Kim Beauchesne

Prospective Graduate Students / Postdocs

This faculty member is currently not looking for graduate students or Postdoctoral Fellows. Please do not contact the faculty member with any such requests.

Associate Professor

Research Classification

Research Interests

Latin America
Trans-Pacific Studies

Relevant Thesis-Based Degree Programs

Research Options

I am available and interested in collaborations (e.g. clusters, grants).
I am interested in and conduct interdisciplinary research.
I am interested in working with undergraduate students on research projects.

Research Methodology

Archival work, literary analysis, cultural studies

Graduate Student Supervision

Doctoral Student Supervision

Dissertations completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest dissertations.

Maquinas y automatas: retratos de la mujer amazonica y su relacion con la naturaleza en la literatura del auge de la extraccion del caucho (1879-1914); Machines and automatons: portraits of amazon women and their relationship with nature in the literature of the rubber extraction boom (1879-1914) (2022)

No abstract available.

Rutas textuales de la exclusion : raza y etnicidad en textos de enunciacion andina del Peru colonial y republicano (2013)

My dissertation examines representations of ethnicity and race in narratives from the beginning of the conquest and colonization (XVI century) to the present, which I call “discourses of Andean enunciation” in Peru. These discourses are formulated, either orally or in writing, by Andean subjects ethnically self-identified as Indian/indigenous. In Latin American studies, emphasis has been given to notions such as “hybridity” and “mestizaje”, diminishing the relevance of the idea of race. Also, Andean authors’ rhetorical tools as strategies of resistance have been highlighted. My dissertation traces the inclusion and evolution of an idea of race in discourses by marginalized Andean subjects. The body of primary texts belongs to different periods starting from Spaniards’ arrival in the Andes to the present millennium: Instrucción al Licenciado don Lope García de Castro (1570) by Titu Cusi Yupanqui; El Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno (1615) by Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala; Representación verdadera ... (1750) by Fray Calixto Túpac Inca; Huillca. Habla un Campesino Peruano (1974), enunciated by Saturnino Huillca and edited by Hugo Neira Samanez and Hilos de mi Vida (2002) by Hilaria Supa Huamán. The corpus is analyzed from a diachronic perspective, in order to find continuities and ruptures in the ways race and ethnicity are represented. My working hypothesis suggests that an idea of race can be traced back to the beginnings of colonization and is imposed by the dominant society through discourses on religion and education. I argue that this idea is reformulated by Andean marginalized subjects of enunciation, who resist it and simultaneously incorporate some of its discoursive elements, thus revealing its impact as a mechanism of domination.The body of the dissertation is divided into three chapters, dealing with representations of the conquest and colonization, the decades before and after Tupac Amaru II’s revolution; and the contemporary period. The study of the primary texts is complemented with a review of other selected texts by Andean, Spanish and “criollo” or “mestizo” authors, in order to contextualize the emergence of the primary texts.

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Master's Student Supervision

Theses completed in 2010 or later are listed below. Please note that there is a 6-12 month delay to add the latest theses.

Naturaleza, indígenas e imperio en Noticias de Nutka (1793) de José Mariano Mociño (2023)

The following thesis offers an interpretation of Noticias de Nutka, written by José Mariano Mociño, after he visited Nootka, on the Western coast of Vancouver Island. Mociño was a Mexican naturalist in the team of the Royal Scientific Expedition to New Spain organised in 1792 by the Spaniard crown to explore the territories beyond California, which were considered as part of its domains. The book, prepared in the next year (1793), is the most complete approach of its time to the area’s people and culture in Spanish literature and can be considered as part of the testimonial corpus of first European-Indigenous encounters on the Canadian Pacific coast, besides the most known texts by James Cook or George Vancouver.This study focuses on the representation of nature and natives of Nootka and analyses the apparent contradiction between the goals of the scientific mission and Mociño’s recommendation for the Europeans powers to prevent colonizing the Northwest coast. By discussing those elements, the thesis explores the relation between the discourses of natural history and Spanish imperialism at the end of the Eighteenth Century. The interpretative proposal developed by Mary Louise Pratt in her book Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation serves as the main theoretical framework for the analysis presented here, although I show how it needs to be modified when applied to Mociño’s context.In sum, the thesis reveals the “colonial ambiguity” that distinguishes Mociño’s positionalities in relation to his subject of study and Spanish imperial expansion, considering that feature as part of the construction of scientific discourse and Creole identity in New Spain.

