
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
A simulation model of road user behaviour and traffic conflicts at unsignalized intersections 14 September 2008
Two aspects of Sliammon phonology: Glide/Obstruent alternation and vowel length 14 September 2008
Investigation of a kalilo plasmid in Louisiana Neurospora tetrasperma 14 September 2008
The effect of forest fertilization on the ectomycorrhizae of western hemlock (tsuga heterophylla) 14 September 2008
Total syntheses of (+̲)-Methyl cantabrenonate, (+̲)-Methyl epoxycantabronate, and (+̲)-Crinipellin B 12 September 2008
Substituted aryl glycosides as probes of the mechanism of spontaneous ad enzyme-catalyzed glycoside hydrolysis 12 September 2008
Interactions between integral membrane proteins and the cytoskeleton in red blood cells studied by measured molecular lateral diffusion 12 September 2008
The Hudson’s Bay Company on the Pacific, 1821-1843 12 September 2008
The journal of Roberto da Sanseverino (1417-1487) : a study on navigation and seafaring in the fifteenth century 12 September 2008
Working toward the public interest: integrating public and policy 12 September 2008
The estimation of the degree of pricing competition in the British Columbia wine industry (1957-1986) 12 September 2008
Exploring teaching assistants’ conceptions of teaching 12 September 2008
Numerical analysis of high pressure injection of natural gas into diesel engine combustion chambers 12 September 2008
The effects of fish waste and oxytetracycline on the microbenthos 12 September 2008
A pharmacological study of signal transduction mechanisms controlling fluid reabsorption and Ion transport in the locust rectum 12 September 2008
Compliance re-examined : a study of nurses’ perceptions of and responses to in-hospital maintenance hemodialysis patients whom nurses perceived to be noncompliant 12 September 2008
Intracellular calcium mobilization in cardiomyocytes of rats with experimental diabetes 12 September 2008
Electrochemically mediated oxygen bleaching of pulp 12 September 2008
A new process for the separation and purification of egg yolk antibodies 12 September 2008
Structural constraints for the folding, stability and function of cytochrome C 12 September 2008
The nature and role of oxidation state dependent conformational differences in cytochrome c 12 September 2008
Cable support guidelines for underground hard rock mine operations 12 September 2008
Exploring historical and contemporary fragments of nurses’ invisible practice 12 September 2008
Characterization of the basal hydraulic system of a surge-type glacier : Trapridge Glacier, 1989-92 12 September 2008
Reconstruction of stellar images from correlations 12 September 2008
Exploring teaching assistants’ conceptions of teaching 12 September 2008
Investigations of the neurobiological and behavioural actions of cocaine 11 September 2008
Asymmetric induction in solid state photochemistry 11 September 2008
Absolute molecular electronic spectroscopy at UV and soft X-Ray energies by hihg-energy electron impact 11 September 2008
Silica based immunoassays for a covalently attached antigen 11 September 2008
Counter-discursive strategies in first-world migrant writing 11 September 2008
Changing urban eras in Canada: from the modern to the postmodern city 11 September 2008
"How do you integrate Indian culture into your life?" : second generation Indo-Canadians and the construction of "Indian culture" in Vancouver, Canada 11 September 2008
Time-domain second-order wave interactions with floating offshore structures 11 September 2008
Computing in higher education in the Dominican Republic 11 September 2008
Setting the parameters for social movements : students, workers, and the South Korean development model 11 September 2008
Parent attributions for spouse behavior during negative parent-child interactions 11 September 2008
JQuery - a tool for combining query results and a framework for building code perspectives 11 September 2008
Multi-resolution surface approximation for animation 11 September 2008
An Object-oriented design for hierarchical B-spline surfaces 11 September 2008
Clause structure, agreement and case in Gitksan 11 September 2008
Design and modeling of advanced gyroscopes 11 September 2008
Precipitation scatter interference on communication links with emphasis on the melting-snow layer 11 September 2008
The NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase of Giardia lamblia: a study of function, gene structure, and expression 11 September 2008
Rotary kiln transport phenomena: a study of the bed motion and heat transfer 11 September 2008
Ecological site quality, site index, and height growth of white spruce stands in the sub-boreal spruce zone of British Columbia 11 September 2008
A metric-based theory of test selection and coverage for communication protocols 11 September 2008
Trace analysis of protocols based on formal concurrent specifications 11 September 2008
Chaotic motions of nonlinearly moored structures 11 September 2008
Seismic induced flow deformation and remediation study of Sardis Dam 11 September 2008
