This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last name | First name | Type | Research Interests | Department(s) | Faculty |
White | Rachel | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics; Climate modelling; Atmospheric dynamics; climate change; Extreme weather events; Climate impacts | Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences | Faculty of Science |
Heitz | Matthieu | Postdoctoral Fellow | Algorithms and computational genomics; Optimal Transport; Machine Learning; Bioinformatics | Faculty of Science | |
Dai | Carrie | Postdoctoral Fellow | Human computer interaction; human-computer interaction; Accessibility; Social computing; Aging and dementia; Financial technology | Faculty of Science | |
Silva | Luis | Postdoctoral Fellow | Life histories; Biological evolution, n.e.c.; Disease Ecology; evolutionary ecology; Parasitology; Microbiology and Immunology; host-parasite interactions; Ecological immunology; Virulence evolution; Tolerance evolution | Faculty of Science | |
Chen | Jiahua | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Statistical theory and modeling; empirical likelihood; finite mixture model; sample survey; asymptotic theory; imputation | Department of Statistics | Faculty of Science |
Coombs | Daniel | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Mathematical biology; Cellular immunology; Complex physical systems; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Cell Signaling and Infectious and Immune Diseases; Cell biophysics; Disease models; Epidemiology; Immune cell signalling; Mathematics | Department of Mathematics | Faculty of Science |
Watson | Liam | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Topology; Low-dimensional topology; Khovanov homology; Heegaard Floer homology | Department of Mathematics | Faculty of Science |
Zhang | Xu | Postdoctoral Fellow | Speciation (evolutionary processes); genomics; evolution and adaptation | Faculty of Science | |
Cheung | Wai Lung | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Global change biology; Ecological impacts of climate change; climate change; Marine Ecosystems; sustainability; biodiversity; Interdisciplinary | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Faculty of Science |
Ding | Jiarui | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Bioinformatics; Basic medicine and life sciences; Computational Biology; Machine Learning; Probabilistic Deep Learning; single-cell genomics; visualization; Cancer biology; Computational Immunology; Food Allergy; neuroscience | Department of Computer Science | Faculty of Science |
Gantois | Joséphine | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Environment and natural resources economics; Ecological applications; Sociology; Human Dimensions of Biodiversity Conservation; environmental economics; Applied Ecology; Rural Sociology; Causal inference; Applied Deep Learning | Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability | Faculty of Science |
Chatterjee | Suman | Postdoctoral Fellow | Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications | Faculty of Science | |
Semenoff | Gordon Walter | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Particle physics theory (including aspects of field theory and string theory); Physical sciences; Moedal experiment, Large Hadron Collider, CERN; String theory, quantum field theory, statistical mechanics; Theoretical and mathematical physics, the physics of elementary particles, condensed matter physics | Department of Physics & Astronomy | Faculty of Science |
Madison | Kirk | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Atomic, molecular, and optical physics; Quantum sensors; Quantum Gases; Laser cooling; Bose-Einstein Condesation; Fermi-Degenerate Gases; Quantum optics; Laser physics | Department of Physics & Astronomy | Faculty of Science |
Murugan | Mathav | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Probability theory; Metric and fractal geometry; Differential equations and integral equations in pure mathematics; Metric geometry; potential theory; probability theory and analysis; quasiconformal mappings; Relationship between Markov processes and the geometry of the underlying state space; Quasisymmetric Uniformization; Analysis and diffusions on fractals | Department of Mathematics | Faculty of Science |
Kenne | Steve Cyrille | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Calculus of variations, systems theory and control theory; Partial and ordinary differential equations; Mathematical biology; Optimal control theory; Partial Differential Equations; Multiscale modelling of infectious diseases | Department of Mathematics | Faculty of Science |
Lister | Alison | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Particle physics, experimental; Large Hadron Collier (LHC); ATLAS experiment; Search for physics beyond the standard model; top quarks; dark matter; Machine Learning; Long-lived particles | Department of Physics & Astronomy | Faculty of Science |
Man | Allison | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy; galaxy formation and evolution | Department of Physics & Astronomy | Faculty of Science |
Doherty | Jeff | Postdoctoral Fellow | Parasitology; Behavioural ecology; Animal behaviour; Insect biology; host-parasite interactions; multidisciplinary research; host manipulation; ethology; Disease Ecology | Faculty of Science | |
