
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Mineralogy, geochemistry, and geochronology of the Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group, Logan Mountains, Southwestern Northwest Territories 05 February 2009
Magmatic and tectonic evolution of the Intermontane Superterrane and Coast Plutonic Complex in southern Yukon Territory 05 February 2009
Investigating the dependence of proton T₁ relaxation on pore size, pore fluid salinity, and pore fluid pH in water-wet sand packs 05 February 2009
Construction, expression and characterization of CD45-immunoglobulin fusion proteins 05 February 2009
The effects of viral infection on plant cell phenolics in wheat and tobacco 05 February 2009
Components of regulation of boreal forest understory vegetation : a text of fertilizer and herbivory 05 February 2009
Potential insolation and plant communities through treeline in the Lower Anderson River valley, N.W.T., Canada 05 February 2009
Life-cycle energy analysis of an office building 05 February 2009
One-dimensional soliton dynamics in the presence of a pinning potential 05 February 2009
Pender House: a conversion and addition to an existing building, a student residence, in Downtown Vancouver 05 February 2009
Π⁰ detection using the CHAOS spectrometer : a feasibility study 05 February 2009
Studies of helium-based gas mixtures using a small cell drift chamber 05 February 2009
The effects of intermittent hyperbaric oxygen on pain perception and eccentric strength in a human injury model 05 February 2009
Pulmonary diffusing capacity and exercise-induced hypoxemia in highly trained athletes 05 February 2009
Cardiac physiology of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) 04 February 2009
Records management attributes in international open document exchange standards 04 February 2009
The phase space of 2+1 gravity 04 February 2009
The relative importance of proprioception, ligament laxity and strength on functional performance in the ACL deficient and ACL reconstructed knee 04 February 2009
The effect of cyclin G associated kinase on androgen receptor function and prostate cancer progression 03 February 2009
Prevention of posterior capsule opacification by photodynamic therapy with localized benzoporphyrin derivative monoacid ring A (BPD-MA) in a rabbit surgical model 03 February 2009
Reliability of the HMRI (CIHI) database : a re-abstracting study 03 February 2009
Intron retention and recognition in the microsporidian encephalitozoon cuniculi 03 February 2009
Abolition and William Blake’s illustrations for Stedman’s Expedition against the revolted Negroes of Surinam 03 February 2009
The putative role of matrix metalloproteinase 13 and oncostatin M in the establishment of bone metastases 03 February 2009
The experience of nurses caring for young-middle aged patients dying of Cancer 03 February 2009
The mobilization of the left and the nationalization of the hydrocarbon sector : Bolivia's transition from a pacted democracy 03 February 2009
Nuclear proliferation in South Asia: more may not be better 03 February 2009
MEMS-enabled micro-electro-discharge machining (M³EDM) 03 February 2009
Probabilistic Boolean network modeling for fMRI study in Parkinson's disease 03 February 2009
Two roads - no exit : an in camera discourse on negotiations in North America today 03 February 2009
An empirical analysis of lexical polarity and contextual valence shifters for opinion classification 03 February 2009
Sparse signal recovery in a transform domain 03 February 2009
On the strength of saturated cement-treated soil reconstituted by wet-mixing 03 February 2009
Analysis of design factors influencing the oxygen transfer efficiency of a Speece Cone hypolimnetic aerator 03 February 2009
Dousing the flame : an ecocritical examination of English-Canadian love stories 03 February 2009
Atypical roles for campylobacter jejuni AA-ABC transporter components PAQP and PAQQ in bacterial stress tolerance and pathogen-host cell dynamics 03 February 2009
Ligand binding studies on Ly-49 02 February 2009
Evaluating the susceptibility to conflict of outdoor recreation activities : a case study of backcountry skiing, helicopter skiing, and snowmobiling in the Revelstoke region of British Columbia, Canada 02 February 2009
Effects of flush solutions on radial artery catheter patency 02 February 2009
Delinquent associations : the interactive effects of peer relationships on delinquency 02 February 2009
Narratives of patient care aides on their work and health: a feminist analysis 02 February 2009
European integration and the member states : The national case, public opinion, party systems, and the role of electoral systems 02 February 2009
The key to the grail is teaching with compassion 02 February 2009
Development and evaluation of an interface pressure transducer for biomedical applications 02 February 2009
Design and modeling of a MEMS-based accelerometer with pull in analysis 02 February 2009
Redefining disrepute : acknowledging social injustice and judicial subjectivity in the critical reform of section 24(2) of the Charter 02 February 2009
The responsibility to protect : legal rights and obligations to save humans from mass murder and ethnic cleansing 02 February 2009
Web personalization based on association roles finding on both static and dynamic Web data 02 February 2009
Predictive rendering 02 February 2009
On detecting and repairing inconsistent schema mappings 02 February 2009
