
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Insight on the effect of contour height in pressure screening 20 April 2008
PVIT: A task-based approach for design and evaluation of interactive visualizations for preferential choice 20 April 2008
Model-based active learning in hierarchical policies 20 April 2008
Chemi-code : an innovative method for wood product tracking 20 April 2008
Volcanic framework and geochemical evolution of the Archean Hope Bay Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, Canada 20 April 2008
Monte Carlo integration in discrete undirected probabilistic models 20 April 2008
Use and performance of BioSand filters in Posoltega, Nicaragua 20 April 2008
A mass measurement of the short-lived halo nucleus ¹¹Li with the TITAN Penning trap spectrometer 18 April 2008
Regulation of filopodia dynamics is critical for proper synapse formation 17 April 2008
Recovering evicted memories : an exploration of heritage policies, intangible heritage, and storytelling in Vancouver, BC 17 April 2008
Gender matters : an investigation of the factors influencing mothers' and fathers' grading of public school performance. 17 April 2008
Development, application and early-age monitoring of fiber-reinforced ‘crack-free’ cement-based overlays 17 April 2008
Participant experience studies of interactive artworks : an investigation of laboratory-based methods used to study Echology 17 April 2008
Structural characterization of superbug proteins involved in regulating beta-lactam resistance 17 April 2008
A longitudinal study of lexical development in young children with autism spectrum disorders 16 April 2008
Impact of family history of premature coronary disease on carotid ultrasound and coronary calcium findings 16 April 2008
Methane storage and transport via structure H clathrate hydrate 16 April 2008
The power to define : newspaper representations of educational choice in Edmonton and Calgary, 1990-2005 16 April 2008
Impact resistance of high strength fiber reinforced concrete 16 April 2008
A longitudinal study of lexical development in young children with autism spectrum disorders 16 April 2008
The role of fish physiology, behaviour, and water discharge on the attraction and passage of adult sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at the Seton River dam fishway, British Columbia 16 April 2008
Vegetation community development eight years after harvesting in small streams buffers at the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest 16 April 2008
Response of uneven-aged in interior Douglas-fir stands to precommercial thinning in central interior, British Columbia 16 April 2008
Shared displays to support collaborative exploration of ocean summits 16 April 2008
A longitudinal study of lexical development in young children with autism spectrum disorders 16 April 2008
Long term contracts and farm inflexibility premium in the production of cellulosic ethanol 15 April 2008
Minimizing uncertainty in cure modeling for composites manufacturing 15 April 2008
Structural performance of rounded dovetail connections 15 April 2008
Climate change adaptation and sustainable forest management in the boreal forest 15 April 2008
Serine/threonine phosphorylation in mycobacterium tuberculosis : identification of protein kinase B (PknB) substrates 14 April 2008
Identification of gene expression changes in human cancer using bioinformatic approaches 14 April 2008
Timber supply and economic impact of mountain pine beetle salvage strategies 14 April 2008
The benefits of viewing sacred versus preferred landscapes 14 April 2008
Supporting conceptual queries over integrated sources of program information 14 April 2008
A critical examination of the academic trajectories of ESL youth 13 April 2008
Finding functional groups of genes using pairwise relational data : methods and applications 13 April 2008
Systematic approaches to the study of cognition in Western art music performance 11 April 2008
A narrative study of the spouses of traumatized Canadian soldiers 11 April 2008
Role of mycorrhizal networks in dry Douglas-fir forests 11 April 2008
Eulachon past and present 10 April 2008
The political ecology of indigenous movements and tree plantations in Chile : the role of political strategies of Mapuche communities in shaping their social and natural livelihoods. 10 April 2008
Indium complexes and their role in the ring-opening polymerization of lactide 10 April 2008
Synovial sarcoma : translating gene expression into patient care 08 April 2008
Recent HIV seroconversion at time of first positive test : a comparison before and after HIV reportability 08 April 2008
Virtual three-axis milling process simulation and optimization 08 April 2008
Ruthenium K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of ruthenium complexes relevant to olefin metathesis 06 April 2008
On site measurements of kraft pulp pump system efficiency 06 April 2008
Patient perspectives on health care system navigation : the chronic illness multi-morbidity experience 03 April 2008
Haptic emulation of hard surfaces with applications to orthopaedic surgery 02 April 2008
Language socialization in Canadian Hispanic communities : ideologies and practices 02 April 2008
