Convocation May 2015

Canadian Immigration Updates

Review details about the recently announced changes to study and work permits that apply to master’s and doctoral degree students. Read more

Doctor of Education (Educational Leadership and Policy)

  • Dr. Susan Beverley Graydon Kelsall: "Dr. Graydon Kelsall used sequence analysis to explore the academic pathways of one Ontario college cohort. The study details diverse student transitions and suggests institutional and system barriers to student success. Her recommendations argue for individually-focused institutional support rather than approaches based on group characteristics."
  • Dr. Michelle Ellen Szabo Suderman: "Dr. Suderman showed that the National Survey of Student Engagement is not currently designed to meet the diverse perspectives of international undergraduate students. Her study used extensive focus group analysis and the findings will influence international student development in higher education and research on student engagement theory."
  • Dr. Cathrine Phyllis Robinson: "Dr. Robinson wrote a memoir about caring for her daughter who had an eating disorder, the impact on her family, and her encounters with health-care professionals. The findings of an online focus group with pediatric nurses, who read her memoir, pointed to the lack of knowledge of the disorder and the need for education and changes in care protocols."
  • Dr. Nancy Ruth Bepple: "Dr. Bepple studied the strategies used by international post-secondary students to obtain work in Canada after graduation. In addition to academic knowledge, those students want to acquire work-based skills, relationships, cultural understanding and credentials. She concludes that the students benefit from experiential learning opportunities."
  • Dr. Nadine Fabbi: "Dr. Fabbi developed an innovative initiative to support Arctic Studies and Indigenous language programs at the Canadian Studies Center at the University of Washington. Considering the Arctic as a distinct world region, informed by Inuit concepts of territory and sovereignty, reconfigures the approaches used for research and practice in the area."

Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy

  • Dr. Michael Rebin Copley: "Dr. Copley studied developmental changes in blood stem cells. He showed that such changes are regulated by a molecular pathway that is controlled at the level of the stem cell itself. This research may inform methods to expand blood stem cells and help to explain the unique behaviour of childhood leukemias compared to adult leukemias."

Doctor of Musical Arts

  • Dr. Martin Ritter: "Dr. Ritter created Ortus, a 9-movement work for chamber ensemble, electronics and motion tracking. In some sections, the pianist's hand motions control the processing of the instruments. Many of the pitches, harmonies and rhythms used in his composition were derived from spectral analyses performed on sounds such as a heartbeat, crying and speech."
  • Dr. Leah Giselle Field: "Dr. Field showed a difference in intended audience between composer and librettist in the Sendak/Knussen operas "Where the Wild Things Are" and "Higglety Pigglety Pop!" This clarifies issues of programming and promotion in operas on children's themes, versus operas and other cultural products written specifically for children."

Doctor of Philosophy (Anthropology)

  • Dr. Sara Victoria Komarnisky: "Dr. Komarnisky studied Mexican migrants in Alaska. She found that both locations, and a shared experience of mobility between them, are what makes these people feel at home in the world. This study adds to our understanding of migration patterns and experiences of place, and can contribute to policies that improve the lives of migrants everywhere."
  • Dr. Michael Andrew Shepard: "Dr. Shepard worked with several endangered language communities to examine how cultural beliefs impact ideology around language preservation. He explored issues of sovereignty, indigeneity, public dissemination of knowledge and archive management. The research identifies strategies for increasing the efficacy of Native language preservation efforts."

Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Animal Biology)

  • Dr. Gosia Anna Zobel: "Dr. Zobel's work focused on forced cessation of lactation in dairy cows and goats. This routine practice can increase illness and other welfare concerns. She provided the first evidence that stopping milking causes frustration in cows. Her novel goat work identified behavioral indicators that may help farmers identify animals at risk of becoming ill."

Doctor of Philosophy (Art History)

  • Dr. Catherine Steinmann: "Dr. Steinmann analyzed video works by artists Melanie Gilligan and Hito Steyerl through the lens of what Michel Foucault called biopower. She argued that these works show how biopower shapes the neoliberal subject through surveillance and documentation. Her work demonstrates that this politically engaged art offers new insight into biopower."
  • Dr. Krystel Faye Chehab: "Dr. Chehab studied developments in seventeenth-century Spanish painting. She examined the emergence of the genre of still-life painting in relation to more traditional forms of religious imagery, and argues that still life functioned as a forum for pictorial experimentation. This research broadens our understanding of Spanish imagery of this period."
  • Dr. Ivana Horacek: "Dr. Horacek studied central European art from the late 16th and early 17th centuries. She examined the fusion between art and knowledge as imbued in artefacts that were collected and exchanged as gifts by monarchs of that period. Her research brings forward the socio-political agency of works of art and how they mattered to people who exchanged them."

Doctor of Philosophy (Asian Studies)

  • Dr. Robban Anthony John Toleno: "Dr. Toleno studied food and morality in the history of premodern Chinese Buddhism. Translating passages from a tenth-century Buddhist encyclopedia, he found eating portrayed as a skilled activity rather than one governed by rules. His study will help scholars of Chinese religion re-evaluate the question of what motivated Buddhist food practices."

Doctor of Philosophy (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)

  • Dr. Maria de Lourdes Vallejo Espi: "Dr. Vallejo studied the mechanisms of breast cancer progression. She discovered a new protein complex important for the survival of cancerous cell and for metastasis. Her findings identified a new target for breast cancer therapy."
  • Dr. Genevieve Desjardins: "Dr. Desjardins investigated the regulation of the Ets1 transcription factor, which controls growth in both normal cells and tumors. Specifically, she uncovered how a flexible part of the Ets1 protein inhibits its ability to bind gene DNA. Her work sheds light on the molecular mechanisms involved in regulating gene expression and cancer development."

Doctor of Philosophy (Bioinformatics)

  • Dr. Kieran Matthew O'Neill: "Dr. O'Neill completed his doctoral studies in bioinformatics at the BC Cancer Research Centre. He developed and applied computational methods for analysing data from many cells of many cancer patients at the same time. These methods will aid researchers in finding new drug targets and clinical tests for acute myeloid leukemia and other cancers."
  • Dr. Niels William Hanson: "Dr. Hanson studies genes and genomes that have been obtained from the environment. He developed MetaPathways, an analytical software that can be applied to this biological 'Big Data'. This work provides researchers and clinicians with a powerful framework that can be used to compare gene and genomes from oceans, soils and the human intestinal tract."
  • Dr. Christine Rebecca Hunt: "Dr. Hunt developed computational approaches to improve detection of regions in the human genome that are dedicated to the regulation of gene expression. Her research has improved our understanding and interpretation of large-scale genomics data, and her findings will directly impact the clinical analysis of human DNA sequences."

Doctor of Philosophy (Biomedical Engineering)

  • Dr. Sahba Talebi Fard: "Dr. Talebi Fard developed optical devices and sensors for medical, clinical and environmental safety applications. This research is a major advancement towards development of a sensing system on a chip. This system can provide low cost, accurate, and easily accessible diagnosis and monitoring, to both healthcare providers and patients at home."

Doctor of Philosophy (Botany)

  • Dr. Lifang Zhao: "Dr. Zhao investigated the production of the waxy layer on plant surfaces that protects them against water loss, UV light, pathogens and insects. Her work resulted in the discovery of a novel mechanism that controls the expression of genes involved in the formation of this protective layer. Her results may have important agricultural applications."
  • Dr. Yuanyuan Liu: "Dr. Liu investigated the genetic control of the secondary cell walls of plants. This research provided new insights into secondary cell wall regulatory networks, and how the biomass in those plant cell walls can be converted to biofuel. In the future, this biomass may help to reduce dependence on petroleum-based fuels and increase sustainability."
  • Dr. Brooke Taylor Moyers: "Dr. Moyers studied natural selection on flowering time across the range of the silverleaf sunflower. Early flowering is favoured in some populations and late flowering in others, but flowering at different times means fewer opportunities to mate. This study provides insight into how natural selection can cause a single species to diverge into two."

Doctor of Philosophy (Business Administration)

  • Dr. Kirk Jason Kristofferson: "Dr. Kristofferson's research focused on increasing consumer support for charities. His work showed that token support campaigns, such as wearing ribbons or showing social media support, were not effective at generating donations. He referred to this as slacktivism. His findings benefit non-profits, marketing professionals and consumer researchers."
  • Dr. Changmin Jiang: "Dr. Jiang's research focused on economic and policy analysis in air and rail transportation. He studied various aspects of the interactions between airlines and high-speed rail, as well as the strategic coalitions among airlines. His findings have provided important managerial insights and policy implications for the transportation industry"

Doctor of Philosophy (Cell and Developmental Biology)

  • Dr. Tobias Albrecht: "Dr. Albrecht's research addressed the mechanisms behind the development of Diabetes. He showed that endosomes of the beta-cell can direct insulin signalling and contribute to the regulation of cellular calcium content. Understanding these processes helps to develop therapeutics directed towards the treatment of Diabetes."
  • Dr. Arya Mehran: "High-fat diet consumption leads to increased insulin levels and obesity. However, Dr. Mehran showed that if insulin levels are kept low, high-fat diet consumption will not result in obesity. He also worked to show that insulin is locally produced in the brain, which is important for metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases."
  • Dr. Qurratulain Aftab: "Dr. Aftab studied ways in which a protein that mediates cell-to-cell communication influences the migration of brain cancer cells. She showed that reducing cell-to-cell communication increases the rate and pattern of brain cancer cell migration. Since migration of these cells created a barrier to treatment, her findings may lead to improved therapies."
  • Dr. Lei Li: "Dr. Li identified a novel phosphorylation site on a protein, Gp78. In response to cellular stress signaling, it regulates its ability to degrade various proteins, including itself and a cancer suppressor. These studies further our understanding of the Gp78 function in cancer progression and metastasis."

Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical and Biological Engineering)

  • Dr. Chuan He: "Dr. He conducted research in UBC's Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. He developed a novel probe for monitoring electrostatics and flow of particles in reactors used to make polyethylene and other products. His work is expected to help industry to solve static charge problems and improve the behaviour of commercial-scale reactors."
  • Dr. Feras Abbas Alrowaie: "Dr. Alrowaie developed a novel algorithm for diagnosing chemical processes. The algorithm can rapidly detect and isolate any abnormal conditions in a process, before those conditions degrade the process and lead to catastrophic incidents. This will help to maintain high safety and reliability standards in the chemical industry.."
  • Dr. Clara Duca: "Dr. Duca studied unconventional and environmentally-friendly water treatments for small and remote first nation communities in Canada. She investigated the Vacuum Ultra-Violet process, which is able to degrade organics in water. This work will contribute to the development of an additional tool for dealing with micro-pollutants in rural communities."
  • Dr. Amir Hossein Ahmadi Motlagh: "Dr. Ahmadi Motlagh developed a new computer model which uses fewer resources to predict the flow in reactors producing gasoline from heavier hydrocarbons. Lab-scale experiments were conducted, as well as numerical simulations. The study sheds light on the complexities of gas/liquid/particle flow in the liquid injection zone of these reactors."
  • Dr. Seyyed Alireza Bagherzadeh Hosseini: "Dr. Bagherzadeh completed his doctoral studies in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. He provided important insights into the molecular mechanisms of methane recovery from hydrate deposits, an unconventional source of natural gas. This information is expected to assist field engineers optimize the recovery of natural gas."
  • Dr. Hassan Sharifi: "Dr. Sharifi's doctoral studies focussed on the flow of gas through off-shore pipelines. He developed a method of evaluating the performance of water-soluble additives that improve gas flow and prevent blockages. His findings contribute to energy management, and address global warming and environmental threats, through improved gas transmission.."

Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)

  • Dr. Shuai Zhao: "Dr. Zhao studied novel instrumentation and methodologies for analyzing biological samples. She developed a new automatic strategy for drug characterization to replace the manual method. The study furthers the understanding of chemical separation, reduces the cost of pharmaceutical development, and makes drugs available to patients faster."
  • Dr. Kimberly Marie Osten: "Dr. Osten's research focused on developing new catalysts for making biodegradable plastics. The results of her study will help future researchers to make new environmentally-friendly plastics for a variety of applications. It is hoped that these plastics will help to contribute to a cleaner environment."
  • Dr. Truman Choate Wambach: "Dr. Wambach completed his research in the field of Chemistry. He synthesized reactive molecules containing transition metals and probed their potential to catalyze reactions that involve addition and release of hydrogen. The reactivity of these compounds with hydrogen revealed a unique way protons from hydrogen can transfer to and from metals."
  • Dr. Jacky Chun-Ho Yim: "Dr. Yim studied the synthesis and applications of titanium and zirconium amidate complexes. These complexes were used toward hydroelement addition reactions to form carbon-nitrogen and carbon-zirconium bonds. The end products from these reactions have applications ranging from medicinal to materials chemistry."
  • Dr. Eugene Chong: "Dr. Chong developed inexpensive metal catalysts to synthesize nitrogen-containing compounds. These catalysts cause efficient bond-forming reactions to build chemical structures that are important in pharmaceuticals. His work contributes towards the development of sustainable and environmentally-friendly chemical syntheses."
  • Dr. Dinesh Chinthaka Aluthge: "Dr. Aluthge developed a family of catalysts to generate biodegradable plastics. These polymers are derived from renewable resources and the catalysts produce superior materials with a variety of potential applications. It is hoped this work will contribute to the wider use of biodegradable plastics, which will ultimately benefit the environment."
  • Dr. Cong Gao: "Dr. Gao completed his doctoral research in the field of Chemistry. He studied mass spectrometry and his findings allow for improved modelling of space charge effects. In addition he developed a new method to reduce these effects. As a result, the instrument performance of linear quadrupole ion trap mass analyzers can be improved."
  • Dr. Merrill Katherine Isenor: "Dr. Isenor studied aerosol particles at low temperatures and determined some of the properties of those particles, such as size and shape. She also conducted experiments to examine the freezing of single, liquid particles. This work is important to help predict the types of cloud particles that may be present in the atmospheres of planets and moons."
  • Dr. Fiona Millicent Hess: "Dr. Hess conducted research in the Department of Chemistry, focussing on experiments with the transition metals titanium and zirconium. These compounds changed the nitrogen in the air into a more reactive state. This allows the nitrogen to combine with other chemicals to form industrial materials such as fertilizers, explosives and pharmaceuticals."
  • Dr. Renee Wai Ying Man: "Dr. Man completed her doctoral studies in the field of Chemistry."
  • Dr. Jason Clay Schroder: "Dr. Schroder completed his doctoral studies in the field of atmospheric chemistry. His work showed that black carbon particles emitted from incomplete combustion can be incorporated into cloud droplets, which can affect climate. This work will help to reduce uncertainty in computer models used to predict long term climate change."
  • Dr. Zhiwen Chen: "Dr. Chen applied vibrational spectroscopy to the study of complex materials. She developed methodologies to rapidly classify and quantify a large variety of bleached kraft pulps. These techniques will greatly improve chemical composition measurements within the paper and pulp industry."
  • Dr. Montserrat Rueda Becerril: "Dr. Rueda Becerril conducted her research in Organic Chemistry. She discovered that compounds containing nitrogen-fluorine bonds were viable as sources of atomic fluorine and developed two new synthetic methodologies to incorporate this atom in different molecules. Her contribution has promising applications in the discovery of new pharmaceuticals."
  • Dr. Roxana Gabriela Jayo: "Dr. Jayo developed analytical methodologies for characterizing biological compounds, such as glycoproteins, in collaboration with academic institutions and research organizations. She demonstrated how modern techniques can solve complex bio-technology and bio-medical problems that could potentially benefit the bio-analytical community."
  • Dr. Erin Lindenberg: "Dr. Lindenberg conducted research using computer simulations to study model salts. She systematically varied the structural features of the ions and then established and explained the resulting melting point trends of the salts. She found diverse solid phases that may have interesting electrochemical applications, particularly as solid state electrolytes."
  • Dr. Emmanuel Benigno Castillo Contreras: "Dr. Castillo Contreras developed a method to access the core of some natural compounds. These compounds exhibit extremely potent anti-malarial activity, can also serve as antibiotics and may treat cancer. His research can be used to tackle the synthesis of both natural and synthetic compounds to make cheaper drugs for treating malaria and cancer."

Doctor of Philosophy (Civil Engineering)

  • Dr. Jehan Zeb: "Dr. Zeb conducted his research in the area of communication management. He developed a methodology to define communications for implementation in software. Software developers, construction industry experts and general users can apply this methodology to effectively and efficiently define various kinds of communication in the construction industry."
  • Dr. Ali Reza Abedini: "Dr. Abedini developed an integrated model to quantify methane generation from municipal solid waste landfills. The new model can be used to design and operate landfill gas collection and utilization systems. The model can also more accurately quantify greenhouse gas emission levels from municipal landfills, on both national and international scales."
  • Dr. Amin Rahmani: "Dr. Rahmani used high fidelity numerical methods to simulate the performance of bridges of various sizes during an earthquake. His research identified the need for change in current seismic design practices for bridges. The research will help to enhance seismic safety, reduce unnecessary expenses, and increase the resilience of bridges."
  • Dr. Manuel Alejandro Archila: "Dr. Archila studied how the direction of shaking during an earthquake affects the seismic behaviour of tall buildings located close to an active fault. His research outcome is an efficient method to estimate the critical demands a building could experience when struck by an earthquake. This will improve design procedures used by structural engineers."
  • Dr. Jose Centeno: "Dr. Centeno studied low-rise structures with reinforced masonry walls, and their vulnerability to earthquakes. Using computer simulations based on experimental results, he developed a method for predicting base wall sliding movement. This method will improve the current Canadian Masonry Code procedures for seismic design of masonry wall structures."

Doctor of Philosophy (Classics)

  • Dr. Tyson James Sukava: "Dr. Sukava explored the development of anatomical terminology in classical Greece, and its mixed reception by non-medical authors. He offers the most complete assessment of classical Greek body terms to date, and contributes to our understanding of the dissemination of specialized medical knowledge in antiquity, from Homer to the 4th century BCE."

Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Science)

  • Dr. Min Xie: "Dr. Xie studied how packages or sets of items can be automatically recommended to Internet users for such activities as trip-planning and course planning. The resulting recommendations are based on a user's preferences and constraints, such as budget. The packages built for each user provide immediate improvement to the level of customization."
  • Dr. Farbod Roosta-Khorasani: "Dr. Roosta-Khorasani studied computationally efficient algorithms for solving large scale inverse problems with many data sets. Such problems arise in many areas of science and engineering, such as medical imaging and geophysics. These new algorithms in Dr. Roosta's work allow high quality reconstructions with high computational efficiency"
  • Dr. Hosna Jabbari: "Dr. Jabbari studied algorithms that predict the structure of RNA, which, like DNA, stores our genetic information. Complex RNA structures, known as pseudoknots, are present in diseases such as HIV, SARS and Huntington's. This study provides more efficient and more accurate tools for predicting RNA pseudoknots and gaining insight into those diseases."
  • Dr. Lin Xu: "Dr. Xu studied the use of machine learning techniques for solving NP-hard problems. He demonstrated that the performance of algorithms and actual solutions can be accurately predicted based on cheaply computable features. He further introduced automated algorithm design approaches that advanced the state-of-the-art for solving NP-hard problems."
  • Dr. Bradley Donald Bingham: "Dr. Bingham completed his doctoral research in the field of Formal Verification, an area of Computer Science. He created tools that check the correctness of computer hardware protocols, which can run on hundreds of computers at the same time. These tools were able to solve the largest hardware verification problems ever published."
  • Dr. David Robert Martin Thompson: "Dr. Thompson developed computer software that can calculate rational ways to behave in complex games. Using this software, he studied the effects of strategic voting in elections and strategic bidding in online auctions. His findings will assist researchers and practitioners in understanding existing economic markets and in designing new ones."

Doctor of Philosophy (Counselling Psychology)

  • Dr. Tatjana Elez: "Dr. Elez explored the role that social relationships play in the settlement of survivors of political violence who now live in Canada. Her study suggests a definition of settlement as a continuous, interactive and social process rooted in its larger context. It also informs clinical and social practices that aid the settlement of migrant survivors."
  • Dr. Ashley Lauren Palandra: "Dr. Palandra demonstrated that living with eating problems is a challenging, multi-faceted, and complex experience for mid-life women. This study highlights developmental and sociocultural factors that may affect mid-life women's relationships with food and their bodies. The findings may help improve counselling and treatment for these women."
  • Dr. Leah Joy Wilson: "Dr. Wilson explored the ways in which female adolescents with depression worked with their parents toward recovery. She found that the parent-adolescent relationship and familial support were key in stories of recovery. This research adds new dimensions to our understanding of recovery processes as goal-directed projects in families."
  • Dr. Megan Irene Hughes-Jones: "Dr. Jones explored women's recovery from an eating disorder, specifically, support received from an intimate partner. Her findings indicate that sense of safety and mutual commitment are significant for women and their male partners. Her research is one of the first studies to highlight the role of partners in recovery from an eating disorder."
  • Dr. Marie Morrison: "Dr. Morrison studied helping relationships in the Portuguese-Canadian community. The resulting ethnographic description has provided a cultural tool for counselling psychologists and other mental health professionals who work with this population. Her work has also advanced methodology for conducting research with hard-to-reach populations."

