
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Austenite grain growth kinetics and the grain size distribution 11 January 2009
Conversational initiations and responses in kindergarten by a blind child and his sighted identical twin 11 January 2009
Edge detection for the segmentation of salmonids in digital images 11 January 2009
Properties of steel micro-fiber reinforced cementitious material 11 January 2009
Inventory management at Finning Ltd. 11 January 2009
The multi-service centre : A vehicle for social service delivery 11 January 2009
Conversational initiations and responses in kindergarten by a blind child and his sighted identical twin 11 January 2009
Handling uncertainty in GIS and environmental models : An application in forest management 11 January 2009
Conversational initiations and responses in kindergarten by a blind child and his sighted identical twin 11 January 2009
The regulation of CD44-mediated adhesion to hyaluronan 10 January 2009
Synthesis and characterization of water-soluble ruthenium porphyrin complexes as radiosensitizers 10 January 2009
Knowledge requirements of coronary artery bypass graft patients and their partners during the third to fourth week period after discharge from the hospital 10 January 2009
Determination of clinical care nurses’ behavior toward structured and open family visiting 10 January 2009
Matter or mirage? : The public policy rationale for section 9 of the fair trading act 1986 (N.Z.) 10 January 2009
Interface strength of various geosynthetics and soils from ring shear tests 10 January 2009
Financing the Royal Navy,1905-1914 : Sound finance in the Dreadnought era 09 January 2009
The effect of steady rate exercise on the pattern of force production of the lower limbs in cycling 09 January 2009
Economic development and domestic finance : An investigation into the McKinnon-Shaw hypotesis 09 January 2009
Quantitation of human megakaryocyte progenitor cells in semi-solid cultures 09 January 2009
An examination of the ethical decision-making processes used in decisions to fund, reduce or cease funding tailored health services 09 January 2009
Nampeyo and the Sikyatki Revival : Creating a legend with Hopi ceramics 09 January 2009
Representations of witches in nineteenth century music 09 January 2009
Simulation models for estimating productivity and trade-offs in the data-limited fisheries of New South Wales, Australia 09 January 2009
Images of justice 09 January 2009
Third-generation photosensitizers : Synthesis, characterization, and liposome interaction of promising new benzoporphyrin derivatives 09 January 2009
Writing and rewriting feminist and irreverent texts : Poetry, narrative, pedagogy and life 09 January 2009
Second language writers’ processes, performance and perceptions in ESL Composition : Case studies of Japanese students 09 January 2009
The effects on writing and revision of two different feedback methods : Teachers’s written feedback and writing conference feedback 09 January 2009
The isolation and phenotypic characterization of Paramecium tetraurelia temperature-sensitive cell cycle mutants 09 January 2009
Heat transfer model of the hot rolling runout table-cooling and coil cooling of steel 09 January 2009
Design and Performance of a Continuous Media Server for a High-Speed Network 09 January 2009
Adaptive control of sheet caliper on paper machines 09 January 2009
Estimation of limb occlusion pressure for surgical tourniquets based on the measurement of arterial pulse wave transit time 09 January 2009
Off Bragg blazing for TM polarization with rectangular gratings 09 January 2009
Neural networks for legal quantum prediction 09 January 2009
Ideology, social control, and the private facts tort 09 January 2009
The serotonergic relationship between feeding and sexual behaviour in the male rat 09 January 2009
Real-time motion tracking: a case study in parallelizing vision algorithms 09 January 2009
A VHDL front end 09 January 2009
Hillslope hydrology in the Rennell Sound area of the Queen Charlotte Islands 09 January 2009
Causal beliefs of mental disorders and treatment preferences in Ghana 09 January 2009
Reaction of lime and coal mineral matter with hydrogen 09 January 2009
Incineration of industrial organic wastes in a circulating fluidized bed combustor 09 January 2009
Electrochemical generation of hydrogen peroxide with in-situ brightening of mechanical pulp 09 January 2009
An evaluation of leeches as in situ biomonitors of chlorinated phenolic compounds discharged from bleached kraft pulp mills 09 January 2009
The need for an integrated approach to information generation in coastal marine environmental management 09 January 2009
Sulfur dispersing agents for nickel sulfide leaching above the melting point of sulfur 09 January 2009
Le parler français qub̈écois le parler français plus ... ou moins? : analyse sociolinguistique des niveaux de langue en franco-québécois 09 January 2009
A convective boundary layer model with time-adaptive grids 09 January 2009
Joint inversion for correlated models in linear inverse problems 09 January 2009