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Negotiating the feminine : travel, writing and identity in Rosario Castellanos's nonfiction from Spain, the United States and Israel (2023)

The Mexican writer Rosario Castellanos (1925-1974) is well known for Balún Canán (1957) and other works of prose, poetry, or drama. However, in my thesis I aim to shed light on a genre that has been understudied by scholars and neglected by translators: her nonfiction. Of her nonfiction, I look specifically at her travel writing. Firstly, at the letters she addressed to Ricardo Guerra (1927-2007), compiled in Cartas a Ricardo (1994) [Letters to Ricardo]. And, lastly, at the articles she wrote as Mexican ambassador to Israel (1971-1974) which were originally published in Excélsior but, have since been anthologized and edited by Andrea Reyes in Mujer de palabras: artículos rescatados de Rosario Castellanos, volume III (2007). More specifically, Castellanos, after being awarded a scholarship by the Institute of Hispanic Culture (1950-1951), wrote letters from aboard the S.S. Argentina, and from the women’s residence in Madrid. I look at Castellanos and her companion, Dolores Castro (1923- 2022), as women traveling unaccompanied by men in Franco’s Spain. I also analyze Castellanos’s reaction to the Moorish, Jewish and Catholic cultures in Spain in relation to her own complex legacy as a member of the dominant land-owning class in Mexico. Some twenty-five years later in Castellanos’s letters which she wrote as a visiting professor in the U.S., (1966-1967), I focus on her identity as a cosmopolitan woman whose letters constitute a form of resistance to gender roles in Mexican society. I argue that she uses the epistolary genre to create her own self and that during her stay in the U.S., along with her son and her son’s nanny, Herlinda Bolaños, she reconfigures her own identity and, consequently, her identity from both inside and beyond the confines of the family. Castellanos’s letters, and to some extent her journalism, with the myriad details of daily life, function as a combination of travel diary, autobiographical memoir, and epistolary novel where she can create herself as a literary character. My objective is to avoid a strictly autobiographical reading of this work and so be able to place Castellanos’s travel writing firmly in contemporary literature.

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Desidero ergo sum : on the metaphysics of desire in Felisberto Hernandez's Las Hortensias (2012)

This thesis uses Lacan’s rhetorical understanding of human desire to investigate in greater depth the role of desire in Uruguayan writer Felisberto Hernández’s 1949 novella Las Hortensias. Chapter one looks at the dynamics of veiling and unveiling, of the female body, and of desire itself, which is both repressed into the subtext and expressed on the textual surface. Chapter two discusses the role of the sex doll—Las Hortensias’s privileged object of desire—in determining the identities of the characters who remain in its thrall. The next three chapters suggest that the story’s plot can be divided into two distinct phases: in the first, desire tends to follow a predominantly metaphoric logic, in which one love object is substituted for a number of others, while in the second it tends to follow a more metonymic logic, in which objects are displaced one after the other along a linear sequence. Desire in this first sense is the topic of chapters three and four, while desire in the second sense is the topic of chapter five. Chapter six looks at desire from a different angle: as an intersubjective, socially mediated phenomena, one which belies the notion that desire is an exclusively private, intimate affair. All chapters trace desire’s operations primarily in relation to the story’s protagonist, whose journey through the narrative is read as a kind of passage through Lacan’s three orders—from the symbolic dimension of desiring subjectivity, to imprisonment within an imaginary realm in which desire is derailed, and finally to a traumatic encounter with the real, with the unsymbolizable experience of psychosis. Chapter seven examines the forces behind desire’s derailment, while the thesis’s conclusion reaffirms its guiding idea: that Las Hortensias, by presenting desire’s promise of plenitude and presence as inextricably bound up with emptiness and absence, with philosophical issues of being and nonbeing, tells us something about its metaphysics, i.e. about the very nature of desire itself.

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