
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Genetic factors in premature ovarian failure 02 October 2008
Fatigue cracking of lumber bandsaw blades 02 October 2008
Dynamic changes in haematopiotic stem cells after myocardial infarction 02 October 2008
The experiences and meanings of adults who were raised in and later departed from evangelical fundamentalism : a descriptive phenomenological inquiry 02 October 2008
Attitudes toward resource conservation and conservation behaviour: the moderating role of self-interest and social values 02 October 2008
Integrated optics pockels cell high voltage sensor 02 October 2008
Genetic attributions and gender differences the effect of scientific theories and evaluations of sexual behaviors 02 October 2008
(2+1)-dimensional gravity over a two-holed torus, T²#T² 02 October 2008
Retrofitting beam-to-column joints for improved seismic performance microform 02 October 2008
Sinsistral high strain in the Coast Mountains near Bella Coola, West Central British Columbia 02 October 2008
Seismic and mechanical attributes of lithospheric deformation and subduction in western Canada 02 October 2008
Surveillance of asthma in relation to work among Canada's adult population 02 October 2008
Crafting community : the resettlement of expellee violin makers in postwar Bavaria 01 October 2008
Achieving economic and social sustainability in the inner city : the role of business improvements districts 01 October 2008
The impact of trade reform on the research and development incentives for Canadian dairy producers 01 October 2008
Effect of implant surface roughness on the NFkB signalling pathway in macrophages 01 October 2008
Applying computational fluid dynamics to speech : with a focus on the speech sounds 'pa' and 'sh' 01 October 2008
Humour and empathy in children's social relationships 01 October 2008
Chinese architectural practice and the spatial discourse of Vancouver's Chinatown 01 October 2008
SUE : an advertisement recommendation framework utilizing categorized events and stimuli 01 October 2008
Les origines d'une confusion identitaire : le cas du gascon 01 October 2008
Phenomenological modeling of the nucleated polymerization of human islet amyloid polypeptide : a combined experimental and theoretical approach 01 October 2008
Mothers with arthritis : experiences in the stories of mothering 01 October 2008
Rheology and electro-acoustic characterization of laterite slurries 01 October 2008
Development and application of a rapid micro-scale method of lignin content determination in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions 01 October 2008
Assesment of drinking water quality using disinfection by-products in a distribution system following a treatment technology upgrade 01 October 2008
Methods for estimating reliability of water treatment processes : an application to conventional and membrane technologies 01 October 2008
Journeys of faith and survivial : an examination of three Jewish graphic novels 01 October 2008
Biological classification of clinical breast cancer using tissue microarrays 30 September 2008
Uniparental disomy as a cause for congenital malformations and or developmental delay in inherited apparently balanced chromosomal rearrangements 30 September 2008
Learning to see in the Pietist Orphanage : geometry, philanthropy and the science of perfection, 1695-1730 30 September 2008
Effect of maturity on rumen degradation of tropical and temperate forage cell wall polysaccharides from leaves and stems 30 September 2008
The effectiveness of the light-gap method for monitoring saw tensioning 30 September 2008
Kinematic and dynamic calibration of hydraulically actuated manipulators 30 September 2008
Lost in translation : an ethnographic study of traditional healers in the Açorean (Azorean) islands of Portugal 30 September 2008
Deserving citizenship? Canadian immigration policy and 'low skilled' Portuguese workers in Toronto 30 September 2008
Enhanced anaerobic digestion of combined wastewater sludges through solubilization of waste activated sludge 30 September 2008
GVWD corrosion control initiative, phase II: inhibitor chemical testing at Seymour Dam 30 September 2008
A new approach to mass balance modeling: applications to igneous petrology 30 September 2008
The functional role of CXC chemokine ligand 10 in coxackievirus B3-induced myocarditis 29 September 2008
Effect of ambient air pollution on development of childhood asthma 29 September 2008
Characterization of epitaxial semiconductor films by scanning tunneling microscopy at ambient pressure 29 September 2008
Competition at the feed bunk during transition changes the feeding, standing and social behaviour of Holstein dairy cows 29 September 2008
Multi-view hockey tracking with trajectory smoothing and camera selection 29 September 2008
Characterization of epitaxial semiconductor films by scanning tunneling microscopy at ambient pressure 29 September 2008
Wood frame building response to rapid onset flooding 29 September 2008
Improved control of photovoltaic interfaces 29 September 2008
Pipe flow of homogeneous slurry 28 September 2008
Polymorphisms of CF modifier genes : their relationship to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and severity of disease in CF patients 28 September 2008
A population-based analysis of the risk of hip fracture in men with prostate cancer exposed to radiation and androgen deprivation therapy 28 September 2008
