
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
A study of orbifolds 27 May 2009
A theoretical and historical analysis of pertinence- and provenance-based concepts of classification of archives 27 May 2009
Making the headlines : the evolution of Headlines Theatre Company 27 May 2009
Efficient coding and mapping algorithms for software implementation of a real-time H.263+ compliant low bit rate video coder | 27 May 2009
Performance of a new cellular channel assignment scheme including handoffs 27 May 2009
Position and force trajectory programming within a virtual excavation environment 27 May 2009
Dynamic reservation TDMA medium access control protocol for wireless ATM networks 27 May 2009
Performance evaluation of two transport protocols for image transmission over CDPD networks 27 May 2009
MPEG video coding with adaptive motion compensation and bit allocation based on perception criteria 27 May 2009
An investigation into using artificial neural networks for empirical design in the mining industry 27 May 2009
Survey of itinerant teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing in British Columbia, Canada 27 May 2009
A discipline of specification-based test derivation 27 May 2009
Pseudorotational energy spectrum of an octahedral molecule with 1/2-integer spin 27 May 2009
Quality of the jurassic-cretaceous Mist Mountain formation coals, southern Canadian cordillera: relationships to sedimentology and coalbed methane potential 27 May 2009
I remind until I fall: an examination of space, memory and experience at the Coqualeetza Residential School and Indian hospital 27 May 2009
Soldiers of the King: Vancouver’s interwar militia as a social institution 27 May 2009
The Cordilleran communication : the Brigade system of the far western fur trade 27 May 2009
Terrain surface simplication based on surface features 27 May 2009
Enforcing crash failure semantics in distributed systems with fine-grained object mobility 27 May 2009
Regulation of intracellular free calcium and electrophysiological properties of cultured human microglia 27 May 2009
Wavelet radiosity in computer graphics 27 May 2009
Role of calcium influx in process extension of oligodendrocytes 27 May 2009
Safety verification conditions for software-intensive critical systems 27 May 2009
Statistical admission control for MPEG streams with non-overflow guarantees 27 May 2009
A constraint-based approach to real-time cooperative multiagent systems: a soccer-playing robot team 27 May 2009
Sectioning the tower: a mixed-use building exploration in downtown Vancouver 27 May 2009
Building on a living heritage : adaptive reuse of a railyard roundhouse 27 May 2009
The South Terminal Visiting Center, at Sea Island 27 May 2009
A winery on California’s central coast 27 May 2009
Development of a computer assisted planning and monitoring framework for the milling process 27 May 2009
An infill housing project in an existing Vancouver neighborhood 27 May 2009
Winter ecology of steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska 27 May 2009
Stability and change of killer whale (Orcinus orca) dialects 27 May 2009
The process of maturing as a competent clinical teacher 27 May 2009
Bringing the good feelings back : imagining Stó-lo justice 26 May 2009
Who are you calling a child? : the limits on street-involved youth using legal rights 26 May 2009
Cognitive biases in social anxiety : an experimental study of the Clark/Wells model 26 May 2009
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete frames and application to seismic reliability 26 May 2009
Learning to read at daycare : an analysis of the preschool library 26 May 2009
Molecular studies of the LysR-type regulator, mexT and its regulation of the outer membrane porin protein OprD 26 May 2009
"We hold these truths to be self-evident" : Kennedy, Nixon, and the issue of Cuban democracy in the American presidential campaign, 1960 26 May 2009
Learning to read at daycare : an analysis of the preschool library 26 May 2009
Extending applications to the network 26 May 2009
Learning to read at daycare : an analysis of the preschool library 26 May 2009
Response of carabid species and assemblages to forest practices of British Columbia in Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir and interior cedar-hemlock forests 26 May 2009
Ni Zan and his associates 25 May 2009
Post-Dayton: prospects for peace in Bosnia-Hercegovina 25 May 2009
A comparison of early and middle formative political development in the Soconusco and valley of Oaxaca: settlement mortuary and architectural patterns 25 May 2009
Filming a Makah village for Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man 25 May 2009
Expatriates in Papua New Guinea: constructions of expatriates in Canadian oral narratives 25 May 2009
