National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

At UBC, we subscribe to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (  Register to become a member and you will have access to their Monday Motivator email which offers tips and strategies for helping you thrive in academia.  You will also have access to their 12-week, on demand, Dissertation Success Program (modules on writing habits and process, overcoming perfectionism, assessment, and more), Hidden Handbook (Revealing the Hidden Curriculum to Support Academics' Success), guest webinars and multi-week online courses.



Title Description Theme
The Monday Motivator

This weekly email provides positive energy and a productivity tip, with concrete and actionable steps to help with your week or semester.  Sign up when registering!

Register through UBC's subscription.

Academic, Writing and Communication
14-Day Writing Challenge

The 14-Day Challenge is an opportunity for you to experiment with daily writing, online community, and supportive accountability. Join the site through UBC's subscription.  The next challenge is:

February 24 - March 9.  Register by Feb 14.

It's very simple...

Academic, Writing and Communication


Title Description Theme
Dissertation Success Curriculum

The 12-week Dissertation Success online, on-demand Program is designed for doctoral candidates who are focused on finishing their dissertation. Each module includes a recorded training video and resources.

Register with the University of British Columbia's subscription to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity.

Academic, Health and Wellbeing, Writing and Communication
WriteNow, online supportive writing community

This program ($245US), exclusively for graduate students and postdocs, offers 12 weeks of access to the WriteNow platform and timer for increased writing productivity, goal setting, and community support.

Join NCFDD through UBC's subscription then learn more about the WriteNow program, including future offerings. 

What to expect:

Every Day (Monday - Friday):

Academic, Writing and Communication
Hidden Handbook

A mini-series of short videos (5 - 10 mins each), to provide quick tips for success in a variety of areas across the academic sphere. Join for free with UBC's subscription, then watch.

Chapter 1: Accountability Matters: When it comes to research and writing, accountability matters. This video highlights three ways to increase academics’ accountability and boost their research productivity.

Academic, Health and Wellbeing, Research, Working with others, Writing and Communication