Dependable Software Systems
Master of Engineering Leadership
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department accounts for one-third of the engineering faculty at UBC. Graduate students are provided the opportunity to work with this world class faculty and conduct leading edge research in their field. Graduate students are given access to state of the art laboratories with an outstanding inventory of equipment. Supported by full-time faculty and staff, students are encouraged to push their own boundaries and explore new possibilities. The graduate programs are flexible enough to allow students to create their own educational goals - with faculty approval, of course.
Name | Research Interests |
Aamodt, Tor | Computer architecture; Machine learning; Computer Architecture; graphics processor units (GPUs); Machine Learning |
Abolmaesumi, Purang | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Technologies; Cancer Imaging; Computer Assisted Interventions; Image Guided Surgery; Machine Learning; Medical Imaging; Surgical Robotics; Ultrasound Imaging |
Beznosov, Konstantin | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; computer security and privacy; mobile security and privacy; online social networks security and privacy; usable security and privacy |
Chen, Yu Christine | Engineering and technology; energy systems; Electric power system modelling, control, and operation; Renewable energy sources; electricity markets |
Cheung, Karen | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; additive manufacturing; BioMEMS; Biomedical Technologies; biosensors; microfluidics; neural interfaces; organ-on-chip; Tissue Engineering |
Chrostowski, Lukas | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Optics and Photonics; Micro and Nanoelectronics; Nanotechnologies; Manufacturing Processes; biophotonics; biosensors; optics; optoelectronics; photonics; quantum computing; semiconductor lasers; silicon photonics |
Cretu, Edmond | Nano-technology; Electronics; Medical and biomedical engineering; microsystems and nanotechnology; sensor clusters and networks; Signal processing and control; Ultrasound Imaging; Microinstrumentation; Inertial measurement units; wearable systems |
Desjardins, Adrien | Imaging and sensing, Robotics, Photonics, Ultrasound, Machine learning, Marine and biomedical applications, Development of imaging and sensing modalities and autonomous robotics, Biomedical Technologies, Emerging Micro/Nano Technologies |
Di Matteo, Olivia | Quantum information, computation and communication; Quantum computing: compilation, circuits and algorithms; Tomography and characterization; Open-source quantum software |
Dumont, Guy A | biomedical engineering; automatic drug delivery; mobile health; global health; anesthesia; physiological monitoring;, Adaptive control, predictive control, control of distributed parameters systems, advanced process control, applications of wavelet analysis, biomedical applications of control, pulp and paper process control |
Dutta, Souradeep | Reinforcement learning; Cyber-physical systems; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning |
Fedorova, Alexandra | design of system software: the software that manages the hardware and decides how to allocate its resources to applications; building better performance tools. |
Fels, S Sidney | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Human Computer Interaction; biomechanical modeling of human anatomy; Machine Learning; new interfaces for musical expression; speech synthesis |
Garbi, Rafeef | Bioinformatics; Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Artificial Intelligence; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Technologies; Computer Vision; Deep Learning; image analysis; Imaging; Machine Learning; Medical Image Computing |
Gopalakrishnan, Sathish | computer and software systems, real-time and embedded computing (computer systems as part of the real world); cyber-physical systems, Real-time systems, distributed systems, resource management |
Ivanov, Andre | microelectronics; integrated circuits, computer chip design, smart grid, engineering curriculum, Computer and Software Systems, Emerging Micro/Nano Technologies |
Jaeger, Nicolas A | Integrated-optics, fiber-optics, optical sensors, optical measurement of voltage and current in power substations, ultrahigh-speed electro-optic modulators, ultrahigh-speed measurement techniques |
Jatskevich, Juri | Power and energy systems, smart energy grids, power electronic systems and converter circuits, electrical machines and drives, controls, electromagnetic transients, computer modeling and simulation, distributed and parallel simulation |
Lampe, Lutz | Wireless communication systems; Fibre-optic communications technologies; Coding and information theory applied to communications and networks technologies; Learning and adaptive systems; Radar and sonar signal processing; wireless communications, optical fiber communications, signal processing, machine learning |
Lemieux, Guy | vector processors, parallel programming, programmable logic devices (PLDs, FPGAs), computer architecture, computer arithmetic, custom computing hardware, computer engineering, Programmable logic and computing systems, multiprocessor and computer architecture |
