
We invite you to browse through the Electronic Theses and Dissertations database cIRcle hosted by the UBC library. Since 2008 all dissertations are accessible electronically. The database is an excellent resource to find out about research at UBC! You may do a quick title search on this page or go to cIRcle and to full text searches.
Title Available
Neoglacial climate in the Southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia 31 July 2008
High resolution spectroscopy of some gaseous transition metal containing diatomic molecules 30 July 2008
Preventing anxiety disorders in youth : universal school-based intervention 30 July 2008
A study of the flexible space platform based deployable manipulator 30 July 2008
Empowerment : a multi-level process 30 July 2008
Meiotic defects in infertile men 30 July 2008
Evaluation of wood biomass utilization for the greenhouse industry in British Columbia 30 July 2008
Trade-off analysis of accuracy and spatial resolution in strategic forest planning models 30 July 2008
A multiple period combined optimization approach to sawmill production planning systems 30 July 2008
Characterization of insulin-stimulated protein kinase cascade in normal and diabetic rats and the effects of vanadium 30 July 2008
Dynamic simulation of a recausticizing plant 30 July 2008
Lifespan changes in covert attention alignment 30 July 2008
Familiarity, context, and the distinction between literal and nonliteral language 30 July 2008
Scale and timing of foreign direct investment of Japanese electronics firms in the U.S. and Canada 30 July 2008
Empowerment : a multi-level process 30 July 2008
Thiarubrine production in roots and root cultures of Ambrosia chamissonis 29 July 2008
The institutional factors that influence women's agricultural productivity : the case of Igbo women of South-Eastern Nigeria 29 July 2008
Ductility demands of filtered earthquakes on reinforced concrete frames 29 July 2008
Evaluation of an education program for parents of children with chronic health problems or disabilities 29 July 2008
Kraft lignin as a fuel for the rotary lime kiln 29 July 2008
The regulation of trade-based manipulation 29 July 2008
Fracture reactivation and gold mineralization in the epithermal environment : structural evolution of the Endeavour 42 gold deposit, New South Wales, Australia 29 July 2008
Induction programs for beginning teachers : making a difference 28 July 2008
An evaluation of an alternative organization for curriculum emphasizing the interconnectedness of mathematics 28 July 2008
The long-term effects of the loss of a spouse or an adult child in later life 28 July 2008
The long-term effects of the loss of a spouse or an adult child in later life 28 July 2008
Suburb-to-suburb commuting and transit planning : a case study of Surrey, B.C. 24 July 2008
Measurement of the rate of hydrogen atom abstraction from methane and ethane by muonium 24 July 2008
Dynamics and control of flexible spacecraft : a case study 24 July 2008
Sexual maturation in sea- and freshwater phases of Pacific salmonids and investigations of reproductive hormone involvement in osmoregulatory adaptation 24 July 2008
Defining the biological role of FOXP3 in human CD4+ T cells 24 July 2008
High resolution spectroscopy of the Vanadium oxide B⁴ [pi] -X⁴ [sigma] ⁻ (0,0) Band 23 July 2008
Herbivore-plant-soil interactions in the boreal forest : selective winter feeding by spruce grouse 23 July 2008
The antecedents of information security policy compliance 23 July 2008
Correlates of self-reported help-seeking among adolescents 23 July 2008
Development of a CNG intensifier for high pressures 22 July 2008
Simulations of interfacial dynamics of complex fluids using diffuse interface method with adaptive meshing 22 July 2008
Disclosure quality in capital markets from the perspective of analysts 22 July 2008
Educational value is not private! : defending the concept of public education 22 July 2008
How do adolescents define depression? Links with depressive symptoms, self-recognition of depression, and social and emotional competence 21 July 2008
The effects of computer music learning activities on the tonal aptitudes of Canadian students 21 July 2008
Thermorheology and processing of polyethylene blends : macromolecular structure effects 21 July 2008
Architecture of the Silurian sedimentary cover sequence in the Cadia porphyry Au-Cu district, NSW, Australia : implications for post-mineral deformation 21 July 2008
Applications of microwave technology to wastewater treatment 21 July 2008
Evaluation of the impact of the Northern Medical Program : perceptions of community leaders 20 July 2008
Reactive uptake of O₃ and N₂O₅ on organic mixtures and inorganic solutions coated with organic monolayers 20 July 2008
Method development for the comprehensive analysis of post translational modifications by mass spectometry 20 July 2008
Rough music, rough dance, rough play : misrule and Morris dance 20 July 2008
A Dybyuk's journey : a directorial process of Tony Kushner's "A Dybbuk" 20 July 2008
Composition of cuticular wax on the leaves of kalanchoe daigremontiana 20 July 2008
