Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last namesort descending First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Faculty
Bryman Douglas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Particle physics, experimental; Experimental Particle Physics; Applied physics; physics Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Byrne Jeffrey Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Historical studies; Decolonisation; Global History; Revolutions; Africa; Middle East Department of History Faculty of Arts
Byrne Fionn Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Landscape architecture; Design innovation; Landscape studies (except architecture); Landscape design; Landscape ethics School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture Faculty of Applied Science
Cao Yankai Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical engineering; Machine Learning; optimization; Renewable energy systems; Process Control Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Capon Francesca Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Basic medicine and life sciences; Autoimmune Diseases; Pericardial Disorders; Rare diseases; Skin Conditions; Skin inflammation; Bioinformatics Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Caragata Lea Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social oppression and marginalization; Counselling, welfare and community services; Social policy; welfare systems; Poverty; labour markets; lone mothers; social policy; youth provisioning School of Social Work Faculty of Arts
Carvalho Rick Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other health sciences, n.e.c.; Biomaterials; materials interfaces; bonding to hard tissues; materials development Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry
Casas Aguilar Anna Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Contemporary literatures; Spanish Cultural Studies; Catalan Literature and Culture; Gender Studies; Masculinities; Feminisms; Self-writing; Hispanic Cinemas Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Faculty of Arts
Cazottes Emmanuel Postdoctoral Fellow Genomics; Gene regulation; Synthetic biology; Stem Cells; Machine Learning Faculty of Medicine
Cembrowski Mark Steven Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Molecular neuroscience; Mathematical modelling and simulation; Mechanisms of memory in the brain; Anxiety; Big Data; Bioinformatics; Cell types; Computation; Fear; Genetics; modeling; Neural circuits; neuroscience; Neuroscience of memory; PTSD; RNAseq Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Ceolin Gilciane Postdoctoral Fellow Human nutrition and dietetics; Gender studies; Nutritional Epidemiology; Healthy Aging; mental health; social determinants of health Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Chatterjee Suman Postdoctoral Fellow Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications Faculty of Science
Chen AJ Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Corporate Reporting; Disclosures and Governance; Sustainability and Climate Finance; Digital Economy and Value of Data & AI; Financial Intermediaries; Firm Information Environment; Innovation and Product Market Division of Accounting and Information Systems Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
Chen Frances Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health psychology; social connection; social support; stress; coping; conflict and negotiation; hormones; Neuroendocrinology Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts
Chen Sing-Young Postdoctoral Fellow Basic medicine and life sciences; Beta-cell biology; Protein synthesis; Metabolism Faculty of Medicine
Chen Nan Postdoctoral Fellow Medical, health and life sciences; Health economics, Women's health, Resource allocation, Causal inference Faculty of Medicine
Chen Carol Faculty (non-G+PS member) Pediatric cancer; Epigenetics and epigenomics; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Brain Cancer; Brain development; Epigenetics; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Developmental biology Faculty of Medicine
Chen Jiahua Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Statistical theory and modeling; empirical likelihood; finite mixture model; sample survey; asymptotic theory; imputation Department of Statistics Faculty of Science
Chen Yu Christine Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Engineering and technology; energy systems; Electric power system modelling, control, and operation; Renewable energy sources; electricity markets Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Cheong Amanda Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Sociology; migration; Citizenship and Legal Status; Statelessness Department of Sociology Faculty of Arts
Cheung Wai Lung Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Global change biology; Ecological impacts of climate change; climate change; Marine Ecosystems; sustainability; biodiversity; Interdisciplinary Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Faculty of Science
Christensen Carly Faculty (non-G+PS member) Special education and disability; Teacher education and professional development of educators; Inclusive Education; Disability Studies in Education; Disability Justice in Education; teacher education; Deconstructing special education; Universal Design for Learning Faculty of Education
Christenson James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other clinical medicine; sudden cardiac death; chain of survival; out of hospital cardiac arrest; emergency medical services; resuscitation science Department of Emergency Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Ciocca Valter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Auditory System; Perception and Representation; Recognition of Speech; Speech and Language Development Disorders; Auditory grouping of speech and non-speech sounds, also known as "auditory scene analysis"; perception and production of normal and disordered speech School of Audiology and Speech Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Cockle Kristina Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Forestry
Code Jillianne Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Curriculum, pedagogy and didactics; Specialized studies in education; Educational Context; Educational Technologies; Formative assessment; Immersive learning; Learner agency; Learning and Memory; Learning design; Self-efficacy; Self-regulated Learning; Situated and embodied cognition; Virtual augmented and mixed reality for learning; Virtual learning environments Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy Faculty of Education