Doctor of Philosophy (Curriculum Studies)

  • Dr. Daniel Lowell Bakan: "Dr. Bakan sang his way to a Ph.D. An accomplished musician and songwriter, his dissertation included original songs and stories about songwriting that broke new ground in music education research methodology. He dedicates his doctorate to his late parents, Drs. Mildred and David Bakan, and accepts congratulations from his sister, Dr. Abigail Bakan."
  • Dr. Jung Hoon Jung: "Dr. Jung studied the character of test-focused education in South Korea, and its dire consequences on the society and individuals. Using the concept of "voice", he argues that understanding what it means to care for the self, care for others, and the relationship between them, ought to be fundamental tasks for educators and parents."
  • Dr. Anita Louise Prest: "Dr. Prest examined the ways in which music education partnerships between school and community have contributed to the vitality of three rural BC communities. Her multiple-case study assists us in understanding the process by which the social capital operating in these partnerships plays a role in rural community sustainability."
  • Dr. Paula MacDowell: "Dr. MacDowell studied the ways in which girls develop new skills and confidence in design, media and technology. She collaborated with a team of youth researchers to create the 101 Technology Fun design community. Her findings contribute to the Tween Empowerment & Advocacy Methodology, which empowers girls as leaders, innovators, and change makers."
  • Dr. Ashley Jayne Welsh: "Dr. Welsh explored student perceptions of teaching and learning in an introductory chemistry course at UBC. Most students viewed high stakes examinations as overshadowing their engagement with resources designed to improve how they learn. This research highlights the important role that assessment and study strategies play in student learning."
  • Dr. Gabrielle Andree Trepanier: "Dr. Trepanier completed her doctoral studies in the field of Curriculum Studies. She explored how museum visitors think and talk about learning in the context of an evaluation exercise. Her research will help improve self-report methods for the study of museum visit outcomes."
  • Dr. Donald Scott MacLennan: "Dr. MacLennan studied instrumental music students and their conceptions of physical movements not directly involved in sound production. He suggests ways that educators might develop more embodied approaches to teaching, after finding that these ancillary movements hold important meanings for students and reflect their engagement with music-making."
  • Dr. Andrea Suzanne Webb: "Dr. Webb conducted research into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for post-secondary educational leaders. She examined threshold concepts, the name given to concepts that change our understanding of a new field. Her research informs new interdisciplinary threshold concepts and faculty development programs at research intensive universities"
  • Dr. Heather Elizabeth McGregor: "Dr. McGregor explored the recent history of change in the Nunavut school system. She focused on a non-Indigenous educational leader's career biography, the role of Elders, curriculum development and leadership training. She found life-long learning and continuous practices of sharing stories contribute to advancing decolonizing goals for schools."

Doctor of Philosophy (Economics)

  • Dr. Lanny Reuben Zrill: "Dr. Zrill completed his doctoral studies in the field of Economics. He developed a new approach to measure and recover preferences from observed economic choices made by individuals. This method can be applied in order to assess the distribution and magnitude of certain behavioural characteristics in the population, for example attitudes toward risk."
  • Dr. Guoshi Tong: "Dr. Tong studied forecast evaluation in financial markets from an investment perspective. He proposed a structural approach, which assessed the portfolio value of forecasts when there are limited historical data. His study advanced our understanding of the economic value of forecasts when there is limited previous information available.."
  • Dr. Mingzhi Wang: "Dr. Wang examined the connection between corporate behaviour and macroeconomic phenomena. He found physical investment is decreasing with outsourcing, which contributes to the general downward trend of investment in the US. His research also includes connection between macro volatility and micro volatility, and the effect of monetary policy."
  • Dr. Tzu-Ting Yang: "Dr. Yang studied the ways in which families change their work patterns after receiving cash. He showed that married women would temporarily leave their jobs right after receiving a tax refund. He concluded the lack of borrowing opportunity may play important roles in his findings, which have important implications for the design of fiscal policies."
  • Dr. Lori Lynn Timmins: "Dr. Timmins completed her doctoral studies in the field of Economics."

Doctor of Philosophy (Educational Studies)

  • Dr. Linh Thuy Tran: "Dr. Tran completed her doctoral studies in the field of Educational Studies."
  • Dr. Andree Gacoin: "Dr. Gacoin studied how teachers and students taking part in an HIV prevention program in South Africa understand messages related to gender equity. She argues that it is crucial to pay attention to the complex educational spaces within which people make sense of social identities, and the power relations between those identities."
  • Dr. Alannah Earl Young: "Dr. Young developed an Indigenous teaching and learning approach with Anishnabe-Cree Elders. The study outlines the teaching methods that strengthen peoples' holistic health and maintain sustainable ecologies. The research benefits educators working with Indigenous contexts, land-based education and those interested in social justice leadership."
  • Dr. Julia Elizabeth Denholm: "Dr. Denholm investigated the work of academic middle managers in a Canadian college. She revealed a discrepancy between expectations for leadership development and the reality of managerial obligations. Her insider's account suggests that professional development and changes in organizational culture are needed to enable college leaders to flourish."

Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

  • Dr. Christopher James Brouse: "Dr. Brouse created a software system for monitoring pain during general anesthesia. The system analyzes the heart rate and respiration to produce a pain index. He showed that the pain index increases during painful stimuli, and decreases after large doses of anesthetic. Pain monitoring can help improve patient safety during general anesthesia."
  • Dr. Pedram Samadi Dinani: "Dr. Samadi addressed the ways in which power plants meet consumer demand for power. Demand Side Management uses different techniques to manage power delivery, mainly by shifting the load from peak hours to off-peak hours. Dr. Samadi proposed algorithms to better utilize the power generating capacity without having to install new infrastructures."
  • Dr. Nima Taherinejad: "Dr. TaheriNejad studied Vehicular Power-Line Communication, a System on Chip project in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He researched methods by which the use of power-lines in motor vehicles for communication can be facilitated. This adaptation can lead to less wiring in cars, and a reduction in both production cost and weight of vehicles."
  • Dr. Aaron Lucas Severance: "Dr. Severance studied and designed circuits and algorithms in UBC's System-on-a-Chip research group. He improved the usability and efficiency of tools for programming computers embedded in electronic devices. His work helps engineers to work at an advanced level when designing algorithms such as video processing and face detection for these devices"
  • Dr. Abir Mohammed Al Hajri: "Dr. Al Hajri focused on the next generation video interface, to create experiences that go beyond just pushing the play button. She studied how people watch and interact with videos to design strategies for future interfaces. This has allowed the development of new navigating and management tools that can be easily integrated into existing systems."
  • Dr. Shankhanaad Mallick: "Dr. Mallick developed new schemes to improve the performance of wireless networks. By allocating the radio resources efficiently, his proposed schemes can reduce the power consumption of relay-based cooperative networks. This would result in improved spectrum and power utilization, leading to more efficient and cost-competitive wireless networks."
  • Dr. Mohammad Najafi: "Dr. Najafi researched ways to improve the accuracy of medical procedures guided by diagnostic sonography, which aids imaging. His new methods for calibrating and tracking measure anatomical targets and needles with an accuracy of less than a millimeter. These methods are now the world standard, and will improve surgery, biopsies and drug delivery."
  • Dr. Mustafa HaiderAli Fanaswala: "Dr. Fanaswala challenged the theories of Markovian dynamics used in radar-based target tracking. He devised novel non-Markovian models to detect unusual target behaviour from target state trajectories. His study demonstrates the usefulness of such models in applications involving trajectory classification and joint gesture recognition and tracking."
  • Dr. Mohammad Ali Mahmoudzadeh Ahmadi Nejad: "Dr. Mahmoudzadeh developed a solar rechargeable battery. The novel design results in less expensive utilization of solar power with higher energy storage yields, compared with a system of separate solar cells and batteries. It is hoped the solar battery will facilitate wider use of solar energy and reduce global carbon emissions from fossil fuels."
  • Dr. Mahdi Ramezani: "Dr. Ramezani developed a method for classification of individuals with neurological and psychiatric disorders. He identified common information across brain structure and function to study depression. He showed that depressed and healthy individuals can be classified with high accuracy, solely based on the information gathered from brain structures."
  • Dr. Guy Nir: "Dr. Nir developed novel algorithms for matching medical images of the prostate that are acquired by pathology, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. His research involved an emerging imaging modality that measures tissue elasticity. The results of the study can be applied in clinical usage to improve diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer."
  • Dr. Daryl Glen Van Vorst: "Dr. Van Vorst studied techniques for taking images of electrical material properties using ground-penetrating radar. His principle contribution is a high-resolution imaging algorithm that provides an alternative to traditional methods of subsurface imaging. This algorithm can be used for geotechnical applications in civil engineering and archaeology."
  • Dr. Omid Namvar Gharehshiran: "Dr. Namvar's research had roots in economics, decision theory and machine learning. He developed learning algorithms that use the emerging patterns of information flow over social networks to facilitate strategic decision-making. These algorithms will benefit the design of wireless sensor networks for applications such as environmental monitoring."
  • Dr. Lauro Ivo Beltrao Colaco Costa: "Dr. Costa proposed a mechanism for predicting the performance of storage systems, given a specific configuration and computing platform. With this predictor, the users of high-performance computing can assess trade-offs in terms of time or energy consumption that a given configuration has over another, without needing to re-execute an application."
  • Dr. Pooya Jaferian: "Dr. Jaferian developed a new method for evaluating the usability of IT security tools. He subsequently applied his method to design a novel tool for managing the access of users in large organizations. He then proved the effectiveness of the tool by showing that it increases accuracy and performance of users, compared to existing systems."
  • Dr. Kevin James Topley: "Dr. Topley conducted research in the field of Electric and Computer Engineering. His innovations focus on new methods for use in dynamic distributed systems. His work contributes to the research in the field and promises to be beneficial for industry."
  • Dr. Wilson Wai Lun Fung: "Dr. Fung developed enhancements to Graphics Processing Units, known as GPUs. GPUs have evolved from specialized computer graphics processors into a new type of parallel processor, found on most PCs, smartphones and tablets, and widely used in scientific and big-data computing. Dr. Fung's advances boost GPU efficiency and ease GPU software development."
  • Dr. Hamed Ahmadi: "Dr. Ahmadi spent three years completing doctoral research in the area of power and energy systems. His main contributions include improving the reliability and efficiency of electricity distribution through automation. To this end, he developed novel mathematical methods. Outcomes of this research are being adopted by utilities including BC Hydro."
  • Dr. Sajjad Zadehkhost: "Dr. Zadehkhost examined the possibility of using advanced measurement devices to monitor electrical grids in real-time. As a result of his research he developed new methods to accurately and efficiently monitor and predict system status. These new approaches will help system operators to increase utilization and reliability of power systems."
  • Dr. Seyed Ali Mousavifar: "Dr. Mousavifar completed doctoral studies in the field of wireless communications in Electrical and Computer Engineering. He proposed a novel frequency spectrum sensing technique, whereby unused frequency channels can be identified more efficiently. As a result of his research, overhead costs can be reduced in future wireless communication systems."

