School of Community and Regional Planning

The School of Community and Regional Planning at UBC was one of the first dedicated planning schools in Canada. Founded in 1951, we have over six decades of experience in graduate planning education and research. We work, live and play in one of the most scenic urban settings in the world. Vancouver is home to a culture of environmentalism and pluralism with a long history of activism and action. It is also home to formidable socio-economic problems in the Downtown Eastside and elsewhere. Our work is endlessly challenging and there is no shortage of both issues to tackle, and inspiration to draw from, in our lively and dynamic city.

SCARP pioneered the integrated approach to planning for development. Our Masters degrees have long been accredited by the Canadian Institute of Planners and the American Institute of Certified Planners (SCARP PAB Report 2009 and SCARP CIP Report 2010). We are an associate member of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. (PAB final Assessment report and Accreditation Letter and CIP assessment report). Information on Planning Schools, Planning Education & Planning Careers can be found in the ACSP's Guide to Undergraduate & Graduate Education In Urban & Regional Planning.

Master's Students
Doctoral Students
Graduate Degrees Awarded

Research Supervisors

Name Research Interests
Angeles, Leonora Gender analysis, gender mainstreaming and other gender planning related tools, including feminist critiques and perspectives on the intergration of gender and other social axes of difference and diversity in community planning and international development work
Barudin, Jessica Feminism, Indigenous Planning, EDI perspectives and practice, Health
Binet, Andrew Community development / social planning; Community health and care; Equity; Participatory action research; Participatory planning; Public engagement
Caggiano, Holly
Campbell, Heather Urban and regional planning; how academics can work more effectively with non-academics to enhance impact of research; how academics can work more effectively with non-academics to enhance the relevance of research; how ethical values can be incorporated into public policy relating to city and regional planning
Chang, Stephanie All other social sciences, n.e.c.
Clifton, Kelly transport and land use interactions, travel behaviour, pedestrian modeling, equity in transportation policy
Connolly, James John Timothy
Harten, Julia
Hooper, Michael
Kamizaki, Kuni Architecture; Community development / social planning; Displacement; EDI perspectives and practice; housing; Planning theory
Lim, Theodore Environmental and Climate Justice; Urban Analytics; Sustainability Planning
Low, Margaret Urban and regional planning; Indigenous community planning; Indigenous sovereignty; Reconciliation
Senbel, Maged Urban design, environmental planning, climate change planning, public engagement, urban agriculture, multi-media, social media and youth engagement
Stevens, Mark evaluating the effectiveness of local and regional government land use planning efforts, with a goal of producing new knowledge that can help communities anticipate and adapt to changes according to the principles of sustainable development; plan-making and implementation, growth management, natural hazard mitigation, and legal issues in planning; (1) a study of municipal climate change planning in BC, (2) a meta-analysis of environmental policy adoption, (3) a plan evaluation study of award-winning plans, and (4) a study on the content and delivery of quantitative methods courses in urban planning programs
Tran, Martino systems science, predictive modelling and simulation for understanding and tackling societal challenges in energy and sustainability


Juri Kim

Doctor of Philosophy in Planning (PhD)

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