Final Submission Post-Defence

Unless otherwise communicated by the examination chair and confirmed by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, candidates are expected to complete any required revisions to the dissertation and submit the final dissertation and all associated forms to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies within one month of the oral defence. Candidates are required to maintain active registration until Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has confirmed acceptance of the final dissertation.

Once the final dissertation has been approved, the Doctoral Dissertation Approval Form must be signed by the research supervisor and at least two other examination committee members.

The original signed copy of the Doctoral Dissertation Approval Form, and all other applicable forms, must be submitted to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies before the Candidate can submit the final dissertation. The dissertation must meet the requirements noted at Final Dissertation and Thesis Submission.

Please see Electronic Thesis Submission for instructions about final submission.

Please see the Award Holder’s Guide for information about the prorating of award funding following oral defence and final submission.

Note that fees are charged by Enrolment Services through the end of the month in which the final dissertation is submitted.


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