Doctor of Philosophy (English)

  • Dr. Matthew David Bennett: "Dr. Bennett studied the earliest language encounters between the English, the Spanish and the indigenous inhabitants of the Americas. He developed a new methodology for revealing colonial encounters that have been excluded from recorded histories. In doing so, he improved our understanding of the relationship between language study and imperialism."
  • Dr. Michael Borkent: "In his dissertation, Dr. Borkent proposes an interdisciplinary methodology for analyzing Canadian visual poetry, that is, poetry that must be both read and seen to be understood. He discusses conceptual, visual, linguistic, and improvisational mechanisms that yield an array of poetic forms, interpretive possibilities, and critical connections."

Doctor of Philosophy (Experimental Medicine)

  • Dr. Niousha Bolandzadeh Fasaie: "Dr. Bolandzadeh studied the effect of brain lesions on the cognitive and physical functioning of older adults. Her study suggests that targeted exercise may reduce the progression of these lesions, and improve cognitive and physical function in older adults. Her research contributions may reshape the study of older adults at risk of vascular dementia."
  • Dr. Shenshen Lai: "Dr. Lai completed her doctorate in the field of Experimental Medicine. She studied a family of enzymes that control most processes in cells. Her research provided insights into the regulation of these enzymes and their linkages to diverse diseases. Discoveries from this work might help with the diagnosis and treatment of different types of cancer."
  • Dr. Ben Arthur Paylor: "Dr. Paylor's doctoral studies focused on stem cells in the heart. He demonstrated the important role they play in the scarring that occurs after a heart attack. He showed how to improve the heart's performance after serious injury, and these discoveries may potentially lead to benefit for patients suffering from a wide-variety of cardiac diseases."
  • Dr. Kinga Krystyna Smolen: "Dr. Smolen completed her doctoral studies in the field of Experimental Medicine."
  • Dr. Yun Zhang: "Dr. Zhang completed her doctoral project in diabetes research. During her studies, she developed novel cell- and matrix-based approaches to protect pancreatic insulin-producing cells in diabetes models. These new strategies can be further developed and exploited as feasible approaches for treatment of diabetes in clinical settings."
  • Dr. Christopher Daniel Pascoe: "Dr. Pascoe studied the airways of asthmatics. He examined the mechanical and molecular alterations that occur in the muscle that surrounds the airways. His research identified how normal muscle behaviours can affect airway stiffness, and may interact with changes in gene expression, to increase airway narrowing and limit the benefits of deep breaths."
  • Dr. Eddy Hsi Chun Wang: "Dr. Wang studied the causes of an autoimmune hair loss disease called alopecia areata. He discovered the triggers of the immune attack leading to hair loss, linked the disease with heart tissue damage, and created a new disease model. His research advanced our understanding of the development and adverse outcomes of alopecia areata."
  • Dr. Ryan Victor Hartwell: "Dr. Hartwell investigated methods of wound repair. Wounds that remain open, risk infection, and heat and fluid loss, so one approach to repair is to rebuild skin. Using biocompatible materials, Dr. Hartwell engineered a novel collagen scaffold system, which starts as a powder and can be used to repair complicated wounds such as ulcers and burns."
  • Dr. Guinevere Kwun Wing Queenie Lee: "Dr. Lee studied HIV drug resistance. She evaluated current clinical laboratory tests to see whether they could be applied to African patients who are infected with different HIV strains, compared with North American patients. She concluded these tests remain useful, although there are some limitations of which physicians should be aware."
  • Dr. Valerie Poirier: "Dr. Poirier conducted research on Tuberculosis. She demonstrated how Myco-bacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen that causes Tuberculosis, manipulates and controls the infected host cell for its own advantage and survival. Her research could impact drug discovery and development, to better manage or prevent this notorious disease."
  • Dr. Gabriela Ana Horvath: "Dr. Horvath performed translational research on a multigenerational family with a neurodegenerative disease, characterizing the biochemical phenotype and select gene sequencing. She continued with hypothesis-generating research, looking for a candidate gene, and did transcriptome analysis. She also developed a treatment that has proven helpful."
  • Dr. Yoo Jin Park: "Dr. Park identified a key molecular mechanism by which toxic protein deposits, known as islet amyloid, destroy insulin-producing beta-cells. Her research suggests potential treatments to prevent the loss of beta-cells in type 2 diabetes. These treatments may also improve survival of islet transplant grafts in recipients with type 1 diabetes."
  • Dr. Sherie Kristina Duncan: "Dr. Duncan completed her doctoral program in the field of Experimental Medicine. She studied signalling pathways in innate immune cells exposed to bacterial products. Her research revealed a novel pathway for pathogen recognition and has implications for human health and disease, most particularly the development of sepsis and septic shock."
  • Dr. Matthew Joshua Gold: "Dr. Gold studied the processes involved in regulating inflammatory diseases, particularly allergic asthma. He focused on how a protein involved in immune cell activation can act to influence the development of an immune response. This research provides important insight for the development of therapeutics for the treatment of allergic diseases."

Doctor of Philosophy (Food Science)

  • Dr. Isabelle Lacroix: "Dr. Lacroix examined the anti-diabetes properties of dietary proteins. She showed that dairy proteins are sources of peptides, able to inhibit DPP-IV, an enzyme involved in blood glucose regulation. Findings from her work suggest the potential of food proteins to complement existing treatments with pharmaceutical drugs, for managing type 2 diabetes."

Doctor of Philosophy (Forestry)

  • Dr. Erin Kathleen McGuigan: "Dr. McGuigan evaluated the social impact assessments conducted for major projects in rural and small-town British Columbia. The findings strengthen our understanding of how the social benefits and burdens of development are managed. The study benefits all British Columbians since everyone relies on the sustainable development of natural resources."
  • Dr. David James Levy-Booth: "Dr. Levy-Booth demonstrated that measuring the abundance of functional groups of microorganisms in soil can help us to better understand greenhouse gas emissions in managed forests. Characterizing soil microbial communities in those forests showed that management can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase soil carbon sequestration. ."
  • Dr. Grant Robert McNair: "Dr. McNair studied cellulose, the major component of wood that gives it strength. He investigated how plants make cellulose, a biopolymer made up of long chains of glucose molecules. He found that a protein, Cobra-like4, is responsible for ensuring the synthesis of these long chains of glucose, which are important in the commercial use of cellulose."
  • Dr. Jose Tomas Ibarra: "Dr. Ibarra studied the ecology of two little-known owls in the temperate forests of the Andes. He tested whether the owls are good indicators of forest biodiversity in this threatened eco-region. He found that in older, structurally complex forests, there is a positive correlation between habitat-specialist owls and overall biodiversity."
  • Dr. Natalie Marie Sopinka: "Dr. Sopinka showed in Pacific salmon how maternal stress and changes in concentrations of egg cortisol influence offspring survival, physiology and behaviour. Her experiments on intergenerational effects help us understand how stressors that salmon face during homeward migration modify the subsequent generation of this iconic natural resource."
  • Dr. Yuan Li: "Dr. Li studied the shear load capacity of cross laminated timber, or CLT, which is used to build tall timber buildings worldwide. This research expands our understanding of the CLT rolling shear, or the shear behaviour related to wood grain. The finding of the study leads to rational design of CLT timber structures at target performance level."
  • Dr. Cosmin Dumitru Man: "Dr. Man examined the ways in which actively-managed forest estates can help mitigate the recent human-induced climate change. He developed management strategies with improved financial efficiency. Such strategies will allow forest managers to actively participate in the global effort to reduce the impacts of climate change."
  • Dr. Ryan Paul Powers: "Dr. Powers studied the use of satellite imagery and other geospatial techniques for large-area conservation. He focused on challenges in protecting current and future Canadian boreal forest ecosystems and biodiversity. His research contributed to progress in mapping biodiversity, locating critical habitat, and addressing the impact of climate change."
  • Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Mobini Dehkordi: "Dr. Mobini's research was on the use of forestry by-products as a renewable source of energy. He focused on the development and application of object-oriented simulation models for the design and analysis of biofuel and bioenergy supply chains. His findings will help to increase the efficiency of the forestry industry and secure the energy supply."
  • Dr. Haris Rehman Gilani: "Dr. Gilani's research examined the chain-of-custody certification adoption and the state of innovation in the value-added wood products sector of British Columbia. He subsequently developed a change management model to promote the uptake of certification. This research explains the impact at the individual producer level and at the industry level."."
  • Dr. Justin Gabriel Bull: "Dr. Bull studied the environmental footprints of paper and digital media. The research focused on the challenge of comparing not just individual products, but entire industrial systems. He found that, while consumers are rapidly shifting towards digital products, the environmental impacts of the transition are poorly understood and need further study."

Doctor of Philosophy (French)

  • Dr. Luc Fotsing Fondjo: "Dr. Fotsing examined the concept of culture in the contemporary African novel. His analysis demonstrates that there is a mixture of local and global cultures in fictional books written by African authors. It is therefore difficult to refer to that literature as if it had one single identity. This research challenges assumptions about African writing."

Doctor of Philosophy (Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice)

  • Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Ellen Rudrum: "Dr. Rudrum studied the social organization of maternity care and birth in a rural community in post-conflict northern Uganda. She found that pregnant women had to navigate complex power relationships, as well as overcome financial and logistical challenges, in order to access care. Her research has implications for maternity care practice and policy."

Doctor of Philosophy (Geography)

  • Dr. Anne Donahey Bjorkman: "Dr. Bjorkman studied the ecological and evolutionary impact of climate change in the Arctic tundra. She showed that Arctic plants will respond to warming temperatures through both plastic and adaptive changes, and that local environmental conditions other than temperature will also influence the direction and magnitude of these changes."
  • Dr. Jason Andrew Leach: "Dr. Leach studied winter stream temperature in the rain-on-snow zone of the Pacific Northwest. He found that winter stream thermal regimes are influenced by transient snow cover and hill-slope runoff during rainstorms. This research improves our ability to effectively manage stream ecosystems as they respond to environmental change."
  • Dr. Julian Sebastian Yates: "Dr. Yates conducted ethnographic research into peer-to-peer adult education, within rural communities in Peru's Southern Andes. He explored government and non-government programs that promote indigenous methods of peer-to-peer adult education, and yet paradoxically prioritize employability and rural productivity over indigenous knowledge."
  • Dr. Piotr Pawel Cienciala: "Dr. Cienciala examined how the physical environment in stream channels influences the distribution, quality and disturbance of fish habitat. This research informs natural resource management, conservation and restoration. It also provides insights into the potential consequences of land use and climate change for fish populations in running waters."
  • Dr. Jacob Cornelius Wall: "Dr. Wall completed his doctoral studies in the field of Geography. He used GPS tracking data to study the movements of elephants across the African continent. In addition to developing new geospatial methods and software, he used the tracking data to characterize the ways in which elephants use the landscape, so that they can be protected."
  • Dr. Tyler Rebecca Pearce: "Dr. Pearce completed her doctoral studies in the field of Geography. She contrasted the creative and mainstream understandings of the economy in two community economic development organizations. Following her research, she illustrated the impacts of economic ideas in alternative economic projects."
  • Dr. Eric Scott Krayenhoff: "Dr. Krayenhoff studied cities with trees, such as Vancouver. He developed and tested a computational model of atmospheric exchanges of heat and wind. Novel developments include how trees shade and shelter buildings. The new model helps us predict the effects of tree planting on air temperature and air pollution levels in cities."

