Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last namesort descending First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Faculty
Johnson Kate Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Health economics; Health outcomes; Epidemiology Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Johnston Jay Faculty (non-G+PS member) Medical, health and life sciences; Tuberculosis epidemiology; Tuberculosis treatment; Tuberculosis prevention Faculty of Medicine
Kalua Khumbo Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Population health interventions; Infectious diseases; Global health; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Neglected Tropical Eye Diseases; Global Eye Health; Cluster Randomized Trials; Implementation Science; International Global Health; Community Based Research; Clinical trials School of Population and Public Health Faculty of Medicine
Kandlikar Milind Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Climate change impacts and adaptation; Product life cycle; Environmental policy; Research, science and technology policy; Environmental impacts; Climate Change and energy transition; Technological Risk; Technology and Development School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability Faculty of Arts
Kareemi Hashim Faculty (non-G+PS member) Critical care medicine and emergency medicine; Emergency Medicine; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning Faculty of Medicine
Kaur Tejinder Postdoctoral Fellow Tissue Engineering; human skin equivalents; animal-free methods Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kazanjian Arminee Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical biotechnology; Health systems and policy, equitable access to healthcare; cancer survivorship, psychosocial care School of Population and Public Health Faculty of Medicine
Kenne Steve Cyrille Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Calculus of variations, systems theory and control theory; Partial and ordinary differential equations; Mathematical biology; Optimal control theory; Partial Differential Equations; Multiscale modelling of infectious diseases Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Khalili Mahsa Postdoctoral Fellow Medical and biomedical engineering; Wearable Technologies; Assistive technologies; Machine Learning Faculty of Medicine
Khanna Tarun Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Economics; Renewable energy systems (except smart systems engineering); Environmental policy; energy economics; Evidence synthesis; policy evaluation; electricity markets; energy in development; decarbonization of the energy sector School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Faculty of Arts
Kikkawa Ayumu Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) International economics and international finance; Industry economics and industrial organization; international trade; Industrial Organization Division of Strategy and Business Economics Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
Kim Hyosub Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Sensorimotor control; Motor systems; Sensorimotor neuroscience; Sensory processes, perception and performance; Motor learning; motor control; Computational modeling; Bayesian Methods School of Kinesiology Faculty of Education
Kim Kwang Ho Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other engineering and technologies; Forest Bioproduction and the BioeconomyTechnology and Innovation; Biomass conversion engineering Department of Wood Science Faculty of Forestry
Kim Amy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Land transportation systems engineering, n.e.c.; Traffic and highway engineering Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Kim Eric Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health psychology; Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); psychological well-being; Purpose in life / Meaning in life; resilience; Optimism / Hope; Health Psychology; Social Epidemiology; Aging Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts
Kim Ji Eun Faculty (non-G+PS member) Specialized studies in education; Early Literacy Education; Early Childhood Education; Multimodality; Digital books
King Ross Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Historical linguistics, diachronics, and dialectology; Korean philology; history of Korean literary culture; Korean historical linguistics; Korean dialectology; history of the Sinographic Cosmopolis Department of Asian Studies Faculty of Arts
Klein Bern Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mineral processing and beneficiation; Mineral Processing; rheology of mineral suspensions; comminution; sensor based sorting Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Kontogiorgos Vasileios Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Food colloids, gels, foam and emulsions; Food chemistry (including fermentation); Food rheology, food texture and sensory evaluation; Nutraceuticals, functional foods and bioactive; food chemistry; Physical chemistry of foods; Food colloids; Food emulsions; Food polysaccharides; food proteins Food, Nutrition & Health Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Koralesky Katherine (Katie) Postdoctoral Fellow Sociology and related studies; Psychology, social and behavorial aspects; Humane animal treatment; Agricultural biotechnology; Emerging technologies in agriculture; Responsible innovation; Farmer views on animal welfare; Public perceptions of animal welfare; Institutional ethnography; Animal welfare law and policy; Animal sheltering and protection Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Krassioukov Andrei Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other clinical medicine; spinal cord injury, autonomic nervous system, electrophysiology, rehabilitation Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Faculty of Medicine
Kravchenko Sergii Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Composite and hybrid materials; Polymers and plastics engineering; Aerospace materials; Aerospace structures; Polymers and polymer composites; Multi-functional composites; High-throughput manufacturing process modelling of composites; Multi-scale, multi-physics, probabilistic computational modelling of composites; Manufacturing-informed performance simulation of composites; Machine learning methods in composites manufacturing and performance analysis; Composite structures for renewable energy & unmanned vehicles; additive manufacturing Department of Materials Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Krentz Nicole Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Human development and organogenesis; Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.; Human physiology, n.e.c.; Diabetes; Developmental biology; Genetics Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kronstad James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics; Immunology; Microbiology; Plant biology; Mycology; Fungal diseases of plants; Genomics and Proteomics; Medical Mycology; Molecular Genetics; Pathogenesis of infectious diseases; Plant-Microbe Interactions Michael Smith Laboratories Faculty of Science
Krzic Maja Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Soil sciences; Soil health; Soil management; Soil science education Applied Biology, Department of Forest & Conservation Sciences Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Kubota Ryuko Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Specialized studies in education; critical applied linguistics; culture and language; Language Rights and Policies; language education; language ideologies; multicultural education; race and language teaching Department of Language & Literacy Education Faculty of Education
Kumar Gaurav Postdoctoral Fellow Programming in operational research (including linear and nonlinear programming); Transport economics; Operations and supply chain management; Inventory and distribution logistics; Natural resource management; Operations Research; Decision Analytics; Logistics & Supply chain management; Freight Transportation Faculty of Forestry
