
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Studies on structural stability of chicken’s egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY): 19 May 2009
Niobium phosphine macrocyclic complexes 19 May 2009
Japanese quail microsatellite loci amplified by chicken-specific primer pairs 19 May 2009
The impact of maternal behaviour on children’s pain experiences: an experimental analysis 19 May 2009
High-reactivity metakaolin and silica fume in steel fiber reinforced dry-mix shotcrete 19 May 2009
Dynamic analysis of civil engineering structures using joint time-frequency methods 19 May 2009
Parallel treatment of a minimum effluent TMP-newsprint whitewater by aerobic membrane biological treatment and ultrafiltration at 55oC 19 May 2009
Use of recyled aggregate in shotcrete and concrete 19 May 2009
Recognition of syntactic structure based on prosodic or segmental cues 19 May 2009
The ethnic church and immigrant integration: social services, cultural preservation and the re-definition of cultural identity 19 May 2009
Sustainable design in the Comox Valley: the View Ridge community revisited 19 May 2009
Recognition of syntactic structure based on prosodic or segmental cues 19 May 2009
The role of communications in emerging markets for wood products : the case of structural wood products in nonresidential construction 19 May 2009
Community-police partnerships: coproducing crime prevention services : a Vancouver case study 19 May 2009
The social dynamics of forest land policy in Vietnam: a case study of Lang Beo village 19 May 2009
Models vs. reality: appraising publishing records 19 May 2009
The composition, publication, and influence of Gilberte Périer’s La Vie de Monsieur Pascal 19 May 2009
Recognition of syntactic structure based on prosodic or segmental cues 19 May 2009
Quality of life after respiratory rehabilitation in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 19 May 2009
Clinical significance and reliability of two common grip strength measures 19 May 2009
Ethnic differences and domain specificity in young adolescents’ implicit beliefs about intelligence 19 May 2009
Searching for northern roap stars: the UBC-OAN photometric survey 19 May 2009
Indigenous perspectives and resource management contexts: the case of northeastern Nicaragua 19 May 2009
Dynamics of milling flexible structures 19 May 2009
Mobile J: system support for dynamic application partitioning in the mobile environment 19 May 2009
System architecture of WebSmart : a web-oriented synchronized multimedia authoring system 19 May 2009
Interactions between growth, sex, reproduction, and activity levels in control and fast-growing strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) 19 May 2009
Reproduction and pre-weaning juvenile survival in a cyclic population of snowshoe hares 18 May 2009
Factors influencing health care professionals’ decision-making regarding parental presence during invasive procedures in the PICU 18 May 2009
Welcome home: a life/work community in South-East False Creek, Vancouver 18 May 2009
Topologies of place: a building in the landscape 18 May 2009
A hybrid commercial/library building for the resort town of Whistler 18 May 2009
Alternative, single family housing, multi-family housing and mixed-use housing for Richmond City, suburbs 18 May 2009
Gendered spaces in the traditional urban community: the Harah in Cairo 18 May 2009
Engendering visions of modernity: photographing women, national iconographies and excluded identities in Ecuador, 1870-1912 18 May 2009
Inside the docent experience: a case study of docents-in-training 18 May 2009
The effect of molar ratio and pH during synthesis on the performance of phenol-melamine-formaldehyde adhesives 18 May 2009
Thermal desorption studies of acetyl and bromoacetyl chloride on a Cu(111) surface 18 May 2009
Effects of unilateral ovariectomy of follicular development, plasma gonadotropin, progesterone, IGF-I profiles, ovulation and pregnancy rates in cattle 18 May 2009
The timing of breeding in double-crested cormorants (phalacrocorax auritus albociliatus) : its effects on clutch size, nestling growth, diet and survival 18 May 2009
Ethnicity, gender and coercive sexual attitudes and ethnic differences in childhood abuse and trauma 18 May 2009
Shake table test of Oak Street Bridge bent: correlation of analysis and experiment 18 May 2009
A toxicological and chemical evaluation of agricultural runoff discharged into the Nicomekl River, throughout one growing season 18 May 2009
The City of Vancouver’s industrial land use planning in a context of economic restructuring 18 May 2009
Selective adaptation and legitimacy : public-private dynamics in China's TRIPS compliance 18 May 2009
The National Stadium: social violence and spectacular power in Chile 1968-1976 18 May 2009
Celebration of place/place of celebration 18 May 2009
Grandview greenway : an investigation of ecological enhancement & stormwater management as a means of connection in an urban environment 18 May 2009
Conflict and reconciliation: on the cultural dynamics in the Cairene public space 18 May 2009
The role of the [alpha] 1-helical domain of the signal sequence in hemolysin recognition and transport 18 May 2009
