Meet our scholars

The PSI Network consists of 347 doctoral students and PhDs from across the full range of disciplines at UBC.

Below you can navigate their profiles based on year of scholarship, faculty, theme; read about their research; and watch brief videos of their talks. 

Nance Cunningham

Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine (PhD)
Untold Stories of True Strength: Bringing voices of patients into health professionals' education

Jelena Todorovic

Doctor of Philosophy in Classics (PhD)
Disability Theatre and Roman Comedy

Monica Shank Lauwo

Doctor of Philosophy in Language and Literacy Education (PhD)
Stories of lives and literacies: Social class, translanguaging and imagined futures of Tanzanian children

Lara Sarlak

Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology (PhD)
Infrastructures of the Displaced: a case study of Istanbul

Michelle Hak Hepburn

Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology (PhD)
Thinking with trees to see the forest: Huayruro trees and deforestation in San Martin, Peru

Matthew Tomkinson

Doctor of Philosophy in Theatre (PhD)
Peter Weiss’s Marat/Sade: A Podcast

Sara Press

Doctor of Philosophy in English (PhD)
Diagnosing Disparities: Unsettling the Anglo-Colonial Standards of Health and Normality in Canada and the United States

Fiona Beaty

Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology (PhD)
Marine resilience in the Anthropocene: understanding the adaptive capacity of marine socio-ecological systems to change

Pranav Shrestha

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering (PhD)
Affordable and portable microscopy for screening sickle cell disease in rural/remote communities

Gaylean Davies

Doctor of Philosophy in Resources, Environment and Sustainability (PhD)
Women, Water + Empowerment: Investigating connections and disconnections in small water enterprises in Ghana

Roger Yu-Hsiang Lo

Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics (PhD)
From annotation to assessment: Tools for sign language phonetic and phonological research

Verena Rossa-Roccor

Doctor of Philosophy in Resources, Environment and Sustainability (PhD)
Academics as activists? Leveraging political knowledge-to-action strategies to improve ecological determinants of health through climate policy

Natalie Payer

Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (PhD)
Shining a Light on Energy Injustice: Solar Energy Access and Urban Energy Poverty in the United States

Maya Daurio

United States of America
Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology (PhD)
Mapping Against the Grain: An Ethnographic Approach to Digital Language Cartography

Saguna Shankar

Doctor of Philosophy in Library, Archival and Information Studies (PhD)
Caring for Information Practices: An Inquiry into Visions of Data, Digital Technologies, and Migration

Preetish Kakoty

Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering (PhD)
Impacts of M9 Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes and Basin Amplification on the Seismic Risk of Vancouver’s Tall Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Buildings and Implications on Community Resilience

Gabriela Barragan Altamirano

Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (PhD)
Planning forests for the future: incorporating multiple goals in forest restoration initiatives

Kalysha Closson

Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD)
Unpacking gender and relationship power inequities to advance sexual and reproductive health among young South African women and men in the time of COVID-19 : A youth-engaged study

Kate Kysow

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)
Clean-outs as a strategy for community agencies to address hoarding

Bonnie Tulloch

Doctor of Philosophy in Library, Archival and Information Studies (PhD)
Do the ends justify the memes? Exploring the relationship between youth, internet memes, and digital citizenship

Anne Bertrand

Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics (PhD)
The grammar of scalarity in Ktunaxa

Cristina Rubino

Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (PhD)
Uncovering unseen links between visual and motor impairment after stroke.

Sarah-Nelle Jackson

Doctor of Philosophy in English (PhD)
Getting (Virtually) Medieval: Live-Streaming as Public Scholarship

Jeffrey Hicks

Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD)
Using large-scale administrative data to study the long-term causes and consequences of social assistance use

Amanda Johnson

Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (PhD)
Bioplastic from agroforestry waste: end-of-life management

Esteban Morales

Doctor of Philosophy in Language and Literacy Education (PhD)
Reimagining violence on social media: promoting critical media literacy and peace education in Colombia

Ine Beljaars

Doctor of Philosophy in Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice (PhD)
Toward a cultural politics of Afro-Latin partner dancing in the Netherlands

Jennifer Murray

Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD)
Conducting community-based research to investigate risk factors associated with a high rate of preterm birth in a First Nations community in British Columbia (BC)

Michael Schwan

Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics (PhD)
Gitksan Neologism Formation: The Future of Gitksan With Roots in the Past

Jason Winikoff

United States of America
Doctor of Philosophy in Music, Emphasis Ethnomusicology (PhD)
The Music of the Masks: Zambian Luvale Percussion, Makishi, and Timbral Aesthetics

Shota Iwasaki

Doctor of Philosophy in Asian Studies (PhD)
Fostering Awareness of Marginalized People through Literature: A Case Study of Critical Literary Pedagogy by a Marginalized Instructor

Khadija Anjum

Doctor of Philosophy in Planning (PhD)
Planning for food security of low-income groups amid rising food price volatility: A gendered analysis

Jacob Stubbs

Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Medicine (PhD)
CoBrA Community Brain Art Initiative: Co-created brain health promotion with the Downtown Eastside community

Kelsey Timler

Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies (PhD)
Participatory Action Research to Support Food Justice Programming for Justice-Involved Women and Children

Leah Shipton

Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (PhD)
The governing dynamics of global health multistakeholder partnerships

Ildiko Kovacs

Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum Studies (PhD)
Participatory Planning Pedagogy: How Children's Engagement in Community Planning Supports Environmental and Sustainability Education

Janina Krabbe

Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies (PhD)
Stories of Resistance: identifying sites of change towards decolonizing research practices with women affected by violence

Francisco Javier Gómez López

Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies (PhD)
Territorial Affirmation: Land Autonomy, Sustainable production and conservation practices in Colombian páramo highland communities

April Mazzuca

Doctor of Philosophy in Population and Public Health (PhD)
The Cedar Project: Evaluating a culturally-safe program to support the delivery of optimal treatment of hepatitis C among Indigenous people who use drugs in British Columbia.

Celina Solís

Doctor of Philosophy in Integrated Studies in Land and Food Systems (PhD)
Decolonizing Palates: Food Security Strengthening through underutilized vegetables revitalization in the Mayan Region of Chiapas, Mexico

Santiago Farías Calderón

Doctor of Philosophy in Theatre (PhD)
Crossing Borders: Translation, Translocation, and the Plays of Edgar Chías.

Raphael Roccor

Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Immunology (PhD)
Spinning Straw into Golden Liquids – Making High-value Oils from Biomass Residues

Rishad Habib

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration in Marketing and Behavioural Science (PhD)
Understanding the socio-cultural dynamics that shape our perceptions of morality and determine whether and why we act in ethical ways

Sarah Dickson-Hoyle

Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry (PhD)
Wildfire as a catalyst for co-management: Indigenous knowledge, stewardship and restoration of (post)fire landscapes in British Columbia

Michael W Brunt

Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Animal Biology (PhD)
How perceptions of transparency influence the social acceptability of animal use in science

Andrea Hoff

Doctor of Philosophy in Language and Literacy Education (PhD)
Future Tense: Exploring young people’s agency and resilience towards the future through the creation of autobiographical comics

Alexa Tanner

Doctor of Philosophy in Resources, Environment and Sustainability (PhD)
Natural hazard risk in context: Examining contextual factors that influence risk perceptions and associated decisions

Dacotah-Victoria Splichalova

United States of America
Doctor of Philosophy in Resources, Environment and Sustainability (PhD)
Narratives of Water: Exploring Hydrosocial Relations and Water (In)security in Canada and New Zealand
