UBC Library



Title Description Theme
Subject Librarian Consultation

Subject Librarians serve as the primary liaison between the Library and the academic departments on campus. They provide skilled reference assistance, manage the library's collections and provide instructional support to faculty.

Academic, Research


Title Description Theme
Bookable Project Rooms: Koerner Library Research Commons

The Research Commons’ in Koerner Library (1958 Main Mall) has several project rooms (Rm 454, 456, 495, 496, 499, 553, and 555) bookable through the Library Room Booking System, to study and work in a private space.  Use of rooms is restricted to UBC graduate students and faculty, and your UBC card is needed for entry.  Each Project Room includes whiteboards, touchscreen control

Bookable Study Space_Irving K Barber Learning Centre

The UBC Library provides several bookable study spaces in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Rooms are available to book for students, faculty, or staff members for: 2 hours per day, 2 times a week, and up to 7 days in advance.

Learn more or book: https://ikblc.ubc.ca/spaces/book-a-study-space/

Library Orientation for Graduate Students in 30 minutes_Links, Materials

This library GitHub page , called "Graduate Student Orientation to the Library in 30 minutes" , includes information on library resources and services such as the reseach commons, guides and events as well as links to electronic resources such as databases and open access resources.

Academic, Research