
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Seasonal dynamics of tetracycline resistance genes and antibiotics in a British Columbia agricultural watershed 02 June 2009
A description of practising Christians’ experience of profound sexual and spiritual encounters 02 June 2009
Assessment and management of multispecies multigear fisheries : a case study from San Miguel Bay, the Philippines 02 June 2009
Changes in aboriginal property rights : a chronological account of land use practices in the Lil’Wat Nation 02 June 2009
Leaf area distribution and alternative sampling designs for hybrid spruce tree crowns 02 June 2009
Photobiology, photochemistry and chemical ecology of thiarubrines from the asteraceae 02 June 2009
The effects of aluminum on cytoplasmic organization, the F-actin array and calcium homeostasis in Vaucheria Longicaulis var. Macounii 02 June 2009
Strategies for growth management of porphyra yezoensis(ueda) blades in suspension cultures: a step towards land-based mariculture 02 June 2009
Storage lipid metabolism during nitrogen assimilation in a marine diatom 02 June 2009
Embodying culture : gurus, disciples and tabla players 02 June 2009
Objectivity and responsibility in moral education 02 June 2009
Rudolph Walton : one Tlingit man’s journey through stormy seas Sitka, Alaska, 1867-1951 02 June 2009
Saying yes, saying no : understanding women’s use of the label "PMS" 02 June 2009
Managerial creativity : the development and validation of a typology and predictive model 02 June 2009
Empirical studies of noncompliance to behavioral therapy 02 June 2009
Alexithymia and the capacity to evaluate states of affect and pain 02 June 2009
A cellular and behavioral analysis of prefrontal cortical function and its modulation by dopamine 02 June 2009
Imagining the curious time of researching pedagogy 02 June 2009
The construction of practical knowledge by physical education preservice teachers during the practicum experience 02 June 2009
Characterization of SaBR, a novel murine cell surface protein 02 June 2009
A study of the catalytic reaction of olefins with methane 02 June 2009
Methane homologation by the two-step cycle on Co Catalysts 02 June 2009
Bringing back the right : traditional family values and the countermovement politics of the Family Coalition Party of British Columbia 02 June 2009
Evolution of forest tenures in India : implications for sustainable forest management (c.1500 BC-1997 AD) 02 June 2009
Contractual structure in British Columbia’s silviculture sector : a transaction cost economic analysis 02 June 2009
Enzymatic modification of Douglas-fir pulp 02 June 2009
Studies on Factors influencing the elimination of liposomes from the circulation 02 June 2009
Analysis of the internal replication sequence of minute virus of mice 02 June 2009
Evaluation of the roles of protein serine/threonine kinases in the metabolic actions of insulin 02 June 2009
Protein-DNA interactions and chromosome condensation 02 June 2009
Applications of a retroviral integrase towards substrate DNA in vivo 02 June 2009
A modular study of the minute virus of mice non-structural protein 1: Activation, dimerization, and interaction 02 June 2009
Essays in policy analysis and strategy: entrepreneurship, joint venturing, and trade 02 June 2009
Modeling of thermomechanical and metallurgical phenomena in steel strip during hot direct rolling and runout table cooling of thin-cast slabs 02 June 2009
In-situ measurements of delamination crack tip behaviour in composite laminates inside a scanning electron microscope 02 June 2009
Mould thermal response, billet surface quality and mould-flux behaviour in the continuous casting of steel billets with powder lubrication 02 June 2009
Rate-computation optimized block based video coding 02 June 2009
Cost-performance trade-offs in large scale banyan-based ATM switches 02 June 2009
Control of current ripple in dc-dc converters 02 June 2009
Telomere length measurements using fluorescence microscopy 02 June 2009
On non-homogeneous quasi-linear PDEs involving the p-Laplacian and the critical sobolev exponent 02 June 2009
Strong gravitational lensing : blueprints for galaxy-cluster core reconstruction 02 June 2009
The possibilities and limitations of heterogeneous process migration 02 June 2009
Interface style, flow, and reflective cognition : issues in designing interactive multimedia mathematics learning environments for children 02 June 2009
Representations and uses of light distribution functions 02 June 2009
Interactive topological drawing 02 June 2009
Variability of cloud optical depth and cloud droplet effective radius in layer clouds : satellite based analysis 02 June 2009
Modelling geomorphology in landscape evolution 02 June 2009
Let the cross take possession of the earth : missionary geographies of power in nineteenth-century British Columbia 02 June 2009
The development of multiple line transmission sources for SPECT 02 June 2009