Doctor of Philosophy (Geological Engineering)

  • Dr. Duncan Christopher Wyllie: "Dr. Wyllie's research involved two aspect of rock fall hazards. First, actual rock fall events were carefully documented to provide data for calibration of rock fall computer models. Second, an improved rock fall protection net has been developed which minimizes the absorption of impact energy and reduces construction costs for these structures."

Doctor of Philosophy (Geological Sciences)

  • Dr. Anna Lee Harrison: "Mitigation of greenhouse gas-fuelled climate change is a challenge requiring many approaches. Dr. Harrison's research demonstrated that the reaction of certain industrial wastes with carbon dioxide could help offset industrial greenhouse gas emissions. This research also provided insight into the response of natural processes to climate change."

Doctor of Philosophy (Geophysics)

  • Dr. David William Frederick Marchant: "Dr. Marchant studied the ways in which electromagnetic geophysical experiments are affected by chargeability. Chargeable materials can indicate the presence of metals and mineral deposits. His work resulted in new methods to simulate and recognize the effects of chargeability, and provided new tools that will benefit the mineral exploration industry."

Doctor of Philosophy (Hispanic Studies)

  • Dr. Manya Wubbold: "Through a dual linguistic and literary analysis, Dr. Wubbold examined a selection of contemporary Mayan poems. Her research focuses primarily on the use of polysemous terminology and poetic devices. This study reveals how complex networks of symbolic meaning are conceptualized and encoded in language and poetic expressions unique to Mayan culture."

Doctor of Philosophy (Human Development, Learning, and Culture)

  • Dr. Dai Kojima: "Dr. Kojima studied the mobility of Asian migrants who are sexual minorities in Vancouver, including Gay and Bisexual. His ethnographic study critically documents how race, gender and sexuality shape the politics of belonging in transnational contexts. The study adds to the theorizing about sexual citizenship, multiculturalism and immigration in Canada."

Doctor of Philosophy (Interdisciplinary Oncology)

  • Dr. Yan Ting Chiang: "Dr. Chiang identified a gene called GATA2, and showed that it plays a key role in human prostate cancer metastasis. She subsequently demonstrated that this gene could be used for potential treatment and prognosis of metastatic prostate cancer. This study may contribute to considerable improvements in the management of prostate cancer."
  • Dr. Maral Pourghiasian: "Dr. Pourghiasian studied two common forms of cancer: breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. Cancer imaging can assist us to detect tumors earlier, so different targets in these cancers were studied and evaluated for new ways of cancer imaging. It is expected that patients with breast or prostate cancer will benefit from this research."

Doctor of Philosophy (Interdisciplinary Studies)

  • Dr. Laura May Lee: "Dr. Lee explored the sexual health and suffering of young women who head households in Nakuru County, Kenya. She applied a participatory approach, building on local responses to foster community and policy action. Her research highlights the critical role of social support in reducing social and health inequalities lived out by young women."
  • Dr. Angel Adolfo Valerio Velazquez: "Dr. Valerio studied food greenhouses that admit light in the day, but lose heat at night. He designed a greenhouse cover that behaves like a window when it's sunny, but become thermally-insulated when it isn't. This Light Valve has the potential to make winter agriculture feasible in cold climates, by increasing the thermal properties of greenhouses."
  • Dr. Jerzy Marek Elzanowski: "Dr. El|anowski examined the relationships between violence and culture in post-World War Two Warsaw, Poland. He showed how destruction maps, photographs of ruins, museum exhibitions, and memorials influenced reconstruction. His research exposes the extreme cultural and material complexities of postwar urban environments."
  • Dr. David James Kealy: "Dr. Kealy examined the approaches used by psychotherapists in the treatment of pathological narcissism. He found that therapists modified their approaches based on patients' interpersonal difficulties. His work highlights the expertise of community psychotherapists and suggests possibilities in the treatment of narcissistic disorders."
  • Dr. Andrea Barbara Krusi Penney: "Dr. Krusi examined the social and structural factors that shape the working conditions of street-based sex workers in Vancouver. Her research shows how evolving sex work legislation, policing practices, and stigma intersect, to shape the working conditions of street-based sex workers, including their citizenship rights, violence, and ill health."
  • Dr. Duncan MacArthur Shields: "Dr. Shields studied the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder of male Veterans, and factors affecting their engagement in treatment. Studying participants in a national program for Veterans he helped develop, he found male gender role pressures create barriers to treatment. His work is being used to improve services for Canadian Veterans and civilian men."

Doctor of Philosophy (Kinesiology)

  • Dr. Jarrod Paul George Blinch: "Dr. Blinch studied how the brain processes the coordinated movements of both arms. He found that these movements are represented in the brain as a single action, and not independent actions for each arm. This knowledge will aid in the design of user-friendly interfaces, and help develop therapies for people who have difficulties with coordination."

Doctor of Philosophy (Language and Literacy Education)

  • Dr. Donard Anthony James MacKenzie: "Dr. Mackenzie tells a biographic layered story of the source of a dramatist's idea. His "playmaking as learning" approach identifies seven interconnected spaces in the writing process for theatre. His internationally presented drama research offers insights into storytelling authority, fear in creative writing, and fathers, sons, and authors."
  • Dr. Amanda Claudia Wager: "Dr. Wager investigated a theatre production by street youth in Vancouver. The performance documented their struggles to survive during cuts to public health resources. Outcomes of the research advance qualitative research methodologies, and underscore ways in which alternative learning spaces and youth resistances contribute to the education system."
  • Dr. Mi-Young Kim: "Dr. Kim studied the academic socialization of international graduate students. She found their experiences and future trajectories dominated the way they socialized, as they negotiated their identities as valuable program members. This study reveals the challenges and variability in student socialization and the benefits of those interactions."

Doctor of Philosophy (Law)

  • Dr. Maziar Peihani: "Dr. Peihani studied a global regulatory body called the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, comprised of central bankers and bank supervisors. He examined the extent to which the Basel Committee's governance, operation, and policy formation have been perceived to be legitimate, and how this perception affects the committee's broader function."
  • Dr. Husam Eddin Hawa: "Dr. Hawa proposed a new model for social welfare systems in the Middle East and North Africa. His model is based on a novel interpretation of the Quran that has a commitment to social justice, and a consideration of both liberal and Islamic moral values. He argues for reforms that include much needed income assistance for people with disabilities."

Doctor of Philosophy (Library, Archival and Information Studies)

  • Dr. Nancy Elizabeth Black: "Dr. Black investigated how online students search for information. She found creative strategies were used to manage information searching, evaluate the information retrieved, cope with competing priorities, and resolve difficulties. Her study sheds light on an under-investigated phenomenon and will influence online learning practice and delivery."
  • Dr. Corinne Rogers: "Dr. Rogers studied ways in which archivists and records managers protect the authenticity of digital records. She found records professionals place their trust in technological means of proving authenticity, rather than traditional archival means. Her findings have implications for trusting records over time and for organizational accountability."

Doctor of Philosophy (Linguistics)

  • Dr. Meagan Ashley Louie: "Dr. Louie's fieldwork documents how hypothetical reasoning is expressed in the Blackfoot language. The framework she developed highlights how our predictions about the future depend on the actions that individuals may take. Her research contributes to endangered language documentation and our understanding about inferences, time and actions."
  • Dr. Carmela Irene Penner Toews: "Dr. Toews studied how time is expressed in Siamou, a language of the African country of Burkina Faso. She described Siamou grammar and developed diagnostics for perfective, imperfective, past and future, using them to analyze Siamou's temporal system. Her findings have implications for researching expressions of time in under-studied languages."
  • Dr. Joel Robert William Dunham: "Dr. Dunham designed and built software to assist in the collaborative documentation and analysis of endangered indigenous languages. This aids researchers conducting fieldwork in linguistics. The online application he designed is currently used on nine under-documented languages, and promises to contribute to their study, preservation and revival."

Doctor of Philosophy (Materials Engineering)

  • Dr. Taesik Chae: "Dr. Chae studied nano-composite materials for bone tissue regeneration in UBC's Department of Materials Engineering. He designed new strategies to produce bone-like materials and structures for better interaction between those materials and bone cells. This research offers new ideas to regeneration scientists treating patients with bone defects."
  • Dr. Victor Eduardo Padilla Perez: "Dr. Padilla studied the corrosion behaviour of galvanized steel in infrastructure applications, focusing on the effect of field conditions relevant to cold climates. He worked on developing a numerical model to easily calculate the corrosion rate by considering key parameters. His work will benefit the transportation and energy sectors in Canada."
  • Dr. Faysal Fayez Eliyan: "Dr. Eliyan created electro-chemical models to show the corrosion reactions in oil pipelines. His innovative approach showed how the micro-structures of the welded pipeline steels are affected by environmental conditions. His work contributes to making Canadian oil pipelines safer, more corrosion-resistant, and more economical to construct and operate."
  • Dr. Wei Wang: "Dr. Wang studied the corrosion behaviour of niobium alloys used for human bio-implants. He developed several novel surface treatments to increase the effectiveness of implants using these alloys. These studies will assist us to develop the next generation of metallic bio-implants, to improve the function of implants, and increase their lifespan."
  • Dr. Ka Lun Victor Leung: "Dr. Leung established a process for designing wound dressings composed of ultrafine fibres. Through material selection and modification, he demonstrated his research findings by developing an anti-scarring dressing with customizable drug release. The outcome of this research will benefit patients worldwide recovering from surgical and burn wounds."
  • Dr. Guikuan Yue: "Dr. Yue developed a model to predict the chemistry of iron in sulfate-containing solutions. The model was then used to investigate the extraction of copper from copper-bearing minerals in these solutions. His work allows for new optimization studies of industrial processes for the extraction of copper and other metals from their minerals and ores."
  • Dr. Benqiang Zhu: "Dr. Zhu studied the manufacture process of advanced high-strength steels used in the automotive industry. He developed a computer model to simulate the processing of automotive steels. His research provides the steel industry with guidance in designing optimal processing routes to manufacture advanced high-strength steels."
  • Dr. Tianxing Gong: "Dr. Gong studied the controlled release of drugs that treat osteoporosis. These anti-osteoporotic drugs come from calcium phosphate silicate bone cement. His research proved that this drug delivery system could effectively restore osteoporotic bone fractures, and is therefore beneficial for bone restoration of patients suffering from osteoporosis. ."
  • Dr. Jing Liu: "Dr. Liu studied the high temperature electrochemical behaviour of titanium in UBC's Corrosion Group. Her research findings are helpful in predicting corrosion rates of titanium in the leaching industry. She developed a chemical oxidation method to improve the corrosion resistance of titanium and extend the service time of titanium-made equipment."

