Montgomery, H. Monty
Nobiss, Jac
O'Connor, Deborah family support to frail or mentally impaired seniors; formal support services, Dementia, the interface between living with dementia, family care, and the use of formal support services
Wilson, Tina Social work; social work and environment; history and philosophy of social work; critical social theories; generational standpoints; Social justice; social work rhetoric
Yan, Miu Chung Issues related to settlement and integration of immigrants and refugees, labour market experience of new generation youth from racial minority immigrant families, and community building roles and functions of neighbourhood-level place-based multiservice organizations


UBC graduate student Daniel Ji

Daniel Ji

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (PhD)
Nancy Lin's image

Nancy Lin

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (PhD)



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