
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
A comparison of early and middle formative political development in the Soconusco and valley of Oaxaca: settlement mortuary and architectural patterns 25 May 2009
Filming a Makah village for Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man 25 May 2009
Expatriates in Papua New Guinea: constructions of expatriates in Canadian oral narratives 25 May 2009
Rape of the world: an ecofeminist critique of international environmental law 25 May 2009
Sign of the times: celebrity, truth, and legal storytelling 25 May 2009
The International avocado market: Mexican entrance to the USA market illustrated with a spatial eqilibrium model 25 May 2009
Evaluating causal discourse in academic writing 25 May 2009
Effect of AECMA simplified English on the comprehension of aircraft maintenance procedures by non-native English speakers 25 May 2009
The cycle of "Matthew effects": understanding the effects of reading disabilities on adults' lives 25 May 2009
Work smarter not faster: an investigation into English as a second language training for garment workers in a union setting 25 May 2009
Rawlsian justice: a philosophical justification for conservation? 25 May 2009
How three elementary teachers integrated language and content using the knowledge framework and how their LEP students responded 25 May 2009
Bird-habitat associations and simulated effects of logging on bird habitat in the aspen boreal mixedwood 25 May 2009
The characterization and biodegradation of aspen steryl esters and waxes 25 May 2009
Smoothing parameter selection when errors are correlated and application to ozone data 25 May 2009
Prolonged effects of airway epithelial denudation on the mechanical properties and proliferation of airway smooth muscle in the guinea pig 25 May 2009
Some statistical properties of multivariate proper dispersion models, with special reference to a multivariate gamma model 25 May 2009
Spatial and temporal analysis of ambient hourly PM10 in Vancouver 25 May 2009
Bump hunting in regression revisited 25 May 2009
The utility of the cognitive interview as a credibility assessment tool 25 May 2009
Matching phonetic information in lips and voice is robust in 4.5-month-old infants 25 May 2009
Imagery, progressive muscle relaxation and restricted environmental stimulation: enhancing mental training and rowing ergometer performance through flotation REST 25 May 2009
Memory bias in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) 25 May 2009
Bed mobility of gravel rivers: mobilization (scour) depth of chum salmon redds, and equilibrium bedload transport 25 May 2009
Two-layer exchange flow through the Burlington Ship Canal 25 May 2009
Spawning gravel quality within the Coquitlam River: potential impacts from gravel pit mining 25 May 2009
Denitrification in the Abbotsford acquifer and the influence of a stream environment 25 May 2009
Sharing the range: the challenges and opportunities for sustainable ranching and habitat conservation in the municipal district of Pincher Creek 25 May 2009
The car in Canada: a study of factors influencing automobile dependence in Canada’s seven largest cities, 1961-1991 25 May 2009
Microbial biofilms in dental unit water lines 25 May 2009
Narratives of young children with language impairment: form versus content 25 May 2009
The importance of temporal synchrony in word recognition 25 May 2009
Reinvented racism...reinventing racism?: interpreting immigration and reception in Richmond, BC 25 May 2009
Globalisation and residential real estate in Canadian cities: a spatial approach 25 May 2009
Composting of pulp and paper mill power boiler fly ash with wastewater treatment sludge 25 May 2009
Factors affecting the enzymatic hydrolysis of primary clarifier sludges 25 May 2009
Antioxidant properties of propofol in coronary artery bypass surgery 25 May 2009
Maternal caregiving throughout the lifespan: an ethnographic study of the experiences of mothers of adult children who sustain traumatic brain injury 25 May 2009
The venous effects of nitric oxide donors and the phosphodiesterase type V inhibitor, Zaprinast 25 May 2009
Narratives of young children with language impairment: form versus content 25 May 2009
The importance of temporal synchrony in word recognition 25 May 2009
Streetcar strip to neighbourhood centre: the characteristics of good neighbourhood shopping streets examined in the context of Commercial Drive and West 41st Avenue 25 May 2009
An exploration into the municipal planning implications of home based work 25 May 2009
Confronting prejudice in a post-ethnic-war environment: NGO education for peace in Bosnia 25 May 2009
Tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of PYK2 in platelets: involvement in PI 3-kinase activation 25 May 2009
Collocation spectral methods in the solution of poisson equation 25 May 2009
Long-term potentiation and mathematical analysis of electrical models of dendritic spines 25 May 2009
Contact mechanics using Green's functions for interactive simulated environments 25 May 2009
The acquisition and preservation of labour union records in Canada 25 May 2009
Narratives of young children with language impairment: form versus content 25 May 2009
