Graduate Council

The central goal of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is to maintain and enhance the quality of graduate scholarship at UBC. This will be accomplished by encouraging a spirit of enquiry appropriate to each academic discipline, and by monitoring and improving the educational process which leads to a graduate degree. The diversity of graduate education at UBC requires considerable flexibility of bureaucratic attitudes and procedures. The present stature of graduate education at UBC is, in large measure, attributable to the ability of graduate programs to set their own priorities and develop accordingly. No plan to enhance the quality of graduate education would be effective if it tried to diminish this essential freedom. At the same time, a representative, coherent, participative and efficient framework for graduate studies is essential to avoid fragmentation and insularity.

The legislative and administrative authority of the Faculty regarding graduate programs of study is vested in the Graduate Council. In all matters concerning admission, scholarships, programs and examinations, the Dean & Vice-Provost and Associate Deans act, with the Registrar, as administrative officers for the Graduate Council.

Upcoming meetings

The table shows the earliest possible flow of meeting times for proposals through the whole process from left to right in each individual row.

Graduate Curriculum Committee
Fridays 1:00 - 3:00Pm
Graduate Academic Policy Committee
2024-25 dates 
2-3.30 pm
Graduate Council
2023-24 Dates
12.30-2.00 pm

Senate Curriculum Committee




October 7, 2024

October 21, 2024


Sept. 18, 2024


November 4, 2024

November 21, 2024

Sep. 23, 2024

Oct. 16, 2024

Sep. 27, 2024

Oct. 11, 2024 - Cancelled

December 2, 2024

December 16, 2024

Oct. 28, 2024

Nov. 20, 2024

Nov. 1, 2024

January 16, 2025

January 27, 2025

Nov. 18, 2024

Dec. 11, 2024


February 13, 2025

February 20, 2025


Jan. 15, 2025

Nov. 29, 2025

Jan. 10, 2025

March 13, 2025


Jan. 27, 2025

Feb. 19, 2025

Jan. 24, 2025

Feb. 7, 2025

April 10, 2025


Feb. 24, 2025

Mar. 19, 2025

Feb. 21, 2025

Mar. 7, 2025

May 8, 2025


Mar. 24, 2025

Apr. 16, 2025

Mar. 21, 2025

Apr. 4, 2025




Apr. 22, 2025

May 14, 2025




Jun. 23, 2025



Graduate Council Members

Dean and Vice-Provost of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Chair (Dr. Michael Hunt)
Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies - UBCO (Dr Paul Shipley)
Associate Dean, Awards and Scholarships (Dr Julian Dierkes)
Assistant Dean, Strategic Technologies and Business Initiatives (Mr Jens Locher)
Assistant Dean, Student Administration and Awards (Mr Brendan Morey)
Chair of Graduate New Programs and Curriculum Committee (Dr Norm Hutchinson)
Vice-President Research + Innovation (Dr Gail Murphy)
Vice-President Students (Dr Ainsley Carry)

Graduate Council members-at-large from Senate

Dr. Steven Pelech, Professor, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health 
Dr. HsingChi  von Bergmann, Professor, Faculty of Dentistry 

Elected by the Faculties

Applied Science (3)

Dr Davide Elmo, Professor, Applied Science    

Arts (3)

Dr. Richard Price, Director of Graduate Studies
Dr Elizabeth Hirsh, Graduate Chair, Sociology

Dentistry (1)

Dr Jolanta Aleksejuniene, Associate Professor, Dentistry

Education (3)

Dr. Dónal O’Donoghue, Associate Dean, Academic and Graduate Studies, Education
Dr Nicola Hodges, Professor, Kinesiology 
Dr Mona Gleason, Professor

Forestry (1)

Dr Shannon Hagerman, Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Forestry

Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (1)

Dr Barbara Weber, Graduate Advisor, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program

Land and Food Systems (1)


Peter A. Allard School of Law (1)

Dr Benjamin Goold, Professor

Medicine (3)

Dr. Hélène Côté, Graduate advisor, Pathology  
Dr Calvin Roskelley, Graduate advisor, Cell & Developmental Biology

Pharmaceutical Sciences (1)

Dr. Jacquelyn Cragg, Assistant Professor   

Sauder School of Business (1)

Dr. John Ries, Professor, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Science (3)

Dr Alex Summers, Associate Head of Grad Affairs & Associate Professor
Dr Alison Lister, Professor
Dr Michael Gordon, Associate Professor, Zoology

Graduate Program Staff (2)

Devin Clemens, GPO, Economics
Richa Sharma, Medicine   

Graduate Student Representatives on Graduate Council (6)

Jalisa Karim
Patricia Unung

Graduate Council By-Laws

By-Laws of the University Graduate Council: April 2014

The following bylaws were approved by UBC Senate on April 16 2014.

