This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last name | First name | Type | Research Interests | Department(s) |
Faculty![]() |
Ojukwu | Emmanuela | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Health sciences; Social sciences; Humanities and the arts; Racial and gender health disparities and inequities; African, Carribbean and Black Immigrant Health; Women, Maternal-Infant, Youth Health; Psycho-social and Socio-ecologic determinants of health; Mental health, HIV/AIDS and other STIs; intersectionality | School of Nursing | Faculty of Applied Science |
Amini | Kiana | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Materials engineering, n.e.c.; Carbon capture engineering; Chemical engineering, n.e.c.; Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion; Redox Flow Batteries; In Situ Characterization of Electrochemical Processes; Electrolyte Design and Battery Architecture; Multi-Physics Modeling of Electrochemical Systems | Department of Materials Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Kravchenko | Sergii | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Composite and hybrid materials; Polymers and plastics engineering; Aerospace materials; Aerospace structures; Polymers and polymer composites; Multi-functional composites; High-throughput manufacturing process modelling of composites; Multi-scale, multi-physics, probabilistic computational modelling of composites; Manufacturing-informed performance simulation of composites; Machine learning methods in composites manufacturing and performance analysis; Composite structures for renewable energy & unmanned vehicles; additive manufacturing | Department of Materials Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Xia | Guangrui | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Elemental semiconductors; Semiconductor devices; SiGe materials, processing, modeling, and devices, Si photonics, Ge-based lasers, and Ge lasers | Department of Materials Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Elmo | Davide | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | philosophy of engineering; rock engineering; geosciences; Numerical modelling; Machine Learning | Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Maijer | Daan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Metals and alloy materials engineering; Liquid metal processing; Casting processes; additive manufacturing; Directed Energy Deposition; Powder Bed Fusion; Light Metals Processing; Aluminum Alloys; Titanium Alloys; Mathematical Process Modeling: Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow, Mechanical Deformation | Department of Materials Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Hirani | Saima | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Mental health nursing; Social sciences; mental health; Mental health promotion; psychosocial interventions; Vulnerable Groups; social support; resilience | School of Nursing | Faculty of Applied Science |
Cao | Yankai | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Chemical engineering; Machine Learning; optimization; Renewable energy systems; Process Control | Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Tavasoli | Alex | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Chemical engineering; Materials engineering; Mechanical engineering; industrial decarbonization; community-based and/or distributed infrastructure; chemical and materials manufacturing processes; carbon dioxide capture and conversion; photocatalysis | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Bacca | Mattia | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Mechanical engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; Solid Mechanics; Biophysics; Soft materials; Fracture Mechanics and Adhesion | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Imran | Md Al | Postdoctoral Fellow | Other environmental engineering and related engineering; Biocement/ Decarbonization/mine tailings stabilization/ Bio-geo-techniques | Faculty of Applied Science | |
Oya | Simon | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Privacy-enhancing technologies; Cybersecurity and privacy technologies; Signal processing for security and privacy; Encryption and cryptography; Mathematical optimization; Privacy; Computer Security; Anonymous communications; Machine learning security and privacy; Searchable encryption; Statistical analysis | Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Lees | Eric | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Chemical engineering; Electrochemical engineering; Electrochemical synthesis; Continuum modelling; Reactor design; Transport phenomena; Electrochemical separations; CO2 capture and conversion; Continuum and techno-economic/life cycle assessment modelling; Electrochemical reactions and separations; Atmospheric water harvesting | Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Jelovica | Jasmin | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Civil engineering; Mechanical engineering; Finite element analysis; Machine Learning; Metals and Alloys; Production and Process Optimization; Sandwich structures; Solid Mechanics; Stress Analysis; Structural optimization; Ultimate, fatigue and impact strength; Welding and joining of metals | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Ranger | Manon | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Neurodevelopment; Clinical nursing, secondary (acute care); neurodevelopment; Early-adversity; Biomarkers of early stress exposure; Brain development; pain; Prematurity | School of Nursing | Faculty of Applied Science |
Wytenbroek | Lydia | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | History of medicine and health care; Nursing; Nursing/Health History; Gender/Women's History; Social justice; Science and Technology | School of Nursing | Faculty of Applied Science |
