Wytenbroek, Lydia School of Nursing, Faculty of Applied Science Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) History of medicine and health care; Nursing; Nursing/Health History; Gender/Women's History; Social justice; Science and Technology
Zhang, Wei Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Public and population health; Health Policies; Pharmacoeconomics; Economic evaluation; Health economics
Zhou, Lily Division of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Public and population health; Cerebrovascular Diseases; Stroke Epidemiology; Cost Effectiveness of Medical Interventions
Zulyniak, Michael Faculty of Land and Food Systems Faculty (non-G+PS member) Human nutrition and metabolism; Population health interventions; Systems biology; Nutritional epidemiology; Epidemiology (except nutritional and veterinary epidemiology); metabolic diseases; Pregnancy; gestational diabetes; type-2 diabetes; Metabolism; Genetics; health disparity; Nutrition; lifestyle; precision nutrition
Zwicker, Jill Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine Faculty (G+PS eligible/member) Occupational therapy; Rehabilitation medicine; Brain development; developmental coordination disorder; Infant / Child Development; Learning Disorders in Children; Motor System; neuroplasticity; Prematurity; rehabilitation