University Graduate Council

There shall be a University Graduate Council appointed by and responsible to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The Dean and Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, shall be the Chair of the Council.

  1. Membership
    1. Faculty Members (22)
      1. The Faculties shall select 22 members as described in the Appendix, Distribution of Voting Membership. The selected faculty members must be members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
      2. Each Faculty shall determine its own procedures for selecting its representatives.
    2. Student Members (6)
      1. The Graduate Student Society shall elect 6 members. The elected students must be registered in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
      2. The Graduate Student Society shall determine its own procedures for electing its representatives.
    3. Staff members (2)
      1. Two graduate program staff members shall be chosen by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies from a list of nominees provided by the Faculties.
      2. Each Faculty shall determine its own procedures for selecting its nominees.
    4. Ex officio members (with voting power unless otherwise noted)
      1. The Dean and Vice-Provost.
      2. The Associate and Assistant Deans of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
      3. The Vice-President Students and the Vice-President Research & International or their delegates.
      4. The two faculty members of Senate elected by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
      5. The Registrar (non-voting; Secretary of Graduate Council).
    5. Term of Membership
      1. The term of membership on Graduate Council for faculty and staff shall be three years.
      2. The term of membership on Graduate Council for graduate students shall be one year.
      3. There is no limit on the number of terms an individual may serve on Graduate Council.
      4. If a member must be replaced, then a new member must be selected using whatever procedures the affected unit (Faculty or Graduate Student Society) deems proper.
    6. Periodic Review and Adjustment
      1. The Graduate Council shall review the allocation of members described above every five years and make appropriate changes.
  2. Powers and Duties

Under the University Act, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has various powers and duties relating to the academic quality of graduate studies at the University. Some of these powers are delegated to the Graduate Council, which is constituted as in Section I and which operates as detailed in Section III. The powers and duties of the Graduate Council, acting on behalf of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, shall be:

  1. subject to Senate approval, and appeal to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, to make rules and regulations for the government, direction and management of the Faculty and its affairs and business;
  2. subject to Senate approval, and appeal to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, to determine the courses of instruction and programs in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and to review proposals for changes in such courses and programs;
  3. to advise the Dean and Vice-Provost on scholarships and financial support for graduate students;
  4. to advise the Dean and Vice-Provost on strategic priorities for the continuous improvement of graduate education at the University; and, generally,
  5. to deal with all matters assigned to the Graduate Council by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and by the Dean and Vice-Provost.
  1. Operational Procedures
    1. Meetings of Graduate Council
      1. There shall be at least four scheduled regular meetings of the Graduate Council in each academic session, September through May. A regular meeting may be cancelled by the Dean if there is neither urgent nor sufficient business. The agenda for each regular meeting shall be set by the Dean and sent to the membership of Graduate Council at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
      2. Non-members of the Council may be included in any Council meeting by invitation of the Chair.
      3. The quorum required for the transaction of business shall be not less than one half of the voting members.
      4. The usual order of business shall be:
        1. Approval of Agenda
        2. Minutes of previous meetings
        3. Membership
          • declarations of vacancies and new members
          • ratification of changes to membership of subcommittees
        4. Unfinished Business from earlier meetings
        5. Business Arising from the minutes
        6. Chair’s Remarks
        7. Reports of Standing Committees
        8. Reports of Other Committees
        9. Other Business
      5. Any matter not already on the agenda of a regular meeting may, at the request of a member from the floor of the Graduate Council and at the discretion of the Chair, be included on the agenda under Other Business. Any member may request in writing to the Secretary of the Graduate Council an agenda item for the next meeting of the Graduate Council. A member may give notice of a motion from the floor of the Graduate Council and the motion shall be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting.
      6. The Registrar will perform the same duties for the Graduate Council as for the Faculties.
      7. An additional meeting of the Graduate Council may be called to discuss particular topics. It may be called by the Chair of the Graduate Council at his/her discretion, but with the usual notice of meeting.
      8. On any proposed recommendation(s) of the Graduate Council, an email ballot or a Special Meeting of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for the sole purpose of discussing the proposed recommendation(s) may be initiated by a request from either
        1. 25% of the membership of the Council, or
        2. 5% of the membership of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
      9. There shall be at least two meetings per year of the full membership of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, to allow the Dean to solicit advice from the membership and to report on the operation of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at the University.
    2. Committees of the Graduate Council
      1. The standing committees of the Graduate Council shall include Policy, Curriculum, and Scholarships. Graduate Council may delegate its responsibility to a standing committee by a 2/3 vote. Members of the Graduate Council are eligible for membership on any committee. The Graduate Council may establish standing or ad hoc committees as needs arise.
      2. Every Graduate Council committee shall be free to include additional members, who need not be members of the Graduate Council. Changes in a committee’s membership shall be reported and ratified at the next regular Graduate Council meeting.
      3. The terms of reference of each standing committee shall be approved by the Graduate Council.