Doctor of Philosophy (Mathematics)

  • Dr. Nishant Chandgotia: "Dr. Chandgotia completed his doctoral work in mathematics, focusing on research in the field of probability theory and dynamical systems. He studied conditions under which a model from statistical physics called Markov random fields, which might have an infinite description, can be decomposed into simple building blocks called Gibbs interactions."
  • Dr. Mario Garcia Armas: "Dr. Garcia-Armas conducted research in the fields of algebra and algebraic geometry. He solved problems related to the classification and description of group actions on algebraic varieties over arbitrary base fields, with an emphasis on algebraic curves. His results provide new insights on the fascinating interplay between algebra and geometry."
  • Dr. Carmen Anthony Bruni: "Dr. Bruni's research in mathematics focused on Algebraic Number Theory. He proved a result on Diophantine equations, extending existing work, by giving an explicit characterization of many solutions to specific types of these equations. This work will continue the field by offering novel insights into increasingly more difficult problems."
  • Dr. Yariv Dror Mizrahi: "Dr. Mizrahi introduced a new class of Machine Learning algorithms, named LAP, which are used for practical network models. In the case of big structured networks and for large amounts of data, LAP offers a simple and effective learning tool. LAP can be applied for many different fields, such as social networks, computer vision and bio-informatics."
  • Dr. Tyler Jon Burton Helmuth: "Dr. Helmuth completed his PhD in mathematics. He focused on developing and analyzing connections between two seemingly different topics: idealized models of gases and random walks. This research contributes to our understanding of statistical properties of strongly interacting systems."
  • Dr. Edward Mario Kroc: "Dr. Kroc's study was at the intersection of harmonic analysis and geometric measure theory. With his supervisor, he constructed examples of special sets that behave like pieces of a circle but have no area. The existence of such sets implies several important analytical results. The study contributes to future research in this area of mathematics."
  • Dr. Felipe Garcia Ramos Aguilar: "Is the motion of raindrops on a window predictable? Vancouver's drizzle might suggest it is. Nonetheless, Dr. Garcia Ramos characterized a class of predictable mathematical models, concluding that predictable behaviour is not common. In a chaotic world, he believes human progress should focus on adaptability more than control of the environment."

Doctor of Philosophy (Measurement, Evaluation and Research Methodology)

  • Dr. Patricia Swenson: "Dr. Swenson examined the evaluation process for disability management programs that assist people with impairments to overcome employment barriers. She found that evaluation was based on criteria such as successful job placement and client satisfaction, and drew on multiple perspectives, including the workplace, medical, psychological and social."

Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering)

  • Dr. Yanjun Wang: "Dr. Wang focused on the interaction between homecare robots and the human receiving the care. He designed a new adaptive robust observer to reconstruct the interaction force and make it safer. This interaction force observer could reduce the cost of the homecare system significantly, and also guarantee safe interaction between robot and human."
  • Dr. Yutao Wang: "Dr. Wang completed his doctoral research in the field of Mechanical Engineering. His studies focused on the geometry processing of measurement data from 3D scanners, and errors arising in the scanning process. The models and methods he proposes have the potential to improve data quality, and this will benefit applications in reverse engineering."
  • Dr. Tim Bhatnagar: "Dr. Bhatnagar studied spinal cord deformation during injury. He showed how a rodent's spinal cord injury can be quantified and related to the ensuing tissue damage. This work helps us to further understand the link between biomechanics and biology in spinal cord injury, and spans the fields of mechanical engineering, neuroscience and medical imaging."
  • Dr. Mohammad Honarvar: "Dr. Honarvar focused on a new medical imaging technique called elastography, which measures tissue elasticity. He developed novel methods for calculating tissue elasticity, producing high quality and accurate elasticity images in a quick and efficient way. Tissue elastography can be used as a useful diagnostic tool, especially for cancer detection."
  • Dr. Masih Hanifzadegan: "Dr. Hanifzadegan's research focused on the control of machine-tool feed drives, which move the cutting tool and workpiece to the desired location. He developed a novel robust control algorithm to achieve minimum possible machining time, cost and energy. His technique can benefit large manufacturing operations in automotive and aircraft industries."
  • Dr. Fan Chen: "Dr. Chen developed an active damping method for machine tools, using a novel linear magnetic actuator. This actuator and active damping method can be used in manufacturing industries, to damp the vibrations of large and flexible boring bars or shafts in the machining process. These innovations improve machining stability and increase productivity."
  • Dr. Ahmad Mohammadpanah Foroutaghe: "Dr. Panah studied the vibration characteristics of spinning flexible disks used in sawing wood. He provided significant insights into the complex dynamic behavior of circular saws through analytical and experimental investigations. His findings provide guidelines for designing the optimum operational speed of circular saws in forest industries."
  • Dr. Sarah Flick: "Dr. Flick developed new methodologies to characterize performance in fuel cell systems. She researched different approaches to understanding loss of performance, and proposed and implemented improvements. These studies are used to optimize the operation and architecture of a promising clean energy source, with many potential applications."
  • Dr. Atefeh Einafshar: "From the Process Automation and Robotics Laboratory at UBC, Dr. Einafshar conducted research on satellites within a network. She proposed and developed networked control schemes to enable the systems to continue operating properly in the event of failures. Her work will contribute to the advancement of networked reconfiguration in the space industry."
  • Dr. Zekai Murat Kilic: "Dr. Kilic developed a unified mathematical model to predict the optimal conditions of machining parts in a virtual environment. The science-based mathematical model enables the industry to produce mechanical parts more efficiently by eliminating costly physical trials. The results have a wide application in aerospace and machine tool industries."
  • Dr. Farzad Khademolhosseini: "Dr. Khademolhosseini has developed a new class of smart materials that can interact with living cells to control their growth behaviour. These innovative materials have applications in the field of tissue engineering. It is expected these materials will pave the way for the development of smarter implants with reduced post-surgical complications."
  • Dr. Behnam Razavi: "Dr. Razavi examined the complexity of maintenance scheduling for aircraft engines. He found that deploying the most cost-effect maintenance planning strategies resulted in improved flying operation and better maintenance practices. The outcome of this research will contribute greatly to the advancement of maintenance scheduling in aviation industries."

Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Genetics)

  • Dr. Grace Tharmini Tharmarajah: "Dr. Tharmarajah studied genes that control the movement of skin pigmentation cells. She found that these cells normally require communication through a pathway related to embryonic growth and cancer progression. This work contributes to our understanding of the biological pathways that influence pigmentary diseases, such as vitiligo and melanoma."
  • Dr. Rebecca Anne Grace De Souza: "Dr. De Souza studied the mechanisms regulating the expression of the huntingtin gene. This is the gene that causes Huntington's Disease, a genetic disorder with no cure. This research allows us to better understand the role huntingtin plays in normal cellular functions and may assist in the development of future treatments for Huntington's Disease."
  • Dr. Kimberly Ann Jett: "Dr. Jett studied a mouse model of the human genetic disorder, neurofibromatosis 1. Her research demonstrated that the product of the gene, neurofibromin, has an important role in normal function of the blood vessels and heart. These studies provide novel insights into the cardiovascular disease that occurs in people with neurofibromatosis 1."
  • Dr. David Tse Shen Lin: "Dr. Lin studied factors that are important for attaching and removing the fatty acid, palmitate, from proteins in our bodies, and why this is significant. By identifying new enzymes that are responsible for the detachment of these fatty acid groups, he has made a remarkable contribution towards finding treatments for Huntington's disease and cancer."

Doctor of Philosophy (Microbiology and Immunology)

  • Dr. Jan Burian: "Dr. Burian studied resistance to antibiotics in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the world's deadliest human bacterial pathogen. He showed how M. tuberculosis coordinates multiple antibiotic resistance systems through a common pathway. Inhibiting this pathway to resistance may make previously ineffective antibiotics useful for tuberculosis treatment."
  • Dr. Justin Christian LeBlanc: "Dr. LeBlanc investigated the desiccation resistance mechanisms of a soil-residing bacterium known to degrade a broad range of organic compounds, both natural and xenobiotic. His goal is to better understand the physiology of key pollutant-degrading bacteria so that effective bioremediation strategies for contaminated soils may be realized."
  • Dr. Pamela Joan Lincez: "Dr. Lincez demonstrated the importance of the virus sensor MDA5 in offering protection from type 1 diabetes. By translating genetic observations in patients onto a mouse model, she discovered specific immune responses in the development of type 1 diabetes. Her work has provided a new target for preventative therapy in patients at risk of the disease."

Doctor of Philosophy (Mining Engineering)

  • Dr. Avishan Atrafi: "Dr. Atrafi conducted her research in the mineral processing group at UBC Mining Department. She studied the impact of fatty acids on gas dispersion in solutions, and promoted a method to improve performance in mineral processing plants. The findings of this research will benefit mining industry and improves efficiency in phosphate processing."
  • Dr. Anthony David Jacobs: "Dr. Jacobs developed a Mineral Carbonation Parameter. This system inexpensively processes chemical data from rocks, to estimate the amount of carbon dioxide that might be stored in a mineral form. Mining companies can use this calculator to evaluate the potential to implement an industrial-scale mineral carbonation operation at their mining sites."

Doctor of Philosophy (Music)

  • Dr. Juliane Bridget Jones: "Dr. Jones studied the contemporary practice of the historical art of composing Chinese kun opera, through the application of ethnography to composition. She analyzed the musical underpinnings of a cultural dialogue between China and the West. Her work contributes to subverting musical hierarchies to promote mutual respect and cultural understanding."

Doctor of Philosophy (Neuroscience)

  • Dr. Xuelai Fan: "Dr. Fan developed a simple method to rapidly decrease the amount of a given protein in the brain or body. This method can be used by scientists to study the function of proteins. It may be further developed as a new therapeutic that eliminates disease-causing proteins, such as those involved in Huntington's or Parkinson's disease."
  • Dr. Diana Heather Lim: "Dr. Lim developed a new method of stimulating and imaging brain networks in an animal model of stroke. This research demonstrated that a small stroke can have wide-spread consequences on the brain network. Network-wide changes were observed in the early and late stages after stroke, suggesting that the process of spontaneous recovery occurs over time"
  • Dr. Kaspar Jan Podgorski: "Dr. Podgorski completed his research in the field of Neuroscience. He designed and built the first microscope able to simultaneously record synaptic input across an entire neuron in an awake animal. He used this and other technologies he developed to explain how patterns of activity shape the detailed structure of dendrites in developing neurons."
  • Dr. Shaun Samantha Fancey Sanders: "Dr. Sanders conducted research into the cause of Huntington disease, a fatal disease that attacks neurons in the brain. She found that the protein HIP14 is essential for life and is involved in localization in the cell, neuron function, and Huntington disease. Her research may lead to new treatments for Huntington disease, epilepsy, and paralysis."
  • Dr. Hayes Ga-Hei Wong: "Dr. Wong developed a model of chronic jaw muscle pain that used nerve growth factor, a key mediator of pain, to induce muscle tenderness. He found that it works, in part, via activation of a specific glutamate receptor on nerve fibers. The effect is also greater in females than in males. These findings may lead to new treatments for this disorder."
  • Dr. Fergil Peter Mills: "Dr. Mills studied proteins in the brain that allow neurons to stick together and form memories. His research showed that being able to forget old memories is an important part of learning, and forgetting requires the weakening of molecular connections between neurons. His work provides new insights into how our brains store and manage information."
  • Dr. Si Zhang: "Dr. Zhang studied the gene regulation and function of an inflammatory factor called M.I.F. in stroke and Alzheimer's disease. She found that this factor protects neurons during a stroke, and plays an important role in Alzheimer's disease. These findings provide insights into developing better treatment for stroke and Alzheimer's patients."
  • Dr. Gian Stefano Brigidi: "Dr. Brigidi examined how our brains learn and remember. He demonstrated that the addition of a small fatty acid to a protein in the brain is essential for processes that occur during learning. This work provides a clue as to how our daily tasks lead to biochemical changes in the brain that can eventually result in the formation of memories."
  • Dr. Sharmin Hossain: "Dr. Hossain advanced our understanding of how the connectivity in the brain of a vertebrate develops. By using tadpoles as a model system for brain growth, she observed growing brain cells. Dr. Hossain detected features that have been grossly overlooked previously, and which may hold the key to understanding brain formation."
  • Dr. Dhananjay Rajaram Namjoshi: "Dr. Namjoshi studied traumatic brain injury. He showed that enhancing the function of the brain's lipid transport system helps in recovery from head injury. He also developed a novel model of brain injury, which may help us better understand the effects of head injury and lead to the development of effective treatments for this silent epidemic.?."
  • Dr. Amir Ali Sepehry: "Dr. Sepehry studied depression in adults living with Alzheimer's Disease. He appraised the validity-evidence of a diagnostic framework for depression in Alzheimer's Disease that was proposed by the US National Institute of Mental Health. His work contributes to better understanding, screening and management of depression in Alzheimer's Disease."

Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing)

  • Dr. Cindy Louise Masaro: "Dr. Masaro conducted research into women's sexual well-being. She examined ways in which the increase in social networking puts women at greater risk. Findings showed that, although a number of other risk factors were identified, neither the mode of communication nor the time spent communicating online was associated with sexual risk."
  • Dr. Nancy Clark: "Dr. Clark examined community capacity in the context of the resettlement in BC of Karen refugee women from Burma. Findings showed that language, health literacy and gender shaped the Karen women's access to health and settlement resources. Integrated interpreter services, recognition and participation are required to promote health and well-being."
  • Dr. Sandra June Goldsworthy: "Dr. Goldsworthy examined how a specific professional development intervention affected retention of critical care nurses. Findings showed that the intervention, which included human simulation, predicted intent to stay in the intensive care unit and the nursing profession. This evidence has important implications for stabilizing the nurse workforce."
  • Dr. Helen Elizabeth Ruth Vandenberg: "Dr. Vandenberg studied the history of Chinese and Japanese hospitals in British Columbia, from 1880 to 1920. She contributes significant new insights into Canadian nursing and hospital history. She argues that these hospitals not only met local health and cultural needs, but also played an important role in broader issues of social justice."
  • Dr. Barbara Jean Buckley: "Dr. Buckley studied nurses in rural practices. She investigated the ways in which rural healthcare policies and processes affect the nurses' ability to offer equitable, safe and ethical care. She found major issues, which can place rural populations at risk, and concluded that collaboration is needed to improve the quality of rural healthcare."

Doctor of Philosophy (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)

  • Dr. Jasmine Lajuanie Hamilton: "Dr. Hamilton studied the influence of structure and size on drug dynamics in the body. She engineered small drugs into large ones using polymers and found that it is possible to change toxicity and lower drug doses with careful design. Her work helped to develop a new drug class useful for treating patients with sickle-cell and other blood disorders."
  • Dr. Dana Price: "Dr. Price examined how molecules called polymers can alter the immune system. She showed that polymer-modified cells evade immune detection, and defined several mechanisms responsible for the decreased immune response. These findings demonstrate the therapeutic potential of polymers to prevent rejection in transplantation and transfusion medicine."
  • Dr. Qianli Ma: "Dr. Ma conducted her research on the pathology of breast cancer at BC Cancer Research Centre. She studied the importance of the protein B55-alpha in preventing the development of breast cancer and the outcomes of its mutations. Her research contributed to the knowledge on cancer preventing genes and provided data for future cancer drug development."
  • Dr. Melissa Kathleen McConechy: "Dr. McConechy studied uterine and ovarian cancers. Her research led to the discovery of cancer-specific mutation profiles, and focused on examining the effects of these mutations on protein structure and function. This work has contributed to the pathology field by helping to improve the classification and diagnosis of uterine and ovarian cancers."

Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacology)

  • Dr. Joanne Yuen Ting Leung: "Dr. Leung's research focused on cardiovascular complications of diabetes. She investigated potential factors that influence contractile functions of the heart and blood vessels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Her results provide important insights on how specific drugs can improve cardiovascular performance in the diabetic population."
  • Dr. Suk Kei Cleo Leung: "Dr. Leung showed the new functional roles of two proteins, myoferlin and dysferlin, in normal lungs and in lung cancer. She found that myoferlin plays an important role in the growth and metastasis of lung cancer. Her work identifies the necessity of targeting myoferlin, to prevent the development of lung cancer and prolong the lifespan of patients."
  • Dr. Arpeeta Sharma: "Dr. Sharma conducted research into blood vessels in UBC's Department of Pharmacology. She investigated the protective effects of a novel protein that improves blood vessel function and reduces atherosclerosis, a disease in which plaque builds up in the blood vessels. Her findings suggest an alternate treatment strategy for cardiovascular disease."

Doctor of Philosophy (Philosophy)

  • Dr. C. Tyler DesRoches: "Dr. DesRoches explored the concept of natural capital. Economists who embrace natural capital no longer view nature as storehouse of inert materials, but rather as a collection of active production processes that are furnished by nature for free. Nature is depicted as a garden containing objects purposefully arranged by humans to serve their own needs."
  • Dr. Jamie Scott Hellewell: "What is a free society? Dr. Hellewell proposes that we understand liberty, not as the absence of interference, but as security against ``arbitrary power``, the power that lacks effective mechanisms for ensuring it is accountable to our rights. This conclusion has important implications for the design of political institutions in free societies."

Doctor of Philosophy (Physics)

  • Dr. Kyle Edward Lawson: "Dr. Lawson completed his doctoral studies in the field of Physics. His research focussed on the observational consequences of a novel compact composite dark matter model."
  • Dr. Bartholomew Mears Ludbrook: "Condensed matter physics strives to understand how and why technologically interesting materials have the properties that they do. Using an advanced variation on an experiment first explained by Albert Einstein 110 years ago, Dr. Ludbrook showed how a single layer of carbon atoms (a material known as graphene) can be transformed into a superconductor."
  • Dr. Shahzad Ghanbarian Alavijeh: "Dr. Ghanbarian's research focussed on investigating the ways in which water affects the attraction between DNA molecules. She developed a computationally efficient model for the interaction of DNA molecules in the presence of water. Her studies open new windows for investigating DNA properties in various applications such as gene therapy."
  • Dr. Natasha Grace Holmes: "Dr. Holmes developed a framework for physics labs that engages students in authentic experimentation. She found that a quantitative decision tree to structure experiments improves the scientific reasoning of students and their understanding of the nature of science, even when the structure is removed, developing them as independent critical thinkers."
  • Dr. Mariusz Semczuk: "Dr. Semczuk developed experimental techniques required for future studies of molecules in the ultra cold temperature regime. In his work he created the first in Canada Bose-Einstein condensate of weakly bound molecules. This helped to establish UBC as a leading Canadian institution within the field of degenerate quantum gases."
  • Dr. Cian John Menzel-Jones: "Dr. Menzel-Jones developed systematic methods for extracting molecular information. This research utilized spectroscopic data to better understand the internal structure and dynamical processes within molecules. The work can be applied by physicists to investigate a broad range of problems where detailed knowledge of the system is required."
  • Dr. Sepideh Khosravi Simchi: "Dr. Khosravi developed an innovative daylighting system. It incorporates adaptable optical elements to capture sunlight outside buildings and transfer it to the dark interior. This system can be used to illuminate multi-storey buildings using sunlight, which enhances lighting quality and reduces energy consumption and the electrical load of buildings."
  • Dr. Stephanie Grothe: "Dr. Grothe studied materials in the Laboratory for Atomic Imaging Research at UBC. This allowed her to investigate the interactions between electrons and their environment within a crystal, including the glue that pairs electrons in a high temperature superconductor. Her work serves as a foundation for others to understand, probe and develop new materials in the future."
  • Dr. Seyed Hadi Ebrahimnejad Rahbari: "Dr. Ebrahimnejad studied how the presence of impurities and other particles affects the motion of electrons in solids. He proposed an accurate solution that challenged the current understanding of high-temperature superconductors. His findings has paved the way for a complete solution to the problem of superconductivity in these complex materials."
  • Dr. David William Francisco Gooding: "Dr. Gooding helped elucidate apparent inconsistencies in the unification of general relativity and quantum theory, by constructing and analysing a theoretical model of a self-gravitating interferometer. Dr. Gooding also used an extension of this model to demonstrate a novel form of intrinsic decoherence due to gravitational self-interaction."
  • Dr. Michael Benjamin Sitwell: "Dr. Sitwell investigated the effects of dark matter and dark energy on cosmological 21-cm radiation and developed models of cosmological inflation. The changes to the 21-cm signal in the presence of dark matter and dark energy were described. This provides probes of these mysterious substances that may illuminate our understanding of them."
  • Dr. Stephen John Donald Swedish: "Dr. Swedish conducted searches for new fundamental particles in the proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, using new techniques to identify massive particle decays. The results of these studies have implications for the possible existence of extra dimensions and new fundamental forces."
  • Dr. Daoyan Wang: "Dr. Wang studied general relativity with the focus on a universe model with one extra dimension. He showed, for the first time, that the results of gravitational collapse due to strong data are black holes with finite extension into the extra dimension. His work built the foundation of the numerical study on time-dependent processes in the model."

