
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Living with facial disfigurement : a phenomenological study of individuals after radical surgery for head and neck cancer 18 December 2008
Power, resistance and the law in a British Columbia land title trial 18 December 2008
Crown-aboriginal fiduciary relationships : false optimism or realistic expectations? 18 December 2008
Microcontroller-based current source inverter driven induction motor drive 18 December 2008
Spatial memory changes in adulthood 18 December 2008
Women workers in export processing zones in Asia : a political economy perspective 18 December 2008
Studies on the calcium- and phospholipid- dependent protein kinase activity from heart 18 December 2008
Multi-dimensional modelling of a spouted bed 18 December 2008
Analysis of the molecular defects causing haemophilia B in six patients 18 December 2008
Mediating community disputes : the regulatory logic of government through pastoral power 18 December 2008
Predicting time-since-fire from forest inventory data in Saskatchewan, Canada 18 December 2008
Extending interpersonal problems to include the "big five" personality dimensions 18 December 2008
The modification of dysfunctional patterns of sexual arousal through false physiological feedback and sympathetic activation 18 December 2008
Static, cyclic and post liquefaction undrained behaviour of Fraser river sand 18 December 2008
An ultrastructural study of macrovascular changes in rats with diabetes mellitus and hypertension 18 December 2008
Facilities programming and case study of Kwantlen College Richmond Campus : implications for community planning 18 December 2008
Manufacturing incubation and the inner city. A case study of Greater Vancouver and implications for land use policy 18 December 2008
Electronic data interchange(EDI) : key audit issues 18 December 2008
The Norman Wells Project Coordinating Committee : an evaluation 18 December 2008
Writing their world : conceptions of literacy in a remedial behavioural classroom 18 December 2008
Airline yield management : a dynamic seat allocation model 18 December 2008
Forward modeling and inversion of DC resistivity and MMR data 18 December 2008
Quantitative adaptive robust control based on a robust frequency domain estimator 18 December 2008
The effect of corona on wave propagation on transmission lines 18 December 2008
Identification and cloning of the genes required for production of the adhesive holdfast organelle of the marine Caulobacter MCS6 18 December 2008
A comparative study of the effects of non-reciprocal and reciprocal instructional supervision dyads on elementary and secondary teachers classroom management practice 18 December 2008
Ischemia-induced amnesia in rats : a neurobehavioural analysis 18 December 2008
The mechanism of human monocyte activation by staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) 18 December 2008
Brain lipid binding protein expression in lamina-propria olfactory ensheathing cells is regulated by delta/notch-like epidermal growth factor-related receptor 18 December 2008
Characterization of hemopoietic stem cells in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) 18 December 2008
Structure-function correlates in human apolipoprotein A-1 18 December 2008
The effect of body position on lung functiion in older healthy individuals 17 December 2008
Comparative analysis of rubella specific antibody responses in congenitally and postnatally rubella infected humans : a model for selective tolerance 17 December 2008
Ideologia y humor en La Dama Boba de Lope de Vega y Carpio 17 December 2008
Interactive effects of alcohol and diabetes during pregnancy on the rat fetus 17 December 2008
Integral protein and cholesterol in model membranes : a ²H NMR study 17 December 2008
Gender, sanctity and sainthood : official and alternative saints as females exemplars in Roman Catholicism, 1939-1978 17 December 2008
Poetica y hermeneutica en la obra castellana de Fray Luis de Leon 17 December 2008
Restriction endonuclease banding of human metaphase chromosomes 17 December 2008
Mapping of D8S136 to the short arm of human chromosome 8 17 December 2008
Consolidation and mantle evolution of the Sinokorean Craton in Early Precambrian time 17 December 2008
On the kinetics of NMDA-associated ion channels : different agonists and the effects of anaesthetic drugs 17 December 2008
The cardiac actions of platelet activating factor : possible involvement in endotoxix shock 17 December 2008
Seat of power, site of satire : James Gillray’s representation of King George III in Monstrous craws at a new coalition feast (1787) 17 December 2008
Confirming claims and investigating identities : Frida Kahlo and American feminism in the late 1970s 17 December 2008
Japanese market for dimensional lumber : a gravity model approach 17 December 2008
Inversion of three-dimensional direct current resistivity data 17 December 2008
Effects of extracts from Neem, Azadirachta Indica (A. Juss.), on aphids (Homoptera:Aphididae) with respect to their control 17 December 2008
Learning from the 2010 Vancouver winter Olympic Games about Aboriginal peoples of Canada 17 December 2008
Solid modeller based milling process simulation 17 December 2008