Leung, Cyril | Wireless communication systems; digital communication networks; Wireless communications; network security; ageless aging technologies |
Li, Xiaoxiao | Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Explainable AI; Trustworthy AI; Privacy and Security; Medical image analysis; Bioinformatics |
Liao, Renjie | Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Statistical Learning Theory, Computer Vision, Machine Learning for Programming Languages, Natural Language Processing, Self-Driving |
Lis, Mieszko | Computer and Software Systems |
Madden, John | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; artificial muscle; electrochemical devices; electronic skin; Functional and Intelligent Materials; medical devices; smart materials; supercapacitors; wearables |
Marti, Jose | Computer modelling of response to disasters, Infrastructures Interdependencies Simulation (I2Sim) project, electric power, Energy systems |
Mesbah, Ali | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Programming languages and software engineering |
Michelson, David | wireless communications, Propagation and channel modeling, low profile antenna design, wireless communication system performance, EMI/EMC |
Mirabbasi, Shahriar | Analog and mixed-signal intergrated circuits and systems design, intergrated circuit design with an emphasis on high-speed data communication and signal processing applications |
Nair, Prashant | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Reliability, security, and performance-power efficient memory systems; System-level and architecture-level optimization to enable efficient and practical quantum computers |
Nasiopoulos, Panos | Interactive multimedia (eg, iDTV, DVD), video broadcasting and streaming, multimedia middleware, video indexing and retrieval, digital video watermarking, next generation video and audio processing and compression |
Nojeh, Alireza | Nanostructures (esp based on carbon nanotubes), controlled nanofabrication, electron emission phenomena, electron microscopy, modeling and simulation of nanoscale systems |
Ordonez, Martin | Energy systems, renewable energy, wind power, solar power, battery systems, fuel cells, electric vehicles, smart grid. |
Oya, Simon | Privacy-enhancing technologies; Cybersecurity and privacy technologies; Signal processing for security and privacy; Encryption and cryptography; Mathematical optimization; Privacy; Computer Security; Anonymous communications; Machine learning security and privacy; Searchable encryption; Statistical analysis |
Pattabiraman, Karthik | Software Reliability, Computer Security, Fault-tolerant computing, Software Security, Computer System Reliability, Computer Failures, Safety-critical computer systems, software failures, software faults, hardware faults, hardware failures |
Ripeanu, Matei | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Computer Systems; Data Analytics; distributed systems; Graph Analytics; High performance computing; Social Networks; Storage Systems |
Rohling, Robert | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Medical biotechnology; ultrasound; Robotics |
Rubin, Julia | Computer engineering; Programming languages and software engineering; Computer Systems; software engineering; Software quality, security, and robustness; program analysis; Adversarial robustness, explainability, and interpretability of ML-based systems; Mobile and cloud software |
Salcudean, Tim | Biomedical technologies, Haptic interfaces, teleoperation and simulators, medical robotics, imaging and interfaces, optimization-based design, prostate cancer |
Salfi, Joseph | Quantum Physics; Quantum Information; Solid State Physics; Electronic Transport; Mesoscopic Physics; Nanoelectronicx; Micro Technologies; Nano Technologies; Quantum information science and technology; Quantum computers; Quantum Simulators; Machine Learning; Information security |
Servati, Peyman | Energy Systems, Emerging Micro/Nano Technologies |
Shahrad, Mohammad | Computer engineering; Computing systems; cloud computing; serverless computing; Resource Management; Sustainable computing; data center efficiency |
Shekhar, Sudip | Chip design, radio communication, mobile communication, data links, integrated circuits, photonics, CMOS, wireless, electronics, Internet of Things. |
Stoeber, Boris | Microelectromechanical Systems, MEMS, Microfluidics, Sensor Technology, Biomedical Microdevices, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Microflow Phenomena, Sensor technology, Integrated microsystems for biomedical applications and for environmental control |
Takahata, Kenichi | Biomedical Technologies, Emerging Micro/Nano Technologies |
Tang, Shuo | Biophotonics, biomedical optics, optical tissue imaging instrumentation, optical coherence tomography, multiphoton microscopy |
Thrampoulidis, Christos | |
Walus, Konrad | Nanoelectronic devices and circuits, quantum-dot cellular automata, single-electron transistors, quantum mechanical simulations |
Wang, Zhen | Signal processing theory and applications, bioinformatics |
Wang, Lele | Electrical engineering, computer engineering, and information engineering; Mathematics of data science; Machine Learning; information theory; Coding theory; Combinatorics; Communication theory; Random graphs |