Kumpulainen Kristiina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Languages and literature; Social sciences; Critical literacies/pedagogies; Digital Literacies; Arts-based research; Multiliteracy and multimodality; Place-based literacies; Storytelling/narrative inquiry; Imagination Department of Language & Literacy Education Faculty of Education
Kunnas Marika Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) French language and literacy curriculum, pedagogy and didactics (except sign language); Bilingual/Multilingual education; Critical intercultural studies; Critical literacies/pedagogies; Decolonizing pedagogies and knowledges; Drama/Theater education; French language education; Race and antiracism; identity; language ideologies Faculty of Education
Kuo Calvin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biomechanical engineering; Medical devices; Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics); Sensing human motion; How humans make sense of their own motion; Sensorimotor Neutrophysiology; Wearable Sensing; Musculoskeletal Modeling School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Laffin Christina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Humanities and the arts; premodern Japanese literature; medieval Japanese history; women's writing; Japanese women's history; travel writing; autobiography; Japanese poetry; Literacy; socialization; wet nursing; narratology Department of Asian Studies Faculty of Arts
Lagresa-González Elizabeth Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Languages and literature; Early modern Literature and Culture; Early Modern Drama; Early modern Visual and Material culture; Queer, Gender and Sexuality studies; Cross-cultural and Comparative studies Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Faculty of Arts
Lague Marysa Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Climate modelling; Environmental monitoring; Atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics; Planetary atmospheres studies; Atmospheric sciences, n.e.c.; Mathematical modelling and simulation; Mathematical biology; Other natural sciences, n.e.c.; Climate Modelling; Land-atmosphere interactions; Climate Dynamics; Climate; Planetary Science; Atmospheric dynamics; Water, Ice, Landscapes; Climate: Science, Change, Action; Earth System Modelling Department of Geography Faculty of Arts
Laher Ismail Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences (except clinical aspects); Cardiovascular diseases; animal models of sleep apnea; Diabetes; exercise; oxidative stress; regulation of small artery tone, mechanisms of pressuce-induced vasomotor responses, exercise, sleep Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine
Lallous Nada Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer drug development and therapeutics; Cancer progression and metastasis; Cancer molecular targets; Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cancer biology; Therapeutics; Protein research; Drug resistance; transcription factors Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Lampe Lutz Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Wireless communication systems; Fibre-optic communications technologies; Coding and information theory applied to communications and networks technologies; Learning and adaptive systems; Radar and sonar signal processing; wireless communications, optical fiber communications, signal processing, machine learning Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Lang Donna Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Structural Neuroimaging; Psychosis; Addiction; cognition; Cardiovascular Function; Microvascular integrity Department of Radiology Faculty of Medicine
Laroussi Farid Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Literatures in French outside Quebec; Literatures and Cultures in French Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Faculty of Arts
Lau Tim Faculty (non-G+PS member) Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice; Infectious diseases; Antimicrobial Stewardship; systematic reviews; Clinical Pharmacokinetics; Clinical Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Laule Cornelia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical physics; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Pathology (except oral pathology); Auto-Immune Diseases; Axons; brain; Central Nervous System Inflammatory Diseases; Cerebral Atrophy; Histology; image analysis; Imaging; Inflammation; magnetic resonance imaging; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; multiple sclerosis; myelin; Nervous System Development; Neurodegenerative diseases; Neurological diseases; Neuronal Systems; pain; Pathology; Schizophrenia; Spinal Cord Diseases; spinal cord; Spinal cord injury Department of Radiology, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Law Hedy Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Opera; eighteenth-century French music; opera; pantomime; dance; gesture; sign; the Enlightenment; Cantonese music; Cantonese opera; Cantonese songs; tone language; global Cantonese music; global music history; gender and sexuality; music and race School of Music Faculty of Arts
Lees Eric Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Electrochemical engineering; Electrochemical synthesis; Continuum modelling; Reactor design; Transport phenomena; Electrochemical separations; CO2 capture and conversion; Continuum and techno-economic/life cycle assessment modelling; Electrochemical reactions and separations; Atmospheric water harvesting Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Lehman Anna Michelle Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Genetic medicine; Inherited Metabolic Diseases; Genes and Gene Therapy; Genetic causes of rare diseases; Genomic sequencing and variant interpretation; Neurodegenerative disorders; Cardiogenetics; Adams-Oliver syndrome Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Lemieux Victoria Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Archival, repository and related studies; Records and information management (except business records and information management); Digital humanities; Blockchain technology and Ecosystems; Trust and Records; Privacy; security; Risk management; Transparency and the public interest (in public sector and financial contexts) School of Information Faculty of Arts
Lerner Jackie Faculty (non-G+PS member) Environmental impact assessment; Land use and environmental planning; cumulative effects assessment; gender-based analysis Faculty of Science
Lester Richard Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Infectious diseases; Digital health; Mobile health (mHealth); Precision Public Health; Patient-centered care; Global Health Division of Infectious Diseases Faculty of Medicine
Li Vicky Postdoctoral Fellow Cancer progression and metastasis; Molecular and cell biology; Integrins; Breast Cancer; Cell signaling; Mouse models; Chick embryo models; Invadopodia; Cancer invasion and metastasis; Neuroblastoma; GD2 Faculty of Medicine
Li Shyh-Dar Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Drug discovery, design and delivery; Nano-technology; biopharmaceutics; drug delivery; nanomedicine; pharmaceutics; Gene delivery and therapy Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lim Chinten James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer progression and metastasis; Solid cancer tumours; Hematological tumours; tumour cell biology; mechanisms of drug resistance; integrin cell adhesion and migration; tumour microenvironment; pediatric oncology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Lister Alison Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Particle physics, experimental; Large Hadron Collier (LHC); ATLAS experiment; Search for physics beyond the standard model; top quarks; dark matter; Machine Learning; Long-lived particles Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