Auld | Vanessa | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Zoology; Cell; Cell Biology; Development; Developmental Genetics; epithelia; Genetics; glia; in vivo imaging; Molecular Genetics; nervous system; Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis; permeability barriers | Department of Zoology | Faculty of Science |
Peacock | Simon | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Natural sciences; metamorphic petrology; Tectonics; earthquakes | Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences | Faculty of Science |
Kronstad | James | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Bioinformatics; Immunology; Microbiology; Plant biology; Mycology; Fungal diseases of plants; Genomics and Proteomics; Medical Mycology; Molecular Genetics; Pathogenesis of infectious diseases; Plant-Microbe Interactions | Michael Smith Laboratories | Faculty of Science |
Ortner | Christoph | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Numerical analysis; Mathematical modelling and simulation; Partial and ordinary differential equations; Computational chemistry; Condensed matter modelling and density functional theory; Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation; Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing; Applied Analysis; Multi-scale Modelling and Coarse-graining; Molecular Simulation; Scientific Machine-learning, in particular for applications in multi-scale modelling | Department of Mathematics | Faculty of Science |
Dijols | Sarah | Postdoctoral Fellow | Mathematics and statistics; representations of reductive groups over p-adic fields; Number theory; Langlands Program | Faculty of Science | |
Gitlina | Anastasiia | Postdoctoral Fellow | Natural sciences; Material Sciences; Organic chemistry; Luminescence; Photophysics; Organometallic compounds; Polymers; Emitters; Synthesis; microelectronics; optoelectronics | Faculty of Science | |
Aamlid | Solveig | Postdoctoral Fellow | Condensed matter physics; Solid State Physics; High entropy oxides; Quantum matter; Density functional theory | Faculty of Science | |
Groat | Lee | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Mineralogy and crystallography (except soil mineralogy and chemicals aspects of crystallography); Inorganic geochemistry; Economic geology; mineralogy; crystal chemistry; Geochemistry; economic geology; gem deposits; pegmatites | Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences | Faculty of Science |
Hudson | Zachary | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Synthesis of materials; Functional materials in materials chemistry sciences; Organic chemical synthesis; Optical properties of materials; Luminescent materials; Organic electronics; Polymer chemistry; Organic chemistry; Organic light-emitting diodes | Department of Chemistry | Faculty of Science |
Hallam | Steven | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Microbiome; Microbial ecology; metagenomics; Biological engineering; Synthetic biology; Bioinformatics; Machine Learning; Entrepreneurship | Department of Microbiology & Immunology | Faculty of Science |
Jean | Francois | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Medical virology; Protein trafficking in cell biology; Proteomics; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Organelle function; Virology; Systems biology; Cellular virology; Emerging human viruses; COVID-19; Host-virus interactions; Broad-based antiviral agents; Antiviral agents; Natural products as antiviral agents; Lipid-modulating drugs; Cellular protease inhibitors; Viral protease inhibitors; Human coronaviruses; SARS-CoV-2; Human flaviviruses; Dengue virus; Zika virus; West Nile virus; Influenza A virus; Human microRNAs; Therapeutic microRNA; Viral and cellular biomarkers; Molecular diagnostics for detecting viral infection; Circulating exosomes; Exosomal microRNAs; Proteomics-based technologies; Multiplexed and Mass Spectrometric quantitation assays | Department of Microbiology & Immunology | Faculty of Science |
d'Arcy | Mitch | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Earth and related environmental sciences; Geomorphology; Climate/palaeoclimate; Sedimentology; Geochronology; remote sensing | Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences | Faculty of Science |
Bradbury | Hal | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Chemical oceanography; Ocean biogeochemistry; Marine geology; Isotope geochemistry; Biogeochemistry; Paleoceanography; Chemical Oceanography; Reactive Transport Modelling; Carbon cycle; Marine Sedimentary Environments; Early Diagenesis; Biogeochemical Cycles; marine Carbon Dioxide Removal | Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences | Faculty of Science |
Beschastnikh | Ivan | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Computer and information sciences; software engineering; distributed systems; cloud computing; software analysis; Machine Learning | Department of Computer Science | Faculty of Science |
Schluter | Dolph | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Biological adaptation; Speciation (evolutionary processes); Natural selection and sexual selection; evolution; Origin of species; evolutionary genetics; Adaptive radiation | Department of Zoology | Faculty of Science |
Snutch | Terrance Preston | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Medical biotechnology, n.e.c.; Brain Disorders; Animal models; genomics; Drug discovery & development | Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Psychiatry | Faculty of Science |
Michal | Carl | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Soft condensed matter; Development and applications of spectroscopic and structural techniques; Solid-state NMR; NMR and MRI of brain tissue; NMR methods and instrumentation; Biological and functional materials | Department of Physics & Astronomy | Faculty of Science |
