Applying formal method in the implementation of the information retrieval protocol Z39.50 |
02 February 2009 |
Queer scapes patterns and processes of gay male and lesbian spatialisation in Vancouver, B.C. |
02 February 2009 |
Magic carpet : digital interpretation of traditional tessellation patterns |
02 February 2009 |
A simulated study on some fundamental aspects in flakeboard manufacture |
02 February 2009 |
Mechanical integrity of myosin thick filaments of airway smooth muscle in vitro: effects of phosphoryation of the regulatory light chain |
02 February 2009 |
Enhancing nutrient solubilization from organic waste using the microwave technology |
02 February 2009 |
"Eating's a part of being after all" : (un)gendering foodways in the work of Sallie Tisdale, Ruth Ozeki, and Hiromi Goto |
02 February 2009 |
A ghost in the machine : the struggle for epistemological territory in chaos |
02 February 2009 |
Lost Lesotho princess/landlord ears |
02 February 2009 |
High iron content glasses: an alternative in the use of electric arc furnace dust |
02 February 2009 |
Concealed intelligence : a description of highly emotionally intelligent students with learning disabilities |
02 February 2009 |
The Tsai-Wu strength theory for Douglas-fir laminated veneer |
02 February 2009 |
Predicted concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans in fat tissue due to chlorophenate exposure in B.C. sawmills |
02 February 2009 |
Placing Palestine : homes, families & mobilities in Birzeit |
02 February 2009 |
The development of a high sensitivity ac susceptometer and its application to the study of high temperature superconductors |
02 February 2009 |
Radiative muon capture of oxygen, aluminum, silicon, titanium, zirconium, and silver |
02 February 2009 |
AMP-activated protein kinase and hypertrophic remodeling of heart muscle cells |
02 February 2009 |
BDNF infusion into the sensorimotor cortex promotes sprouting of inact corticospinal fibers within the spinal cord after a unilateral pyramidal lesion |
02 February 2009 |
The relationship between fundamental movement skills and the health and fitness of Canadian children |
02 February 2009 |
How to read the Bill Reid bill |
01 February 2009 |
Using patterns in conceptual modeling of business activities |
01 February 2009 |
Sulfaphenazole treatment restores endothelium-dependent vasodilation in diabetic mice |
01 February 2009 |
Expression of beta subunit of epithelium sodium channel and cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator in small airways obstruction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
01 February 2009 |
Western Greenhouse Growers’ Co-operative Association : a cost-benefit analysis of marketing regulation and co-operatve structure |
01 February 2009 |
Heavy element enrichment of the gas giant planets |
01 February 2009 |
Ceramic variability of Shang society at Huanbei in Anyang, China |
01 February 2009 |
The experience of medical decision-making for adolescents with a progressive neuromuscular disease |
01 February 2009 |
Planning without guidance : Canadian defense policy and planning, 1993-2004 |
01 February 2009 |
Snapshots : three children, three families - literacy at home, in the community and at school |
01 February 2009 |
Hydrodynamics of Balistiform swimming in the Picasso Triggerfish, Rhinecanthus aculeatus |
01 February 2009 |
Aspects of cortisol dynamics during the early ontogeny of three species of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.) |
01 February 2009 |
Effect of acetabular labral tears, repair and resection on hip cartilage strains : a 7T MR study |
01 February 2009 |
Comparisons of statistical modeling for constructing gene regulatory networks |
01 February 2009 |
Efficient decoding and application of rateless codes |
01 February 2009 |
Investigating students' understandings of probability : a study of a grade 7 classroom |
01 February 2009 |
Towards integrity in tax law : the problem of form and substance in Canadian tax jurisprudence |
01 February 2009 |
A hybrid P2P pre-release distribution framework for flash crowd avoidance in P2P video on demand streaming |
01 February 2009 |
Transformative lighting strategies in Vancouver's urban context : using less, living better |
01 February 2009 |
Synthesis and characterization of C₂ symmetric liquid crystalline materials |
01 February 2009 |
Identification of potential exosite in cathepsin V necessary for elastin degradation |
01 February 2009 |
Conceiving the records continuum in Canada and the United States |
01 February 2009 |
Genome degeneration in obligate parasites and endosymbionts |
01 February 2009 |
Disease mechanisms in the C3H/HeJ Mouse Model of Alopecia |
01 February 2009 |
A practical model for load-unload-reload cycles on sand |
01 February 2009 |
Pilot-scale study of removal of anionic surfactants with trickling filter |
01 February 2009 |
Applications of the microwave-enhanced advanced oxidation process |
01 February 2009 |
Seismic shear capacity of reinforced concrete elements |
01 February 2009 |
Danceland: a production record |
01 February 2009 |
Using patterns in conceptual modeling of business activities |
01 February 2009 |
Ambivalent passion : Pedro Almodóvar's postmodern melodrama |
01 February 2009 |