Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last namesort descending First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Faculty
Reebye Rajiv Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Medicine
Reid Gregor Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Basic medicine and life sciences; paediatric cancer; cancer immunology; animal models of cancer Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Richman Joy Marion Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Dentistry and oral health; Evolution of developmental systems; Pedodontics; Congenital Anomalies; craniofacial development; chicken embryo limb development; Developmental biology; Embryonic Development; Evo-Devo; Growth Factors; orofacial clefting; reptilian tooth development; Cell signaling Department of Oral Health Sciences Faculty of Dentistry
Roberts Morgan Faculty (non-G+PS member) Tumour immunology; Applied immunology (including antibody engineering, xenotransplantation and t-cell therapies); Solid cancer tumours; Immunology; Bladder cancer; Immuno-oncology; Sex differences in cancer immunobiology Faculty of Medicine
Robertson Andrew Faculty (non-G+PS member) Faculty of Medicine
Robeva Elina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Statistical theory and modeling; Machine learning; Algebra; Algebraic statistics; Graphical Models; Tensor decomposition; Causality; Applied algebraic geometry; Shape-constrained density estimation; Tensor networks Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Robillard Julie Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health sciences; Medical and biomedical engineering; Psychology and cognitive sciences; Patient experience/patient engagement; social media; Assistive technology; Neuroethics; Brain health technology; Artificial Intelligence; Dementia; mental health; Social robots; pediatrics Division of Neurology Faculty of Medicine
Rosin Jessica Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurodevelopment; Glial cell studies; Bone, skin and cartilage science; Developmental biology; neuroscience; Craniofacial Sciences; Maternal Stressors; Immune Cells; Inflammation Department of Oral Biological & Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry
Rouse Robert Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medieval Literatures; Environment, space and place Department of English Language and Literatures Faculty of Arts
Routh Supriya Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Law (except legal practice and international law); Asian legal studies; Human rights including international human rights; Jurisprudence, legal theory, and critical studies; Labour and employment law including international labour law; law and development; Law and social justice; Law and society Peter A. Allard School of Law
Rowley Susan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Anthropology, n.e.c.; repatriation; museums; material culture; Cultural Heritage; arctic archaeology; heritage management Department of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology Faculty of Arts
Rubin Julia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Computer engineering; Programming languages and software engineering; Computer Systems; software engineering; Software quality, security, and robustness; program analysis; Adversarial robustness, explainability, and interpretability of ML-based systems; Mobile and cloud software Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Rusk Bruce Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Asian history; Literary or Artistic Work Analysis; Social Determinants of Arts and Letters; Arts and Cultural Traditions; Exegesis and Sacred Text Critics; Lexicography and Dictionaries; Authentication Studies; Confucianism; Early Modern China; material culture Department of Asian Studies Faculty of Arts
Ryu Min Hyung Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Basic medicine and life sciences; Respiratory sciences; Transcriptomics; Bioinformatics, n.e.c.; Environmental Respiratory Diseases; Genomics and Transcriptomics; Bioinformatics and Data Science; Personalized Medicine in Respiratory Care; Application of Next-generation Sequencing Division of Respiratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Sadarangani Manish Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Immunology; Microbiology; Clinical sciences; Antimicrobial resistant bacteria; Bacterial Vaccines; Childhood infections; Epidemiology; Immune System; Vaccine Development; Vaccine immunity; Clinical trials and observational studies Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Sakakibara Brodie Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Clinical medicine; Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy; Gerontology; rehabilitation; Physical Activity; Physical Rehabilitation; Spinal cord injury; Stroke Rehabilitation; Chronic disease self-management and prevention; Telehealth in people with stroke and cardiovascular disease; Complex behavioural intervention development; Clinical trial methodologies; Participatory and patient-oriented research Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Salamon Anne Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Literatures in French outside Quebec; French language; Historical linguistics, diachronics, and dialectology; Romance Philology; Medieval French Litterature; Manuscript studies; History of the French language; Critical editing of medieval texts Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies Faculty of Arts
Schaller Mark Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Psychology and cognitive sciences; Motivations and Emotions; Psychology - Biological Aspects; Evolutionary Psychology; Social Cognition; Social influence; social psychology Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts
Schluter Dolph Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biological adaptation; Speciation (evolutionary processes); Natural selection and sexual selection; evolution; Origin of species; evolutionary genetics; Adaptive radiation Department of Zoology Faculty of Science
Schmidt Julia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Occupational therapy; Trauma / Injuries; cognition; Neurological diseases; Cognitive impairment; neuroscience; rehabilitation; Self-awareness; Self-identity; Traumatic Brain Injury Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy Faculty of Medicine
Scholes Rachel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Environmental chemistry; Trace contaminants; Water reuse; Nature-based treatment systems; Stormwater treatment; Green Chemistry Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Schummers Laura Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Pediatrics and reproductive medicine; Health Services; Health Policy; women’s reproductive and perinatal health Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Scott Douglas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Astronomical and space sciences; Physical sciences; Cosmology; Science and Knowledge Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Segat Gabriela Postdoctoral Fellow Mechanisms of carcinogenesis; Cancer drug development and therapeutics; Basic pharmacology; Applied immunology (including antibody engineering, xenotransplantation and t-cell therapies); Hematology; oncology; Inflammation; Epigenetics Faculty of Medicine
