Program Extensions

University regulations establish a five-year time limit for the completion of a master’s program and a six-year time limit for the completion of a doctoral program. The time that the student is on approved leave does not count in the determination of the time limit.

Extenuating circumstances not of the student’s making may justify allowing the student additional time to complete his or her degree program. A request for a one year’s extension will be received favorably if it is fully justified and supported by the student's Graduate Advisor.

A student should discuss the possibility of an extension with his or her Supervisor and Graduate Advisor. Each request must be accompanied by a completed Request for Extension form and a memo from the supervisor or graduate advisor justifying the request for extension, including a written report from the last Supervisory Committee meeting and a schedule (Extension Timeline) showing how the program will be completed in the extension period requested.

Extensions must correspond with the beginning and end of term.

Increased tuition fees are assessed for students on extension.