Doctor of Philosophy (Planning)

  • Dr. Lisi Feng: "Dr. Feng studied migrant groups striving to integrate into Canadian society. She found that the different integration experiences of mainland Chinese in Vancouver is shaped by both public policies in China and Vancouver. This contributes to our understanding of integration as diverse pathways rather than a unified process with a definitive outcome."

Doctor of Philosophy (Plant Science)

  • Dr. Jun-Hyung Tak: "Dr. Tak studied plant-based insecticides, especially plant essential oils. He found that a synergy between the essential oil components was produced by increased penetration of the compounds through the insect's skin, which is called a cuticle layer. These studies may guide us to develop more efficient botanical insecticides for pest control."

Doctor of Philosophy (Political Science)

  • Dr. Jonathan Michael Tomm: "Dr. Tomm examined how cooperative rules and agreements emerge in political conflicts within and between states. He developed an innovative theory of how the process of deliberation and argument can contribute to cooperation, by building trust between opponents."
  • Dr. Charles Breton: "Dr. Breton's work focused on people's attitudes toward immigration and the context in which they emerge. His research demonstrates that immigration policies affect the attitudes of both mainstream society and immigrants. Concentrating on Canada, he also showed that Canadian national identity has the potential to increase positive views on immigration."
  • Dr. Anastasia Shesterinina: "Dr. Shesterinina studied mobilization in civil war. Intensive fieldwork in Abkhazia showed that it was activation of collective norms and understandings of history and identity that triggered participation in violence, rather than personal safety calculations. This research helps us understand the decisions of ordinary people in high-risk conditions."
  • Dr. Deborah Barros Leal Farias: "Dr. Farias studied connections between foreign policy motivations and the provision of development assistance to Brazil. The analysis shed light on issues of power, foreign policy analysis, and development assistance. The study also draws attention to South-to-South cooperation, emerging donors, and Brazilian foreign policy and biofuels diplomacy."
  • Dr. Anastasiya Salnykova: "Dr. Salnykova demonstrated that ethnic conflict is associated with the level of deliberative capacity. She studied this relationship on the cases of post-Soviet Ukraine and Georgia. She explored the factors of deliberative capacity and the types of deliberative systems that may exist."
  • Dr. Christopher John Tenove: "Dr. Tenove explained why the principle of inclusion is critical for international organizations to promote justice and democracy. He investigated the relationship between the International Criminal Court and victims of crimes, and he suggested ways in which this institution and others might be more inclusive of the people they seek to assist. ."

Doctor of Philosophy (Population and Public Health)

  • Dr. Miriam Ruth Lavergne: "Dr. Lavergne completed her doctoral studies in the field of Population and Public Health."
  • Dr. Saskia Nikali Sivananthan: "Dr. Sivananthan examined quality and equity of care for individuals newly diagnosed with dementia in BC. She found that the current system of care for these patients is not adequately addressing their needs. She recommends that interventions should begin soon after diagnosis, to reduce the number of transitions patients must make between hospitals."

Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology)

  • Dr. Melissa Marie Ellamil: "Dr. Ellamil examined how thoughts spontaneously start and unfold in the brain. She found that the initial generation of thoughts, and the subsequent elaboration of the thoughts, use different brain networks. The interaction between these brain networks provides insight into the treatment of depressive rumination and the training of creative thinking."
  • Dr. Alena Ilene Talbot Ellis: "Dr. Talbot examined relationships between early life stress and adult psychosocial functioning and health risk. Adult psychosocial functioning mediated the relationships between adverse childhood environments and adult sleep processes. This work has important implications for adult health outcomes and can help inform primary prevention efforts."
  • Dr. Mark Ming-Wah Lam: "Dr. Lam examined how mood regulation, maladaptive pain coping and social support impacts pain, for individuals living with spinal cord injury. This research highlights the importance of considering the contributions of both psychological and social factors in the experience of pain, and may aid in designing effective pain management interventions."

Doctor of Philosophy (Rehabilitation Sciences)

  • Dr. Courtney Leann Pollock: "Dr. Pollock examined how people control their balance after suffering a stroke. She found motor control deficits and heightened anxiety affect postural responses post-stroke. Her findings suggest there are positive and negative compensations in the way the body responds to loss of balance. Dr. Pollock aims to improve rehabilitation following a stroke."
  • Dr. Krista Lynn Best: "Dr. Best studied how adults living in the community use their wheelchairs. She contributed to our understanding of the challenges of using a wheelchair, and why improved wheelchair skills and confidence are important for achieving successful wheelchair use. Her findings support a new rehabilitative approach that may benefit adult wheelchair users."

Doctor of Philosophy (Reproductive and Developmental Sciences)

  • Dr. Beth Payne: "Dr. Payne developed a simple model for managing high-risk pregnancies in Africa and South Asia. Using mobile phones, community health workers in under-resourced countries can safely manage pregnancies complicated by high blood pressure. This mobile application has been used to manage thousands of pregnancies with demonstrated health improvements."

Doctor of Philosophy (Resource Management and Environmental Studies)

  • Dr. Rajeev Kumar: "Dr. Kumar explored ecosystem-based options for the management of lakes. He studied lakes undergoing changing environmental conditions, mainly a change in temperature and the species living in the water-body. This research evaluated ecosystem-wide predictions for fish harvesting and other possible fishing scenarios of interest to the lake managers."
  • Dr. Andres Miguel Cisneros Montemayor: "Dr. Cisneros-Montemayor studied the economics of fisheries, working with communities in Canada, West Africa and Mexico. He combined economic analyses with ecosystem and climate models and developed new policies for sustainable resource use. His work will help people discover what kinds of investments will achieve sustainable ocean ecosystems."
  • Dr. Tashi Tsering: "Dr. Tsering completed his studies in the field of Resource Management and Environmental Studies."
  • Dr. Dyhia Belhabib: "Dr. Belhabib provided a comprehensive estimate of fisheries catches in West Africa, including sectors that have never been assessed previously. Her work refutes the myth of lack of data, and she shows that sufficient data exist to analyze the effects of current fisheries policy, and by implication, to formulate alternatives."
  • Dr. Frederic Le Manach: "Dr. Le Manach examined how fishing access agreements between Europe and developing countries have evolved since 1980. He found that, despite some significant improvements relating to social and environmental aspects, these agreements are still lacking a proper monitoring system, and are still mostly benefiting European interests."

Doctor of Philosophy (School Psychology)

  • Dr. Rashmeen Nirmal: "Dr. Nirmal investigated the lived experiences of students with high-functioning autism who are attending college or university. She discovered 8 critical themes that illuminate their unique experiences, such as managing autism and co-occurring symptoms. Her research will help to inform the provision of services for students with autism in adulthood."
  • Dr. Juliana E Negreiros: "Dr. Negreiros studied behaviours associated with neurological problems in youth with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. Results showed that youth with OCD had difficulty with planning and other daily behaviour. This study helps to increase awareness of potential thinking difficulties in OCD, and informs prevention and intervention strategies."
  • Dr. Heather Victoria Baker: "Dr. Baker developed a scale for measuring the safety behaviours of adults and youth with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This research assists researchers and clinicians who are providing psychological services to individuals with anxiety disorders. The study also contributes conceptual information for the development of anxiety treatment programs."

Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology)

  • Dr. Junrong Du: "Dr. Du explored local labour markets and labour migration within the Pearl River delta in south China. He found that distinct economic structures and activities are caused by uneven development, resulting in diverse labour markets and contested identity for labour migrants. This research illustrates the profound social transformation in China."

Doctor of Philosophy (Statistics)

  • Dr. Mohammad Ehsanul Karim: "Dr. Karim conducted his research in the field of Statistics. Using the data that reflect real-world clinical practices, he estimated the causal effectiveness of beta-interferon drugs on multiple sclerosis patients. His research offers a cost-effective and faster way to make decisions about drug treatments based on the observational data."
  • Dr. Hongbin Zhang: "Dr. Zhang has made important contributions to the analysis of longitudinal studies, such as multi-year studies of HIV/AIDS. He addressed common problems, such as censored data, measurement errors, and missing data. His work and his proposed new methods are expected to make an important impact on HIV/AIDS research and other longitudinal studies."

Doctor of Philosophy (Zoology)

  • Dr. Thomas Allen Porteus: "Dr. Porteus studied red fox culling in Britain, which aims to keep fox density low on specific sites during the bird nesting period. He developed a local-scale population dynamics model to determine the effectiveness of culling. The model was then used to evaluate alternative culling strategies to reduce potential impacts of fox predation on birds."
  • Dr. Nora Hengst Prior: "Dr. Prior examined the neuroendocrine regulation of pair-bond maintenance in the life-long monogamous zebra finch. Her work demonstrates breeding- and context-specific effects of sex steroids in the regulation of pair maintenance. This work, more broadly, expands our understanding of social affiliation across species."
  • Dr. Audrey Emilie Valls: "Dr. Valls explored new methods for understanding, modeling and predicting feeding relationships among marine species. She proposed a mathematical model to represent marine food webs and identify important and keystone species in ecosystems. Her research highlights the usefulness of digital and open-access information repositories in marine ecology."
  • Dr. Wei Wu: "Dr. Wu studied the infection pathway in cells affected by the Influenza A virus. She examined the pathway of Influenza A viruses from cellular surface to cellular nucleus at the beginning of an infection. Her findings help us understand how the Influenza A viruses infect humans, and this may lead to new pharmaceutical approaches for flu treatment."
  • Dr. Jennifer Piper Jorve: "Dr. Hoos examined the impacts of climate change on kelp along the Pacific coast of North America. Experimental increases in temperature, carbon dioxide, and UV radiation reduced growth and reproduction at each stage of their life history cycle. This research works towards building a predictive model for future populations impacted by climate change."
  • Dr. Milica Mandic: "Dr. Mandic investigated how a group of marine fish species evolved to live in an environment with periodically low oxygen levels. She found a number of cellular and biochemical traits that underlie tolerance to low oxygen. Her work contributes to understanding how animals live where they do, particularly animals inhabiting stressful environments."
  • Dr. Mathieu Colleter: "Dr. Colleter studied the impacts of fishing on food chains in marine ecosystems. He developed new tools, notably an online database to gather and communicate information from ecosystem models. He used that database to perform a large meta-analysis, and identified typical ways in which marine food chains are affected by fishing activities."