
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Development of a desktop high-resolution MRI for microflow visualization 13 October 2008
Improvement of longevity and signal quality in implantable neural recording systems 13 October 2008
Carbon nanotubes for biomolecular sensing and photovoltaics 13 October 2008
Positron emission tomography region of interest and parametric image analysis methods for severely-lesioned small animal disease models 13 October 2008
"The king is a thing": Hamlet and the prostheses of nobility 13 October 2008
Use of alternative feed ingredients and the effects on growth and flesh quality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). 13 October 2008
A methodology for assessing the seismic risk of buildings 13 October 2008
Socialization in the margins : second language writers and feedback practices in university content courses 13 October 2008
In situ analysis of lateral triterpenoid distribution in plant cuticular waxes using Raman microspectroscopy and non-linear optical imaging 13 October 2008
Reluctant realists: the Pacific Northwest lumber industry, federal labor standards and union legislation during the New Deal 11 October 2008
Increasing public awareness: a community action group case study 11 October 2008
Fashion magazine advertising: the constructions of 'Femininity’ in Seventeen 11 October 2008
Home range behavior of Roosevelt elk in Strathcona Park 11 October 2008
Oxovanadium(IV) and (V) complexes with naturally-occurring molecules 11 October 2008
A System for the efficient automated analysis of reconstructed double-pulsed holograms 11 October 2008
Making Europeans: Pan-European television and the European Community 11 October 2008
Effects of water mite parasitism on Cenocorixa spp. (Heteroptera: Corixidae) 11 October 2008
Central American refugee claimants’ experiences accessing health care 11 October 2008
The adolescent female’s experience of pregnancy 11 October 2008
International trade and legal modernization: effects of Mexico’s membership in the North American Free Trade Agreement 11 October 2008
The implementation of sequential and parallel algorithms for solving almost block bidiagonal systems 11 October 2008
Sexual assault: public debate and criminal law reform 11 October 2008
Wind induced entrainment in the Strait of Georgia and the possible consequences for fish survival 11 October 2008
Experiments with withdrawal-induced resonant internal waves 11 October 2008
The Accuracy and precision of ORP monitoring in bio-nutrient removal processes 11 October 2008
Children’s perception of the learning process 11 October 2008
Triassic-Jurassic biochronology of the eastern Iskut River map area, northwestern British Columbia 11 October 2008
Volcanic stratigraphy and lithochemistry of the lower Jurassic Hazelton group, host to the Eskay Creek precious and base metal volcanogenic deposit 11 October 2008
Increasing public awareness: a community action group case study 11 October 2008
Relative allergenicity of modified bovine milk proteins 10 October 2008
Novel mutations of the A mating-type idiomorph in Neurospora crassa 10 October 2008
Aesthetics and critical pedagogy: a critique of Parsons’ stage theory of aesthetic development 10 October 2008
Municipal policy and program options for affordable home ownership: a City of Toronto case study 10 October 2008
Healthy communities in British Columbia : a case study of the Tri-City Health Promotion Project 10 October 2008
Analysis of wheat pricing policy in Zimbabwe 10 October 2008
The learning and empowerment of people with schizophrenia 10 October 2008
The restructuring of the Open Learning Agency: a predictive analysis 10 October 2008
Housework : here today and here tomorrow 10 October 2008
Synthesis characterization, and reactivity of ruthenium maltolato complexes 10 October 2008
Sleep/wakefulness versus urethane anesthesia: analogous arousal states for respiratory control? 10 October 2008
Growth, carcass composition, and plasma growth hormone levels in cyclically fed rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss microform 10 October 2008
Attitudes of staff nurses toward nursing students and influencing factors 10 October 2008
Thinking outloud: the problem-solving language of preschoolers with and without language impairment 10 October 2008
Knowledge and behaviours of Indo-Canadians about cardiovascular disease risk factors and prevention 10 October 2008
The experience of leadership through difficult situations : what helps and hinders 10 October 2008
The reduction of tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects of antiepileptic drugs 10 October 2008
A real-time 3D motion tracking system 10 October 2008
Sexist implications of law’s fidelity to science and reason 10 October 2008
The role of a board of directors in responding to an unsolicited takeover bid 10 October 2008
Distributed architectures and databases for personal communications networks and services 10 October 2008