Sugioka | Kenji | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Basic medicine and life sciences; Cell division; Animal morphogenesis; Cytoskeletal dynamics | Department of Zoology | Faculty of Science |
Wong | Judy | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Cancer genetics; Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Drug discovery, design and delivery; Nucleic acids studies; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Cancer biology; Aging; Genome Instability; Nucleic Acid Structures; Pharmacology; Genetics and Genomics | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Finbloom | Joel | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Drug discovery, design and delivery; Biologically active molecules; Nanochemistry; Antimicrobial resistance; Nanomedicine; nanomedicine; Chemical Biology; drug delivery; Pharmaceutical Sciences; Infectious disease; Bacterial Biofilms; Microbiome; Probiotics; Antibiotic resistance | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Ceolin | Gilciane | Postdoctoral Fellow | Human nutrition and dietetics; Gender studies; Nutritional Epidemiology; Healthy Aging; mental health; social determinants of health | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Wisnovsky | Simon | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Cancer genetics; Tumour immunology; Cellular immunology; Glycomics and glycobiology; Chemical genetics; Systems biology; Cellular interactions (including adhesion, matrix and cell wall); Genomics; Cancer molecular targets; glycobiology; carbohydrates; Tumor immunology; Functional genomics; CRISPR screening; Glycomics; Biochemistry; Molecular Genetics; Cell Biology; Cancer | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Li | Shyh-Dar | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Drug discovery, design and delivery; Nano-technology; biopharmaceutics; drug delivery; nanomedicine; pharmaceutics; Gene delivery and therapy | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Johnson | Kate | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Health economics; Health outcomes; Epidemiology | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Velenosi | Thomas | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, n.e.c.; Cancer drug development and therapeutics; Cancer molecular targets; Metabolomics; Lipid biology (including lipidomics); Pharmacometabolomics; Pharmacology; Lipidomics; mass spectrometry; Cancer; Stable isotope tracing; Bioinformatics | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Wu | Jiamin | Postdoctoral Fellow | Nanomedicine; Other natural sciences, n.e.c.; Medical and biomedical engineering, n.e.c.; Drug delivery, needle-free delivery of biologics | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Frankel | Adam | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Other basic medicine and life sciences; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Protein Biochemistry; arginine methylation; Histones; Nucleosomes; post-translational modifications; Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms; Organic Molecules and Biomolecules; Bioactive Molecules; Proteins; Chemical Biology; drug discovery; Target Engagement; yeast; Amino acids | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Turgeon | Ricky | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease); Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; Heart failure pharmacotherapy; Acute coronary syndromes / myocardial infarction; Cardiovascular risk reduction (lipid-lowering therapy, antiplatelet therapy); Cardiovascular safety of medications; Drug Effectiveness; Evidence-based practice; Shared decision making; Point-of-care decision aids / decision support tools; Knowledge translation / implementation; Risk calculators / clinical prediction tools; Pharmacist scope of practice | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Loewen | Peter | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Cardiology and circulatory sciences (including cardiovascular disease); Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice; Knowledge translation and implementation science in health; atrial fibrillation; Pharmacoepidemiology; Thrombosis and Embolism; adherence to medication; Cardiovascular diseases; Arrhythmia; Heart Failure; stroke; Health Care Technologies; Professional Practices; Hematology; decision making; clinical prediction rules; healthcare communication technologies; hospital pharmacy practice; knowledge translation of evidence to patient care; patient complexiometry; patient decision aids; patient education; pharmacy practice; prediction of stroke and bleeding in atrial fibrillation patients; quality of care, quality drug therapy; Shared decision-making; stroke prevention therapy; use of mobile technology for clinical decision-making | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Lau | Tim | Faculty (non-G+PS member) | Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice; Infectious diseases; Antimicrobial Stewardship; systematic reviews; Clinical Pharmacokinetics; Clinical Pharmacy | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
Schummers | Laura | Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) | Pediatrics and reproductive medicine; Health Services; Health Policy; women’s reproductive and perinatal health | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences |