Division of Neurology
The Division of Neurology is the largest division within the Department of Medicine, with major teaching, research and clinical activities at Vancouver General Hospital, UBC Hospital, and St. Paul’s Hospital. It is nationally and internationally recognized for its clinical and research programs in multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders including dementias, motor neuronal disease, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.
The Division of Neurology is consistently successful in obtaining peer reviewed grant funding from agencies in Canada and internationally. Divisional members make important contributions to both basic neuroscience and clinical neurological literature.
Research Supervisors
Name | Research Interests |
Barton, Jason | Sensory systems, visual; face recognition; neurologic disorders of higher level visual processing; saccade and pursuit control |
Benavente, Oscar | Acute Stroke Trials, Secondary stroke prevention |
Cresswell, Silke | Functional imaging (PETand fMRI) in Parkinson |
Field, Thalia | stroke; Clinical trials; cerebral venous thrombosis; outcomes; cognition; Machine Learning |
Hsiung, Ging-Yuek Robin | Dementia, Cognitive and Behavioural Neurology, Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Music Therapy in Dementia, Genetics of Dementia, Dementia Clinical Trials |
Illes, Judy | Medical biotechnology; Biomedical Ethics; Aging and dementia; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Brain Injury; Stem Cells; Neurotechnology; Neuroethics |
Kastrukoff, Lorne | MS; human immunology and multiple sclerosis particularly T-cell responses and most recently NK or natural killer cell responses |
Kolind, Shannon | Medical physics; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; brain; Imaging; MRI; medical physics; multiple sclerosis; myelin; Neurological Disease; spinal cord |
McKeown, Martin | Neurology; novel treatments for Parkinson's; Video Monitoring Parkinson's; Brain Stimulation; Biomedical Engineering; Machine Learning; fMRI; EEG |
Nygaard, Haakon | potential role for anti-convulsant drugs in treating Alzheimers disease, which have shown promise in preclinical models of the disease |
Pelech, Steven | Neurological disorders (except neuromuscular diseases); Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Adaptive immunity; Medical virology; Protein Microarrays; Protein Kinases; Protein Phosphatases; Protein phosphorylation; Cell signalling; Signal transduction; Cell division; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Neurological Disease; Cancer; Immunology |
Pettersen, Jacqueline | memory; impact of small vessel disease on cognition; role of cerebrovascular disease in Alzheimer |
Robillard, Julie | Health sciences; Medical and biomedical engineering; Psychology and cognitive sciences; Patient experience/patient engagement; social media; Assistive technology; Neuroethics; Brain health technology; Artificial Intelligence; Dementia; mental health; Social robots; pediatrics |
Stoessl, A Jon | Parkinson's disease |
Traboulsee, Tony | Neurology; Central nervous system; Biomedical signal processing; Machine learning; magnetic resonance imaging; multiple sclerosis; Neuromyelitls optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD); Myelin Oligodendrocyte Antibody Disorder (MOGAD); Brain MRI; Spinal Cord MRI |
Tremlett, Helen | Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); multiple sclerosis; Neuroepidemiology; Pharmacoepidemiology; prodrome,; Drug safety and effectiveness; Pharmacogenomics; comorbidities; health administrative data; Gut microbiome; prodromes |
Wang, Yu Tian | Learning and memory, stroke |
Zhou, Lily | Public and population health; Cerebrovascular Diseases; Stroke Epidemiology; Cost Effectiveness of Medical Interventions |