
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Shelf-life prediction and flavour quality assessment of pasteurized milk by multivariate analysis of dynamic headspace gas chromatographic data 16 December 2008
Through bolt connections for composite columns 16 December 2008
Reliability analysis of structural concrete elements 16 December 2008
Characteristics of tidally-forced pollutant transport in narrow channels 16 December 2008
Distributed case management : a concept for decision support systems 16 December 2008
Local participation in the Cowichan and Chemainus Valleys Ecomuseum : an exploration of individual participatory experiences 16 December 2008
Teachers’ preferred methods of learning about the topic of "student motivation" 16 December 2008
Sedimentary organic matter in the Colorado Group (Cretaceous), Alberta 16 December 2008
The rapid recovery of three-dimensional structure from line drawings 16 December 2008
Multiply sectioned Bayesian belief networks for large knowledge-based systems: an application to neuromuscular diagnosis 16 December 2008
Aspects of modeling III-V semiconductor devices 16 December 2008
Synthesis, characterization and magnetic properties of some transition metal pyrazolate complexes 16 December 2008
Desakota in Kerala: Space and political economy in Southwest India 16 December 2008
Identification and organization of the cytoskeleton in the alga Vaucheria longicaulis var. macounii 16 December 2008
Axonal regeneration and functional recovery in the chick following embryonic spinal cord injury 16 December 2008
Differential changes in gene expression in cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells after beta-amyloid stimulation 16 December 2008
The effects of context on speech understanding in noise 15 December 2008
The relative contribution of gesture to communication in aphasia : a case study 15 December 2008
Rent capture in rights based fisheries 15 December 2008
Benzoporphyrin derivative and the photodynamic extracorporeal treatment of leukemia 15 December 2008
Structure-function relationships of endoglucanase C (CenC) from Cellulomonas fimi 15 December 2008
Castil-Blaze, De L’Opéra en France, and the Feuilletons of the Journal des Débats (1820-1832) 15 December 2008
Rheology and stability of magnetite dense media 15 December 2008
The effects of prior exposure to music on a subsequent memory task 15 December 2008
Characterization of a platelet activating factor using forskolin and methylcarbamyl PAF 15 December 2008
A’ frutti loro li cognosciarete : gender and genre in a quattrocento altarpiece 15 December 2008
The roles of protein-tyrosine kinases in neutrophil and airway smooth muscle cell activation 15 December 2008
Vertical effective protection under mixed pricing: a study of the Canadian food industry 15 December 2008
Sunn-hemp mosiac virus as a helper in the intercellular spread of southern bean mosaic in a resistant host 15 December 2008
An alternative strategy for resource development : a Gitksan Wet'suwet'en proposal 15 December 2008
John K. Friesen : adult educator, mentor and humanitarian 15 December 2008
Mathematical modeling in cellular immunology: T cell activation and parameter estimation 15 December 2008
A single phase Al₀ 3Ga₀ 7As/GaAs heterojunction resistive-gate charge-coupled device 15 December 2008
The infinite order sudden approximation and the delta-shell potential 15 December 2008
Effect of spoilage and processing conditions on the nutritive value of various marine protein sources for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and chinook salmon (Oncohrynchus tshawytscha) 15 December 2008
Drag reduction of a rectangular prism through momentum injection 15 December 2008
The Shah Bano controversy: gender versus minority rights in India 15 December 2008
A case study in the restructuring of linguistic knowledge among adult ESL students 15 December 2008
Parliamentary sovereignty and the challenge of European community law in the United Kingdom 15 December 2008
The development of the biographical tradition on the Athenian orators in the Hellenistic period 15 December 2008
The effects of context on speech understanding in noise 15 December 2008
The relative contribution of gesture to communication in aphasia : a case study 15 December 2008
Ethical problems encountered by public health nursing administrators 15 December 2008
Molecular cloning of a human putative 7-transmembrane segment (7TMS) receptor 15 December 2008
Tree population dynamics of some old sub-boreal spruce stands 15 December 2008
Enhancement of cranberry management by quantitative remote sensing techniques 15 December 2008
The effect of divalent cations on IK(f) : a transient outward potassium current expressed in melanotrophs of the rat pituitary gland 15 December 2008
Modification of cellulose biosynthesis through varied expression of sucrose metabolism genes in tobacco and hybrid poplar 15 December 2008
Essays on investor-manager conflict and corporate financial decision-making 15 December 2008
Two papers in international trade 15 December 2008