Selvanathan Thiviya Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; neurodevelopment in newborns; early-life brain injury; Brain development; Neuroimaging; Prematurity; congenital heart disease; neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Semenoff Gordon Walter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Particle physics theory (including aspects of field theory and string theory); Physical sciences; Moedal experiment, Large Hadron Collider, CERN; String theory, quantum field theory, statistical mechanics; Theoretical and mathematical physics, the physics of elementary particles, condensed matter physics Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Shadgan Babak Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical biotechnology diagnostics (including biosensors); Biomedical instrumentation (including diagnostics); Orthopedics; Sports medicine; Bone, skin and cartilage science; Central nervous system; Implantable Biosensing; sensor and system design, clinical application development; Wearable Biosensors; design and application development in health care and exercise sciences; Musculoskeletal, Sports & Exercise Medicine; Bone Fracture Healing; Spinal Cord Injuries Department of Orthopaedics Faculty of Medicine
Shahidi Neal Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Gastroenterology; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Large non-pedunculated colorectal polyp; Polyposis; Colorectal neoplasia; Endoscopic resection; Early esophageal cancer; Early gastric neoplasia; Barrett's esophagus Division of Gastroenterology Faculty of Medicine
Shahrad Mohammad Faculty (non-G+PS member) Computer engineering; cloud computing; serverless computing; Resource Management; data center efficiency Faculty of Applied Science
Shahrad Mohammad Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Computer engineering; Computing systems; cloud computing; serverless computing; Resource Management; Sustainable computing; data center efficiency Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty of Applied Science
Shamash Sarah Faculty (non-G+PS member) Media arts; Visual arts and media arts, n.e.c.; Global South Cinemas, Indigenous Media, Documentary, Intersectional feminisms, Decolonization Faculty of Arts
Shan Hongxia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other education, n.e.c.; Immigration and adult education and learning; Lifelong learning; Gender and work; Prof. learning Department of Educational Studies Faculty of Education
Sheel William Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Animal physiology, exercise; Kinesiology; airways, exercise, hypoxia, pulmonary physiology, respiratory muscle School of Kinesiology Faculty of Education
Shepherd Bruce Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Natural sciences; Algorithms, Combinatorics, Polyhedra Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science
Sheykhkarimli Nazim-Dayag Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Medicine
Silva Luis Postdoctoral Fellow Life histories; Biological evolution, n.e.c.; Disease Ecology; evolutionary ecology; Parasitology; Microbiology and Immunology; host-parasite interactions; Ecological immunology; Virulence evolution; Tolerance evolution Faculty of Science
Singh Amritpal Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Other basic medicine and life sciences; single cell multiomics; single cell spatial multiomics; data integration; Machine Learning; Biomarkers; heart and lung disease; High dimensional data analysis; Bioinformatics Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine
Sladen Douglas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical, health and life sciences; cochlear implantation among children and adults School of Audiology and Speech Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Slaunwhite Amanda Faculty (non-G+PS member) Public and population health; illicit drug poisoning (overdose); Substance Use; mental health; prison health; health inequities; health geography Faculty of Medicine
Sly Laura Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Innate immunity; Inflammatory bowel disease; Inflammation; macrophages; Cell signalling Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine
Snutch Terrance Preston Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical biotechnology, n.e.c.; Brain Disorders; Animal models; genomics; Drug discovery & development Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Science
Socias Eugenia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Health care effectiveness and outcomes; Infectious diseases; Clinical sciences, n.e.c.; Infectious disease epidemiology; Immunology of Infectious Diseases; HIV & Hepatitic C care; Sexually Transmitted Diseases; HIV; Tuberculosis; Pharmacology; HIV Prevention; Health Services; Hepatitis C; Tropical Diseases; Vulnerable populations; Gender/sexual minorities; Sex workers; Opioid use disorder; substance use disorders; alcohol use disorders; addiction medicine Division of Social Medicine Faculty of Medicine
Solimine Philip Faculty (non-G+PS member) Industry economics and industrial organization; Econometrics; Data-driven estimation, optimization, and control; Collaborative and social computing; Experimental economics Faculty of Arts
Soma Kiran Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Psychology and cognitive sciences; Zoology; Behavior; Biological Behavior; Endocrinology; Neuroendocrine Diseases; Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission; Neuronal Systems; neuroscience; stress Department of Psychology Faculty of Arts
Somasekharan Syam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cancer, n.e.c.; Cell biology, n.e.c.; RNA Biology; Cell Biology; molecular biology; Biomolecular Condensates; Nucleolus; mRNA Translation; Liquid-liquid Phase Separation Department of Urologic Sciences Faculty of Medicine
Speak Thomas Postdoctoral Fellow Astrochemistry; Development and applications of spectroscopic and structural techniques; Reaction kinetics and dynamics; Chemical thermodynamics and energetics; Computational chemistry; atmospheric chemistry; combustion chemistry; astrochemistry; origins of life; reaction kinetics; energetic materials Faculty of Science
Speller Camilla Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Anthropology; Archeological Data Analysis; Molecular Genetics; Ancient DNA Analysis (paleogenetics); Ancient proteins (paleoproteomics); Animal Domestication; Bioarchaeology; Environmental Archaeology; Marine Ecosystems Department of Anthropology Faculty of Arts
Sriram Veena Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Social sciences; Global health policy; Politics of policy processes; South Asian Studies; Governance; Health workers; power School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, School of Population and Public Health Faculty of Arts
Srivastava Diane Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); community ecology, food webs, tropical conservation, metacommunities, open science, data syntheses, Department of Zoology Faculty of Science
Staples John Faculty (non-G+PS member) Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Clinical sciences, n.e.c.; Other medical sciences; 'Before medically advised' hospital discharge; Unplanned hospital readmission; Problematic substance use (including opioids and cannabis); Medical risk factors for motor vehicle crash Faculty of Medicine