Previous By-Laws of the University Graduate Council: 1986 - April 2014

The following bylaws were initially approved by UBC Senate on December 10, 1986. Revisions were approved by Senate on December 12, 1990 and February 22, 2006. The 2006 revisions included a formula to be used in determining representation for each Faculty. Revisions to this formula were approved by Senate on May 18 2011.

By-Laws Relating to the Establishment of the University Graduate Council (1986)

University Graduate Council

There shall be a University Graduate Council appointed by and responsible to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies shall be the Chair of the Council.

I. Membership

1. Faculty Members (75 elected members +2 senators)

a) The Faculties shall select up to 75 members using the formula described in Allocation Formula for Faculty Representation on Graduate Council. Only members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will be eligible to serve on the Graduate Council.

b) The Graduate Council shall review the distribution of these elected members every five years and make appropriate changes.

c) Faculty members of Senate elected by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies shall serve as members-at-large (two at present).

d) Each Faculty shall determine its own procedures for selecting its representatives (see 1.a). In cases where representatives are chosen by an election, only members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will be eligible to vote.

e) The number of selected representatives under 1.a) shall be fixed at 75; only the distribution can change.

f) The selection of faculty members shall be completed by August 15.

2011 revision to formula: Allocation Formula for Faculty Representation on Graduate Council

2006 revision and formula: Redistribution of Faculty membership in Graduate Council

2. Elected Student Members (14)

a) The Graduate Student Society shall elect 14 members. The elected students must be registered in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

b) The Graduate Council shall review the distribution of these elected members every five years and make any appropriate changes.

c) The student member of Senate elected by the students in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies shall serve as a member-at-large.

d) The Graduate Student Society shall determine its own procedures to elect the representatives (see 2.a).

e) The number of elected representative under 2.a. shall be fixed at 14; only the distribution can change.

f) The election of student members shall be completed by August15.

3. Term of Membership

a) The term of membership on Graduate Council for graduate students shall be one year.

b) The term of membership on Graduate Council for the elected faculty shall be three years.

c) The terms of the elected faculty members shall be staggered such that one-third of faculty members are elected each year.

d) Either student or faculty members may be re-elected without limit.

e) The position of a Graduate Council member shall be declared vacant by the Secretary of the Graduate Council when he/she has received notice that the member has resigned, or that the member is going on leave for a period of more than six months, or that the member has been granted disability leave. Any elected member may be granted a leave of absence for up to two consecutive ordinary meetings of the Graduate Council. Any absence without leave for three consecutive ordinary meetings shall result in a declaration of vacancy by the Secretary of the Graduate Council. No one may appoint a proxy to act in the member’s absence.

f) If an elected member (graduate student or faculty) must be replaced, then a new member must be elected using whatever procedures the affected unit (Faculty or Graduate Students Society) deems proper.

II. Powers and Duties of Graduate Council

Under the University Act, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has various powers and duties relating to the academic quality of graduate studies at the University. Some of these powers will be delegated to the Graduate Council, which will be constituted as in Section I and which will operate as detailed in Section III.

