Undergraduate Research

This list shows researcher who have indicated interest in working with undergraduate students on research projects.
Last name First name Type Research Interests Department(s) Facultysort descending
Aviles Leticia Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); Animal behaviour Department of Zoology Faculty of Science
Huan Tao Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics, n.e.c.; Analytical spectrometry; Metabolomics; Separation science; Cancer progression and metastasis; Human nutrition and metabolism; Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry; Machine Learning; Bioinformatics Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science
White Rachel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics; Climate modelling; Atmospheric dynamics; climate change; Extreme weather events; Climate impacts Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science
Gantois Joséphine Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Environment and natural resources economics; Ecological applications; Sociology; Human Dimensions of Biodiversity Conservation; environmental economics; Applied Ecology; Rural Sociology; Causal inference; Applied Deep Learning Institute for Resources, Environment & Sustainability Faculty of Science
Kenne Steve Cyrille Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Calculus of variations, systems theory and control theory; Partial and ordinary differential equations; Mathematical biology; Optimal control theory; Partial Differential Equations; Multiscale modelling of infectious diseases Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Coombs Daniel Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mathematical biology; Cellular immunology; Complex physical systems; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); Cell Signaling and Infectious and Immune Diseases; Cell biophysics; Disease models; Epidemiology; Immune cell signalling; Mathematics Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Watson Liam Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Topology; Low-dimensional topology; Khovanov homology; Heegaard Floer homology Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Ding Jiarui Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics; Basic medicine and life sciences; Computational Biology; Machine Learning; Probabilistic Deep Learning; single-cell genomics; visualization; Cancer biology; Computational Immunology; Food Allergy; neuroscience Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science
Semenoff Gordon Walter Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Particle physics theory (including aspects of field theory and string theory); Physical sciences; Moedal experiment, Large Hadron Collider, CERN; String theory, quantum field theory, statistical mechanics; Theoretical and mathematical physics, the physics of elementary particles, condensed matter physics Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Madison Kirk Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Atomic, molecular, and optical physics; Quantum sensors; Quantum Gases; Laser cooling; Bose-Einstein Condesation; Fermi-Degenerate Gases; Quantum optics; Laser physics Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Gitlina Anastasiia Postdoctoral Fellow Natural sciences; Material Sciences; Organic chemistry; Luminescence; Photophysics; Organometallic compounds; Polymers; Emitters; Synthesis; microelectronics; optoelectronics Faculty of Science
Aamlid Solveig Postdoctoral Fellow Condensed matter physics; Solid State Physics; High entropy oxides; Quantum matter; Density functional theory Faculty of Science
Auld Vanessa Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects; Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects; Zoology; Cell; Cell Biology; Development; Developmental Genetics; epithelia; Genetics; glia; in vivo imaging; Molecular Genetics; nervous system; Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis; permeability barriers Department of Zoology Faculty of Science
Murugan Mathav Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Probability theory; Metric and fractal geometry; Differential equations and integral equations in pure mathematics; Metric geometry; potential theory; probability theory and analysis; quasiconformal mappings; Relationship between Markov processes and the geometry of the underlying state space; Quasisymmetric Uniformization; Analysis and diffusions on fractals Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Doherty Jeff Postdoctoral Fellow Parasitology; Behavioural ecology; Animal behaviour; Insect biology; host-parasite interactions; multidisciplinary research; host manipulation; ethology; Disease Ecology Faculty of Science
Groat Lee Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Mineralogy and crystallography (except soil mineralogy and chemicals aspects of crystallography); Inorganic geochemistry; Economic geology; mineralogy; crystal chemistry; Geochemistry; economic geology; gem deposits; pegmatites Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science
Peacock Simon Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Natural sciences; metamorphic petrology; Tectonics; earthquakes Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science
