BC NEIHR Indigenous Graduate and Postdoctoral Funding


Likely in February 2025

Annual Value

Master's: $17,500, Doctoral: $35,000, Postdoctoral: $59,398


Permanent Resident

Degree Level


To develop research skills and assist with student burdens related to financial, family, community and cultural responsibilities, the BC NEIHR supports Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) graduate students and postdoctoral fellows by annual competitions for Master’s and Doctoral scholarships and biennial (every two years) for Post-Doctoral fellowships.

Scholarships include:

  • BC NEIHR Master’s Scholarship Program, $17,500
  • BC NEIHR Doctoral Scholarship Program, $35,000
  • BC NEIHR Doctoral Scholarship Renewal Program, $35,000
  • Research Experience Award, $2,000
  • BC NEIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, $59,398 per year

Further Information

For more information, visit the website https://onlineacademiccommunity.uvic.ca/bcneihr/graduate-and-post-doctor... or email the Network Coordinator at bcneihr@uvic.ca


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