
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Interpersonal differences in sociotropic and autonomous dysthymic subtypes 10 September 2008
Audiotaped hypnosis for chronic back pain : a case study 10 September 2008
Cultural variation in unrealistic optimism 10 September 2008
High density animal cell culture systems using porous supports 10 September 2008
Bias and clinical judgment in counselling and psychotherapy: extending theory and research design 10 September 2008
Human ceruloplasmin gene and cDNA 10 September 2008
Professional development in elementary science teaching using video technology 10 September 2008
Student understanding of the kinematic quantities of angular speed and angular acceleration 10 September 2008
Family x site interaction in a progeny test of coastal Douglas-fir 10 September 2008
The classification of acoustic emission signals via artificial neural network 10 September 2008
Time-domain based steady-state initialization for the EMTP 10 September 2008
Implementation of a force-reflecting telerobotic system with magnetically levitated master and wrist 10 September 2008
Location updating and paging strategies in a cellular system 10 September 2008
Observer based velocity and environment force estimation for rigid body control 10 September 2008
The analysis of slant-from-texture in early vision 10 September 2008
The four Mephisto waltzes of Franz Liszt 10 September 2008
Balancing discourse and silence : an approach to First Nations women’s writing 10 September 2008
Growth and nutrient relations in black cottonwood in South-Coastal British Columbia 10 September 2008
The boundary between "us" and "them": readers and the non-English word in the fiction of Canadian Mennonite writers 10 September 2008
Three essays in real estate economics 10 September 2008
"The object of their life": defining female self in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Miss Marjoribanks 10 September 2008
Stabilization via smooth partitions, transversality and graphs 10 September 2008
A selection of applications at Canada Customs 10 September 2008
A study of the applications of gainsharing incentive plans in the Canadian mining industry 10 September 2008
An approach to integrated ecosystem planning: an evaluation of the Minnewanka area plan, Banff National Park 10 September 2008
Passing the buck: federalism and Canadian environmental policy 10 September 2008
Mesometeorological modelling and trajectory studies during an air pollution episode in the lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada 10 September 2008
A formal characterization of a domain independent abductive reasoning system 10 September 2008
Numerical modeling of resonant internal seiche triggered by unsteady withdrawal 10 September 2008
Faculty development in British Columbia Community Colleges 10 September 2008
Study of wound healing and the involvement of the cytoskeleton in Vaucheria longicaulis variety macounii 10 September 2008
Classification of the characteristics of two mango cultivars harvested at different stages of maturity using gas chromatography and sensory data 09 September 2008
Photochemistry of dibenzobarrelenes and [alpha]-adamantyl acetophenones in both the solution and crystalline state 09 September 2008
Severed texts : aspects of aestheticization in Roland Barthes’ post-structural writings 09 September 2008
A case study of curriculum leadership and development with a global perspective 09 September 2008
Mothers’ perception of early childhood education as a function of ethnic background 09 September 2008
Searching for planets 09 September 2008
Greek knowledge of India before the fourth century B.C 09 September 2008
South Asian women in Canada and media discourse : a feminist collaborative analysis 09 September 2008
The relationship between attitudes towards specific mathematics topics and achievement in those domains 09 September 2008
Metalloporphyrin catalyzed oxidation of chlorophenols 09 September 2008
Determination of the dynamic strength of iron at low temperature 09 September 2008
The New School, 1962-1977 09 September 2008
Women, the household economy and the informal sector in Hanoi 09 September 2008
Job satisfaction in critical care nurses 09 September 2008
Knowledge and skills for chief nurse executives : a survey of practitioners 09 September 2008
Penalizing corporations for environmental offences : a comparative study of the Canadian experience and the Finnish law proposal 09 September 2008
The effects of changing the interstimulus interval during habituation in Caeorhaditis elegans 09 September 2008
Regulations and their review in the People’s Republic of China 09 September 2008
Microvascular exchange in human tissue 09 September 2008
