Quantitative modelling and assessment of surgical motor actions in minimally invasive surgery |
03 December 2008 |
Decentralization and democratization of natural resources management programs in India : a study of self-governing resource user-groups |
03 December 2008 |
Feature-based graph visualization |
03 December 2008 |
Resource management in wireless networks |
03 December 2008 |
Resource allocation for OFDM-based cognitive radio systems |
03 December 2008 |
Nonlinear optical spectroscopic studies of polymer surface properties and competition adsorption of toluene and heptane on silica surfaces |
03 December 2008 |
Marine natural products : synthesis and isolation of bioactive analogues |
02 December 2008 |
Seismic absorption estimation and compensation |
01 December 2008 |
Determining abundance and stock structure for a widespread migratory animal : the case of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in British Columbia, Canada |
30 November 2008 |
Test and fault-tolerance for network-on-chip infrastructures |
28 November 2008 |
Image-based face recognition under varying pose and illuminations conditions |
28 November 2008 |
Fecal triiodothyronine assay validation using captive Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and subsequent application to free-ranging populations to examine nutritional stress |
27 November 2008 |
A decision-making framework for student judicial affairs |
27 November 2008 |
A system-level synthetic circuit generator for FPGA architectural analysis |
24 November 2008 |
The Na⁺/H⁺ exchanger NHE1 plays a permissive role in regulating early neurite morphogenesis |
23 November 2008 |
Model based approaches to array CGH data analysis |
23 November 2008 |
Multi-level party politics : the Liberal Party from the ground up |
20 November 2008 |
Vibrational dynamics of icy aerosol particles : phase transitions and intrinsic particle properties |
19 November 2008 |
Negotiating multiple investments in languages and identities : the language socialization of Generation 1.5 Korean-Canadian university students |
19 November 2008 |
Computational approaches for RNA energy parameter estimation |
19 November 2008 |
Approaching homeownership : the housing decisions of young white-collar workers in reform-era Beijing |
18 November 2008 |
Essays in housing and macroeconomy |
17 November 2008 |
Natural gas recovery from hydrates in a silica sand matrix |
17 November 2008 |
Aboriginal participation in mineral development : environmental assessment and impact and benefit agreements |
16 November 2008 |
An integrated assessment of the effect of environmental regulation, land use changes and market forces on the Mexican leather and footwear industries’ restructuring |
13 November 2008 |
Electrochemical in situ investigation of thiolate DNA monolayers on gold with fluorescence imaging |
13 November 2008 |
Exploring the dynamics of revenge |
13 November 2008 |
Processing terror : an investigation into the immediate and short-term psychological effects of a terrorist attack |
13 November 2008 |
Improved teleseismic Green's functions and western Canada mantle structure and evolution |
13 November 2008 |
Twist regulates E-cadherin and N-cadherin expression levels in distinct human trophoblastic cell lines in vitro. |
12 November 2008 |
Reliable high-throughput FPGA interconnect using source-synchronous surfing and wave pipelining |
11 November 2008 |
Volcanostratigraphic framework and magmatic evolution of the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au district, South Mongolia |
07 November 2008 |
“You know, kids don’t come out in a cookie-cutter” : disability and other processes mothers of ‘labelled’ children negotiate in the educational playing field. |
05 November 2008 |
Pharmacological neuroprotection for spinal cord injury |
05 November 2008 |
The abusive personality in women in dating relationships |
05 November 2008 |
A 43mW single-channel 4GS/s 4-bit flash ADC IN 0.18um CMOS |
03 November 2008 |
A frequency-translating hybrid architecture for wideband analog-to-digital converters |
03 November 2008 |
Geologically-constrained UBC–GIF gravity and magnetic inversions with examples from the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt, Western Australia |
31 October 2008 |
The effect of recovery strategies on high-intensity exercise performance and lactate clearance |
30 October 2008 |
Improving livetrapping methods for shrews (Sorex spp.) |
30 October 2008 |
Communicating with a family member who has cognitive impairment : a caregiving family perspective |
30 October 2008 |
Designing chatbot interfaces for language learning : ethnographic research into affect and users' experiences |
30 October 2008 |
3D livewire and live-vessel : minimal path methods for interactive medical image segmentation |
30 October 2008 |
Environments of memory : bio-geography in contemporary literary representations of Canada and the Great War |
30 October 2008 |
Impacts of temperature and hydraulic retention tie on odours produced from authothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion |
30 October 2008 |
Bayesian statistics and production reliability assessments for mining operations |
30 October 2008 |
Rheology of porous rhyolite |
30 October 2008 |
Design of haptic signals for information communication in everyday environments |
30 October 2008 |
Progress in globular cluster research : insights from NGC 6397 and Messier 4 |
29 October 2008 |
Plasticity in infants' speech perception : a role for attention? |
29 October 2008 |