
Excel within grad school by accessing tools, strategies, and resources, beyond disciplinary knowledge and expertise that can help with timely completion of your program.



Title Description Provider
Writing Consultations

The Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication supports a diverse community of writers at UBC, at various levels of proficiency, across many types of graduate student writing situations: academic, creative, professional, and technical. Consider booking a one-on-one appointment (in-person or written feedback) with a peer writing consultant to support your writing projects.  

Visit their website to learn more about hours, how to prepare for, and to book, a writing consultation.

Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication
One-to-One Assistance

Consultations are available for Citation Management, NVivo, SPSS, R, Digital Scholarship, and GIS. Appointments are available in 30-minute or 1-hour increments. To request an appointment, visit this page and book your chosen consultation.

Library Research Commons
Subject Librarian Consultation

Subject Librarians serve as the primary liaison between the Library and the academic departments on campus. They provide skilled reference assistance, manage the library's collections and provide instructional support to faculty.

UBC Library
The Monday Motivator

This weekly email provides positive energy and a productivity tip, with concrete and actionable steps to help with your week or semester.  Sign up when registering!

Register through UBC's subscription.

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
14-Day Writing Challenge

The 14-Day Challenge is an opportunity for you to experiment with daily writing, online community, and supportive accountability. Join the site through UBC's subscription.  The next challenge is:

February 24 - March 9.  Register by Feb 14.

It's very simple...

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
Free Statistics Consulting

The Statistical Opportunity for Students (SOS) program provides one hour of free statistical advice, based on a submitted project description, to any UBC graduate student.  Visit the SOS program page for full details. The SOS program is made possible through funding support from the Office of the Provost and Vice President, Research and Innovation.

Applied Statistics and Data Science Group
Drop-in Advising: Research Ethics

Looking for expert answers to your questions about your research ethics application? Staff from the Office of Research Ethics are available for consultations by phone or Zoom.

Email with a brief description of your query topic (and the Ethics ID, if available) and she will forward your request to the appropriate person

Office of Research Ethics
Grad Student Support Group

About the group

Are you a graduate student? Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or challenged in balancing work and life? This in-person support group is for graduate students to connect with each other in a non-judgmental and welcoming space to help navigate the unique challenges of grad school.

Wellness Centre, Counselling Services


Title Description Provider
Individual Development Plan, Sciences

My IDP is a unique, web-based career-planning tool tailored to meet the needs of PhD students and postdocs in the sciences.  This website was developed by AAAS/Science, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), and experts from several universities (see authors on their site). 
Note: This website is not hosted in Canada, and your personal information may be stored or accessed outside of Canada.

UBC Career Centre, Graduate Pathways to Success
Individual Development Plan, Humanities and Social Sciences

ImaginePhD is a free online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. The ImaginePhD project is powered by the Graduate Career Consortium (; GCC).
Note: This website is not hosted in Canada, and your personal information may be stored or accessed outside of Canada.

UBC Career Centre, Graduate Pathways to Success
Individual Development Plan, Health

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has developed an online Individual Development Plan (IDP) and resources.  The IDP is a tool that supports graduate students and PDFs in actively preparing for the career(s) of their choice by exploring career paths, establishing career goals, and identifying skill gaps, culminating in an action plan to achieve their career goal(s).

UBC Career Centre, Graduate Pathways to Success
Statistics Webinar Series

This statistics webinar series is annually presented by the Applied Statistics and Data Science Group. Recordings and descriptions of each session are provided.

Applied Statistics and Data Science Group, Graduate Pathways to Success
Dissertation Success Curriculum

The 12-week Dissertation Success online, on-demand Program is designed for doctoral candidates who are focused on finishing their dissertation. Each module includes a recorded training video and resources.

Register with the University of British Columbia's subscription to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity.

