
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Applying formal method in the implementation of the information retrieval protocol Z39.50 02 February 2009
Queer scapes patterns and processes of gay male and lesbian spatialisation in Vancouver, B.C. 02 February 2009
Magic carpet : digital interpretation of traditional tessellation patterns 02 February 2009
A simulated study on some fundamental aspects in flakeboard manufacture 02 February 2009
Mechanical integrity of myosin thick filaments of airway smooth muscle in vitro: effects of phosphoryation of the regulatory light chain 02 February 2009
Enhancing nutrient solubilization from organic waste using the microwave technology 02 February 2009
"Eating's a part of being after all" : (un)gendering foodways in the work of Sallie Tisdale, Ruth Ozeki, and Hiromi Goto 02 February 2009
A ghost in the machine : the struggle for epistemological territory in chaos 02 February 2009
Lost Lesotho princess/landlord ears 02 February 2009
High iron content glasses: an alternative in the use of electric arc furnace dust 02 February 2009
Concealed intelligence : a description of highly emotionally intelligent students with learning disabilities 02 February 2009
The Tsai-Wu strength theory for Douglas-fir laminated veneer 02 February 2009
Predicted concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans in fat tissue due to chlorophenate exposure in B.C. sawmills 02 February 2009
Placing Palestine : homes, families & mobilities in Birzeit 02 February 2009
The development of a high sensitivity ac susceptometer and its application to the study of high temperature superconductors 02 February 2009
Radiative muon capture of oxygen, aluminum, silicon, titanium, zirconium, and silver 02 February 2009
AMP-activated protein kinase and hypertrophic remodeling of heart muscle cells 02 February 2009
BDNF infusion into the sensorimotor cortex promotes sprouting of inact corticospinal fibers within the spinal cord after a unilateral pyramidal lesion 02 February 2009
The relationship between fundamental movement skills and the health and fitness of Canadian children 02 February 2009
How to read the Bill Reid bill 01 February 2009
Using patterns in conceptual modeling of business activities 01 February 2009
Sulfaphenazole treatment restores endothelium-dependent vasodilation in diabetic mice 01 February 2009
Expression of beta subunit of epithelium sodium channel and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator in small airways obstruction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 01 February 2009
Western Greenhouse Growers’ Co-operative Association : a cost-benefit analysis of marketing regulation and co-operatve structure 01 February 2009
Heavy element enrichment of the gas giant planets 01 February 2009
Ceramic variability of Shang society at Huanbei in Anyang, China 01 February 2009
The experience of medical decision-making for adolescents with a progressive neuromuscular disease 01 February 2009
Planning without guidance : Canadian defense policy and planning, 1993-2004 01 February 2009
Snapshots : three children, three families - literacy at home, in the community and at school 01 February 2009
Hydrodynamics of Balistiform swimming in the Picasso Triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus 01 February 2009
Aspects of cortisol dynamics during the early ontogeny of three species of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.) 01 February 2009
Effect of acetabular labral tears, repair and resection on hip cartilage strains : a 7T MR study 01 February 2009
Comparisons of statistical modeling for constructing gene regulatory networks 01 February 2009
Efficient decoding and application of rateless codes 01 February 2009
Investigating students' understandings of probability : a study of a grade 7 classroom 01 February 2009
Towards integrity in tax law : the problem of form and substance in Canadian tax jurisprudence 01 February 2009
A hybrid P2P pre-release distribution framework for flash crowd avoidance in P2P video on demand streaming 01 February 2009
Transformative lighting strategies in Vancouver's urban context : using less, living better 01 February 2009
Synthesis and characterization of C₂ symmetric liquid crystalline materials 01 February 2009
Identification of potential exosite in cathepsin V necessary for elastin degradation 01 February 2009
Conceiving the records continuum in Canada and the United States 01 February 2009
Genome degeneration in obligate parasites and endosymbionts 01 February 2009
Disease mechanisms in the C3H/HeJ Mouse Model of Alopecia 01 February 2009
A practical model for load-unload-reload cycles on sand 01 February 2009
Pilot-scale study of removal of anionic surfactants with trickling filter 01 February 2009
Applications of the microwave-enhanced advanced oxidation process 01 February 2009
Seismic shear capacity of reinforced concrete elements 01 February 2009
Danceland: a production record 01 February 2009
Using patterns in conceptual modeling of business activities 01 February 2009
Ambivalent passion : Pedro Almodóvar's postmodern melodrama 01 February 2009