The powers and duties of the Graduate Council, acting on behalf of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, shall be:

  1. subject to Senate approval, and appeal to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, to make rules and regulations for the government, direction and management of the Faculty and its affairs and business;
  2. subject to Senate approval, and appeal to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, to determine, and to review proposals for changes in the courses of instruction and programs in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies;
  3. to advise the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies on scholarships and matters associated with graduate research within the University, and
  4. generally, to deal with all matters assigned to the Graduate Council by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

III. Operational Procedures for Graduate Council

1. Meetings of Graduate Council

a) There shall be at least four regular meetings of the Graduate Council scheduled each academic session, September through May. A regular meeting may be cancelled by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies if there is neither urgent nor sufficient business. The agenda for the regular meetings shall be set by the Dean and sent to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' membership at least 10 days prior to the meeting.

b) The quorum for the Graduate Council meetings shall be 60% of the total Graduate Council membership, other than the Chair.

c) Meetings of the Graduate Council are open to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Faculty and others invited by the Chair. Normal business shall be conducted with members of the Graduate Council allowed to propose and second motions, and to vote. During the course of the discussion the Chair may invite comments from the visitors.

d) The usual order of business shall be:

i. Record messages of regret from absentees

ii. Correspondence

iii. Membership – declarations of vacancies and new members

iv. Unfinished business from earlier meetings

v. Minutes of previous meetings

vi. Business arising from the minutes

vii. Chair’s remarks

viii. Reports of standing committees

ix. Reports of other committees

x. Other business

Any matter not already on the agenda of a regular meeting may, at the request of a member from the floor of the Graduate Council and at the discretion of the Chair, be included on the agenda under other business. Any member may request in writing to the Secretary of the Graduate Council an agenda item for the next meeting of the Graduate Council. A member may give notice of a motion from the floor of the Graduate Council and the motion shall be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting.

e) The Registrar will perform the same duties for the Council as the Faculties.

2. Committees of the Graduate Council

a) The standing committees of the Graduate Council shall include Coordinating [Coordinating Committee was abolished by Senate December 1992], Policy, Curriculum, and Scholarships. Graduate Council may delegate its responsibility to a standing committee by a 2/3 vote. Elected members of the Graduate Council are eligible for membership on any committee. The Graduate Council may establish standing or ad-hoc committees as needs arise.

b) When a vacancy on a standing committee occurs or is expected to occur, the Chair of the standing committee shall notify the Coordinating Committee. The vacancy shall be announced in a regular meeting agenda before the vacancy is filled.

c) Every Graduate Council committee shall be free to include additional members, whether they be members of the Graduate Council or not. The majority of the committee must vote in favour of the additional member. The membership addition shall be reported and ratified at the next regular Graduate Council meeting.

d) The Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Council will serve to prepare agenda and background material for the Graduate Council and to perform executive tasks between Graduate Council meetings. The Coordinating Committee of the Graduate Council shall consist of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies as Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, the Chairs of the Standing Committees, and all Associate Deans of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The Vice-Chair shall be one of the Associate Deans of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The Vice-Chair shall also chair the meetings in the absence of the Chair. The Secretary of the Coordinating Committee shall be appointed from the Graduate Council membership.

e) The terms of reference of each standing committee shall be determined by the Coordinating Committee and approved by the Graduate Council.

f) An additional meeting of the Graduate Council may be called to discuss particular topics. It may be called by the Chair of the Graduate Council at his/her discretion on consultation with the Coordinating Committee. An additional meeting must be called by the Chair upon a motion of the Graduate Council carried by a simple majority of those voting.

g) There shall be at least two meetings per year of the full membership of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to approve the awarding of degrees, to allow the Dean to solicit advice from the membership, and to report on the operation of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at the University.

h) On any proposed recommendation(s) of the Graduate Council, 25% of the membership of the Council, or 5% of the membership of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, may request a mail ballot, or a referral to a Special Meeting of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies called for the sole purpose of discussing the proposed recommendation(s).

i) A notice of a Special Meeting shall describe the purpose of the meeting and be given to all members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at least 10 days before the meeting. The Special Meeting shall only concern itself with matters outlined in that agenda. The quorum for any Special Meeting shall be 10% of the members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Graduate Council Standing Committees

Graduate Curriculum Committee


To provide broad academic review of all proposals received from Faculties for new graduate courses and programs and revisions of existing graduate curricula. The Committee is jointly a sub-committee of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' Graduate Council (for review of G+PS curricula) and of the Senate Curriculum Committee (for all graduate curricula).

Curriculum changes approved by the Committee are submitted to the Senate Curriculum Committee, and reported to Graduate Council.

For instructions on how to submit a curriculum proposal, please visit the Preparing Curriculum Proposals section of our website. If you are considering launching a new academic program, there is additional information on new program proposals on the Academic and Provost website.


The Graduate Curriculum Committee is normally comprised of representatives of curriculum committees from each Faculty and a graduate student representative of the Graduate Student Society. 

