Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last name First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Facultysort ascending
Johnson Kate Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Health economics; Health outcomes; Epidemiology Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Velenosi Thomas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.; Cancer drug development and therapeutics; Cancer molecular targets; Metabolomics; Lipid biology (including lipidomics); Pharmacometabolomics; Pharmacology; Lipidomics; mass spectrometry; Cancer; Stable isotope tracing; Bioinformatics Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Turgeon Ricky Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease); Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; Heart failure pharmacotherapy; Acute coronary syndromes / myocardial infarction; Cardiovascular risk reduction (lipid-lowering therapy, antiplatelet therapy); Cardiovascular safety of medications; Drug Effectiveness; Evidence-based practice; Shared decision making; Point-of-care decision aids / decision support tools; Knowledge translation / implementation; Risk calculators / clinical prediction tools; Pharmacist scope of practice Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Schummers Laura Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Pediatrics and reproductive medicine; Health Services; Health Policy; women’s reproductive and perinatal health Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Loewen Peter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease); Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice; Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; atrial fibrillation; Pharmacoepidemiology; Thrombosis and Embolism; adherence to medication; Cardiovascular diseases; Arrhythmia; Heart Failure; stroke; Health Care Technologies; Professional Practices; Hematology; decision making; clinical prediction rules; healthcare communication technologies; hospital pharmacy practice; knowledge translation of evidence to patient care; patient complexiometry; patient decision aids; patient education; pharmacy practice; prediction of stroke and bleeding in atrial fibrillation patients; quality of care, quality drug therapy; Shared decision-making; stroke prevention therapy; use of mobile technology for clinical decision-making Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Frankel Adam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other basic medicine and life sciences; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Protein Biochemistry; arginine methylation; Histones; Nucleosomes; post-translational modifications; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; Organic Molecules and Biomolecules; Bioactive Molecules; Proteins; Chemical Biology; drug discovery; Target Engagement; yeast; Amino acids Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lau Tim Faculty (non-G+PS member) Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice; Infectious diseases; Antimicrobial Stewardship; systematic reviews; Clinical Pharmacokinetics; Clinical Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kaur Tejinder Postdoctoral Fellow Tissue Engineering; human skin equivalents; animal-free methods Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Tamber Mandeep Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Surgery; clinical epidemiology; registry research; epilepsy surgery; Hydrocephalus; Craniofacial surgery; pediatric neurosurgery Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine
Janssen Sanne Postdoctoral Fellow Other basic medicine and life sciences; Epigenomics Faculty of Medicine
Kuo Calvin Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biomechanical engineering; Medical devices; Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics); Sensing human motion; How humans make sense of their own motion; Sensorimotor Neutrophysiology; Wearable Sensing; Musculoskeletal Modeling School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
de Jongh Gonzalez Olivia Postdoctoral Fellow Psychosocial, sociocultural and behavioral determinants of health; Parenting practices and styles; Childhood obesity; Health behavior change; Intervention design, implementation, adherence, effectiveness; mHealth apps / interventions; Quantitative Methods; Statistical analyses Faculty of Medicine
Alageel Mohammed Faculty (non-G+PS member) Critical care medicine and emergency medicine; Shock; Sickle cell disease; Resuscitation Faculty of Medicine
Venturutti Leandro Faculty (non-G+PS member) Hematological tumours; Premalignant disease (precursors); Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Cancer progression and metastasis; Adaptive immunity; Autoimmunity; Cellular immunology; Immunogenetics (including genetic immunology); Blood cancer; Lymphomas; Clonal precursor populations; Tumor progression; Tumor dissemination; Extranodal disease; B cells; Immunological memory Faculty of Medicine
Chen Carol Faculty (non-G+PS member) Pediatric cancer; Epigenetics and epigenomics; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Brain Cancer; Brain development; Epigenetics; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Developmental biology Faculty of Medicine
Brunham Liam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Lipids; Genetics; Pharmacogenomics; Cardiovascular diseases Division of General Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Socias Eugenia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Infectious diseases; Clinical sciences, n.e.c.; Infectious disease epidemiology; Immunology of Infectious Diseases; HIV & Hepatitic C care; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; HIV; Tuberculosis; Pharmacology; HIV Prevention; Health Services; Hepatitis C; Tropical Diseases; Vulnerable populations; Gender/sexual minorities; Sex workers; Opioid use disorder; substance use disorders; alcohol use disorders; addiction medicine Division of Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Loucks Catrina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; Pharmacogenomics; Pain management; Medical Genetics; Model organism genetics; Drug reactions Department of Pediatrics, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine
Hassan Eman Faculty (non-G+PS member) Population health interventions; Social sciences; Access and quality of palliative and end of life care; Quality of end of life; Population health outcomes Faculty of Medicine
Collet Jean-Paul Faculty (non-G+PS member) Clinical sciences, n.e.c.; Stress measurement - stress management -; Child development - children with neurodevelopment disability Faculty of Medicine
Dawson Jessica Postdoctoral Fellow Neurodegeneration; human genetics; neurodegeneration; Huntington disease; Genetic Modifiers; Sequence diversity; Triplet repeat disorders Faculty of Medicine
Nelson Brad Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Clinical oncology; Genetic medicine; Cancer immunology and immunotherapy; Cell Therapy of Cancer; Cell therapies; Clinical trials; Oncolytic viruses; T cell engineering Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Brown Carolyn Janet Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Epigenetics and epigenomics; Other basic medicine and life sciences; Gene regulation and expression; Genomics; Developmental genetics (including sex determination); Applied Genetics; Chromosomes: Structure / Organization; DNA methylation; Epigenetic control of gene expression; Gene Regulation and Expression; Genes escaping X-chromosome inactivation; Long non-coding RNAs; X-chromosome inactivation; XIST RNA Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Pavlidis Paul Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Engineering and technology; genomics; Bioinformatics; cellular and molecular neuroscience; Genetics; disorders of the nervous system; single-cell genomics; Computational Biology; Gene regulation Department of Psychiatry, Michael Smith Laboratories Faculty of Medicine