Kronstad James Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Bioinformatics; Immunology; Microbiology; Plant biology; Mycology; Fungal diseases of plants; Genomics and Proteomics; Medical Mycology; Molecular Genetics; Pathogenesis of infectious diseases; Plant-Microbe Interactions Michael Smith Laboratories Faculty of Science
Lister Alison Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Particle physics, experimental; Large Hadron Collier (LHC); ATLAS experiment; Search for physics beyond the standard model; top quarks; dark matter; Machine Learning; Long-lived particles Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Man Allison Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy; galaxy formation and evolution Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Dijols Sarah Postdoctoral Fellow Mathematics and statistics; representations of reductive groups over p-adic fields; Number theory; Langlands Program Faculty of Science
Hudson Zachary Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Synthesis of materials; Functional materials in materials chemistry sciences; Organic chemical synthesis; Optical properties of materials; Luminescent materials; Organic electronics; Polymer chemistry; Organic chemistry; Organic light-emitting diodes Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science
Ortner Christoph Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Numerical analysis; Mathematical modelling and simulation; Partial and ordinary differential equations; Computational chemistry; Condensed matter modelling and density functional theory; Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation; Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing; Applied Analysis; Multi-scale Modelling and Coarse-graining; Molecular Simulation; Scientific Machine-learning, in particular for applications in multi-scale modelling Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Bradbury Hal Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Chemical oceanography; Ocean biogeochemistry; Marine geology; Isotope geochemistry; Biogeochemistry; Paleoceanography; Chemical Oceanography; Reactive Transport Modelling; Carbon cycle; Marine Sedimentary Environments; Early Diagenesis; Biogeochemical Cycles; marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science
Achermann Reto Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Computing systems; Computer systems engineering; Systems software; resilient and efficient systems; intersection of operating systems, applied formal methods and hardware models. Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science
Farrugia Drakard Veronica Postdoctoral Fellow Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology); Biodiversity; Phycology (including marine grasses); benthic ecology; Phycology; eco-engineering; kelp physiology Faculty of Science
Wolf Michael Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Synthesis of materials; Physical inorganic chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Polymer chemistry; Photochemistry Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science
Beschastnikh Ivan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Computer and information sciences; software engineering; distributed systems; cloud computing; software analysis; Machine Learning Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science
Hallam Steven Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Microbiome; Microbial ecology; metagenomics; Biological engineering; Synthetic biology; Bioinformatics; Machine Learning; Entrepreneurship Department of Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Science
Jean Francois Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical virology; Protein trafficking in cell biology; Proteomics; Enzymes (including kinetics and mechanisms, and biocatalyst); Organelle function; Virology; Systems biology; Cellular virology; Emerging human viruses; COVID-19; Host-virus interactions; Broad-based antiviral agents; Antiviral agents; Natural products as antiviral agents; Lipid-modulating drugs; Cellular protease inhibitors; Viral protease inhibitors; Human coronaviruses; SARS-CoV-2; Human flaviviruses; Dengue virus; Zika virus; West Nile virus; Influenza A virus; Human microRNAs; Therapeutic microRNA; Viral and cellular biomarkers; Molecular diagnostics for detecting viral infection; Circulating exosomes; Exosomal microRNAs; Proteomics-based technologies; Multiplexed and Mass Spectrometric quantitation assays Department of Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Science
d'Arcy Mitch Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Earth and related environmental sciences; Geomorphology; Climate/palaeoclimate; Sedimentology; Geochronology; remote sensing Department of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Faculty of Science
Schluter Dolph Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Biological adaptation; Speciation (evolutionary processes); Natural selection and sexual selection; evolution; Origin of species; evolutionary genetics; Adaptive radiation Department of Zoology Faculty of Science
Snutch Terrance Preston Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Medical biotechnology, n.e.c.; Brain Disorders; Animal models; genomics; Drug discovery & development Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Science
