Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last namesort descending First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Faculty
Guenette Jordan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Respiratory diseases; Other biological sciences; Clinical exercise physiology; Cardiorespiratory physiology; Mechanisms and management of breathlessness and exercise intolerance; Chronic respiratory diseases Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Gulati Sumeet Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Agricultural economics; Wildlife and habitat management; Ecological policy; Economics of Human Wildlife Conflict; Economics of Urban Transportation; Effectiveness of Carbon Taxes; Effectiveness of Environmental Policy; International Trade and its Effect on the Environment; Political Economy of Environmental and Trade Policy Food and Resource Economics Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Gustafson Stephen James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Partial and ordinary differential equations; Mathematical physics; Nonlinear partial differential equations; Nonlinear waves; Solitons; Topological solitons; Mathematics of quantum systems; Mathematics of magnetism; Mathematical fluid mechanics Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Haas Kurt Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical and biomedical engineering; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; Brain Circuit Development; Dendritogenesis; Epilepsy; Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Neurological diseases; Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission; Neuronal Computation; Neuronal Modeling; Neuronal Systems; Neuronal and Synaptic Activity; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; Synaptic Plasticity Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences, School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Haase Kristen Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Nursing, n.e.c.; oncology; Older Adults; Geriatric oncology; Health systems research; Mixed Methods Research; Qualitative research; Self-management; E-health School of Nursing Faculty of Applied Science
Hach Faraz Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer; Algorithms and computational genomics; Computational Genomics; biomolecular sequence analysis Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Hacihaliloglu Ilker Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bio-signal processing and analysis; Medical biotechnology; Biomedical signal processing; Image guided surgery systems; Medical and biomedical engineering, n.e.c.; Data analytics and signal processing, n.e.c.; Artificial intelligence (AI); Extraction of relevant information from 3D medical images; Image Guided Surgery; computer assisted diagnosis; Deep Learning; point of care ultrasound; ultrasound image processing; Brain Health; orthopedic surgery; liver disease; lung disease; traumatic Brian injury; neurosurgery; Biomedical Engineering Department of Radiology, Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Haji Faizal Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care safety and quality improvement; Surgical Education; Global Surgery; Simulation in Healthcare; Health Professions Education; Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine
Hall Liam Postdoctoral Fellow Human physiology; Diabetes; exercise; Metabolism Faculty of Medicine
Hallam Steven Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Microbiome; Microbial ecology; metagenomics; Biological engineering; Synthetic biology; Bioinformatics; Machine Learning; Entrepreneurship Department of Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Science
Hallensleben Markus Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Comparative literatures; Other Arts; German Language Cultures and Literatures; Transnational Literatures; Visual Arts and Literature; European Studies; Literature and Sciences; Literature and Migration; Narratives of Belonging; Decolonization and Indigenization Department of Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Faculty of Arts
Hamel Keith Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Music composition; Composition; Interactive Computer Music School of Music Faculty of Arts
Hancock Robert E Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; cationic peptides as anti-biofilm agents; systems immunology Department of Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Science
Harris Douglas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Property law (except intellectual property law); Canadian history; property law; condominium law; legal history; Law & Cities Peter A. Allard School of Law
Hassan Marwan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other physical sciences, n.e.c.; Earth and related environmental sciences; Geological and Geomorphological Processes; Channel Stability,; Fluvial geomorphology; Landscape evolution; Sediment transport; Surface hydrology Department of Geography Faculty of Arts
Hassan Eman Faculty (non-G+PS member) Population health interventions; Social sciences; Access and quality of palliative and end of life care; Quality of end of life; Population health outcomes Faculty of Medicine
