
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Microcomputers in psychological experimentation, headturn: a case study 05 September 2008
Deformable models using displacement constraints 05 September 2008
A model checker for statecharts (linking case tools with formal methods) 05 September 2008
An analysis of the influence of male age and sex ratio on reproduction in British Columbia moose (Alces alces L.) populations 05 September 2008
A sonar imaging system 05 September 2008
An automated vision system for detection and counting of uneaten food pellets in a fish sea cage 05 September 2008
A demand assigned multiple access strategy for land mobile satellite voice services 05 September 2008
The organization, expression, function and evolution of some essential genes from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium thermotoga maritima 05 September 2008
Studies of the orientational order and bilayer thickness in biological and model membranes 05 September 2008
Fuelwood and tree planting : a case study from Funyula Division in Western Kenya 05 September 2008
Implementing visions for sustainable development in regional land use planning 05 September 2008
Daphne Sudden Death Syndrome (DSDS) : pathogen identification, characterization and screening for disease resistance 05 September 2008
Sturcture and function of tomato ringspot virus RNA1 and RNA2 05 September 2008
Role of transporters in pancreatic cancer drug resistance 05 September 2008
Geochemistry of igneous rocks from the southern coast belt plutonic complex, southwestern British Columbia 05 September 2008
Geology of the central Moresby Island region, Queen Charlotte Islands, (Haida Gwaii) British Columbia 05 September 2008
Orientation-based representations of shape and attitude determination 05 September 2008
On the complexity theory of switching networks 05 September 2008
Fast-track benefits : fact or fiction 05 September 2008
Functional analysis of ICAM-1 : LFA-1 interaction in cell adhesion 05 September 2008
Experimental sliding mode control of a flexible single link manipulator 05 September 2008
Cross-layer adaptive transmission scheduling in wireless networks 05 September 2008
Isolation of immunoglobulins from cheese whey and milk using ultrafiltration and immobilized metal affinity chromatography 04 September 2008
Coronary revascularization in British Columbia, 1979-1988 04 September 2008
New methods of mass analysis with quadrupoles with added octopole fields 04 September 2008
Robert Boyle on the laws of nature 04 September 2008
What design means to art 04 September 2008
Kinetic studies of the reaction of gallium arsenide with molecular chlorine and iodine 04 September 2008
Removal of iron by ion exchange from copper electrowinning electrolyte solutions containing antimony and bismuth 04 September 2008
Developing artistic awareness in young children 04 September 2008
Rates and efficiencies of oxygen transfer by gas pumping agitators in gas-liquid mixing systems 04 September 2008
Growth-associated messenger ribonucleic acid expression in a model of successful central nervous system regeneration 04 September 2008
Amenity valuation : the role of heritage in the physical and social production of Vancouver 04 September 2008
Community based workstyle 04 September 2008
Saint Mary’s Mission, (Mission City, British Columbia) 1861 to 1900 04 September 2008
The lives of girls and women in mid-nineteenth century Pictou County, Nova Scotia 04 September 2008
Comparison of intramuscular absorption above and below the level of a spinal cord injury 04 September 2008
Forest vegetation response to the application of municipal sewage sludge in the coastal western hemlock zone 04 September 2008
Technology mapping and layout synthesis of DCVS 04 September 2008
Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element model for single and multiple dowel-type wood connections 04 September 2008
Developing an acquisition strategy for the records of environmental non-government organizations 04 September 2008
Athol Fugard and race relations : social dynamics under apartheid 04 September 2008
Cognitive strategies and heuristics underlying psychologists’ judgments on the WISE-R verbal scales : a protocol analysis 04 September 2008
Stratigraphy, maturation and source rock potential of cretaceous strata in the Chilcotin-Nechako region of British Columbia 04 September 2008
Resource leveling and linear scheduling 04 September 2008
Comparison of flood routing methods 04 September 2008
Low temperature biological treatment of a high ammonia municipal landfill leachate 04 September 2008
The influence of salal on planted hemlock and cedar saplings on northern Vancouver Island 04 September 2008
A quantitative evaluation of porcupine-habitat relationships in the Kalum Valley, B. C. 04 September 2008
Drying of red spring wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.) by various methods and investigation of its phenylalanine ammonialyase stability in an in vitro protein digestion 03 September 2008
