Award Opportunities

Award Name Deadline Summary
BC NEIHR Indigenous Graduate and Postdoctoral Funding Likely in February 2025 The BC NEIHR supports Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) graduate students and postdoctoral fellows by annual competitions for Master’s and Doctoral scholarships and biennial (every two years) for Post-Doctoral fellowships.
Canadian Water Resources Association Scholarship Likely in February 2025 The Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) annually offers five scholarships to graduate students whose programs of study focus on applied, natural, or social science aspects of water resources.
WorkSafeBC Research Training Awards Likely in February 2025 WorkSafeBC Research Training Awards are intended to enable highly qualified Masters and PhD students to undertake full-time research training with a focus on preventing and/or reducing occupational illness, injury, and disability in British Columbia.
J.A. Campbell Young Investigator Award Likely in February 2025 The J. A. Campbell Young Investigator Award of $5,000 for any kind of research into Celiac Disease and / or Gluten Sensitivity is available to students and those who have recently completed degrees.
J.A. Campbell Research Award Likely in February 2025 A grant to a maximum of $25,000 is offered for research projects in Canada of a scientific, applied science, and/or medical nature relevant to celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, and/or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or the socio-economic implications of delayed diagnosis and/or living with this conditions. The CCA is open to all types of relevant research and is not restricted to medical research.
Hugh C. Morris Experiential Fellowship Likely in February 2025 The Hugh C. Morris Experiential Fellowship will be awarded to a Masters or Doctoral student who exhibits excellence in research and seeks to further their knowledge through a program of experiential learning.
Indigenous Graduate Fellowships (IGF) 5th Year Award Likely in February 2025 An $18,200 per annum stipend plus tuition is awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to full-time Indigenous Doctoral students from all disciplines to fund their 5th year of study.
Indigenous Graduate Fellowships Likely in February 2025 Multi-year fellowships are offered to Indigenous graduate students.
Indigenous Graduate Fellowships (IGF) Research & Engagement Award Likely in February 2025 Funding in support of research and travel expenses is awarded to current holders of the Indigenous Graduate Fellowship award in full-time Master's or Doctoral Programs in any discipline, whose work will contribute directly or indirectly to community engagement and relationship building with Indigenous communities.
SSHRC Talent Award Likely in February 2025 The SSHRC Talent Award recognizes outstanding achievement by a current SSHRC doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship or scholarship holder. The Talent Award is given to an individual who maintains academic excellence, has a talent for research and knowledge mobilization and has demonstrated clear potential to be a future leader within and/or outside the academic sector. One Talent Award will be awarded by SSHRC from the nominations submitted by Canadian universities.
Maple Leaf Scholarship in Food Insecurity Likely in February 2025 Four scholarships are distributed each year beginning in the 2020/2021 academic year, to support Master or PhD students who propose to advance a better understanding of food insecurity in Canada.
Health System Impact Fellowship Likely in February 2025 The Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship provides doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows studying health services and policy research, or related fields, a unique opportunity to apply their research and analytic talents to critical challenges in health care.
UBC Dissertation Prize Likely in March 2025 Three prizes of $1,000 each have been made available annually by the University of British Columbia for students whose doctoral dissertations are of exceptional quality and originality, and make a significant contribution to their academic field.
The International Development and Diplomacy Internship Programme Likely in March 2025 This internship programme is offered by United Nations Association in Canada’s (UNA-Canada) International Development & Diplomacy Internship Programme (IDDIP) to university graduates from many disciplines including: international affairs (relations), peacekeeping and peace building, political science, economics, history, women’s studies, public policy, geography, environmental studies, anthropology, sociology, law, the sciences, engineering, languages, etc.who demonstrate that they have an active interest in the work of the United Nations and UN-related issues.
Neporany Doctoral Fellowship Likely in March 2025 The Neporany Doctoral Fellowship, offered by the Canadian Foundation for Ukranian Studies, will be awarded to one or more doctoral students specializing on Ukraine in political science, economics, and related fields (social sciences and political, economic, and social history).
Charles D. Gonthier Research Fellowship Likely in March 2025 The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice provides funds for a $7500 Research Fellowship in order to support research related to the Institute's annual conference theme. The completed research is expected to be presented at the Institute’s annual conference and published with its proceedings. Open to faculty and graduate students at Canadian universities.
The ENTELLIGENCE Young Investigator Program Likely in March 2025 The ENTELLIGENCE program provides opportunities for individual young investigators to promote quality medical care and enhance patients' lives by supporting research (basic science, translational and clinical research) in the area of pulmonary hypertension (PH) related to expanding our knowledge of the pathways involved in pulmonary vascular pathobiology and ultimately, to improve treatment for patients with pulmonary hypertension.
Canadian Liver Foundation Graduate Studentships Likely in March 2025 The objective of the Canadian Liver Foundation (CLF) is to provide support for research and education into the causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver. Graduate Studentships and Summer Studentships are intended for scientists-in-training who are working towards obtaining their Masters or Ph.D. and whose research projects are related to liver diseases.
CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards Likely in March 2025 The CAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards recognize Canadian doctoral dissertations that make unusually significant and original contributions to their academic field.
Douglas McRorie Memorial Scholarship Likely in March 2025 The Douglas McRorie Memorial Scholarships are awarded to agricultural post-graduates majoring in agricultural business, economics, finance or trade. Candidates must hold Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Residence status in Canada and be enrolled in their graduate program until at least one semester beyond the application deadline.
UBC Public Scholars Award Likely in March 2025 This award is intended to build connections, community, and capacity for doctoral students who are interested in explicitly linking their doctoral work to an arena of public benefit and integrating broader and more career-relevant forms of scholarship into their doctoral education process.
Friedman Award for Scholars in Health Likely in March 2025 The Friedman Award for Scholars in Health supports learning and research opportunities for graduate students or medical residents working in the broad area of health, to bring new perspectives to their education and further their career.
Governor General's Gold Medal Likely in March 2025 Gold medals are awarded to the graduating students with the most outstanding academic records in a doctoral degree and in a Master's degree with thesis.
Dan David Prize Scholarship Likely in March 2025 The Dan David Prize awards scholarships to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, carrying out research in one of the selected fields for the current year.
EduCanada Study in Canada Scholarships Likely in March 2025 Study in Canada Scholarships provide students from post-secondary institutions located in the new eligible countries/territories with short-term exchange opportunities for study or research in Canadian post-secondary institutions at the college, undergraduate and graduate levels.
