Award Opportunities

Award Name Deadline Summary
Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research - Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC) Likely in November 2025 Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research - Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC) is a one-year national interdisciplinary training program funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF) with representation from the disciplines of Family Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Education. This training program is aimed at students and their supervisors from Canadian universities who are interested in interdisciplinary primary health care research. Trainees will have a primary Mentor who will offer leadership and guidance to participants until they are established primary health care researchers.
PEO Scholar Award Likely in November 2025 The P.E.O. Scholar Awards (PSA) program was established in 1991 to provide substantial merit-based awards for women of the United States and Canada who are pursuing a doctoral level degree at an accredited college or university.
IBM PhD Fellowship Award Likely in November 2025 Since 1951, the IBM PhD Fellowship Program has collaborated with faculty, students and universities by recognizing and supporting exceptional PhD students that address focused areas of interest in technology.
Canada-US Fulbright Program Likely in November 2025 The Canada-US Fulbright Program is a bi-national program of educational exchange, with a mandate to enhance mutual understanding between the people of Canada and the people of the United States of America. Available to graduate students, faculty, professionals and independent researchers, successful applicants conduct research, lecture, or enroll in formal academic programs in the United States. Fulbright Canada offers various scholarship awards within this program, with further information on the various award opportunities made available through the Canada-US Fulbright Program website.
Karl C. Ivarson Agricultural Scholarship Likely in November 2025 This scholarship is open to agricultural science students from the province of Alberta. Students may be enrolled in any post-secondary institution within or outside the province of Alberta. Candidates must hold Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Residence status in Canada and be enrolled in their graduate program for at least one semester beyond the application deadline.
Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship Likely in November 2025 Zonta International’s Amelia Earhart Fellowships memorialize famed air pioneer and Zontian, Amelia Earhart, who disappeared over the Pacific in 1937. By remembering Amelia Earhart through this fellowship, Zonta International encourages and supports women to expand their horizons by pursuing degrees and careers in aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering.
Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship Likely in November 2025 Trudeau Scholarships are awarded each year to support highly gifted and actively engaged doctoral students pursuing research in one or more of the four themes: Human Rights and Dignity, Responsible Citizenship, Canada in the World and People and their Natural Environment.
Future Forests Fellowship Likely in November 2025 An annual $70,000 fellowship has been established by a private grant-making foundation. This prestigious fellowship will be awarded to an incoming PhD student in the Faculty of Forestry whose intended studies fit within one of the following areas of excellence within the Faculty: Forest Products Biotechnology; Bioenergy; Forest Genomics; Climate Change; Urban Forestry; Forest Management; Conservation; Forested Landscapes; Salmon Ecology; Forest Health; Forests and Indigenous Peoples; Forests and Human Health. The fellowship holder will receive this funding for up to four years and only one student may be in receipt of the fellowship at a time. The fellowship will be awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Forestry in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Linda Michaluk Scholarship Likely in November 2025 The Linda Michaluk Scholarship of $2,500 is awarded annually by the College of Applied Biology to full-time students enrolled in a Canadian post-graduate program of study that is relevant to the advancement of science-informed decision making, or to the development of laws and regulations that affect the practice of natural resource management.
Robert Caton and David Bates Scholarships Likely in November 2025 Funding is available through the Robert Caton and David Bates Scholarships to support graduate level students with high ideals, demonstrated interest in studies relating to atmospheric sciences, air quality and health or policy and specific goals leading to future work in that field.
Affiliated Fellowships Master's Program Likely in December 2025 The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies offers Affiliated Fellowships each year to current and prospective full-time UBC-Vancouver graduate students regardless of citizenship or visa status.
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme Likely in December 2025 The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's institutions.
Strengthening Mothers through Perinatal Research Award Likely in December 2025 A $1,650 award is offered for graduate students pursuing research into woman-centered, holistic and physiologic maternity care
Google Lime Scholarship Likely in December 2025 The Google Lime Scholarship provides funding and networking retreats for computer science students with disabilities.
PEO International Peace Scholarship Likely in December 2025 The International Peace Scholarship Fund is a program which provides scholarships for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada.
Canada Graduate Scholarships Master’s (CGS M) Program Likely in December 2025 The objective of the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master's (CGS M) Program is to help develop research skills and assist in the training of high-calibre scholars who are engaged in eligible master's or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada.
President's Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award Ongoing All eligible PhD students will automatically see this award applied against their student account.
London Goodenough Association of Canada Scholarship Likely in January 2026 Scholarships are offered towards the cost of accommodation at Goodenough College, the pre-eminent residential college for international graduate students in London.
Graduate Global Leadership Fellowship No longer accepting applications Fellowships for international students with leadership in humanitarian and development work in their home country
NSERC Foreign Study Supplements in Taiwan Likely in February 2025 Foreign Study Supplements in Taiwan provide graduate students in the natural sciences and engineering with first-hand research experience in an international setting. Award supports travel to Taiwan for eight weeks this summer and work with researchers on projects related to their research studies in Canada while receiving Mandarin training at National Tsing Hua University.
Scholarships for Exchange Students Likely in March 2025 Exchange scholarships are available to students from Caribbean, Asia-Pacific, Africa, South & Central America, Mexico, Caribbean, and Chile to undertake research or study at UBC for a period of 4 to 6 months.
Graduate Covid Program Delay Tuition Award Ongoing Graduate Covid Program Delay Tuition Awards are provided to support graduate students whose academic and/or research progress was delayed by disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Graduate Research Stipend Submissions accepted throughout the year To support the research undertaken by students who have been unable to travel to Canada due to COVID-19 restrictions, a Graduate Research Stipend (GRS) distribution process is being made available to allow supervisors to provide funding to these graduate students.
Edwin S.H. Leong CSC UBC PhD Scholarship Likely in October 2025 Renewable doctoral scholarships of $35,000 per year for up to four years are offered annually by the Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation, in partnership with the China Scholarship Council (CSC). To be considered, candidates must be citizens of the mainland of the People's Republic of China who demonstrate academic excellence and who are undertaking PhD research at the UBC Vancouver campus, in one of the following areas: health, natural sciences, natural resources, economics or business.
Edwin S.H. Leong CSC UBC Postdoctoral Fellowship Likely in October 2025 Renewable postdoctoral fellowships of $50,000 per year for up to three years are offered annually by the Tai Hung Fai Charitable Foundation, in partnership with the China Scholarship Council (CSC). To be considered, candidates must be citizens of the mainland of the People's Republic of China who demonstrate academic excellence and who are undertaking postdoctoral research at the UBC Vancouver campus in one of the following areas: health, natural sciences, natural resources, economics or business.