Faculty Name Contact Info
Applied Science Vacant  
Arts Dr Hedy Law
Dentistry Dr Jolanta Aleksejuniene
Education Dr. Anne Phelan
Forestry Dr Patrick Culbert 
Graduate Student Society Tonje Molyneux
Land and Food Systems Dr Andrew Riseman
Peter A. Allard School of Law Vacant  
Medicine Vacant  
Pharmaceutical Sciences Vacant  
Sauder School of Business Dr John Ries
Science and Committee Chair Dr Norman Hutchinson 
Agenda & Minutes

Documents from previous years can be accessed from the Graduate Council Standing Committee archive.

Academic Policy Committee


To act in an advisory capacity to the Dean & Vice-Provost and to report to and make recommendations to the Dean and/or to the Council as appropriate.

To consider matters of policy referred to it by the Graduate Council or by committee members.

Contact Info
Applied Science
Dr. Davide Elmo
Associate Dean, Education and Professional Development
Dr. Richard Price
Director, Graduate Studies

Dr. Jolanta Aleksejuniene
Assistant Professor, Dentistry
Dr. Dónal O'Donoghue
Associate Dean, Academic and Graduate Studies
Dr. Shannon Hagerman
Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Graduate Student
Patricia Unung
Graduate Student Representative
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dr. Michael Hunt
(ex officio & Chair)
Dean pro tem, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Land and Food Systems
Dr. Sumeet Gulati
Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies


Peter A. Allard School of Law

Dr. Jie Cheng
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Professional Programs
Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Thomas Chang
Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Sauder School of Business Dr. John Ries
Senior Associate Dean, Special Projects

Science Dr. Curtis Suttle
Interim Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies

Scholarships Committee


The Awards and Scholarships Committee responsibilities include:

  • to develop and to periodically review policies, procedures and guidelines regarding the effective administration of UBC merit based Graduate Awards and Scholarships,
  • recommend new, or changes to, existing policies, procedures and guidelines to Graduate Council,
  • evaluate the impact of new scholarship initiatives and policies on the UBC graduate community,
  • to provide recommendations to Graduate Council regarding conditions and eligibility requirements for awards and scholarships,
  • review and endorse new scholarships and when required, forward them to the Senate Committee on Student Awards for subsequent approval,
  • develop and recommend distribution formulas for various funding allocations and scholarship application allocations,
  • are expected to consult widely across disciplinary boundaries to ensure issues are reviewed and understood from the broadest perspective,
  • solicit input from Faculties, Departments and Graduate Programs to help formulate possible solutions to problems,
  • proactively explore means by which scholarship support for graduate students can be increased,
  • act as an advisory forum to enhance graduate scholarships and their effective administration at UBC.
  • Membership

Voting members

Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (ex-officio)

Associate Dean, Funding, G+PS (ex-officio)

Representative of the Graduate Student Society (ex-officio)

Seven faculty members *

In attendance – non-voting

Assistant Dean, Student Administration and Awards, G+PS (ex-officio)

*Seven faculty members will be recommended for appointment to the committee by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and approved by Graduate Council. Associate Deans responsible for the graduate studies portfolio within their disciplinary Faculty/College, or a faculty member designated by their Associate Dean, will serve as members of the committee. In order to ensure breadth, committee membership must always include members from the three broad discipline fields represented by the National Tri-Agencies (NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR). Over time faculty members should be drawn from all eligible Faculties/College to ensure broad and fair representation. Replacement of members should occur on a rolling basis (e.g., members from smaller Faculties rotate on and off committee every three years) to ensure continuity within the Committee and continuing breadth of membership.

Members of the Committee are requested to deliberate and act on behalf of the University as a whole and not as representatives of their discipline. However, it is important that they bring to the Committee’s deliberations a broad range of experience.

Faculty Name Email
Applied Science Dr. Wendy Hall
Arts Dr Matthew Evenden
Education Dr Mark Beauchamp
Forestry Dr Yousry El-kassaby
Graduate Student Society Mr. Yangfan Zhang
Medicine Dr Wendy Robinson
Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr Thomas Chang
Science Dr Mark MacLachlan
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Dr Julian Dierkes
Associate Dean, Funding
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

Dr Susan Porter
Dean and Vice-Provost
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Brendan Morey,
Assistant Dean, Student Administration and Awards
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Ms Anne Broženský,
Killam, Development and Associate Deans’ Assistant


Archive of Graduate Council Standing Committees

For records of minutes prior to June 2022, please review the archive.