
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Productivity and cost competitiveness of Canadian food and beverage manufacturing industries 14 December 2008
Synthetic approach to the agelasimines 14 December 2008
Reactions of acetylene and allene with amidodiphosphine iridium complexes 14 December 2008
Multivariate statistical models for seasonal climate prediction and climate downscaling 14 December 2008
The securitization of terrorism in Indonesia : 2001-2006 14 December 2008
Integration of heterogeneous wireless access networks with IP multimedia subsystem 14 December 2008
A six degrees-of-freedom, hydraulic, one person motion simulator 14 December 2008
The role of adenylate cyclase in the regulation of competence development in haemophilus influenzae 14 December 2008
Pedogenesis of soils derived from ultramafic rocks and tephra in southwestern British Columbia 14 December 2008
A synthetic and geocentric model of organizational management applied to curriculum planning for management education in the PRC : the case of MOFERT 14 December 2008
St. Martin of Braga : sources for his tolerance toward the rustici in sixth century Galicia 14 December 2008
An automated corrective action selective assistant 14 December 2008
Essays on international trade and factor mobility in the presence of a public input 12 December 2008
Analysis of the decay [pi] --> [rho][nu] 12 December 2008
Acceptability of psychological interventions for pediatric pain associated with invasive medical procedures 12 December 2008
The foundation of the global economy : the evolution of the international regime for private trade law from the eleventh through the twentieth centuries 12 December 2008
Stereo-based obstacle detection using Gabor filters 12 December 2008
Absolute optical oscillator strengths for electronic excitations of noblae gas atoms and diatomic molecules 12 December 2008
Lipoprotein delivery of benzoporphyrin derivative : a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy 11 December 2008
Monotonality and chromatic dualism in Richard Strauss’s Salome 11 December 2008
Integration of manufacturing process control and optimization with a general purpose multi-processor controller 11 December 2008
Morphological and functional studies of substance P and somatostatin in the small intestine 11 December 2008
Three essays in real estate markets 11 December 2008
The formation and reactivity of positive Muon molecular ions 11 December 2008
Evolution and evaluation of a jet-assisted glow discharge source for atomic emission spectrometry 11 December 2008
Bit-interleaved coded modulation for hybrid rf/fso systems 10 December 2008
Essays in open-economy macroeconomics 09 December 2008
Role of podocalyxin in hematopoiesis and cell migration 09 December 2008
Emotional design : an investigation into designers' perceptions of incorporating emotions in software 08 December 2008
Kenya's urban high school teachers' perceptions of diversity : implications for curriculum implementation and pedagogy 08 December 2008
The imprints of performance : editorial mediations of Shakespeare's drama 08 December 2008
Transferability of community-based macro-level collision prediction models for use in road safety planning applications 08 December 2008
Geochemistry of post-shield lavas from Kea- and Loa-trend Hawaiian volcanoes : constraints on the origin and distribution of heterogeneities in the Hawaiian mantle plume 08 December 2008
Effect of plant functional group removal on the soil microbial community diversity and composition 08 December 2008
Entertaining tweens : re/presenting "the teenage girl" in "girl video games" 07 December 2008
Usermode kernel : running the kernel in userspace in VM environments 07 December 2008
Language, immigration, and cities 07 December 2008
Cerebral : visualizing multiple experimental conditions on a graph with biological context 07 December 2008
In vivo efficacy of novel antibacterial and immunomodulatory peptides 07 December 2008
Secure and efficient wireless ad hoc networking 05 December 2008
Optimal resource management in wireless access networks 05 December 2008
Roles of the DOG-1 and JRH-1 helicase-like proteins in DNA repair in Caenorhabditis elegans 04 December 2008
Origin of rutile-bearing ilmenite Fe-Ti deposits in Proterozoic anorthosite massifs of the Grenville Province 04 December 2008
Intonation and Focus in Nte?kepmxcin (Thompson River Salish) 04 December 2008
Essays on macroeconomic risk in financial markets 04 December 2008
Semantics-based resource discovery in global-scale grids 04 December 2008
A study of movement and order : the securitization of migration in Canada and France 04 December 2008
Point-of-gaze estimation in three dimensions 04 December 2008
Transformations of cyclic olefins mediated by tungsten and molybdenum nitrosyl complexes 04 December 2008
Molecular mechanism of long-term depression and its role in experience-dependent ocular dominance plasticity of primary visual cortex 04 December 2008