Collet Jean-Paul Faculty (non-G+PS member) Clinical sciences, n.e.c.; Stress measurement - stress management -; Child development - children with neurodevelopment disability Faculty of Medicine
Conway Edward Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Basic medicine and life sciences; coagulation; Innate immunity; Inflammation; vascular biologh Division of Hematology Faculty of Medicine
Cookson Tara Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Public policy; Development; Social protection; Care work; Gender equality School of Public Policy and Global Affairs Faculty of Arts
Coombs Daniel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mathematical biology; Cellular immunology; Complex physical systems; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Cell Signaling and Infectious and Immune Diseases; Cell biophysics; Disease models; Epidemiology; Immune cell signalling; Mathematics Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Cornelis Jean Thomas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Earth and related environmental sciences; Pedology; Biogeochemistry; Soil-Plant Interactions Applied Biology Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Correia Miguel Faculty (non-G+PS member) Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology); marine conservation; Syngnathid biology; marine ecology Faculty of Science
Cote Nicolas Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Arts
Cragg Jacquelyn Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); data science; open science; Causal inference; Drug Effectiveness; Drug Safety; Epidemiology; neuro-epidemiology; Neurological diseases; Spinal cord injury; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); multiple sclerosis; Parkinson’s disease Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Cretu Edmond Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Nano-technology; Electronics; Medical and biomedical engineering; microsystems and nanotechnology; sensor clusters and networks; Signal processing and control; Ultrasound Imaging; Microinstrumentation; Inertial measurement units; wearable systems Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Cripton Peter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mechanical engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; biomechanics; Cranio-Encephalic and Spinal Cord Trauma; hip fracture; injury prevention; Mechanical Systems; neurotrauma; Spinal cord injury; spine biomechanics; Trauma / Injuries; Traumatic Brain Injury; Sex Differences in Seat Belt Performance School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Cronk Quentin Charles Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Plant biology; botany; taxonomy; systematics; genomics Department of Botany Faculty of Science
d'Arcy Mitch Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Earth and related environmental sciences; Geomorphology; Climate/palaeoclimate; Sedimentology; Geochronology; remote sensing Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science
Dadugblor Stephen Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) English language; Rhetoric; Digital media/social media; democratic deliberation; decoloniality; writing studies; African Studies School of Journalism, Writing, and Media Faculty of Arts
Dai Carrie Postdoctoral Fellow Human computer interaction; human-computer interaction; Accessibility; Social computing; Aging and dementia; Financial technology Faculty of Science
Damascelli Andrea Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter and supraconductivity; Electronic Structure of Quantum Materials Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Daniels Megan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Classical religion; Archaeology of Greece and the broader eastern Mediterranean; Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period; Ancient religion, sanctuaries, votive objects; Cross-cultural interaction; Ancient economies and trade; Divine kingship; Digital/data science approaches to the ancient world, particularly ancient religion; Migration and mobility across Eurasia; Phoenician culture; Ceramic analysis Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies Faculty of Arts
Dao Duc Khanh Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Genomics; Mathematical biology; Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks; Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling; combine mathematical,computational and statistical tools to study fundamental biological processes; regulation and determinants of gene expression and translation; Machine Learning for Biological Imaging and Microscopy; Database development and management; Biological and Artificial Neural Networks for geometric representation Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Dawson Jessica Postdoctoral Fellow Neurodegeneration; human genetics; neurodegeneration; Huntington disease; Genetic Modifiers; Sequence diversity; Triplet repeat disorders Faculty of Medicine
de Jongh Gonzalez Olivia Postdoctoral Fellow Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Parenting practices and styles; Childhood obesity; Health behavior change; Intervention design, implementation, adherence, effectiveness; mHealth apps / interventions; Quantitative Methods; Statistical analyses Faculty of Medicine
Delaidelli Alberto Postdoctoral Fellow Medical, health and life sciences; pediatric cancer; Brain tumors; Neurodegenerative diseases Faculty of Medicine
DeMarco Mari Faculty (non-G+PS member) Other medical sciences; Analytical chemistry, n.e.c.; Biochemistry; Biomarkers; Neurodegenerative diorders; Alzheimer's disease; Frontotemporal degeneration; Clinical mass spectrometry; Parkinson's disease; Lewy body dementia; ALS Faculty of Medicine
Dennis Brittany Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Substance Use; Harm reduction; novel treatments for opioid use disorder Division of Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Dennis Jessica Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics; Genetic medicine; Complex Trait Genetics; genetic epidemiology; statistical genetics; Psychiatric conditions; neurodegenerative disease; Precision Health; Administrative health data; Electronic health records; Machine Learning Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Di Matteo Olivia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Quantum information, computation and communication; Quantum computing: compilation, circuits and algorithms; Tomography and characterization; Open-source quantum software Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
