
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Social anxiety and depression: interpersonal behavior and reactions 04 June 2009
A framework for validation of the use of performance assessment in science 04 June 2009
Change in schools: Can principals make a difference? 04 June 2009
Flow regime transitions in gas-solid fluidization and transport 04 June 2009
Metabolism of nitrosoureas and formamides : a probe into their toxicity as precursors of reactive isocyanates 04 June 2009
Hydrodynamic and scale-up studies of spouted beds 04 June 2009
The role of microorganisms in the phenomenon of hemlock brownstain 04 June 2009
Genetic variation in western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn) seedlings 04 June 2009
Impact of group support systems on judgment biases: an experimental investigation 04 June 2009
The use of habit-change strategies in demarketing: reducing excessive discretionary consumption 04 June 2009
A comparative study of alternative methods for efficiency measurement with applications to the transportation industry 04 June 2009
Hologene evolution of the changuinola peat deposit, Panama: sedimentology of a marine-influenced tropical peat deposit on a tectonically active coat 04 June 2009
Oliver Madox-Brown’s the Black Swan and Gabriel Denver : a critical edition 04 June 2009
A kinetic model of the Peirce-Smith converter 04 June 2009
Fatigue crack propagation in Al-Li alloy 8090 : environmental effects 04 June 2009
Extrusion of alumina particulate reinforced metal matrix composites 04 June 2009
High-frequency transformer model for switching transient studies 04 June 2009
Vascular pharmacology of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors 04 June 2009
Digitization and analysis of mammographic images for early detection of breast cancer 04 June 2009
De novo androgen synthesis as a mechanism contributing to the progression of prostate cancer to castration resistance 04 June 2009
Numerical simulations of semiconductor devices by streamline-diffusion methods 04 June 2009
Modelling the dynamics of actin in cells 04 June 2009
Stabilization methods for simulations of constrained multibody dynamics 04 June 2009
Shading and inverse shading from direct illumination 04 June 2009
Debris flows in the southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia : dynamic behaviour and physical properties 04 June 2009
Regional development in the Zhujiang Delta, China, 1980-90 04 June 2009
Glycals as probes for mechanistic studies of glycosylases 04 June 2009
Studies with plant cell cultures of Tripterycium wilfordii isolation of metabolites and biotransformation studies 04 June 2009
Reaction-diffusion theory of localized structures with application to vertebrate organogenesis 04 June 2009
Spin dynamics and electronic structure of muonium and its charged states in silicon and gallium arsenide 04 June 2009
Structure and properties of fluids near inert and metallic surfaces 04 June 2009
Fine and hyperfine structure in the 2II ground electronic state of HBr+ and HI+ 04 June 2009
One and two-dimensional NMR characterization of organofunctionalized silica gels 04 June 2009
Nuclear quadrupole interactions of ¹⁹F in graphite, silicon, germanium and gallium arsenide 04 June 2009
Radiolabelling of organic molecules with short-lived radionuclides (¹¹C, ¹⁸F) 04 June 2009
Light scattering measurements of surface morphology during molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaAs-based semiconductors 04 June 2009
A combined experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure of molecules by electron momentum spectroscopy and density functional theory 04 June 2009
Re-evaluation of reflection seismology for archaeological investigation 04 June 2009
The idea of the national interest : a conceptual analysis in the context of the Gulf War 04 June 2009
Squaring the circle : West European terrorism, EC/EU counter-terrorism and liberal democratic acceptability 04 June 2009
Irreconcilable differences?: idealism, realism and the problem of discipline in international relations 04 June 2009
Anatomical evidence for segregated processing streams in the cat’s visual cortex 04 June 2009
Molecular mechanisms regulating the accumulation and functional activity of tumour-associated macrophages 04 June 2009
Endothelial cell adhesion molecules: expression, upregulation and modulation of human brain microvessel endothelial cell-leukocyte interactions 04 June 2009
Wages, hours, earnings and employment under unionism 04 June 2009
Model selection critieria in economic contexts 04 June 2009
Twice imprisoned : loss of hearing, loss of power in federal prisoners in British Columbia 04 June 2009
Thermal residual stresses in bonded composite repairs on cracked metal structures 03 June 2009
Oxidation-reduction potential and organic carbon sources as two control parameters for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in biological nutrient removal processes 03 June 2009
The Meaning of therapeutic change within the context of a person’s life story 03 June 2009