Hatef Naiemi Atri Postdoctoral Fellow History of art and architecture; Islamic Art, Architecture, and Archaeology; Early and Medieval Islamic Urbanism; Chinese-Persian Cultural Contacts in the Medieval Period; Byzantine Art and Architecture; History and Archaeology of Central Asia in the Medieval Period; Traditional Crafts in the Islamic World Faculty of Arts
Hawley Alyse Faculty (non-G+PS member)
Heitz Matthieu Postdoctoral Fellow Algorithms and computational genomics; Optimal Transport; Machine Learning; Bioinformatics Faculty of Science
Henderson Sarah Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Environmental and occupational health and safety; wildfire smoke; air pollution; Extreme weather events; environmental health; radon gas; Food safety; Water quality School of Population and Public Health Faculty of Medicine
Hermida Alfred Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Journalism studies; Digital journalism; Media innovation; social media; Transformation of news; Entrepreneurship School of Journalism, Writing, and Media Faculty of Arts
Hermiston Nancy Jane Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Performing arts, n.e.c.; Other medical sciences; opera, voice, theatre, interdisciplinary work with a diversity of fields and opera; Opera training and its effect on sculpting the brain - Wall Opera Project, Hermiston/L/Boyd/J Werker School of Music Faculty of Arts
Hieawy Ahmed Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Endodontics; Dental Trauma; Endodontic Treatment Outcome; Endodontic Microsurgery; Endodontic Instrumentation; Pediatric Endodontics; Endodontic Treatment for Medically Compromised Patients Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry
Hilton Brett Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; neuroscience; neuroplasticity; Axon regeneration; Spinal cord injury Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Hirani Saima Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Mental health nursing; Social sciences; mental health; Mental health promotion; psychosocial interventions; Vulnerable Groups; social support; resilience School of Nursing Faculty of Applied Science
Hodges Nicola Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Sport and exercise psychology; Behavioural neuroscience of learning and memory; action anticipation and observation; coaching and motor skill expertise; skill acquisition; Motor learning; observational learning and instruction; sports skill development School of Kinesiology Faculty of Education
Hodgson Antony Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Image guided surgery systems; computer assisted orthopaedic surgery; Medical Imaging; surgical navigation; orthopaedics; biomechanics; surgical robots; Image Processing; Machine Learning Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Hoekstra Femke Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health sciences; Other social sciences; Implementation Science; Rural Health; Virtual health innovation; Research partnerships Division of Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Hofri-Winogradow Adam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Equity and trusts law; Business, commercial and corporate law; Legal institutions (including courts and justice systems); Legal theory, jurisprudence and legal interpretation; Law and society; Administrative law and regulatory governance; Asian legal studies; Banking and finance law; Business, corporate and commercial law; Civil law; Comparative Law; Law and social justice; legal history; Property and real estate; Tax law and policy; Trusts and equity; Urban and municipal law Peter A. Allard School of Law
Hooper Michael Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social sciences; Urban planning; Urban Policy; Comparative Politics; Spatial Planning and Policy; International development; Disasters; Displacement; Densification; Organizations School of Community and Regional Planning Faculty of Applied Science
Hossin Zakir Postdoctoral Fellow Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Maternal and child health; Social and perinatal epidemiology; Life course epidemiology Faculty of Medicine
Houfani Aicha Asma Postdoctoral Fellow Medical, health and life sciences; Protein Biochemistry; Proteomics Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Hu Allen Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Finance; Corporate Finance; Entrepreneurial Finance; Behavioral Finance; Unstructured Data & Machine Learning in Finance; Information in Financial Markets Division of Finance Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
Huan Tao Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics, n.e.c.; Analytical spectrometry; Metabolomics; Separation science; Cancer progression and metastasis; Human nutrition and metabolism; Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Machine Learning; Bioinformatics Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science
Huberman Isabella Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Indigenous literatures; Environment, space and place; Quebec literatures; Indigenous Literature; Cinema of Quebec; Francophone Indigenous narrative arts; Environmental Humanities; Archives and cinema studies; Quebec-Indigenous studies; Decolonial and anticolonial theory; Research creation Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Faculty of Arts
