A comparison of early and middle formative political development in the Soconusco and valley of Oaxaca: settlement mortuary and architectural patterns |
25 May 2009 |
Filming a Makah village for Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man |
25 May 2009 |
Expatriates in Papua New Guinea: constructions of expatriates in Canadian oral narratives |
25 May 2009 |
Rape of the world: an ecofeminist critique of international environmental law |
25 May 2009 |
Sign of the times: celebrity, truth, and legal storytelling |
25 May 2009 |
The International avocado market: Mexican entrance to the USA market illustrated with a spatial eqilibrium model |
25 May 2009 |
Evaluating causal discourse in academic writing |
25 May 2009 |
Effect of AECMA simplified English on the comprehension of aircraft maintenance procedures by non-native English speakers |
25 May 2009 |
The cycle of "Matthew effects": understanding the effects of reading disabilities on adults' lives |
25 May 2009 |
Work smarter not faster: an investigation into English as a second language training for garment workers in a union setting |
25 May 2009 |
Rawlsian justice: a philosophical justification for conservation? |
25 May 2009 |
How three elementary teachers integrated language and content using the knowledge framework and how their LEP students responded |
25 May 2009 |
Bird-habitat associations and simulated effects of logging on bird habitat in the aspen boreal mixedwood |
25 May 2009 |
The characterization and biodegradation of aspen steryl esters and waxes |
25 May 2009 |
Smoothing parameter selection when errors are correlated and application to ozone data |
25 May 2009 |
Prolonged effects of airway epithelial denudation on the mechanical properties and proliferation of airway smooth muscle in the guinea pig |
25 May 2009 |
Some statistical properties of multivariate proper dispersion models, with special reference to a multivariate gamma model |
25 May 2009 |
Spatial and temporal analysis of ambient hourly PM10 in Vancouver |
25 May 2009 |
Bump hunting in regression revisited |
25 May 2009 |
The utility of the cognitive interview as a credibility assessment tool |
25 May 2009 |
Matching phonetic information in lips and voice is robust in 4.5-month-old infants |
25 May 2009 |
Imagery, progressive muscle relaxation and restricted environmental stimulation: enhancing mental training and rowing ergometer performance through flotation REST |
25 May 2009 |
Memory bias in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) |
25 May 2009 |
Bed mobility of gravel rivers: mobilization (scour) depth of chum salmon redds, and equilibrium bedload transport |
25 May 2009 |
Two-layer exchange flow through the Burlington Ship Canal |
25 May 2009 |
Spawning gravel quality within the Coquitlam River: potential impacts from gravel pit mining |
25 May 2009 |
Denitrification in the Abbotsford acquifer and the influence of a stream environment |
25 May 2009 |
Sharing the range: the challenges and opportunities for sustainable ranching and habitat conservation in the municipal district of Pincher Creek |
25 May 2009 |
The car in Canada: a study of factors influencing automobile dependence in Canada’s seven largest cities, 1961-1991 |
25 May 2009 |
Microbial biofilms in dental unit water lines |
25 May 2009 |
Narratives of young children with language impairment: form versus content |
25 May 2009 |
The importance of temporal synchrony in word recognition |
25 May 2009 |
Reinvented racism...reinventing racism?: interpreting immigration and reception in Richmond, BC |
25 May 2009 |
Globalisation and residential real estate in Canadian cities: a spatial approach |
25 May 2009 |
Composting of pulp and paper mill power boiler fly ash with wastewater treatment sludge |
25 May 2009 |
Factors affecting the enzymatic hydrolysis of primary clarifier sludges |
25 May 2009 |
Antioxidant properties of propofol in coronary artery bypass surgery |
25 May 2009 |
Maternal caregiving throughout the lifespan: an ethnographic study of the experiences of mothers of adult children who sustain traumatic brain injury |
25 May 2009 |
The venous effects of nitric oxide donors and the phosphodiesterase type V inhibitor, Zaprinast |
25 May 2009 |
Narratives of young children with language impairment: form versus content |
25 May 2009 |
The importance of temporal synchrony in word recognition |
25 May 2009 |
Streetcar strip to neighbourhood centre: the characteristics of good neighbourhood shopping streets examined in the context of Commercial Drive and West 41st Avenue |
25 May 2009 |
An exploration into the municipal planning implications of home based work |
25 May 2009 |
Confronting prejudice in a post-ethnic-war environment: NGO education for peace in Bosnia |
25 May 2009 |
Tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of PYK2 in platelets: involvement in PI 3-kinase activation |
25 May 2009 |
Collocation spectral methods in the solution of poisson equation |
25 May 2009 |
Long-term potentiation and mathematical analysis of electrical models of dendritic spines |
25 May 2009 |
Contact mechanics using Green's functions for interactive simulated environments |
25 May 2009 |
The acquisition and preservation of labour union records in Canada |
25 May 2009 |
Narratives of young children with language impairment: form versus content |
25 May 2009 |