Nagamune | Ryozo | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Systems control and automation; Manufacturing engineering; control engineering; data-driven modeling and control; robust and linear parameter-varying control; modeling and control of floating offshore wind turbines and wind farms; modeling and control of metal additive manufacturing processes; modeling and control of solar themal systems; modeling and control of automotive engines; optimization | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
Dutta | Souradeep | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Reinforcement learning; Cyber-physical systems; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning | Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Faculty of Applied Science |
King | Ross | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Historical linguistics, diachronics, and dialectology; Korean philology; history of Korean literary culture; Korean historical linguistics; Korean dialectology; history of the Sinographic Cosmopolis | Department of Asian Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Bloch | Alexia | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Social sciences; migration; Gender; Eurasia; Russia; ethnography | Department of Anthropology | Faculty of Arts |
Victoriano | Ramon Antonio | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Caribbean literatures; Latin American literatures; Contemporary literatures; Hispanic Caribbean Literatures and Cultures; Latin American Contemporary Novel and Short Story; Caribbean Literatures | Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Daniels | Megan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Classical religion; Archaeology of Greece and the broader eastern Mediterranean; Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period; Ancient religion, sanctuaries, votive objects; Cross-cultural interaction; Ancient economies and trade; Divine kingship; Digital/data science approaches to the ancient world, particularly ancient religion; Migration and mobility across Eurasia; Phoenician culture; Ceramic analysis | Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Laffin | Christina | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Humanities and the arts; premodern Japanese literature; medieval Japanese history; women's writing; Japanese women's history; travel writing; autobiography; Japanese poetry; Literacy; socialization; wet nursing; narratology | Department of Asian Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Fisher | Kevin | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Prehistoric archaeology; Anthropology; Archaeological theory; Archaeometry; Archeological Data Analysis; Archeological Excavation Methods and Techniques; architecture; built environments; digital archaeology; Dynamics of Social Transformations; Mediterranean archaeology; Near Eastern archaeology; power; Social Life / Societal Life; social interaction; Urban Spaces and Urbanity; urbanism | Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies | Faculty of Arts |
McCarty | Matthew | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Archaeology; Roman archaeology; Roman history; Africa; Europe; postcolonialism; Marginalized peoples; Religion | Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Martindale | Andrew | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Social sciences; Indigenous Archaeology; Northwest Coast; Oral Traditions; Spatial Analyses; Archaeology and the Law; Political economy; Radiocarbon Dating; Indian Residential Schools | Department of Anthropology | Faculty of Arts |
Beauchesne | Kim | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Literature and literary studies; Colonialism; Latin America; Trans-Pacific Studies; Globalization | Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Palombo | Daniela | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Psychology and cognitive sciences; Autobiographical memories; Cognitive Science; Imagination; Future Thinking | Department of Psychology | Faculty of Arts |
Wu | Helena | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Critical identity, ethnic and race studies; Media, visual and digital culture; Critical film studies; Theories of cultural studies; Globalization and culture; Other cultural studies, n.e.c.; Hong Kong cinema, literature and culture; Asian screen cultures; Media narratives; Creative industry and spectatorship; Identity and cultural flows; critical theory; postcolonialism; Thing theory | Department of Asian Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Maler | Anabel | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Humanities and the arts; music and disability studies; music in Deaf culture; music perception; embodiment and gesture; post-tonal form; intersections of music theory, musicology, and ethnomusicology | School of Music | Faculty of Arts |
Todd | Rebecca | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Cognitive sciences, n.e.c.; Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks; Neurosciences, medical and health and physiological aspects, n.e.c.; Human Cognition and Emotion; Neurophenomenology and participatory sensemaking; Dance as a laboratory for interactive cognition; cognition; Emotional learning; Human Neurocognitive processes underlying all of the above; Learning and Memory; Motivation, Emotions and Rewards | Department of Psychology | Faculty of Arts |
Moss | Laura | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Humanities and the arts; Canadian Literatures; Postcolonial/ Decolonial/ Anticolonial Theories; Climate Fiction and Poetry; Environmental Humanities; Medical Humanities; Literary History | Department of English Language and Literatures | Faculty of Arts |