Guenette Jordan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Respiratory diseases; Other biological sciences; Clinical exercise physiology; Cardiorespiratory physiology; Mechanisms and management of breathlessness and exercise intolerance; Chronic respiratory diseases Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Viau Victor Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Basic medicine and life sciences; Sex differences; Stress responses; Glucocorticoids; Inflammation; Behavior; Central Nervous System; Endocrinology Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Wiens Matthew Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Global health; Sepsis; Prediction modelling; Epidemiology; Pediatric infectious diseases; Post-discharge outcomes; Global Health; Digital health Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine
Ardern Clare Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electronic health (e-Health); Mobile health (mHealth); Patient and citizen engagement research; Health equity; Physical therapy; Sports medicine; Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; Orthopedics; Sex and gender-based analysis; musculoskeletal conditions; Digital health; eHealth; orthopaedics; sports medicine; rehabilitation; meta-science; peer review; research impact Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Selvanathan Thiviya Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; neurodevelopment in newborns; early-life brain injury; Brain development; Neuroimaging; Prematurity; congenital heart disease; neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Cripton Peter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mechanical engineering; Medical and biomedical engineering; biomechanics; Cranio-Encephalic and Spinal Cord Trauma; hip fracture; injury prevention; Mechanical Systems; neurotrauma; Spinal cord injury; spine biomechanics; Trauma / Injuries; Traumatic Brain Injury; Sex Differences in Seat Belt Performance School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Balevi Ben Faculty (non-G+PS member) Dentistry and oral health, n.e.c.; EBM Faculty of Medicine
Hall Liam Postdoctoral Fellow Human physiology; Diabetes; exercise; Metabolism Faculty of Medicine
Shahidi Neal Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Gastroenterology; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Large non-pedunculated colorectal polyp; Polyposis; Colorectal neoplasia; Endoscopic resection; Early esophageal cancer; Early gastric neoplasia; Barrett's esophagus Division of Gastroenterology Faculty of Medicine
Hach Faraz Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer; Algorithms and computational genomics; Computational Genomics; biomolecular sequence analysis Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Fong Anthony Faculty (non-G+PS member) Medical, health and life sciences; Media and communications; disaster medicine; health journalism Faculty of Medicine
Kalua Khumbo Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Population health interventions; Infectious diseases; Global health; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Neglected Tropical Eye Diseases; Global Eye Health; Cluster Randomized Trials; Implementation Science; International Global Health; Community Based Research; Clinical trials School of Population and Public Health Faculty of Medicine
Li Vicky Postdoctoral Fellow Cancer progression and metastasis; Molecular and cell biology; Integrins; Breast Cancer; Cell signaling; Mouse models; Chick embryo models; Invadopodia; Cancer invasion and metastasis; Neuroblastoma; GD2 Faculty of Medicine
Minchinton Andrew Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Medicine
Reebye Rajiv Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Medicine
Haas Kurt Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical and biomedical engineering; Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Autism; Brain Circuit Development; Dendritogenesis; Epilepsy; Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Neurological diseases; Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission; Neuronal Computation; Neuronal Modeling; Neuronal Systems; Neuronal and Synaptic Activity; Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration; Synaptic Plasticity Department of Cellular & Physiological Sciences, School of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Medicine
Friedman Jan Marshall Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other clinical medicine; Genetic medicine; Genomics; Health counselling; Application of whole genome sequencing to diagnose genetic disease; Birth defects epidemiology; Clinical genomics; Developmental Genetics; Genetics and Heredity; Neurofibromatosis Department of Medical Genetics Faculty of Medicine
Sutherland Jason Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Health care administration; Access to care; Healthcare costs; Health systems; Patient-Reported Outcomes; Quality; Surgery School of Population and Public Health Faculty of Medicine
Sadarangani Manish Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Immunology; Microbiology; Clinical sciences; Antimicrobial resistant bacteria; Bacterial Vaccines; Childhood infections; Epidemiology; Immune System; Vaccine Development; Vaccine immunity; Clinical trials and observational studies Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Gerrie Alina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Clinical medicine; Lymphoid Cancer; Leukemia; genomics; Population-based outcomes; Cellular therapy; Quality of life; Survivorship Division of Medical Oncology Faculty of Medicine
Lallous Nada Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer drug development and therapeutics; Cancer progression and metastasis; Cancer molecular targets; Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cancer biology; Therapeutics; Protein research; Drug resistance; transcription factors Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Wiens Matthew Faculty (non-G+PS member) Global health; Sepsis; Prediction modelling; Epidemiology; Pediatric infectious diseases; Post-discharge outcomes; Global Health; Digital health Faculty of Medicine
Thompson Wade Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health services and systems; ensuring older persons are taking medications that are a good fit; deprescribing; polypharmacy Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine
Quantz Darryl Faculty (non-G+PS member) Other medical sciences; Social sciences; planetary health, climate justice, sustainable health care Faculty of Medicine
Mitra Souvik Faculty (non-G+PS member) Neonatology; Neonatal intensive care; Extreme prematurity; Preterm hemodynamics; Randomized Controlled Trials; Evidence-based medicine Faculty of Medicine
Sladen Douglas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; cochlear implantation among children and adults School of Audiology and Speech Sciences Faculty of Medicine
