
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Postharvest windthrow and recruitment of large woody debris in riparian buffers 04 January 2009
A classification theory based information systems model 04 January 2009
On the existence of jet schemes logarithmic along families of divisors 04 January 2009
Urban travel time models : Vancouver (BC) case study 04 January 2009
Swallow, egg, chrysanthemum : music composition with document 04 January 2009
Planning policy responses to the challenge of industrial restructuring : the case of Vancouver, B.C. 04 January 2009
Muonium reactions with aromatics 04 January 2009
Investigations towards the synthesis of vinblastine and vinblastine analogs 04 January 2009
The total synthesis of ±-[beta]-panasinsene 04 January 2009
The western allies, the German opposition, and the search for peace, 1939-1944 23 December 2008
Characterization of an inversion duplication of human chromosome 8 by fluorescent in situ hybridization 23 December 2008
Faint galaxy observations and model predictions 23 December 2008
The use of oxidation-reduction potential (orp) as a process a process control parameter in wastewater treatment systems 23 December 2008
Hydrodynamic coefficients of large vertical cylinders 23 December 2008
Parents’ perceptions of their experiences of caring for an infant or toddler under three years of age with inslulin dependent diabetes mellitus 23 December 2008
Visualization of multivariate data using preattentive processing 23 December 2008
Incongruous pain display as a source of self-deception 23 December 2008
The development of a rat model of brain-damage-produced amnesia 23 December 2008
Adaptation of responses to prolonged stimulation in single neurons in area 17 of the cat 23 December 2008
William Makepeace Thackeray’s Catherine : a story : a critical edition with commentaries 23 December 2008
Statistical analysis with the state space model 23 December 2008
Stabilizer design for dynamic stability control of multimachine power systems 23 December 2008
Mathematical models for biological pattern formation in two dimensions 23 December 2008
The impact of royal commissions on public policy : worker’s compensation in British Columbia, 1941-1968 22 December 2008
British unemployment policy in the 1920’s : a re-appraisal of Revolution of Reason and We Can Conquer Unemployment 22 December 2008
The image of the peasant woman in selected works of Berthold Auerbach and Jeremias Gotthelf 22 December 2008
Clinging to power : the security predicaments of third world states 22 December 2008
Technology and change in national defense planning in the twentieth century 22 December 2008
The development of personal empowerment : a qualitative study of the experience of master’s nursing student 22 December 2008
Bone marrow transplantion : the experience of family members 22 December 2008
On the undetected error probability of BCH codes 22 December 2008
Microstrip resonators for high speed opitical commutator switches 22 December 2008
Adopting computers in architectural firms 22 December 2008
Ecological site quality and productivity of western hemlock ecosystems in the coastal western hemlock zone of British Columbia 22 December 2008
Carbon dioxide enrichment and the role of carbohydrate reserves in root growth potential of cold-stored Engelmann spruce (Picea Engelmannii Parry) seedlings 22 December 2008
Inocluation of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the IDFdk2 biogeoclimatic zone of British Columbia : new techniques, fungi and outplanting trials 22 December 2008
The role of toxic shock syndrome Toxin-1 and Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A in the pathogenesis of toxic shock syndrome 22 December 2008
Construction of chaotic regions for Duffing’s equation with a quadric term 22 December 2008
Lone parent families and the suburban experience : making alternative suburban living environments a reality 22 December 2008
Key M.I.S. issues for management : an Eastern European perspective 22 December 2008
The characterization of porous rocks with nuclear magnetic resonance and the confocal laser scanning microscope 22 December 2008
A theoretical treatment of microscopic phenomena in porous rocks 22 December 2008
A statistical mechanical theory for the crystallization of alkali halides from aqueous solution 22 December 2008
Gas-phase ion-molecule chemistry of chromium nitrosyl complex CpCr(NO)₂CH₃ and coulomb interaction between ions in fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry 22 December 2008
Part I : a simple model of the hypertriton. Part II : muon capture by 3He 19 December 2008
Photoelectron experiments on semiconductor heterostructures using synchrotron radiation 19 December 2008
The measurement of the rare kaon decay k-plus to pi-plus, neutrino and anti-neutrino 19 December 2008
Two-loop contributions to the [Beta] - [|Beta] mixing amplitude 19 December 2008
Hypocrisy and heresy : language and concepts in early modern England 19 December 2008
Geometric approach to monotone stochastic control 19 December 2008
