
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
A precision measurement of the neutron-neutron scattering length from the reaction [pi]-d -> [gamma] nn 02 June 2009
Muonium formation and diffusion in cryocrystals 02 June 2009
The magnetic penetration depth and the vortex core radius in type-II superconductors 02 June 2009
Studies of the interactions of silicon with H, H2 and O using a novel RF probe technique 02 June 2009
Magnetic resonance of human and bovine brain 02 June 2009
Chelating diamide complexes of titanium, zirconium and scandium : new polymerization catalysts based on non-cp ligand environments 02 June 2009
Three neutrino oscillations applied to solar and long baseline experiments 02 June 2009
Immunochemical detection of lysergic acid diethylamide using a photochemically linked immunogen 02 June 2009
[mu]SR studies of the metallic alkali fullerides 02 June 2009
Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of some metal-containing compounds produced by laser ablation 02 June 2009
Total synthesis of (+)-8-isocyano-10-cycloamphilectene 02 June 2009
Pi-bonding and reactivity in transition metal nitrosyl complexes 02 June 2009
Understanding school effectiveness and english language certification in the third world : an ethnographic study of some Nigerian secondary schools 02 June 2009
Chemical studies of Pacific Ocean sponges 02 June 2009
Effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on cognition/behavior and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress response in adult rats 02 June 2009
Characterization of classical pathway complement activation by liposomes and modulation by incorporated poly (ethylene glycol) 02 June 2009
Effects of a "tall oil" -derived phytosterol mixture on the development of atherosclerotic lesions in apo E-deficient mice 02 June 2009
Ischemia-reperfusion injury induces the expression of an immune response gene, MHC II-DR-[beta], in the host peripheral T lymphocytes via an alloantigen-independent pathway : (a swine model of single lung transplantation) 02 June 2009
Essays on discretionary inflation 02 June 2009
Money, output and the United States’ inter-war financial crisis : an empirical analysis 02 June 2009
Periodización e identidad cultural en el ensayo latinoamericano : tres puntos de vista: Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Domingo F. Sarmiento y José Martí 01 June 2009
Fantasy America: the United States as seen through French and Italian eyes 01 June 2009
The globular clusters and halo of M31 01 June 2009
A modern star chamber : an analysis of ordered statements in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 01 June 2009
Intestinal calcium transport in the chicken 01 June 2009
Stand development patterns as a consequence of the decline in Austrocedrus chilensis forests 01 June 2009
Short-term effects of graminaceous cover crops on autumn soil mineral nitrogen cycling in western lower Fraser Valley soils 01 June 2009
Corporate responses to government and environmental group actions designed to protect the environment 01 June 2009
A theory of lexical functors : light heads in the lexicon and the syntax 01 June 2009
Organizational injustice and its resistance using voice and silence 01 June 2009
Banking on event studies : statistical problems, a bootstrap solution, and an application to failed-bank acquisitions 01 June 2009
Idiosyncratic valproic acid-induced hepatotoxicity : an in vitro approach to detection and mechanism of toxicity 01 June 2009
Liposomal immunosuppressants for the management of organ transplantation 01 June 2009
The Mekl-Erk1 node : A place of convergence 01 June 2009
Charting the territory of cross-gender friendship : conceptions of friendship and the selection of friends 01 June 2009
The mediating effect of participation and process outcomes on evaluation use in British Columbia School Accreditation 01 June 2009
The experiences of people with disabilities who are on persons with disability benefits with regard to food security 01 June 2009
Rural-urban linkages and development : a case study of North Sulawesi, Indonesia 01 June 2009
Ecology, feminism, and planning : lessons from women’s enviromental activism in Clayoquot Sound 01 June 2009
When worlds collide : structure and fantastic in selected 12th- and 13th- century French narratives 01 June 2009
Bodies in cyberspace : language learning in a simulated environment 01 June 2009
Conan S. 01 June 2009
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide signaling pathways in mononuclear phagocytes involve protein and lipid kinases 01 June 2009
Activation of stress-activated kinases and inhibition of PI 3-K/PKB and p70S6K mitogenic signaling pathway by photodynamic therapy in murine keratinocytes 01 June 2009
Analysis of the transcriptional regulation of the tpr protease gene of porphyromonas gingivalis 01 June 2009
Functional and enzymatic characterization of the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, CD45 01 June 2009
The role of mitogen-activated protein kinases in Listeria monocytogenes invasion 01 June 2009
The secrets of Wen Tingyun’s life and poetry 01 June 2009
A critical study of the women of George Meredith 30 May 2009
A critical study of the romances of William Morris 30 May 2009