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
Writing with Integrity

A short video in which Drs Susan Porter and Beth Haverkamp discuss the importance of writing with integrity (the importance of writing and contributing new knowledge and scholarship with integrity; avoiding plagiarism)

Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication, Graduate Pathways to Success
Video Guides to Writing and Research

A series of videos to introduce students to the fundamentals of academic writing and research: “Writing in Situations”, An interview with Dr. Anthony Paré plus
5 videos (“The Writing Process”, “The Prewriting Stage”, “The Writing Stage”, “The Revision Stage”, and “Managing Time to Write”) featuring conversations with 4 graduate students from Chemistry, Civil Engineering, English Literature, and Linguistics.  (Playlist)

Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication, Graduate Pathways to Success
Science Writing Resources

Study guides, videos, and quizzes to help with Communicating Science, Finding, Integrating, and Citing Sources, Grammar and Style, Developing an Effective Writing Process, and more.  There are also resources, including podcasts, that provide strategies for teaching writing, grading assignments, using peer review, giving feedback, and more.

Science Writing Resources for Learning (ScWRL)
Scholarships and awards_Presentation materials

Applying for graduate scholarships or awards? Past presentation materials and webinar recordings provide you with guidance.  You may also find the tips and best practices helpful.

Graduate Pathways to Success
Good Clinical Research Practice Courses, Online

Available online, on-demand are courses on Good Clinical Practice, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), Biomedical Research Ethics, Social and Behavioral Research, Transportation of Dangerous Goods TDG/IATA, Health Canada Division 5 - Drugs For Clinical Trials Involving Human Subjects, and CITI Canada Privacy.  These are available through a UBC subscription and are free to UBC students, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty.

N2 Network of Networks
Planning for your Doctoral Exam

To help prepare you for a smooth examination process, the doctoral exams team provides tools and resources including a checklist, sample workplan, and past presentation materials and recordings to help you map out a timeline for your final doctoral examination.

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Graduate Pathways to Success
Thesis Preparation and Submission

Finishing your thesis or dissertation?  G+PS provides sample templates, checklists, past presentation materials and recordings, as well as information on how to submit your thesis for review and final submission.

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Graduate Pathways to Success
Bookable Project Rooms: Koerner Library Research Commons

The Research Commons’ in Koerner Library (1958 Main Mall) has several project rooms (Rm 454, 456, 495, 496, 499, 553, and 555) bookable through the Library Room Booking System, to study and work in a private space.  Use of rooms is restricted to UBC graduate students and faculty, and your UBC card is needed for entry.  Each Project Room includes whiteboards, touchscreen control

Library Research Commons, UBC Library
WriteNow, online supportive writing community

This program ($245US), exclusively for graduate students and postdocs, offers 12 weeks of access to the WriteNow platform and timer for increased writing productivity, goal setting, and community support.

Join NCFDD through UBC's subscription then learn more about the WriteNow program, including future offerings. 

What to expect:

Every Day (Monday - Friday):

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
Bookable Study Space_Irving K Barber Learning Centre

The UBC Library provides several bookable study spaces in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Rooms are available to book for students, faculty, or staff members for: 2 hours per day, 2 times a week, and up to 7 days in advance.

Learn more or book:

UBC Library
Responsible Conduct of Research Course_Foundations

Developed by UBC's Scholarly Integrity Initiative in the Office of the VP, Research + Innovation, the Foundations of Responsible Research is a self-paced course which aims to increase understanding of our responsibility as UBC scholars, provides an opportunity to reflect on our own research practices, and to practice navigating ethical dimensions of research using a systematic decision-making framework.

Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation
Open Education Resources, Workshop Materials

Check out this page for handouts and materials from sessions on citation management, Data Analysis and Management, Literature Reviews, NVivo, R, GitHub, GIS, Dissertation/Thesis Formatting, Copyright, and more.

Library Research Commons
Academic Integrity Resources for an Educative Approach

Check out this page for numerous resources and supports for both students and instructors. In particular, there are several relevant Canvas modules including:

Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication
Library Orientation for Graduate Students in 30 minutes_Links, Materials

This library GitHub page , called "Graduate Student Orientation to the Library in 30 minutes" , includes information on library resources and services such as the reseach commons, guides and events as well as links to electronic resources such as databases and open access resources.

UBC Library
GPS Workshop Materials, Recordings

Materials, handouts, and recordings from many past Graduate Pathways to Success sessions, including our career and statistics series, are posted online here (cwl login required)

Graduate Pathways to Success
