Mechanical conditions beneath a surge-type glacier |
03 June 2009 |
Rewriting Francité in the Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration |
03 June 2009 |
Selection and evaluation of feedstuffs for urban and peri-urban small ruminant production in Ghana: a systems approach |
03 June 2009 |
Vertical transmission of pathogens and of immunity in salmonids |
03 June 2009 |
Studies on genetic drift and inbreeding in small populations under artificial selection |
03 June 2009 |
Seconded teachers as teacher educators |
03 June 2009 |
Testosterone-dependent vascular arachidonic acid metabolism in the regulation of insulin resistance and blood pressure |
03 June 2009 |
Flow dynamics in high density circulating fluidized beds |
03 June 2009 |
The regulation of intracellular calcium in cultured hippocampal neurons and the influence of calcium buffers |
03 June 2009 |
The trickster shift : a new paradigm in contemporary Canadian Native art |
03 June 2009 |
Efficacy of secondary biosolids fertilization in a managed Douglas-fir forest in the coastal western hemlock zone of British Columbia |
03 June 2009 |
Cloning, characterization, and localization of an ABC transporter in the rod photoreceptor rims implicated in Stargardt's and age-related macular distrophy |
03 June 2009 |
Essays in banking |
03 June 2009 |
The effects of regulatory changes on insider trading and price movements during corporate takeovers |
03 June 2009 |
Redistributing union power to women : the experiences of two women’s committees |
03 June 2009 |
Competition and corporate tender offer contests |
03 June 2009 |
Measuring the business value of information technology: the case of financial electronic data interchange (EDI) in Canada |
03 June 2009 |
A goal-based requirements gathering approach to detect and understand business-IT misalignments |
03 June 2009 |
Rational and irrational agency |
03 June 2009 |
Determination of the influence of growth front angle on freckle formation in superalloys |
03 June 2009 |
Piano Concerto |
03 June 2009 |
Renal pharmacology of calcitonin gene-related peptide |
03 June 2009 |
Molecular modulation of the lymphohaemopoietic system |
03 June 2009 |
Identification of Annexin II as a carbohydrate associated novel mediator of airway epithelial would repair |
03 June 2009 |
Spoken word recognition as a function of lexical knowledge and language proficiency level in adult ESL learners |
03 June 2009 |
A lift of the Chern-Simons functional and its application to equivariant Floer homology |
03 June 2009 |
Culture, economic structure, and the dynamics of ecological economic systems |
03 June 2009 |
Shadows beneath the wind : Singapore, world city and open region |
03 June 2009 |
Antibacterial factors in cows’ milk and colostrum : immunoglobulins and lactoferrin |
03 June 2009 |
Precision measurement of pion-proton absolute differential cross sections at energies spanning the delta resonance |
03 June 2009 |
Reactivity of molybdenum nitrosyl alkyl complexes |
03 June 2009 |
L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase: epimerisation through carbon-carbon bond cleavage |
03 June 2009 |
Structural and dynamic analysis of oligosaccharide binding by CBDn1 |
03 June 2009 |
Studies towards the synthesis of photosensitizers with improved biodistribution and light-absorbing properties |
03 June 2009 |
The relationship between elementary classroom collections and the school library resource centre program |
03 June 2009 |
Endoglucanase A from Cellulomonas fimi : determination of the amino acids directly involved in catalysis and their function |
03 June 2009 |
Investigation of the transcription activating properties of Spo0A from Bacillus subtilis |
03 June 2009 |
A study of a membrane-associated protease of porphyromonas gigngivalis W83 |
03 June 2009 |
Some coordination problems |
03 June 2009 |
Letters from Lacan : reading and the matheme |
03 June 2009 |
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method and its application in solid mechanics |
02 June 2009 |
Performance of twin-pontoon floating breakwaters |
02 June 2009 |
Microfiller effect on rheology, microstructure, and mechanical properties of high-performance concrete |
02 June 2009 |
Constitutive modeling of fiber reinforced cement composites |
02 June 2009 |
Nitrogenous nutrition of phytoplankton from the Northeastern subarctic Pacific Ocean |
02 June 2009 |
A Cone Penetration Test (CPT) based assessment of explosive compaction in mine tailings |
02 June 2009 |
Specificity at the b mating type locus of ustilago maydis |
02 June 2009 |
The isolation and molecular characterization of a 2S albumin gene from Picea glauca |
02 June 2009 |
Life history and population dynamics of western flower thrips, Frankliniella Occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera:Thripidae) in Nectarine Orchards in the Dry Central Interior, British Columbia |
02 June 2009 |
What is the meaning of disengagement as lived by students who left school without graduating |
02 June 2009 |