Lemieux | Victoria | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Archival, repository and related studies; Records and information management (except business records and information management); Digital humanities; Blockchain technology and Ecosystems; Trust and Records; Privacy; security; Risk management; Transparency and the public interest (in public sector and financial contexts) | School of Information | Faculty of Arts |
Hermiston | Nancy Jane | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Performing arts, n.e.c.; Other medical sciences; opera, voice, theatre, interdisciplinary work with a diversity of fields and opera; Opera training and its effect on sculpting the brain - Wall Opera Project, Hermiston/L/Boyd/J Werker | School of Music | Faculty of Arts |
Turner | Hannah | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Archival, repository and related studies; Library science and information studies; cataloguing and classification; Cultural Institutions (Museums, Libraries, etc.); Impacts of New Information Technologies; information practice; museum anthropology; Science and technology studies | School of Information | Faculty of Arts |
McGee | Alexis | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Languages and literature; Black Feminist Theory; African American language, literacies, and rhetorics; Rhetorical theory and composition pedagogy; Rhetorical History; Composition History; Sociolinguistics; Sound (voice) | School of Journalism, Writing, and Media | Faculty of Arts |
Effros | Bonnie | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Humanities and the arts; History of archaeology; Antiquarianism and collecting in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; Late antique and early medieval history and archaeology; Gender history and archaeology | Department of History | Faculty of Arts |
Shamash | Sarah | Faculty (non-G+PS member) | Media arts; Visual arts and media arts, n.e.c.; Global South Cinemas, Indigenous Media, Documentary, Intersectional feminisms, Decolonization | Faculty of Arts | |
Akinwole | Tolulope | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | African literatures; African literatures and cultures; global Black literatures; African screen media; Black geographies; critical and cultural theory; Postcolonial Studies; decolonial studies; literature and infrastructure; automobility | Department of English Language and Literatures | Faculty of Arts |
Laroussi | Farid | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Literatures in French outside Quebec; Literatures and Cultures in French | Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Yoo | Philip | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Jewish studies; Religion and religious studies; Hebrew Bible; Second Temple Judaism | Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Huberman | Isabella | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Indigenous literatures; Environment, space and place; Quebec literatures; Indigenous Literature; Cinema of Quebec; Francophone Indigenous narrative arts; Environmental Humanities; Archives and cinema studies; Quebec-Indigenous studies; Decolonial and anticolonial theory; Research creation | Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies | Faculty of Arts |
Bloemraad | Irene | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Political science; Sociology; migration & mobilities - politics, law, social movements; immigrants and refugees - integration & incorporation; comparative research design & mixed methods | Department of Political Science | Faculty of Arts |
Winstanley | Catharine | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Psychology and cognitive sciences; Addiction; Behavioural neuroscience; decision making; Gambling disorder; Impulsivity; Mental Health and Society; Neuronal Systems; Neuropharmacology; Computational neuroscience; Traumatic Brain Injury | Department of Psychology | Faculty of Arts |
Hamel | Keith | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Music composition; Composition; Interactive Computer Music | School of Music | Faculty of Arts |
Vellutini | Claudio | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Opera; Critical Musicology; Cultural and reception history of nineteenth-century Italian opera; Early 19th century music (opera); Habsburg cultural policies; Historiography; Italian opera in the Habsburg Empire; Performance and staging practices; Vienna opera (first half of 19th century); 19th-century opera singers; Opera and mobility studies; Opera's global dissemination in the 19th century | School of Music | Faculty of Arts |
McCormick | Kelly | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Asian history; Visual theory, visual culture and visual literacy; Modern Japan; History of Visual and Material Culture/Photography; History of Technology; History of Gender and Sexuality | Department of History | Faculty of Arts |
O'Brien | Heather | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | All other social sciences, n.e.c.; user engagement; user experience; community engagement; information seeking and retrieval; information access; cognitive processes related to information searching and evaluation; health technologies | School of Information | Faculty of Arts |
Nathan | Lisa | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Social relations; Critical studies of technology; climate change adaptation; Indigenous Information Studies; Information Ethics & Policy | School of Information | Faculty of Arts |
Hallensleben | Markus | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Comparative literatures; Other Arts; German Language Cultures and Literatures; Transnational Literatures; Visual Arts and Literature; European Studies; Literature and Sciences; Literature and Migration; Narratives of Belonging; Decolonization and Indigenization | Department of Central, Eastern & Northern European Studies | Faculty of Arts |