Hudson Zachary Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Synthesis of materials; Functional materials in materials chemistry sciences; Organic chemical synthesis; Optical properties of materials; Luminescent materials; Organic electronics; Polymer chemistry; Organic chemistry; Organic light-emitting diodes Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science
Huggins Xander Postdoctoral Fellow Earth and related environmental sciences; groundwater science; social-ecological systems; geospatial data science Faculty of Science
Hung Lillian Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Geriatric nursing; Medical and biomedical engineering; Impact of technology and environment on the care experiences of persons with dementia; dementia education; quality improvement; Participatory action research School of Nursing Faculty of Applied Science
Hunt Brian Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology); Biological oceanography; Biodiversity; Ecosystem function; Ecological impacts of climate change; Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); marine food webs; ecosystem oceanography; plankton dynamics; open ocean; Coastal Ecosystems; climate change impacts on the ocean; salmon ecology; food web nutrition; microplastics; stable isotopes; forage fish; zooplankton; Urban oceans; Thiamine defficiency; Stormwater Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Faculty of Science
Hurd Laura Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Sociological methodology and research methods; Sociology and social studies of health, health systems and health care; Aging; Gender; health; ageism or age-based discrimination; sociology of aging; sociology of health; embodiment or embodied experience; body image; chronic conditions or chronic illness; disability; Assistive technology; qualitative methods; media representation; LGBTQ+ aging; intersectionality; information and communication technology School of Kinesiology Faculty of Education
Imran Md Al Postdoctoral Fellow Other environmental engineering and related engineering; Biocement/ Decarbonization/mine tailings stabilization/ Bio-geo-techniques Faculty of Applied Science
Iurascu Ilinca Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Comparative literatures; Theories of cultural studies; Media, visual and digital culture; German literature; Comparative Literature; Cultural Studies; media theory; Media history; critical theory; film studies Department of Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies Faculty of Arts
Jan Eric Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biochemistry; Virus; Nucleic Acids; Proteomics; Antiviral innate immunity; Zika; coxsackievirus; enterovirus; Innate immunity; molecular biology; picornavirus; protease; Protein synthesis; RNA; RNA structure function; RNA virus; ribosome; SARS; tRNA; translation; Virology; virus host interactions; mRNA therapeutics Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Faculty of Medicine
Janssen Sanne Postdoctoral Fellow Other basic medicine and life sciences; Epigenomics Faculty of Medicine
Jean Francois Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical virology; Protein trafficking in cell biology; Proteomics; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Organelle function; Virology; Systems biology; Cellular virology; Emerging human viruses; COVID-19; Host-virus interactions; Broad-based antiviral agents; Antiviral agents; Natural products as antiviral agents; Lipid-modulating drugs; Cellular protease inhibitors; Viral protease inhibitors; Human coronaviruses; SARS-CoV-2; Human flaviviruses; Dengue virus; Zika virus; West Nile virus; Influenza A virus; Human microRNAs; Therapeutic microRNA; Viral and cellular biomarkers; Molecular diagnostics for detecting viral infection; Circulating exosomes; Exosomal microRNAs; Proteomics-based technologies; Multiplexed and Mass Spectrometric quantitation assays Department of Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Science
Jelovica Jasmin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Civil engineering; Mechanical engineering; Finite element analysis; Machine Learning; Metals and Alloys; Production and Process Optimization; Sandwich structures; Solid Mechanics; Stress Analysis; Structural optimization; Ultimate, fatigue and impact strength; Welding and joining of metals Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Jenson Jennifer Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other languages and literature; Digital Cultures and Education; Digital Games; Game-based Learning; Gender; Online Learning; technology; Technology Implementation and integration Department of Language & Literacy Education Faculty of Education
Jenstad Lorienne Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other health sciences; hearing aids; Aging; audiology; hearing health; amplification School of Audiology and Speech Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Jevitt Cecilia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Midwifery; perinatal obesity; weight management in pregnancy; obesity prevention; breastfeeding/lactation; prenatal nutrition Department of Family Practice Faculty of Medicine
Jing Zhichun Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Prehistoric archaeology; Archaeometry; Archaeological theory; Archaeology; Anthropology; Early China; Shang Civilization; Archaeological Science; Early Urbanism; Geoarchaeology; Data Science in Archaeology; Ceramic Petrography; Jade; AI and Archaeology; social sustainability Department of Anthropology Faculty of Arts
