Living with facial disfigurement : a phenomenological study of individuals after radical surgery for head and neck cancer |
18 December 2008 |
Power, resistance and the law in a British Columbia land title trial |
18 December 2008 |
Crown-aboriginal fiduciary relationships : false optimism or realistic expectations? |
18 December 2008 |
Microcontroller-based current source inverter driven induction motor drive |
18 December 2008 |
Spatial memory changes in adulthood |
18 December 2008 |
Women workers in export processing zones in Asia : a political economy perspective |
18 December 2008 |
Studies on the calcium- and phospholipid- dependent protein kinase activity from heart |
18 December 2008 |
Multi-dimensional modelling of a spouted bed |
18 December 2008 |
Analysis of the molecular defects causing haemophilia B in six patients |
18 December 2008 |
Mediating community disputes : the regulatory logic of government through pastoral power |
18 December 2008 |
Predicting time-since-fire from forest inventory data in Saskatchewan, Canada |
18 December 2008 |
Extending interpersonal problems to include the "big five" personality dimensions |
18 December 2008 |
The modification of dysfunctional patterns of sexual arousal through false physiological feedback and sympathetic activation |
18 December 2008 |
Static, cyclic and post liquefaction undrained behaviour of Fraser river sand |
18 December 2008 |
An ultrastructural study of macrovascular changes in rats with diabetes mellitus and hypertension |
18 December 2008 |
Facilities programming and case study of Kwantlen College Richmond Campus : implications for community planning |
18 December 2008 |
Manufacturing incubation and the inner city. A case study of Greater Vancouver and implications for land use policy |
18 December 2008 |
Electronic data interchange(EDI) : key audit issues |
18 December 2008 |
The Norman Wells Project Coordinating Committee : an evaluation |
18 December 2008 |
Writing their world : conceptions of literacy in a remedial behavioural classroom |
18 December 2008 |
Airline yield management : a dynamic seat allocation model |
18 December 2008 |
Forward modeling and inversion of DC resistivity and MMR data |
18 December 2008 |
Quantitative adaptive robust control based on a robust frequency domain estimator |
18 December 2008 |
The effect of corona on wave propagation on transmission lines |
18 December 2008 |
Identification and cloning of the genes required for production of the adhesive holdfast organelle of the marine Caulobacter MCS6 |
18 December 2008 |
A comparative study of the effects of non-reciprocal and reciprocal instructional supervision dyads on elementary and secondary teachers classroom management practice |
18 December 2008 |
Ischemia-induced amnesia in rats : a neurobehavioural analysis |
18 December 2008 |
The mechanism of human monocyte activation by staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) |
18 December 2008 |
Brain lipid binding protein expression in lamina-propria olfactory ensheathing cells is regulated by delta/notch-like epidermal growth factor-related receptor |
18 December 2008 |
Characterization of hemopoietic stem cells in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) |
18 December 2008 |
Structure-function correlates in human apolipoprotein A-1 |
18 December 2008 |
The effect of body position on lung functiion in older healthy individuals |
17 December 2008 |
Comparative analysis of rubella specific antibody responses in congenitally and postnatally rubella infected humans : a model for selective tolerance |
17 December 2008 |
Ideologia y humor en La Dama Boba de Lope de Vega y Carpio |
17 December 2008 |
Interactive effects of alcohol and diabetes during pregnancy on the rat fetus |
17 December 2008 |
Integral protein and cholesterol in model membranes : a ²H NMR study |
17 December 2008 |
Gender, sanctity and sainthood : official and alternative saints as females exemplars in Roman Catholicism, 1939-1978 |
17 December 2008 |
Poetica y hermeneutica en la obra castellana de Fray Luis de Leon |
17 December 2008 |
Restriction endonuclease banding of human metaphase chromosomes |
17 December 2008 |
Mapping of D8S136 to the short arm of human chromosome 8 |
17 December 2008 |
Consolidation and mantle evolution of the Sinokorean Craton in Early Precambrian time |
17 December 2008 |
On the kinetics of NMDA-associated ion channels : different agonists and the effects of anaesthetic drugs |
17 December 2008 |
The cardiac actions of platelet activating factor : possible involvement in endotoxix shock |
17 December 2008 |
Seat of power, site of satire : James Gillray’s representation of King George III in Monstrous craws at a new coalition feast (1787) |
17 December 2008 |
Confirming claims and investigating identities : Frida Kahlo and American feminism in the late 1970s |
17 December 2008 |
Japanese market for dimensional lumber : a gravity model approach |
17 December 2008 |
Inversion of three-dimensional direct current resistivity data |
17 December 2008 |
Effects of extracts from Neem, Azadirachta Indica (A. Juss.), on aphids (Homoptera:Aphididae) with respect to their control |
17 December 2008 |
Learning from the 2010 Vancouver winter Olympic Games about Aboriginal peoples of Canada |
17 December 2008 |
Solid modeller based milling process simulation |
17 December 2008 |