Michal Carl Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Soft condensed matter; Development and applications of spectroscopic and structural techniques; Solid-state NMR; NMR and MRI of brain tissue; NMR methods and instrumentation; Biological and functional materials Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Sugioka Kenji Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Basic medicine and life sciences; Cell division; Animal morphogenesis; Cytoskeletal dynamics Department of Zoology Faculty of Science
Todesco Marco Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Plant biology; Quantitative genetics (including disease and trait mapping genetics); Biological adaptation; Developmental genetics (including sex determination); Genomics; Population, ecological and evolutionary genetics; Paleogenomics; Genetics engineering; Genetic and molecular basis of adaptation; Plant genomics; Chromosomal structural variation; Crop improvement and bioengineering; Wild sunflowers ecology and evolution; Cannabis diversity and domestication Michael Smith Laboratories, Department of Botany Faculty of Science
Williams Ben Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Topology; Algebra; Algebraic topology; Motivic homotopy theory; A1 homotopy theory Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Whitton Jeannette Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Speciation (evolutionary processes); Plant developmental and reproductive biology; Plant evolutionary ecology; Evolution of asexuality; Evolution and consequences of polyploidy; Speciation/ diversification; Species at risk in Canada; Conservation policy Department of Botany Faculty of Science
Bryman Douglas Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Particle physics, experimental; Experimental Particle Physics; Applied physics; physics Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Shepherd Bruce Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Natural sciences; Algorithms, Combinatorics, Polyhedra Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science
Robeva Elina Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Statistical theory and modeling; Machine learning; Algebra; Algebraic statistics; Graphical Models; Tensor decomposition; Causality; Applied algebraic geometry; Shape-constrained density estimation; Tensor networks Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
Huggins Xander Postdoctoral Fellow Earth and related environmental sciences; groundwater science; social-ecological systems; geospatial data science Faculty of Science
Eshkevarvakili Aref Postdoctoral Fellow Physical sciences; Chemical sciences; Nuclear Physics; particle physics; experimental physics; plasma physics; radiation detectors; nuclear fusion; aerospace; High energy physics; low energy physics; particle accelerators Faculty of Science
Sun Jim Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Cellular immunology; Pathogenesis; Intracellular signaling, signal transduction, receptor and membrane biology; Bacteriology; Host immunity to tuberculosis; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Cellular microbiology; Host-directed therapy; TB drug discovery; Macrophage biology; Intracellular pathogens Department of Microbiology & Immunology Faculty of Science
Bertolini Gabriel Postdoctoral Fellow Natural sciences; Sedimentology; Stratigraphy; Geology Faculty of Science
Berciu Mona Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter and supraconductivity; Physical sciences; condensed matter theory; polarons, bipolarons; strongly correlated systems Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Bizzotto Dan Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electroanalytical chemistry; Electrochemistry; Colloid and surface chemistry; Electrochemical Systems; Surface Characterization; Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Layers; Sensors and Devices; Electrochemical and Fuel Cells; biosensors; electrocatalysis; fluorescence microscopy; interfacial analysis; self assembled monolayers; spectroelectrochemistry Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science
Damascelli Andrea Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter and supraconductivity; Electronic Structure of Quantum Materials Department of Physics & Astronomy Faculty of Science
Hunt Brian Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology); Biological oceanography; Biodiversity; Ecosystem function; Ecological impacts of climate change; Community ecology (except invasive species ecology); marine food webs; ecosystem oceanography; plankton dynamics; open ocean; Coastal Ecosystems; climate change impacts on the ocean; salmon ecology; food web nutrition; microplastics; stable isotopes; forage fish; zooplankton; Urban oceans; Thiamine defficiency; Stormwater Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Faculty of Science
Dao Duc Khanh Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Genomics; Mathematical biology; Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks; Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling; combine mathematical,computational and statistical tools to study fundamental biological processes; regulation and determinants of gene expression and translation; Machine Learning for Biological Imaging and Microscopy; Database development and management; Biological and Artificial Neural Networks for geometric representation Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science
